Q&A pt. 1: Personal Holiness

December 22, 2020 00:09:02
Q&A pt. 1: Personal Holiness
Veritas Caritas
Q&A pt. 1: Personal Holiness

Dec 22 2020 | 00:09:02


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Yeah. An answer to your question. Yeah. It's okay to record this conversation, obviously. It's not a sermon, but I should probably still, yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to just say that I can't give permission to, to promulgator published this, uh, just cause those are the kind of restrictions I'm living under, but, and I'll just presume it for a conversation too. Anyway, so your questions. Oh yeah, yeah. So let's start there. So yeah, in the current situation, just generically, I think I'd start off by saying, uh, if someone wants to hold onto their faith in all this fear and confusion, uh, they, they need to stay grounded in Christ and our lady, or if they're not grounded, they need to get grounded in Christ and our lady. And I can talk more about that, uh, in a minute, but that's the first thing is to either stay grounded or get grounded because that's really the only way to face these storms. Speaker 1 00:01:18 There's no other way. Uh, what's a big sifting out and there's a principle, a spiritual principle when someone's in desolation. So we'll just make an analogy here. But when someone's in desolation and their interior life, things all seem really painful. And anterior like the principles, they don't change their spiritual practices. They keep doing what they're doing because winter desolation, you don't want to change directions because you don't have that. And he could apply that to this situation. If someone has a solid spiritual life, um, they wouldn't want to, uh, change anything. They want to keep it up and there'll be modifications a have to talk about it. Cause if they don't have access to mass, we can talk about that. But if they have a solid spiritual life, they'd want to keep that up. But if not, uh, if they've been slacking or they don't really have a spiritual life, this might be an ideal time to get serious because that's really what the question is, is our Lord's asking everybody like the same question you asked Peter, do you love me more than knees? Speaker 1 00:02:17 And so it's really a, uh, a giant prioritizing in life and in society. What, what really are our priorities? And that's the basis on which the separation is being made is Christ first or is something else first that's, that's what it is. So what does it mean then if to, to, uh, to just keep going? Well, if they have a practice of a Holy hour, they can't get to church because they're locked up. Then they do it like the car solutions from the Carthusians do it from their cell phones. So they send their angel to our Lord and a person can do the same thing, uh, w in front of an icon or a crucifix, a Holy image of our Lord and, and do a Holy hour right there. And, uh, and that's the kind of thing they can do. They should keep up their spiritual reading. Speaker 1 00:03:06 Rosary is essential. It's not really optional or lady wasn't horde and heaven. And wondering, I wonder what they're doing in Portugal the day when she came to Fatima and does this miracle that you have to go back to the scripture to see a miracle of that proportion. And if she did a miracle at that proportion, the message is proportionate. And so in terms of this, the thing to take home is to say, all right, if she's that serious about it, and the one that she has this requirement to say the rosary, then we should say the rosary, we should be wearing a Brown scapular all the time. Uh, just w we need to take those things seriously enough to not blow them off and not, not, uh, don't make changes, keep our focus on God and see where our where's our heart at. Um, keep our heart more located with Christ and our lady. Speaker 1 00:03:57 And that's what we're going to do by the rosary by our Holy are by doing spiritual reading, um, and be as normal as possible. So if, if the only way to go to mass, I put that in quotes is to watch the live streaming like the guys from Papa Strozzi really, really good. The sons of the Holy Redeemer. They have stuff on there every day, really solid preaching there's practices, but don't just sit there with a cup of coffee and slippers and, uh, and, and a shower, uh, you know, I mean, get serious don't don't know, put on a smoking Rover or something, but dress up. Like you're going to go to church and actually take it seriously. It's going to change your disposition, put God first. And that's what you're doing, because that's what the question is, is God come first. And so God will never abandon us, but we might've abandoned him. Speaker 1 00:04:45 So even in these situations, we'll get what we need. And then we have to make the spiritual communions, and we can't go to community. We make spiritual communities, but in order to do that, even more fruitfully, we need to, uh, if we can't get to confession, we need to make, uh, acts of perfect contrition. I've preached on that. And I'm thankful that that stuff is still on the internet and spread out that I know they're detailed sermons on making acts of perfect contrition. If a person doesn't know how to do it, but basically it's not that hard. I'll just give a thumbnail sketch of how one would make an act of perfect attrition is just in spirit. They placed themselves at the foot of the cross, and they look at our Lord who's, uh, who's suffering and dying there, and they can look at that and, and just meditate for a while. Speaker 1 00:05:29 Like, why is he suffering dying? Why is he bleeding out like that? And then we can just say, well, cause my, my sins put him there. And we, we meditate on that for a while. And after we've entered into it a certain degree, and this is an emotional thing. People might have emotions that not as say essential. And then we make an act of contrition slowly and that, and, uh, act perfect attrition or not that hard. God wouldn't make it that hard. So we make act of perfect and Trish, and then we make a spiritual communion. So when we, uh, and we can do that, not just if we're watching mass in a live stream, but at other times during the day, it's very, very appropriate, but then make an act Thanksgiving, uh, spend some time and Thanksgiving for our Lord coming to you spiritually. Speaker 1 00:06:15 I can't remember which Saint, but he appeared before one of the saints, uh, with a, a silver Chelsea and a gold shells. And she asked, what was that? And he said, well, the, the gold shallots are my, uh, are the Holy communions, the Sacramento community received the silver Chels. So the spiritual communities you receive from me, and I'm very pleased with both. And that's the, you know, that should give us great heart. So even if we don't feel anything, no, that those kinds of sacrifice that kind of time taking it seriously, dressing up in an appropriate way for Speaker 2 00:06:44 Mass and, and, uh, and taking Speaker 1 00:06:46 It seriously that you'll, you'll get the, what you need. Maybe not what you want, but you'll get what you need. But the basic idea is to, to is to either stay grounded in Christ or get grounded in Christ to, to keep our relationship with our lady or get a relationship with our lady. And if one hasn't done the 33 day consecration to our lady of Courtney's St. Louis de Montfort, this would be a really good time to spend the time to do that. Okay. Other questions you had about maintaining your peace? I can't think of a better little book than searching for maintaining peace by Jacques Phillipe <inaudible> is a French priest. It's from Alba house. It's a very small book, but it's just an absolute treasure searching for and maintaining peace. You can't go wrong with that. He's got a number of books that are, that would be very, very useful. Speaker 1 00:07:44 Um, at, at this time interior freedom, interior freedom really speaks to the kind of situation we're in, which is, uh, in, in sort of this lockdown mode that go back and forth and all this weird things that he's, he's pointing out that even if the, even if our exteriors are restrained and he has many beautiful quotes from actually a Jewish girl, uh, during the third Reich about how she could keep her freedom, but it's a Christian book, but he has good quotes from her that one can really, uh, think about, uh, so interior freedom. And then he's got a beautiful little book on, uh, on Saint Therese, the way of trust and life, um, by shot fleet on, uh, on one 18, he has something about Christ. Faith is about, uh, four or five lines down. You just have to cross out that line. I don't know what that's doing there because Christ didn't have faith. But other than that fantastic book on St. Therese on her little way, and those three books I could re recommend without, without hesitation to help somebody really, uh, either find their peace or maintain it. So searching for maintaining peace interior freedom in the way, a trusted love all by father shock freely instead of the good books. But those ones are, are just wonderful.

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