Thoughts on 2 Thessalonians

June 27, 2022 00:40:48
Thoughts on 2 Thessalonians
Veritas Caritas
Thoughts on 2 Thessalonians

Jun 27 2022 | 00:40:48


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Yes, of course, uh, this can be recorded. That's fine with me. I just, uh, repeat that. I can't give you permission to distribute it. Okay. So I wanna start with, uh, reading you something. We'll, uh, read something from St. Paul's second letter to IANS, and I'm just gonna read, uh, chapter two Speaker 0 00:00:29 And we bee you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and of our gathering together unto him that you be not easily moved from your sense, nor be terrified neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by a pistol as sent from us as if the day of the Lord were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means for unless there come a revolt first and the man of sin be revealed the son of tradition who oppose it and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshiped. So he sit a temple of God showing himself as if he were God, remember you, not that when I was yet with you, I told you these things and now, you know what withhold it, that he may be revealed in his time for the mystery of inequity already work with only that he who now hold us do hold until they be taken out of the way. Speaker 0 00:01:24 And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth. And so destroy with the brightness of his coming him, who's coming is according to the working of Satan and all power and signs and lying wonders, and in all seduction of inequity to them, that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error to believe lying. That all may be judged to have not believed the truth, but have consented to inequity. But we ought to give thanks to God, always for you, brethren beloved of God, for the God Heth chosen you first fruits under salvation in sanctification of spirit and faith of the truth. Ron Toth called you by our gospel under the purchasing of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore brethren stand fast and hold the traditions, which you've learned whether by word or by a pistol. Speaker 0 00:02:17 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God, and our father who has loved us and has given us everlasting constellation and good hope and grace exhort your hearts and confirm you in every good work and word. So that's St. Paul's letter from the second, the second letter to the Teston and that's chapter two. And, uh, I'm just gonna make remarks all over the place with this. So we'll, and this is, uh, just my commentary. So let's keep that clear and verse 14 brethren stand fast and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by pistol. There's nothing new. The teaching of the church that that's the contact of public revelation ended with the death of St. John, the apostle. And since then, everything is just a reflection on that on the so we've got everything we need. There's nothing new. And if we hear something new, it's not the teaching of the church. Speaker 0 00:03:14 So we don't have to worry about that. It doesn't really matter who it comes from. And so at any time, this is important to realize because we have, without going into all the historical reasons for it, we have an extraordinary situation, uh, where so many people think that everything and anything that comes out of let's say the Pope's mouth or a letter is, is something that instantly we have. If we believe one thing and he change, he says something, we have to believe another he's only the Pope and I'm not making light of him cuz he is the Pope, but he's only the Pope. So for example, if he decides to change the Lord's prayer, it's the Lord's prayer. It's not the Pope's prayer. If he decides to try to change the teaching of the natural law and the death penalty, uh, it's not that doesn't have anything to do with his power. Speaker 0 00:03:59 It's, it's completely outside his scope of authority, but it's easier to not look at the Pope and just reflect that the high priests were the exact equivalent. So would we want to walk with CAAs when he made the decisions he made, if we knew that's our Lord, why would we fall? CA we have to follow the truth. And that's what St. Paul's sitting saying here a little earlier. So we pray for him if he's going on way, but we don't worry about it. I've said this many times, but when people get all agitated about things that are going on, I tell him, go to the stations of the cross and when you're done, come and get me and take me to the station that has the Pope and all the bishops. And once you reflect on that a little, while you go, oh, wait a minute. Speaker 0 00:04:41 They weren't there. Cuz they weren't. We had one Bishop there. So we've seen this kind of thing before, and we don't know how it'll end with any of them. I mean, St. Peter's a great Saint, uh, sort of the other apostles except for Judas. Uh, but they weren't there and that's the point and we want to be there. Where's there with our lady and our Lord. Okay. So in terms of error, it says, uh, it talk St. Paul talks about the operation of error here, who is it sent to to that, that people that do not believe the truth, that they don't love the truth. So in other words, they know something's true, but they don't wanna believe it. This is not the same as ignorance. Everybody's ignorant just on different things. Ignorance. You're, you're, you're in, you're in bliss. You don't know something. There you are. Speaker 0 00:05:28 You know, I didn't know that. And then you find out, but, but what, what operation error goes to people that don't wanna accept the truth, by the way, refusing to known truth is one of the sins against the holy ghost. You wanna black darken your in intellect instantly. That's, that's one of the best ways possible. And it's extremely dangerous as we all know about sins against the holy ghost. But anyway, that's the operation of error and we can see this raging in our society at any time in history. It's there at certain levels. I just, uh, I don't think we've ever seen anything this spectacular before, like, uh, the, the global level of, of, uh, the operation of air that that's, I'm talking. It just, I'm picking things out now. St. Paul is writing the Tesla, the people in TECA, and he tells him to remember what he told him. Speaker 0 00:06:14 Well, if you look in the asks apostles, I forget exactly what, what chapter, but it turns out he was there for two SVAs. So anywhere from two weeks to maybe almost four weeks, and yet he taught him all these things, including about the end of the world. So that's very, very interesting, but he says, so just relax. Don't worry. The day of the Lord is not at hand. He's telling the people because first there's some things that have to happen. A revolt was apostasy in, in, in the Greek and what St. Paul wrote in. So unless there's an apostasy or a departure first now, it's interesting because that departure in, in the father's commentaries has two com has two significations. One is a departure from the RO the rule of the Roman empire and the other's departure from the faith will come to this. Why would that matter about the Roman empire will come to that in a little while. Speaker 0 00:07:03 So he says, uh, don't relax. It's not happening. And he says, that has to happen. And the man of sin has to be real, the Senate tradition, and this he's talking about the antichrist. And he says so, and he talks about him saying the temple, God, et cetera, et cetera. But he says, uh, now, you know what, withhold us. Then he may be revealed this time for the, and he talks now that he, that holdeth do hold till he be taken outta the way. So there's something withholding the antichrist. Now, this has been an interesting, uh, uh, let's say scriptural puzzle, if you want to call, that's probably not the right word. It's been a discussion since the time of the fathers. And it's the, who is the talk a take on, or the Hawk a take on, which is, uh, the two Greek words here. Speaker 0 00:07:48 And I'm probably not saying I'm like a real Greek scholar would be, but anyway, that's the with holder or the restrain and, and the restrain can be understood. It, it, it, because of the two Greek words, it can be understood as a man or as a system, except in an instance, I'll get to here in a sec. And so when you read the fathers in VE I've mentioned Veda many times that Thomas Veda was this great, uh, uh, Dominican scholar that lived in late 15 hundreds, early 16 hundreds. And he published the Masty work on anti-Christ and Ariso it's 1300 pages. And, uh, he has detailed commentaries on who this restraining might be. And I'm just going to use, I'm gonna refer to him and to some other commentators and, and give you my opinion. And I wanna underline it, my opinion. Now, one of the things he says is, uh, and it's the fathers. Speaker 0 00:08:48 You'll read this. If you read many scripture commentaries by Catholics, it's, uh, it's very, very common. They talk about it's the Roman empire and the Roman emperor is the restrainer, cuz that was a principle of order. And they thought he was gonna hold order till the end of the world. And we can see that they also have that idea very clearly from the book of Daniel in the book of Daniel, you have two places where you see the Roman empire. Uh, you have the, when, when Nebo Kezer has the dream and he calls in all his magicians and they can't, he wouldn't tell him what the dream is. And then Daniel comes in the prophet Daniel, and he tells him what the dream is and explains it. But the dream is that giant statue with a head of gold and like a chest of silver and a waste of, uh, of, uh, of, of bronze and then legs of iron. Speaker 0 00:09:37 And those were the empires starting with the, the, the, the Neers, the, the Babylonian empire of the calians. Then you had the Persian empire. So the Babylonians gold, the Persians silver, the, the, the Greeks, uh, you know, Alexander the great and company in the, in the, in the bronze and then the Romans in the iron. And then he has later on, uh, I wanna say it's chapter seven. He has, uh, a vision. Daniel has a vision. He has vision of these four beasts that stand for the empires and the fourth beast, uh, is this, is this kind of a monster that, that stomps everything down till the end of the world and hold. So it's a principle of order keeping chaos from rising up. Okay. So the Roman empire, you read that and you go, well, that's really interesting, but, uh, you know, uh, so what, until I was reading Venda here, uh, about six months ago and I go, oh, wow. Speaker 0 00:10:26 That really made me sit up and, and, and pay attention because until then I, I thought that's really interesting, but I don't see the application, but Veda points out, you know, because of the prophecy of the fathers, he goes through, it kind of exhausts you all the fathers. He's saying that, that, that this is how it's gonna be till the end of the world, but he does say something and then I'm gonna explain a little more, but he says they don't necessarily mean that the APOE will happen immediately when the Roman empire disappears. So they're talking about the Roman empire, whether APOE will take place immediately after the, uh, the, a vanishing of the Roman empire or shortly thereafter. And, uh, anyway, so that's still kind of like, okay, but then he points out, wait, the Roman empire is spiritually speaking. When, when constantly went to Constantinople, the, the that's, the Roman emperor RO ruling from Constantinople, and it goes on and it, and, and, and so the Bian empire Itanium, that was the Roman empire. Speaker 0 00:11:28 But until, uh, roughly the, the late seven hundreds, there was one emperor that died. And I don't know who it is right now, but his wife decide to rule the empire. And the people of Rome said, no, thanks and elected an emperor. And that's Carl Charla me. So all of a sudden they elected a German to be the emperor. And at that point he became the holy Roman emperor. And so spiritually, then the holy Roman emperor is the Roman Emper, that's how that, that's how it works. So it moved there. And then, and he's going through, 'em all till he's in the early 16 hundreds, he's listing them all. Well, what's really interesting if you read a little more history is the holy Roman empire lasted till Napoleon. And then they changed their name to the Austrian Hungarian empire, cuz uh, Napoleon didn't really want much competition. Speaker 0 00:12:21 And uh, and so you have the Austria Hungarian empire and the Austrian Hungarian emperor, uh, but they're still feeling the same feeling, the same role. And we see that going on. What was world war I fought over? That was a great, if you wanna say APOE from the Roman empire in the spiritual sense, because it was destroyed world war, I is the end of the Austria Hungary and empire, and it's, it's torn into shreds and all those little Bacan kingdoms and Austria here and Hungary and so forth. And then the emperor is dragged at blessed. Carl V Hoberg is taken off to Madeira and, and, and dies in, in April of 1920, April 1st, 1922. And then the crown prince, uh, OTO dies in, uh, about, he died in 2012 emperor Zita. She died 1989. So they, they last in, in that sense, the last emperor, the last Roman empire spiritual speaking is almost a hundred years ago. Speaker 0 00:13:15 And, uh, the Roman empire spiritually speaking disappeared in the war. So just over a hundred years ago. So that would be one sense that the Essio, there's a process here that's breaking away or this revolt that the empire, you no longer have that guy. Now they also talk about the Pope and the, and the clergy of Rome. Now this is significant, cuz I'm gonna come right back to that. But hold your thought. Bony. The eighth wrote a letter to the holy Roman emperor talking about the two swords and he says St. Peter two swords. He says, there's one in the, for the civil order. And he told emperor, that's what you hold. So you control the civil order, but the, the, the pulp is above that and he's in the spiritual order. And so he holds the sword for the spiritual order. So you have two principles of order in, in, in the world in that way, you have the, the holy Roman emperor hor that we just in his empire and you have the pu. Speaker 0 00:14:08 Now what the, they're not talking about that when, when you read in, in Venda, uh he's he points out that one of the, one of the opinions on this is that this lasts until you have until the Pope and the Roman clergy depart from the faith. And then that would be the past. See, in that order, you say, well, that's a little bit interesting cuz that's, that's, what's restraining it because we're watching something like this. If it isn't exactly that it's exactly as close as we've ever seen right before our very eyes right now. I mean, you know, so on the other hand, now there's another candidate. So these are two candidates. So the other candidate is St. Michael, the arch angel, the, the words that Paul's using, he's refr it's, it's there's phrases in the book of Daniel from chapter 10 to chapter 12, that also, uh, that, that line up with what, what St. Speaker 0 00:15:01 Paul's U saying here, and that's speaking about St. Michael Arcan now there in, in a commentary by Pratt on St. Paul's theology, which is a Catholic commentary there's stuff on this, but the, the best paper I've found on this, uh, interesting enough is by a Protestant, uh, Cole, Nicole, I think is his name. I think he's an Oxford trained, uh, uh, Anglican. So it's extraordinary that you have this, where he is talking about their strainer being Saint Michael, and he makes the case very convincingly. So then you have an angel, that's the restraint. And I I've picked these three and there's other possibilities. These are the three that I pick, but you'll see why. Speaker 0 00:15:40 So in the one hand, you, you have the Roman emperor and the Roman empire. So which issues in the holy Roman empire and the holy Roman empire, which issues in the Australian hunger. Okay. So that's the civil order and, and that's gone, you have the, the Pope and the Roman church, and that's in the, the, the spiritual order and that's in trouble. And then you have St. Michael. Well, what's interesting is you can see from the time of Constantine Constantine, uh, and, uh, the empire, the, the guardian angel is St. Michael St. Michael is the guardian angel of the, the holy Roman emperor. So not just the one in Byzantium, but the holy Roman emperor and the holy Roman empire, uh, St. Michael akin is also the guardian angel of the Pope and, and the Catholic church. So you can see St Michael stands above these other two things in that way. Speaker 0 00:16:30 So he's the spiritual prince over these two things in this order, if that makes sense. So how, I mean, he's an angel, but I mean, so in theory, in my theory, once there's no Roman empire or no Roman empire, he can't really just have order working through that means, you know, with St Michael and once the pulp, uh, decides to depart from the faith, because St. Michael in a certain sense is bound by him because Christ our Lord gave the pulp the power to bind and loose. What he binds in earth is bound in heaven. So St. Michael, the arch angel, certainly an arc angel can do, you know, has, it's not like he's not more powerful in a certain as an angel per se, but it's basically like he's a general sitting on his horse looking at the thing, cuz he's not allowed to engage in the battle right now, if that makes sense. Speaker 0 00:17:16 Mm-hmm <affirmative> so this is my theory. It doesn't bother me if people reject it, but that's my theory for who the restraining is. And when he quits restraining men, the chaos can rise up when, who quits restraining St. Michael in the civil order, uh, with when, because he doesn't those ministers, so to speak the empire and the, the Roman empire they're gone first century. And so there's been nothing but decay in the civil order since world war. I, I mean, that's, that's not even debatable, I'm talking in christened them, you know, but it, it, it extends christened is the salt for the whole world, whereas their C's gone. And then in a, in a spiritual order, I mean, it's been just nothing but sort of spectacular now with, with that sort of thing. So we have, I would suggest a situation where it seems that, uh, if, if this isn't exactly great APO to see in both orders, then it's the, the great dress rehearsal for, I, I can't, I couldn't envision what else the great APOE could be, but I'm not, you know, in my mind, it's the great APOE, but I just wanna make it, I wanna underline, this is my opinion. Speaker 0 00:18:27 Although, having said that the popes have been warning us about the paste explicitly since the time of Le the 13th. So now that I say, it's my opinion, it's not completely my opinion in that sense, my opinion on how it works is one thing, what, what it, this departure, but, uh, it's the great process I think is I'm not, I haven't seen anything from this particular pontiff, but, uh, I found it from almost every pontiff from Lela 13th to Benedict, uh, the 16th. So, and sometimes they're explicitly even citing, uh, citing these things in second test lines, okay. Depending where we're at. And, and it's not exactly critical to know exactly where we're at. In fact it would be, uh, easy to, uh, to really get yourself in trouble because we have to be humble. Uh, we, in, in that sense, so we're supposed to read the sign of the times, but not expect that we're gonna have this angelic knowledge about everything and be able to gather it all up. Speaker 0 00:19:29 Cause it'd be a good way. If you get too curious about something, you'll probably find something out, but it won't necessarily be from heaven. If you know what I mean, it's a good way to mislead yourself. So we have to stay humble. So that's why people don't buy this. That's fine. I don't care. It's it's, that's, I'm saying it's opinion. Now I'll just shift gears a little bit and talk in a different mode. But the same thing, the, the church goes through the passion in, in different places in different times and different ways. But finally, it'll all culminate at the end. And I just wanna give a few examples or ideas to reflect on without, uh, without insisting exactly that they, that they are necessarily absolute, but these are reflections. So in terms of like the, the stripping and the scourging, cuz our Lord, when he was stripped insur, he became unrecognizable. Speaker 0 00:20:18 You know, he's beat so bad, right? We know that from tradition, I would suggest all the stripping away, the traditions, the local customs, the architecture, the images, the music, the liturgy, all the different things that we've been witnessing here, uh, for some time now would at least in a spiritual sense, be akin to that, that part of the passion, it becomes unrecognizable. The architecture is, is just extraordinary. Sometimes you, you just it's extraordinary. And I, I don't need to comment on any of this. We all know what we're talking, what I mean? So the crowning, I mean, I, I think it's not random that the, the name of this virus was Corona. The church was made a mockery of, uh, the, the, the bishops actually, uh, closed the doors in effect excommunicated people around the globe. Well, welst in this country. Walmart was open, but did the bishops, did they fight to stay open? Speaker 0 00:21:21 No. So somehow it's okay for their people to go to Walmart, but it's not okay for their people to go to holy mass. And it it's just a mockery, even when the governors like in, I know certainly in Ohio and I think Texas, they're saying, no, this is an essential thing that had no effect. It, it it's like a mockery and it's a Corona. So that's, that's an opinion there. I, I'm not gonna develop that. I just wanna throw that out there. And right now we have, uh, you know, to go into the Vatican, you have to have the jab, you have to have some kind of green pass thing. You know, we have no king, but Pfizer, it's a type of deny the known truth. Unless you participate in something evil, you can't come into Rome into, into the Vatican, unless you participate in something evil. Speaker 0 00:22:13 It's, it's, it is just a rejection of Christ in that way. And embracing of one sacrifice at this, an unholy evil sacrifice. So these are some of the things that one can think on. And if, if that's true, we should expect, uh, the carrying of the cross in, in not too distant future. And I would suggest we're already seeing that in places we're, we're seeing it pretty clearly in places what what's going on with the poor people in China. We've talked about that. I mean, that's, if that that's certainly carrying the cross for those, those people, in some sense, is it the ultimate? I don't know. You know, we'll see. So those are the things we think about in that area. These, and I wanna say these are guesstimate. They're scenarios. They're not exact ideas, but we can, we can sit here and, and think about what we know about the anti-Christ the anti-Christ. Speaker 0 00:23:11 If this is the greater a posse, we just heard from St. Paul that has to happen first, before he raises up, you have the operation error in that context of this case. And we know from tradition too, but I'm not gonna, I'm not trying to, I'm just developing ideas here. I'm not gonna go into that, but we have all these people in the world that are searching for a piece of heart. They're looking for love. They're looking for a father. They're looking for real king. This is really what, what politics does in the whole, in, in, in, in you see this searching, that's what they're looking for. Someone that they'll be a leader. But the one thing we won't do anywhere is turn to Christ. Who's the only one that can bring us the real, the real kind of leader and all there's leaders. There's always gonna be leaders. Speaker 0 00:23:48 China has a leader, you know, there's always gonna be leaders. That's not an issue, but there and there can be a kind of piece. China has a piece inside its borderers. I don't think it's a piece that we're interested in, cuz it's, if it's a worldly piece and that crush you, if you are raising up against it, that's, that's really, really clear. So we have this chaos in the world right now. We have all these people that are so profoundly wounded, not just by all the stuff in society, but now the jab, they all the, all the wounds and all this and they're sicken and they're wounded by the jab. The food is not healthy. It's just setting up this whole situation right now. If we're on the brink of war, it'll accept it. Won't be 1914. It'd be 1914 with nukes. You know? So we're in this kind of environment right now where, where, where you have these shoving matches between nuclear powers that are the extraordinary. Speaker 0 00:24:38 So we have all this, it wouldn't surprise me if we don't have a war, you know, cuz war is a punishment for sin. Hmm. Scratch, scratch, scratch. You know? And so we're not looking for Christ at any level, not even in the Vatican. I mean, that's how extraordinary it is right now. They've, they've en thrown a, uh, a at least a type of abomination to desolation when they brought that patchy demon in there, there were no masses on that high altar for about a year. So it's a type, it's a preview of coming attractions in that sense. So we have all this chaos in the world and it's setting up, uh, we have at least a type of a false profit action going on where there's this sort of save the earth human fraternity, move inside the, the church itself. That's just extraordinary that doesn't have anything to do with salvation. Speaker 0 00:25:27 All these things are, uh, are setting up for someone that will be come to rule and the antichrist will bring a false piece in the, in the context to chaos, he'll unite mankind in a human fraternity, cuz he'll be able to do that. He's gonna be able to heal the sick. Now that won't be actual miracles, but it'll be hard to tell the difference between those and miracles because angels do know things and he's gonna have the help of the fallen angels to the nth degree. Another thing is, is people can have things in him that were placed there by devils and then it can be taken out and it can look like the biggest miracle of all time, you know? And I can say, uh, I know concretely of a case, uh, where a priest talked to two people that had been healed by someone that thought they had a healing char and would lay their hands on. Speaker 0 00:26:23 So the priest talked to these two people. So they had definitely been healed in some way. And he also talked to the devil in that guy that, because he was doing exorcisms on him, if that can happen in the little things, how much more in this, this, this antichrist. So he'll rule the world. But remember our Lord's kingdom is not of the world. Our Lord didn't come to rule the world. He ran away when they tried to make him that kind of king, when pilot asked him, he said, my kingdom is not of this world. This one kingdom will be of this world. And that's the most sure sign right there. Uh, Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He's not gonna come back to say, oh, now I wanna rule in a political fashion. He's God he could have. He never came to do that. He left that to men and he gave us all the tools we could to make as just in orders can be done in this life. So our Lord will come in a cloud of glory when he comes back, he's not gonna come from the earth. And he's not a ruler of, of this, this world. Speaker 0 00:27:23 When that person arrives guy was gonna, is gonna have so much like the perfection as it were of satanic power. So you add up all these, these people that throughout history, that these monsters, and they're all gonna be just peewees compared to what he has. He's gonna have, you know, just this beauty. You don't wanna look at him. It's like the forbidden fruit Eve didn't listen. We want be careful. You don't wanna listen him. You don't want to cuz your desires will be manipulated. He'll be able to control the passions in so many people because their slaves are their passions. We have to be unattached. Now there's a really good, uh, to think about this. Father riper has many good things, but especially he has a conference called our times part three, which is the spiritual preparation, our times part three spiritual preparation it's on census Fidelium and you can, there's plenty of things to think about there, uh, in terms of, of being detached. Speaker 0 00:28:22 So we wanna a focus on Christ and our lady focus on the cross. Not we're not strong enough fallen angel. So we have to restrain our curiosity in these matters, even looking into it too much. But if he shows up and we have a world ruler, don't watch him, he's gonna give a big speech. We don't need to do that. I mean, seriously, what are we, what would people be thinking about? So what should we do? Uh, uh, what kind of things should we do first off, just preparation. And, and if we see these things and as we're seeing these things, everybody, everybody needs to spend the time set aside time for quiet prayer, 15 to 20 minutes in a quiet room and ask themself questions. If I were die today, would everything I've done. Be pleasing to God. Am I letting myself be manipulated by my passions and emotions? Do I have 'em under control? Am I bitter or angry or resentful at anyone or anything for any reason? Why? What what's my interior state? Is there pain? Is there sadness? Is there sorrow? Speaker 0 00:29:42 So I I'd work on my healing. I won't need to work at my holiness though, by looking at myself. And this has to be brutal. Honesty with self it's so easy to lie about ourselves and point our finger at other things or other things. And you know, this happened to me or that yes it might have, but look at St. Dismas. He could have got mad about that crucifix that he was nailed to, but that's what made him a Saint. He didn't get mad cuz he was there. He said, no, I deserve this. We deserve this. And he turns our Lord. That's what we have to do is our brutal honesty with ourselves. The truth is gonna set us free. Not soothing lies. This guy's gonna be able to Soo talk about soothing lies. We don't wanna be comfortable with lies. So the antichrist will be pouring out lies. Like we've never seen nobody. He's gonna be a seducer like no one has ever seen ever, ever. So we have to put everything disordered that Weine ourselves. We should do something like put it in the surrender Novea and ask our Lord to come and take care of it and just do that surrender Novea. And when you're done with it, start it again. So it's a perpetual Novea Speaker 0 00:30:51 And what you place in it is what needs to be worked on and you're gonna have our Lord take care of it cuz he is the Lord. See cuz we have to, if we stand back and look at it, the whole world is set up for this in a certain way. All these, you know, when you go in the store, like just when I look at the different flavors of crackers, it, it it's like you go in there to get a cracker and you go, I didn't know. There was like 40 of these now. And you stand there. There all there's different flavors of crackers. There's all these pleasures, all. What is that? It's plain at every possible angle in, in our, in our appetites and none. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it flavor, but I mean, seriously, what is wrong with us? Do we really need this? Are we that jaded answer? Yes, because we're that wounded and these fake loves, you know, we have to get our Lord into this and into our life and be broken free from this bondage that we have. So that minimize our ability to manipulate it at that level. Okay. So you wanna tie yourselves to our ladies apron strings with your rosary. Speaker 0 00:32:00 That's just the weapon of choice and you're over and over. You're saying pray for us. Sinners, pray for our sinners now. And at the, our death, pray for us sinner. Now that's our lady. You're asking to do that. That's our lady. Speaker 0 00:32:19 And you're also making up for the priest. You know, mass is not mass is God's gift to us. That's why a priest doesn't necessarily. If he's a pastoral he has, but a priest doesn't have to say it every day. But the be, he has to say every day because that's our, what we owe to God that's owed God is owed that praise that that's for, that is old direct. And they're not saying it, but we can make up for it. That's why it's called their lady Salter. That's why there's 150, uh, uh, hail Mary's. So pray for us first at hail Mary that's Psalm one, pray for us. Second, Hillary that's Psalm two. That's what's happening. Our ladies doing all that and we're doing it. We're making reparation for the priests. The thing hinges on priests like it or not. Speaker 0 00:33:02 So we're, it's owed to God and, and we're making reparation for lack of the bravery and so forth. And our lady is picking that up. Pray for us. Psalm one, pray for us. Psalm two, pray for us. Psalm three, all the way to Psalm one 50. You know, we also have that confidence cuz she is in our, our lady and, and her maculate heart will Trium and we'll see that one way or the other either some people will live, uh, to see, to see things right till the second coming where everybody dies or some people will die, but still see it. You know, in that way we wanna see it from heaven. Okay. But the question will there be faith? Will there be faith in the earth when he returns St. John Paul too, had a very great line, cuz he says, that's an open question. Speaker 0 00:33:45 It's an important thing to think about. Do we believe, do we believe everything in the creed? Do we really believe that's another thing to think about doing those 15 or 20 minutes? And we need to ask that our faith be firm and his move as rock, keep asking for a stronger faith, cuz that's the, that's like the foundation, you you're pouring stem walls, so to speak. And then you build your structure on top of it. So faith and then hope. And then charity charity's the most important. But if your faith is all crumbly, the whole thing can come down. We have to have that faith. We have to really make friends with the saints and the martyrs we have to, we have to really believe in the sacramentals and use them. We have to really make friends with our guardian angel. Cause only a fool is gonna launch into a battle without any arms or help. Speaker 0 00:34:36 You know? And this is what people are are doing if they think, oh yeah, no, we need heaven. This is way bigger than us. The battles are, are battles that are epic beyond belief. And we want to be careful and not worry. I would say for the most part, what you do is you pray for what the Pope and what's going on. But I won't research it cuz he's only the Pope. I mean, just like <inaudible> was that you you'd still pray for him. It doesn't gotta be his judgment. Not us. We can judge what he does because that's why we have judgment. Like when he teaches something, but it's better not even to look into it. Cause there's nothing new. You already got your catechism. You already know what you need to know. And we have moderate our curiosity and our desire to know things and just stick to what we know and what's good. Speaker 0 00:35:23 And what's pleasing to God. Now I realize I've gone on for 40 minutes on this. Um, it's I, I, I'll kind of end on this kind of thought. It's good to have an awareness of what's going on, but be humble and pray and you'll know what you need to know when you need to know it. Cuz if you're looking into things, you're gonna find them, but it might not be what you wanna find. Don't get caught up in it and we need to discern cuz what happens I've noticed on the internet is people will send you all kind. And I don't give too many people my email, but even then sometimes people start sending all kind of stuff. Well, first off, even if it was all good, who, who wants to spend that much time going on it that that in itself is a question. Speaker 0 00:36:03 It it'd probably be better to, to go Santa the rosary for the most part, but we need to discern. And when we get things, I'd use a very good, uh, principle, the Latin for his F Lente, which means go fast, slowly or hurry up slowly or make hast slowly. So F Lente. So there cent enemies, I don't need to be in a hurry about this. Why am I in a hurry about this? I'm gonna, if I'm in a hurry, you know, I might go slipping off some cliff. I don't want to go off. I I'll just wait and pray. And maybe I'll look at that. And maybe I won't, you know, and I'll just leave that sit. I'm not gonna click on everything that people forward me, even if it's all good. Do I really need all this in my head? You know, I don't have a brain eraser. There's a lot of stuff I don't want in there. So why should I do that? I don't need to go to every video. I don't need to read every article cetera. So I don't need to be searching, looking and watching because that's gonna get a different appetite going. And then I'm gonna have problems when if this character shows up. So I wanna pray and be careful and be humble. Trust our lady tie yourself to and Springs with Rosie renew consecration. And that's where I'd end that Speaker 0 00:37:14 Any questions Speaker 2 00:37:22 Mentioned that the antichrist, the Jews will believe that he's their Messiah. Speaker 0 00:37:29 That's correct. Wouldn't Speaker 2 00:37:30 That be a huge clue? I mean forget all the other stuff. When the Jews unit in following somebody Speaker 0 00:37:38 That's Speaker 2 00:37:38 Would that be a huge clue Speaker 0 00:37:40 To say it's a huge anything to look him? It's a huge clue. Unfortunately, a huge numbers of the Gentiles are also gonna do that cuz they're they're gonna roll over on, on cuz Christ. A lot of people is, is little more than a pious thought for people, unfortunately, cuz of their prayer life and on the people that believe that's one of the things Enoch has to talk to 'em cuz so many even elect will be deceived if they're not careful, that's what our, our Lord talks about that. So you're absolutely right. It is a huge clue, but in the interim it's gonna be swept along cuz the false prophet. I'll just say more about it. The false prophet, who's a Catholic Bishop from according tradition, um, prepares a false church. So he's like John, the Baptist to our Lord only the inverse. So he gets a false church going that, uh, that will be a universal false church. Speaker 0 00:38:31 It will look like the Catholic church. Um, but it won't be. And, and uh, so the people will be swept along in that cuz they haven't discerned as they're going along. If we're not seeing that process going on right now, we're seeing a process. That's a type of that process. In other words, we're, we're having a preview when we're having things like demons put in, in, in the Vatican and, and then, and then process pro processed in and, and thrown in in St. Peter's. When we're seeing that people have to have do something imoral to visit the Vatican, something gravely imoral, then you start knowing, wait a minute, we're seeing inklings of this false church all over the place. It it's somewhat analogous. I tell people a lot of times, and again, these, we, we have to discern, so these are ideas, but we don't know the exact thing cuz prophecies only understood as fulfillment, but it's somewhat analogous to what happened in England. Speaker 0 00:39:26 In England, everybody was Catholic until one day they weren't, but it looked pretty much the same for quite a while, but it wasn't Catholic anymore. And the people that discerned and were faithful were instantly ostracized. You know, in, in most cases when they, they were hunted out and killed and all that for just doing what they'd always done. Well, the other people that had been Catholic suddenly aren't Catholic and doing something that looked very close to Catholicism, but wasn't anymore. And I would suggest that that this false church will be some kind of universal thing like that, but probably be a slightly bigger tent. I don't know we're gonna see, but uh, I we've seen inklings of it in the, in, in, in this kind of thing. What we have then is a lot of Gentiles that will actually be in the false church. And then the, the head of the false church will point to this in as the Christ. So there will be a lot of Gentiles trick. That's why Enoch will preach to us and Elijah to the Jews. They come back during all this cuz God doesn't abandon us at all. They're like Moses and Aaron they'll be right back when the antichrist dries up. That's when they show up on the scene. Speaker 0 00:40:44 All right. Well I guess we can, uh, we can say a, a prayer.

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