Saint Michael Defender and Patron of the Church Militant

September 30, 2013 00:22:21
Saint Michael Defender and Patron of the Church Militant
Veritas Caritas
Saint Michael Defender and Patron of the Church Militant

Sep 30 2013 | 00:22:21


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 Okay. So today on the face of Saint Michael, the Archangel, we'll start with a few parents that are cold remarks on a strange topic. A very strange topic. In fact, a bizarre topic, but bear with me here. The reason will soon become evident. We'll quote from the work of a group called C E four. This is an alien abduction research group. I told you it was going to be weird. I'm not wrong. This particular group has made a significant contribution to the correct understanding of these close encounters with so-called aliens. So we'll read excerpts from two of their case histories. Speaker 1 00:00:43 The first report quote Speaker 0 00:00:45 Bill's experience took place at Christmas in Florida. His abduction started out. Typically that is to say late at night in bed earlier in the evening, saw some anonymous lights over a forest North of his house. He assumed as a helicopter police helicopter searching for drug runners or something, whatever it was, it agitated his dogs for several hours thereafter. He eventually went to bed. He was lying in bed, kept awake by the barking dogs. When paralysis set in, he was unable to cry out. He could see nothing but a whitish gray like a mr. Fog. Although he sent someone or something was in his room, his wife didn't awaken. The next thing he knew he's being levitated above his bed. By this time we used to live with tear, but he couldn't scream. Bill explains. I thought I was having a satanic experience that the devil had gotten a hold of him. He was holding me up in there. I was helpless. I couldn't do anything. I said, Jesus, Jesus helped me or Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. When I did, there was a feeling or a sound or something like that, that my words had hurt. Whatever was holding me up in the air and I fell. I hit the bed. It was like being thrown back into bed. When I did my wife woke up and asked why I was jumping on the bed. Speaker 1 00:02:07 Well, it's quote, second report. Speaker 0 00:02:11 These are excerpts from the testimony of Joyce. Now this woman had experienced a whole series of these alien abductions. And just before this incident, she had met a Protestant preacher, discussed the issue with him. And as we'll see, he gave her some really excellent advice. So choice I was sleeping, woke up with that familiar feeling again, I saw one of the grays. Now gray is one of these supposed aliens is one of these Torpy little dudes. That's that's gray skin with a big head and black eyes. That's what she means by gray. So I saw one of the grays coming through my front door. I was trying to scream for Jesus to help me. That was the good advice that the preacher had given him. I was trying to scream, scream for Jesus to help me, but my mouth was stuck together. And I could not say the words. Speaker 0 00:02:56 Finally, I was able to whisper the words. Jesus helped me. The gray stopped about halfway through the doorway. Only part of his body was through the door and now he started to speak. He said, I'm not here to hurt you. I just came to check on you now. Every plus yeah, I just flying by from when driving and I just stopped in to see how you're doing. Yeah. Right. Anyway, however else, he also did not continue to move forward toward me at all. I continued to say the same phrase over and over. Jesus helped me. Then when I looked up, he was gone. This was the last attempt at abduction. It has never happened again. Praise God, praise his name, close quote. So our Lord's name stops aliens. That's pretty interesting. Now when they began their investigation, these UFO researchers, the CE 14 were under the new wage and all kinds of different spiritualities. Speaker 0 00:03:52 But almost in spite of themselves, they discovered a pattern. And I quote as the number of cases mounted, the data showed that in every instance where the victim knew to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, the event stopped period close quote, in every instance where the victim knew to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, the event stopped. And what does that tell us? Well, that tells us that in these cases is so-called alien abductions, where the people are not lying, making something up. They're not insane. This tells us that these aliens are in fact, nothing of the sword. These aliens are simply devils up to their typical tricks of attacking men. Speaker 0 00:04:43 I think of the power of the Holy name, the Catholic encyclopedia points out that quote, the name of God, re reverently involved, carries with it, an efficacy, which the demons are able to withstand close, quote, the name of God. Reverently invoked, carries with it, an efficacy, which the demons are unable to withstand. Now I highly doubt that anyone here is going to need to ward off gray aliens, but simply knowing what is actually going on may prevent people from having an unhealthy curiosity and beginning to research a topic like this, keep away from this kind of junk. We are most likely not going to have that kind of experience, but we can be sure that each and every one of us present here will be attacked by these clowns. Probably not under the guise of gray aliens, but we can be sure that we're going to be attacked by the enemy. Speaker 0 00:05:40 And so a short review on the feast of the great Archangel is not a waste of time. Now, as everybody remembers on a pithany, we considered the topic of adorations. Remember what an adoration is. An adoration is a solemn demand made in God's name to do something or to desist from doing something. That's what adoration is. It's a solemn demand made in God's name. That's why it's an adoration to do something or to desist from doing something. But are we allowed to adjure demons st. Thomas answers quote, it is lawful to adjure the demons. We may repulse the demons as being our enemies by adjuring them through the power of God's name, less they do as harm of soul or body. However, it is not lawful to drill them for the purpose of learning something from them, or for obtaining something from them for this would amount to holding fellowship with them closed coat. Speaker 0 00:06:43 So we can adjourn them to repulse them, but we can't do them to have fellowship with them. Well, who wants to have fellowship with the devil? So we are allowed to juror the demons in a work, which has the imprimatur of <inaudible> father basal notes. RC gives a general form for an adoration for personal use, along with a number of variations. Here's the general form. What you've already heard it with these other, with what they're saying, but I'll just give you the general form from a priest here, but then Holy name of Jesus Christ, son of God. I command you unclean spirit depart from me and leave me in peace. Now you don't have to have all that. You have to have his name, but by the Holy name of Jesus Christ, son of God, I command you unclean spirit to apart from me and leave me in peace. Speaker 0 00:07:29 It's easy as pie. Anybody can do that. It doesn't matter if you're in a state of grace because Christ our Lord shed his blood for sinners and he shed his blood. He's our savior. And he's not saving us from bad sermons. He's saving us from the devil. Okay. So general form by the Holy name of Jesus Christ, synagogue command you unclean spirit depart from me and leave me in priests. Some variations you could say in the name of the precious blood of Jesus Christ or the name of sacred heart of Jesus Christ, or name of the mat, immaculate heart of Mary. We can use our lady too. So that'd be in a variation, something like that. And we can also say, I command you unclean spirit. We could modifications on that. In other words, you could name the temptation for, in other words, I command you unclean spirit of lust and impurity or depression and despair, or doubt and confusion or anger or envy or hatred, or agreed to part from me, leave me in peace. Speaker 0 00:08:24 Okay. So we can put that in behind it. Alright, it's the formula. Isn't so important as the Holy name of Jesus and get away from me. That's the important part. And cause you're, you're commanding them in the name of the Lord. All right, this easy enough, we're already familiar. What's commonly called a Bonnie prayer. Binding prayer is just a common name for another kind of adoration. So that would be something that, that sounds pretty close to what we just heard in the name of Jesus. I bind the spirit of blank and send to the foot of the cross. Now blank is where we stick in the, so in the name of Jesus, I bind your spirit of anger, lust, gluttony, you know, fear, whatever, and send it for the cross. So in the name of Jesus, I bind the spirit of blank and send a, the cross. Speaker 0 00:09:07 Or we could say, we just want to clear the air and name of Jesus. I bind each and every spirit here, that's not of the Holy spirit incentives for the cross. Okay? No, we're not bishops. So we don't do for whole diocese or something like that. Not for a crowd or country of public figure or some such thing just what's bothering us. We want to clear the air. We don't have a specific thing in the name of Jesus. I bind each and every spirit of that's not the Holy spirit and Santa for the cross. If we have something specific, we say in the name of Jesus, I bind the spirit of blank and Sandy to, for the cross. Okay. So we can do it specifically or sorta generically. Alright. So much for the review. Let's turn the great Archangel Saint Michael, the Archangel, according to tradition, say Michael has a number of different duties in the first place. Speaker 0 00:09:54 He fights the devil. The second place. He protects the souls, faithful from the power of devil. And especially at the moment of death, which is so important because the devil pulls all the stops out, right then in a third place, he assists the dark. He accompanies them to the private judgment. He brings him to purgatory and or presents them to the Lord at their entrance into heaven. And the fourth place. He is a guardian. The people of God sues the garden of the, of the children of Israel in the old covenant. Now he's a garden of the Christians and the new covenant in regards. It's the Saint Michael, the great Bishop Saint Lawrence Justinian teaches. Well, it is our duty to give honor to the Prince of the heavenly legions. We ought to praise him, especially on account of the elevated state of grace in which he is. Speaker 0 00:10:42 And because God is distinguished him by bestowing upon him. So high at dignity, we ought to honor for his invincible strength for the Almighty's favor to him and his heroic constancy in combat. But in all these, we must honor them only in God who has created him and us say, Michael is very powerful. With most high. The glorious victory is well known to us, which he won in heaven soon after creation over the rebellious angels. Now, without reason does their Holy mother of the church endeavor to honor him, especially because she knows that the divine majesty has given him to her as his protector mediator and the receiver of all elect souls, hence all should recognize Saint Michael as a protector and Dooley praising him, honor him with devout prayers, commend their cares to him and rejoice him by reforming their lives. As his love is so great that he cannot refuse our prayers nor reject our confidence nor disregard our love. Speaker 0 00:11:41 As he protects, the humble loves the chase guides, the innocent guards, the pious, and his temper life, and leads them to their heavenly home close quote st. Lawrence Justinian. Now the great dr. Saint Alphonsus has written extensively on Saint Michael. And so I'm going to read what Saint Alphonsus has to say. Saint Alphonsus. The church has sures us that Saint Michael has been given as our defender and that he comes to the aid of all who have recourse to him, beseeching, that he may be a special protect with God who loves him so much among the angels in heaven, none surpass Saint Michael and glory. And according to Saint basil, the great and others indeed, none equally Saint Michael was chosen before all of theirs to subdue the pride of Lucifer and all the rebel angels and expel them from heaven. And we read in the book of the apocalypse, chapter 12 in verses seven and nine, and there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon. Speaker 0 00:12:42 The dragon fought and his angels and they prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And that great dragon was cast out that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan who seduces the whole world. And he was cast onto the earth and his angels were thrown down with him back to Saint Alphonsus in the Requiem mass. That's the mass for the dead. The church prays that the standard bear Saint Michael, bring them into Holy light. The learned to explain this per incident st. Michael has an honorable office. It presented to Jesus Christ, the judge, all the souls that depart out of this world in the grace of God. Saint Lawrence Justinian says that our Holy mother church honors Saint Michael as her own special and faithful intercessor and that the Holy church herself declares that she venerates st. Michael as did the ancient synagogue as protector and patron, the Holy Archangel. Speaker 0 00:13:38 Then as the protector of the whole church, continually intercedes with God and favor of Christians that obtains for them, all the help that they need. He also AIDS the pulp in all the bishops in government of souls, and most carefully watches over the defense of the faithful against the attacks of those demons. When we formally expelled from the heaven, the kingdom, the church, praise the Saint, Michael, the name of all the faithful to defend us from the salts, the wicked enemy at the hour of the death that we mean by be conquered in, may not lose our soul. And here's that line. Holy Michael Archangel. Defendant's in the battle that we may not perish in the dreadful judgment mankind being lost to the fall of Adam. God said on earth is only sent to redeem it. And at the same time, he charged Saint Michael as a Valiant warrior to repress the powers of hell. Speaker 0 00:14:27 He moves to the whole world with great rapidity in order to strengthen men against the temptations of the devil, we should take care to honor and invoke this great minister of God for the church assures us that st. Michael has been given to us as our defender. And then he comes to the aid of everyone who has recoursed to him. He's especially propped in aiding. Those who are tempted by the devil, the deacon Ponta, Leon says he discloses to us the snares of our enemy, and he baffles his trickery. The evil spirit often tempts us to regard a good act as permissible or a bad act is permissible. And sometimes even as good and seeks by this means to destroy us. But Saint Michael permits us to see the danger and thus enables us to avoid the dangers that threaten us father Nierenberg relates to the servant of a great Lord. Speaker 0 00:15:17 After having during many years that a wicked life was at the point of death. The devil placed inwardly between before his mind, all his sins strongly tempted him despair and succeeded in making him say that he didn't want to make his confession nor to receive any other sacrament, because he's already damned. Now that is a very grim state to be in as you're dying and to refuse the priest to help you home. But as this unfortunate sinner in the midst of his disorders had never ceased to keep up some devotion towards st. Michael or recommend himself to him. The good Archangel appeared to him at the moment of death and revealed to him that he had prayed for him. Adding the Lord through his intersession had granted him three more hours to live and that he might come in order that he might confess and receive the sacraments. Speaker 0 00:16:02 So as a BD, able to die in the state of grace there upon the dying man with tears in his eyes, thanked his heavenly benefactor from heaven retained for him. So great a favor. He then called his brother and begged him to go at once and bring him a confessor. His brother set up at once and director steps towards a Dominican monastery that was not far away on the road. He met two of these Dominican religious who told them they had been called by an unknown person to hear the confession of the sick man. And they were going to his house for this purpose. It is presumed that the Holy Archangel themself gave them this information and request them to seek out the dying man. When he arrived, the sick man made his confession and received the sacraments with lively, sentiments of compunction. Then after the lapse of three hours, the man died giving every hope that he had saved his soul. Speaker 0 00:16:49 It's pretty amazing. See Michael battles for us against infernal demon. The deacon Pata Leone assures us at Saint Michael, not only obtains for his pious servants, the courage and strength resemble resist the temptations of hell, but comes in person to fight. When he sees anyone hard pressed by the devil and exposed to the proximate danger of falling into sin. That's why parents typically when we're tempted, if we keep praying, no matter how hard the battle is, we haven't given in. Just keep praying, asking our lady as Saint Michael, go back and forth. And we won't fall. Saint Bruno who lived at the end of the 11th century, says that the generous Archangel loves us so much that he's not sees dare night to do battle force against infernal dragon, and that even calls together those angels under him to combat with him. So we may not be overcome by our enemy now saying a Fox is explains why we invoke st. Speaker 0 00:17:46 Michael in the configure say, comes to assistance of his pies. Servants. If they happen to fall into sin, he obtains from the grace to know the basis of their faults and it a test. Then that's an important grace. This is the reason why the church wishes us to confess ourselves guilty. First to God, then to the blessed Virgin and third to Saint Michael, the Archangel here, we see the Holy archangels, especially as to help us recover the grace of God, saints of Fronius. He's a patriarch of Jerusalem during the seventh century in a discourse in which he greatly praises Saint Michael calls him the guide of those who go astray. That is to say, it brings back to the path of duty sinners who live far from God and thus helps them find the means to obtain pardon. This Archangel is also described by the same Saint as the one who raises up those who have fallen for the Holy to themselves by means of solitary inspirations, induces sinners, to rise out of the unhappy state in which they find themselves there. Speaker 0 00:18:46 The are the drunk guy Sunday morning wakes up thinking, what have I done with my life st. Michael's getting in these kinds of things. So maybe I should go to confession gets up, wash himself off. Shay's goes to mass, gets to confession, gets his life straight. Not st. Michael's getting in these graces. The deacon panto, Leon produced pronounces the same praises. The Archangel leads them for, to the road of penance and procures for them. The remission of sins, Saint Michael ardently loves our souls. When he sees him lying in the base of sin, seeks in different ways to conduct independence, which is the only way to return to the state of grace. He adds it. The generous Archangel goes so far as to make himself responsible for sinners. That is seeing one of his pioneer clients in disgrace with God. He was seated to the Lord to wait for him until he does penance. Speaker 0 00:19:31 And he becomes in some way, surety for him by promising God that the sinner will offend him no more, because he will take care to aid him. When he sees him in danger of relapse in his sin, close quote, Saint Alphonsus doctor, the church, I'll just make one parent medical note. Before we closed. Those of you that have been around the fraternity North America for many years, probably know this story. But years ago, when father busy and father devil, they were going around collecting rejections from all the bishops in North America. They happened to meet miter Darcia, a Ukrainian priest, Monsignor Hernjak up in Ollifont Pennsylvania. Great. And Holy Ukrainian Catholic priest. And he told him, Oh, well, what you need to do is ask everybody, pray to the Mac conception, Saint Michael. And before, you know, we start, you know, st. Michael, that opened up North America, praying to the macular inception and praying to Saint Michael. Speaker 0 00:20:24 And that can conception, of course not just the mother, God, but she's our patronists in this country. And Saint Michael, it's extraordinary. The graces that st. Michael obtains for us, let's close. Let's think though about what a blessing it is to have the protection and guidance of this Holy Archangel, well close. And I ask you to Knight yourself in prayer to these prayers that are written by Saint Alphonsus. So all I'll pray him, and you can unite yourself to them. If they'll love us, this Archangel who has so great love for men, rejoice at the glory, he enjoys in heaven and besieged him. That is, he is the protector of the whole church and of all the faithful. He'll be my special protector with God who loves him so much and who enjoys his and be holding one who is so faithful to him. And so zealous for his honor. Speaker 0 00:21:15 So much glorified by all protect me, therefore, all Holy Archangel, Michael, by the protection enable my soul to become worthy, to be presented by thy hand on the day of my death clothed with divine grace before my judge Jesus Christ. Well, Holy Archangel, the devil, it has many weapons to employ against me at the arc of my death. These weapons are my sins by what you will then endeavor to cast me in a despair is also repairing furious assaults of temptation to cause me to fall again into sin do though, who has conquered him and expelled him from heaven, conquer him now for me and drive him far away from me at the hour of my death. I beseech thee to hear my prayer for the love of that. God who so much loves thee and whom notice so much love or Mary queen of heaven procure for me the assistance of Saint Michael at the hour of my death. Amen. In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy spirit. Amen.

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