Pornography Freedom and Social Destruction

September 22, 2013 00:34:43
Pornography Freedom and Social Destruction
Veritas Caritas
Pornography Freedom and Social Destruction

Sep 22 2013 | 00:34:43


Show Notes

The Internet and Our Solemn Obligation Before God

This is just a brief review of what Father said in his sermon…

  1. Put filters on EVERY computer, tablet and smart phone!!!
  2. The woman of the house keeps the password.
  3. Put ALL computers in a public place.
  4. Situate them so the screen can be easily seen.
  5. Internet shut off EVERY NIGHT before bed.
  6. ALL Smart Phones locked up EVERY NIGHT before bed.
  7. NO EXCEPTIONS, parents make excuse after excuse and our kids are in bondage and falling into hell.

Here is the information on the handout he had available for pick up.

According to Family Safe Media, 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed porn online  (most while doing homework);  and 80% of 15-17 year olds have had multiple exposures to hard-core porn.  If you are going to have the Internet in your home, you must filter it.  If your children have phones with internet capabilities, it is your solemn obligation before God to either completely block the internet unless it is absolutely essential that they have access, in which case it is your solemn obligation before God to get the most robust filter &/or accountability ware possible. The woman of the house should have the password.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:01 Okay, Speaker 1 00:01 well, we'll start this morning with some extra excerpts from an article published on December 22nd, 2003 and Newsweek magazine. As usual, I've edited it, cut and paste it for the sake of time. The article is entitled Iraquis Vice Quo. Before the invasion, Iraq was one of the world's most tightly controlled societies. A committee in a Ministry of Culture kept a strict watch against even mildly naughty movies, magazines and films. Now, Iraqis are making up for what they've missed and other many other RACQ. He's young and old are blaming America. Some people say the spread of such things is designed to weaken. Our society says Colonel Diode Selman, a police chief and one of Baghdad's roughest districts every day. We hear it from people on the street, not just the religious people, but ordinary ones too. Iraqis caught the bad side of freedom. What bothers many Iraqis. Apparently even some of those who make their living from the sin industry is a question of where RACQ is headed down the street from the market or adult cinemas where 70 cents buys an all day ticket and the audience how hoots and protest if a non filthy trailer interrupts the action we have to compete with the satellite's says the manager of one theater almost apologetically a third of the country's population is estimated to have access to filthy TV channels via satellite dish. Speaker 1 01:50 For those who don't, enterprising dealers record the footage on video discs and sell them for a pittance under sedan. This would have been an automatic six months in jail, says a vendor who keeps ultra filthy wears in a drawer for special customers at his video shop and Baghdad's Curata district. Now nothing will happen to us. One young man says it's a big improvement from Saddam Hussein's Day. Back then he says, the only establishment for a poor boy like himself was that a chip please. Settlement on the capitalist western outskirts, but now there are plenty of places he grins. Now we have freedom regimes. Vice laws remain on the books, but they're rarely enforced. Immediately after the war, we started raids and arresting promoters and purveyors says, Lieutenant Colonel Omar, his aid a top Iraqi cup, but the American mps made us release them. After that, their promoters and purveyors understood they had nothing to most direct. You say you don't know what to do about the vice explosion. Speaker 2 03:08 Close quotes. Speaker 1 03:13 Okay. Let's just pause for a few moments and ask ourselves a few questions. Under Saddam, this type of material was not available, but under the American occupation, it immediately became available. Isn't the name of this war operation Iraqi Freedom. Speaker 2 03:40 Okay. Speaker 1 03:41 Does freedom mean having essentially unlimited access to the most vile kinds of filth? Is that freedom? Speaker 2 03:51 Okay. Speaker 1 03:53 It's being based in, in filth. One of the hallmarks of a free society is that police chief, right? Who said, some people say the spread of such things is designed too weak in our society. Kenneth Spread of filth we can assign it. Could that have anything to do with it? And it's painful as it might be to ask ourselves this question, is it possible this was deliberate after all? Why would our nps, our American military police, prevent the Iraqi police enforcing vice laws? Why would our military please protect their purveyors, promoters, and pedalers of degenerate filth? Speaker 1 05:03 No, hold those thoughts. Let's move from December, 2003 back to march of 2002 we'll read a few excerpts from a speech by Dr <inaudible> Michael Jones. Quote, at 4:30 PM on March 30th, 2002 Israeli military forces occupied the city of Ramallah in the West Bank. Now for the younger people here, the West Bank is territory that was seized by Israel. 1967 the occupied east Jerusalem over to where the current borders with Jordan right now, it goes a ways up from there and all the way down to the Dead Sea. That's the West Bank. There are about 2 million Palestinians who live in the West Bank as a verb right now today, the only about 8% of them are Christian and they get mistreated by both sides. Bethlehem is in the West Bank. Just to give you a picture of Bethlehem. Okay. So at 4:30 PM on March 30th, 2002 Israeli military forces occupied the city of Ramallah in the West Bank and seized three of the four Palestinian TV stations broadcasting in the area according to a port from the advertiser, it's an Australian newspaper. Speaker 1 06:24 The Israelis began broadcasting filth and I mean the worst kind of filth over the elbow. Aton the I'm a watch and they all should rock channels. The only Palestinian station not taken over by the Israelis. Random the written message on the bottom of its screen stating that quote, anything currently shown on El Watan and other local TV channels has nothing to do with Palestinian programs but is being broadcast by the Israeli occupation forces. Close quote, the situation remodel was made much worse by the fact that Israelis and imposed a curfew and forced by snipers stationed on tall buildings like the local hospital forcing people to stay indoors where naturally enough anyone seeking further information about the occupation would turn to local TV stations. Close quote. Speaker 2 07:23 Okay. Speaker 1 07:25 Let's just pause for a minute. Make sure we see what's going on here. We just got done hearing about how this kind of filth suddenly became available in Iraq after the American invasion and how the American military police actively prevented the Iraqi police from forcing vice laws. But in this case with the Israeli military imposing a curfew on the Palestinians, and at the same time actually broadcasting this kind of filled over the local TV stations. So let's ask ourselves another question. Why on earth with Israeli military put the Palestinian people under curfew and then deliberately broadcast hardcore Phil's over the Palestinian TV stations as one Palestinian woman wondered why on earth should one do such a thing? Speaker 2 08:25 Why? Why Speaker 1 08:31 Dr. Jones? Now listen to this. Three months earlier, three months earlier, three months earlier on January 12 2002 the Islamic Association for Palestine News Agency ran an article claiming that quote representatives, the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA and Israeli Shinn Beth experts parenthetical remark the shin. Beth is the arm of Israeli government response for security within Israel and its occupied territories. Okay. So three months before the Israeli military put Ramal under curfew and began broadcasting the absolute worst kind of filth over their TV stations. Three months before, on January 12th, 2002 the Islamic Association for Palestine News Agency ran an article claiming that quote, representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA and Israeli Shinn Beth experts, have recommended that the relatively conservative Palestinian society be flooded with filth, drugs and gambling. Speaker 2 09:46 Yeah. Speaker 1 09:47 In order to keep Palestinian use away from joining the resistance against Israeli occupation and apartheid. Close quote, the idea, according to the I a p report quote first came from the Israeli side who suggested that only these things could take Palestinian youth away from their hostile fixation on Israel close call. Okay, so let's walk back through this real quick. In January of 2002 the Islamic Association of Palestine News Agency reports at experts from the CIA and the Shin Beth are recommending the relatively conservative Palestinian society be flooded with filth, which drugs and with gambling in order to keep Palestinian news from joining the resistance against Israeli occupation apartheid. Then a few months later in March, 2002 the Israeli military does just that. It occupies from Allah, puts the city under curfew and begins broadcasting the absolute worst kind of filth of the TV stations and all of that certainly puts the situation in Iraq in 2003 and a much clearer focus. Speaker 2 11:05 Yeah. Speaker 1 11:06 Back to Dr. Jones. During the summer of 2002 former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in America to promote the American invasion of Iraq, but he also advocated American involvement in the use of suggestive or explicit TV programming as a way of subverting the morals at the Islamic world. Speaker 1 11:38 According to the UPI story filed on September 12th, 2002 quote, a former Israeli prime minister called upon the United States to affect regime change in both Iraq and Iran prescribing military invasion, a top of the government in Baghdad, the transmission ribald television programming via satellite into Persia where he said the influx of pop culture would prove quote subversive close quote to the conservative Islamic regime setting the hundreds of thousands of satellite television, television dishes and your Iran Benjamin Netanyahu. Told the House government reform committee that the United States could incite a revolution through the use of such fox broadcasting staples as Melrose place and Beverly Hills nine zero two one zero both of which feature beautiful young people in varying states of undress, living glamorous, materialistic lives and engaging and promiscuity. Netanyahu told the committee quote, this is pretty subversive stuff. Close quotes. What are we talking about here? Speaker 2 12:57 <inaudible> Speaker 1 12:59 experts from the Shin, Beth and CIA recommend relatively conservative Palestinian society to be flooded with filth, with drugs, with gambling in order to keep the Palestinian youth from joining resistance against Israeli occupation apartheid. Some months later we see a concrete example of this when they seize Palestinian TV stations, put that area under curfew and begin broadcasting filth some months after that, the house. Here's testimony from the former prime minister of Israel who advocates transmitting provocative or explicit television programs via satellite in Duran because the influx of pop culture would pursue pro con subversive to the conservative regime explicitly states that the United States could incite a revolution by using shows from network TV, which he considers to be so subversive. They could inset a revolution. He cites Melrose place and Beverly Hills nine zero two one zero he explains that the reason he shows her so subversive as a feature beautiful young people in varying states of undress, living glamorous, materialistic lives and engaging in promiscuous behavior. Following the invasion of Iraq, we see that the filth immediately becomes available there and the American military police actually prevented the Iraqi police from enforcing vice laws and curtailing the flood of filth in Iraqi society. So what are we talking about here? We are talking about psychological warfare. Speaker 1 14:33 We are talking about psychological warfare of the most wicked kind. It is so wicked. In fact, there's only one category could possibly put in and that is diabolical. And I'm not exaggerating, this sin actually has a name. It's called diabolic scandal because the one Speaker 3 14:52 who commits this sin are actually attacking their brothers in the same way that we are attacked by devils. Speaker 2 15:01 Okay. Speaker 1 15:04 We are talking about the deliberate and diabolical military use of filth to demoralize and disrupt a conservative and relatively stable society. We're talking about tactics appropriate for the armies of the antichrist. That's what we're talking about. Speaker 2 15:25 Okay. Speaker 1 15:28 But of course padre, we're only talking about Islamic societies, right? Speaker 3 15:33 Sure. You don't reckon anyone anywhere would ever dream of using these techniques against a relatively conservative Christian society where to you it's tempting, real tempting to just end the sermon there and let everybody ponder that and everyone here auto ponder you gotta spend some serious time thinking about that and looking around. But since our country is based in this, Phil's 24 seven I want to end there. I think a few more remarks on practical nature are in order Speaker 2 16:19 television. Speaker 3 16:21 We need to wake up and recognize what is going on here. Speaker 1 16:28 We just heard that Standard Fox network TV programs from over a decade ago were considered to be so subversive as to be able to incite a revolution in a relatively conservative society. Didn't think Speaker 3 16:43 and really think about our TV use. Speaker 1 16:47 Someone here is using their TV as a screen for watching quality videos or checking on tornado warnings, Speaker 3 16:54 what have you. That's fine, fair enough. Speaker 1 16:57 But if anyone here is using their TV to view things, the kind of programming that the prime minister of Israel suggests our government used for personal purposes of psychological warfare. That is to say if your TV viewing includes scenes, a beautiful young people in varying states of undress, living, glamorous, materialistic lives and engaging promiscuous behavior. And we're not simply talking about programs, we're talking about advertisements. If this is what we are using our TV to view, Speaker 3 17:30 then we are putting ourselves in grave danger of having our morals subverted. You need to fix your TV, fix it, Speaker 1 17:44 engaged. 12 gauge, four 10 rock. I don't care, but fix that thing. There's a good rule of thumb. If you wouldn't show it to the blessed virgin, then what in the heck are you doing watching it cause she's there. Fix that. TV filters. They're little. They're two handouts out there on that table. One's on filters. Get a filter on every computer, on every tablet and on every smart phone. Frankly, I'm of the mind should get phones and no Internet access and you get them blocked as part of your plan A. There's the ones, the rabbi's over here have something called kosher phones. It's a great idea where it's just a phone. How's that for an idea so it's not movable? Anything else? It's great where you can get it blocked as part of your plan. Okay. This little handout has some various options for few filters and accountability where some of which are free. The woman of the house should have the password, get a filter on every computer, every tablet, every smart phone and the woman and how should have the password. Now, mothers, I want to say something and it is important that you listen. Please do not assume that your little Johnny wouldn't ever, ever get in trouble. You're little Johnny is a boy. Speaker 1 19:11 Trust the priest on this. Over the years I've been saying this over and over and over again. You can't believe how many times a crying mother shows up telling me that even though she heard the priest say umpteen gazillion times, she just knew that her little Johnny won't get into that trouble. And then she finds out that her little Johnny is in that kind of trouble and it's like Humpty dumpty just shattered innocence gone get the thing on their parents make excuse after excuse and their their children are in bondage. Fon into hell without explaining details. Everybody here needs to understand another point. A significant percentage of this kind of material has specific demons associate on it because there's a park that they don't film. There's a whole part of this industry in don't research this cause we've got enough work to do. There's a part of this industry where they actually have ceremonies beforehand that they don't film where they're invoking the particular demons deliberately been. Speaker 1 20:28 They filmed the other part and the whole object to the ceremonies beforehand is so anybody that willingly watches it by that very fat opens a door and invites that demon to come in and have dominion over him and the Demon will honor that request and come into that viewer's life and it's his own fault. And guess what? Those kind of websites don't have a little flashy warning. Other ceremonies not filmed warning. You can get spirits of fornication in your life. Get a filter on every computer, every tablet and every smartphone exercises have to deal with this. It's a bloomin' tidal wave because of this kind of stuff. When we get a call to go to bless a house and there's weird things going on, there's three things. You assume a, they have the Internet be, they have the internet and three they have the internet. Speaker 1 21:23 That's the three thing. And you go over there, you just ask them a question like this sort of third person subjunctive you know, if I had been standing around looking at all the things that you might've looked at on the computer with the, anything that might bother me in the law. Yeah. Okay. You know, so at least that narrows it down to what we're blessing against. You know, hello, the devil is real. Don't mess with this stuff. So there's all kinds of other reasons, but there's another one people out. Okay, no fun that get a filter on next, put the computer in a public place, not in a private room and make darn shirt situated to this. Korean can be easily seen. And I'd even suggest having big mirrors behind it so the screen can be seen from every angle in the room. Keeping in a public place could to filter on the woman of the house, should have the password and the Internet should be shut off. And all the smart phones locked up before bed time every night. No exceptions. Parents make excuse after excuse and their kids are in bondage and falling into hell. Speaker 1 22:25 Okay. Now let's get really practical. It's a quick review to make sure everyone here knows exactly how to deal with these kinds of temptations. We'll start with the holy scriptures on the read something from Holy Job Job chapter 31 in verse one is it Saint Job? I'm quoting him, I made a covenant with my eyes that I would not so much as think upon a virgin. He made a covenant with Xyz. Not that he wouldn't look no, it's more than that, that he won't even think so. It isn't just the eyes of his head, it's the eyes of his mind. That's host st acts. Now, guess what? Naturally speaking, that's not possible and we're living in a brothel and barring direct divine intervention, it's not going to get any better. It's just going to get worse. So we have to know how can we have this covenant with our eyes? Speaker 1 23:24 What can we do to keep a covenant with our eyes so that we don't even think on these kinds of topics? So let's make sure we understand the exact moral principle at stake and then we'll go through the practical issue on that. Okay. This is the basic moral principle that applies to all questions of the sixth and ninth commandment. All pleasure outside of marriage, so that includes people that are married but somebody they're thinking if they're thinking about something, they're not married, it's not if they're married to him, you're good to go. Okay. All pleasure outside of marriage that is associated with the creative power that is directly willed or desired, intentionally procured or permitted Speaker 3 24:09 is a mortal sin. Speaker 1 24:12 I'll run that down again. I'll pledge or outside of marriage that is associated with the creative part that is directly willed or desired, intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. Therefore, it is mortally sinful for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with intention of it Razi, even the smallest degree Speaker 3 24:40 of this type of sensual pleasure. Speaker 1 24:45 I'll run through that all one more time and then we'll talk about how it works. All pleasure outside of marriage that is associated with the creative power that is directly willed or desired, intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin, therefore is mortally sinful for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with intention of arousing even the smallest degree of this type of central pleasure. If this pleasure has arisen and there was no intention, the image suddenly pops into our minds eye who unsuspectingly walk around a corner. We're confronted with something that's very immoral in that sense, so there's no intention and there's no consent. Hey, I don't want to see that. Speaker 3 25:25 There's no sin, no intention, no consent, no sin. Speaker 1 25:31 If the pleasure has arisen and there was no intention but, but there's some consent, we toyed with it for a while before we fully without fully given ourselves over to it. That's a venial sin. Speaker 3 25:42 Okay? Speaker 1 25:42 If the pleasure is risen and there is no intention, but there's full consent, hey, check that out. That's a mortal sin. If there's direct intention, I'm going to pick up that magazine and start leafing through it. I am going to go to those. Speaker 3 25:56 That's a mortal sin. So no intention, no consent, no sin. You could be fighting for hours. It's no sin, no intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, some consent. Venial sin, no intention, full consent, mortal sin, direct intention, Bordeaux sin. One more time. No intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, some consent. Venial sin, no intention. Full consent, mortal sin, direct intention, mortal sin. So what do we do to protect ourselves? Cause we're going to have to protect ourselves because we're not going to be protected by our government. Speaker 3 26:50 Since teach, we have to be watchful for and flee from occasions of these types of sins. That means we have to avoid bad websites. We have to avoid bad television. We have to void bad movies. We had to avoid bad magazines. We have to avoid bad music. And most importantly we have to avoid bad company. No one goes to heaven alone and no one goes to hell alone. Support. We should make good confessions regularly. Sick. Phillip Neri, Crate Saint Apostle, wrong. If somebody was struggling, he'd have him con confession every day if they're struggling with purity. So we have to go on a regular basis, weekly or more often. The idea with confession is he caught a confession before you need to go to confession, so you don't need to go to confession. That sounds ironic, but that's how you want to do it, so you're always good to go because we don't know what, we weren't going to die. We want to be in the right position to meet our maker. Okay? Speaker 3 28:02 We need to make fervent, holy communions. We Beg God for the grace to remain pier to remain holy, so that's a Sacramento thing. Frequent confession, fervent communions and a good Thanksgiving afterwards to a really asking her for everything. We need that sacramentally prayer wise, there's two essential elements to that. They both have to do with our lady. If you want to be pure, you got to go to our lady. What kind of prayers we have to do? We need to say the three Hail Mary's when they wake up and we go to bed, three hail Marys for holiness and purity while we wake up three hump before we go to bed. That is very easy. I've timed it gone slow. It's 40 seconds. No excuses. Everybody can do that. 40 seconds at the most. You say to three hell, Mary's when you wake up and Sam, when you go to that, we just roll out a bed, see him right then before you go to bed, Sam, right? Speaker 3 28:55 10 okay, holiness and purity. First state line and say the rosary every day. Our Lady wasn't bored and haven't gone. I wonder what they're doing in Portugal that day when she came down to Fatima, if she came down and told us, say the Rosary Day, who? We take more of that, so that's the prayers everyday three home marries in a rosary. We also have to practice mortification. We want to do three to five small modifications everyday. Now this is pretty, so we've talked about this before. When you're taking a shower at the end, turn it on cold for one or two, three glory B's in the summer. That's not much of a vacation, but you get to idea drive around with the hose with the car, not exactly the temperature you like. So a little too warm this summer. A little too cold in the winter. Nothing that's gonna make you sick, but something like that. Speaker 3 29:39 Practice custody. The we're walking by an interesting display in the store. We make ourselves look away. We're in a really cool part in the book. We set it down. We get them a letter we really want to read. Say, well, I'll look at that in 10 minutes. Okay, put a smooth pebble or bean in one shoe, one day. The other shoe the other day there to annoy you. That's the object at every meal. Season of one piece of food in a way that you don't like men needed anyway. Take marijuana more of what you don't like, less of what you do like cut back or eliminate suites. If you find yourself at a restaurant, find what you really want to order. Order something else. All these things are ways of getting control of your wheels so you can see no to pleasure. If you can say no to legitimate pleasure, you can say no to illegitimate pleasure because your will doesn't distinguish. Speaker 3 30:27 Your intellect does, but not your will. You've got reins on it and then stay busy. The father is the church. Teach that for everyone. Devil attempts a busy man. There are legion, the tempt and idol man. Just stay busy with useful work, useful thoughts, useful reading, lounging around is just asking for an attack from hell. That's all it's doing. What do we do then? If attempt station suddenly strikes us? Two things. We have to move our minds and we have to move our bodies. How do we move our minds? First thing, we're getting tempted. Precious blood wash over me cause you got that gets the devil out. Precious blood wash over me. Then we want have an insole. We say Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria Goretti, Guardian Angel helped me so precious blood washed over me. Devil out Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria Credit Guardian Angel helped me. That gets heaven in. So we moved our minds. Speaker 3 31:23 That's the first part. The last thing is since we're being moved towards something pleasurable that we don't want to think about, we just derail it by thinking about something wonderful that's pleasurable, that doesn't have any sin with it. So that would be canoeing and Montana cause what could be better than that? So you just, you just think about that and you remember it's you do, Oh I've got to think about this and you have a good cause. If you try to fight it straight on, that's not the way to do it. You just derailed towards something pleasurable. That's totally legitimate. So precious bud Washoe or me, Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Marie, Gretta Guardian Angel. Help me think about Corona, Montana. And then you move to move your body. You move, like get up, you know, take a step, whatever you just moved. It's like a spiritual martial arts move or wrestling book. Speaker 3 32:03 So we move our mind and move our body again real quick on the mind. Precious blood wash over me. She is Mary Joseph, Saint Marie created guard. Angel helped me think about Canola, Montana. And then we moved. If it isn't over right then, then we just keep asking our lady to help us. As long as we're fighting, we're not sinning. As long as we're fighting, we're not sinning. That's really don't get discouraged. It may be a battle, but as long as you're fighting, you're not Sunni, you're calling on her lady. It doesn't matter how bad you think it is, you just keep calling her. You are not sinning. Okay? Now that might be hard to remember, but enough, there's a little piece of paper with all this on it and there's hundreds of them right out there and so everybody should take one of these. When you go, don't miss them. They're on the table. So again, we have one thing with filters and other on how to, how to, how to fight temptations and remain pure when we're living in a brothel, which is where we all live. Okay? We started by talking about psychological warfare. Speaker 4 33:06 Okay. Speaker 3 33:09 Let's close with a thought on the spiritual aspects of this warfare. We'll take a couple ideas from Saint Alphonsus. He's a great doctor of moral theology of the church. Saint Alphonsus quote in other vices, the devil fishes with the hook in this, he fishes with the net so that by impurity he gains more for hell than by all other sins. God is inflicted the severes chastisement on the world. Saying down daily wages of water and fire from heaven in punishment for the sin of impurity. Since sins against purity are the most frequent and most abundant confessional matters and icon of which the greater number of souls fallen to hell and dd I do not hesitate to assert that all those who are damned are damned on account of this one vise of impurity, or at least not without it at Saint Alphonsus. Let us be very careful to make and preserve that covenant with our eyes.

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