Pray for AND to the Holy Souls in Purgatory

November 02, 2007 00:08:42
Pray for AND to the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Veritas Caritas
Pray for AND to the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Nov 02 2007 | 00:08:42


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Speaker 0 00:00 In terms of indulgences just by fisting church today, you can get 1% and our father and a creed. So if you sit up off this creating our father with the usual conditions, you get clean air intelligence, there's a cart that looks like this. They're over there. If they have the conditions on how to gain a plainer indulgence, if you don't have one of these cards that wants to cut near missile a, what have you, it's first Friday. Uh, so you can make a community of reparation just to remind you of that. What else? Um, from the first to the eighth, so up until it through the 8th of November, just by making a visit to a cemetery and, and, and uh, with these conditions, you get a plenary indulgence, a placable the poor souls as well. Okay. Couple remarks. I don't want to keep you here too late tonight, but just in terms of, uh, the location of purgatory, we'll talk about that in a few stories in a Saint Thomas remarks that the opinion of the saints and numerous revelations render the acceptance of a Tupelo place purification, probable. Speaker 0 01:03 Now it's the, it's the combination, a church that purgatory is right above hell and the depths that earth, there's this impassable chasm and the dander down, down, barbecue and in hell, but above this business account is, is purgatory. Uh, and so the flames of hell are up. They're purifying the people. They're tormenting the peep, the damned, but purify those in purgatory. But as Saint Thomas points out, there's a twofold, uh, a place of purification. God is so disposed to by divine decree. There are other place of purification for we read the suffering. Souls are found here that Earth, God is so as disposed first for the conversion of living. They might learn from such evidence how sin is punished and afterlife. Secondly, for the relief that he pollinate in order to living my pure mind to the needs of these souls and hasten to come to their aid. Speaker 0 01:54 So, uh, most souls of course are in purgatory, but there are souls to do their purgatory on earth as the end of their purgatory. Uh, they certainly come to mass. This one of the things in the mental for the, the, the, the dead. That's the one after the consecration. One of the things I have a whole series of things I'm praying for, but one is up for all the poor souls here at mass and the poor soul here at massive, no most needs that prayer right now. So definitely at mass putter pew could see them had pottery. Peters mass isn't, if you've ever seen pictures of them that totally pack. And he said there were more poor souls at his masses. Then there were of those in church mill tents. It gives you an idea of what's going on. So a lot to come to mass, uh, the, some of them and certainly when they get in towards the end of, of their purgation, sometimes they're sentenced to, to do their predatory time in some place where they committed to sin or something like that and appear occasionally. Speaker 0 02:47 This doesn't mean if you seacoast a that it's a poor so and B that you should have a conversation with it. You don't have conversations with them. If this sort of stuff is going on, you can uh, get ahold of priest and we can come plus the snippets that pour. So there's ways of telling where Sam ass from. But anyway, without going into that. So colocation and predatory. I want to tell you a couple of stories I got from sister Mary Pierre, the cross, if you remember, she had this huge devotion to the poor soul. She used to give away this book like hotcakes charity for the suffering souls. It's a great book from Tan. It's about 400 pages and you can learn everything you want to know about purgatory. Fantastic book one that in a minute. Anyway, when I was up there on Monday, she said she sends her prayers, but I, I actually wrote down one of the stories, I forgot to write it down and then I wrote down the other one talking to her. Speaker 0 03:35 So she was talking about purgatory stories. Cause the nuns in carnival, they hear all these cool stories cause there's people, you know, priest come to see him. Anyway, there's one, uh, well I'll be vague on the person. But anyway, this, this young woman, her aunt who had it died, a peer tour set shoes in purgatory and she had to be improved. Tory cause she promised to go to mentioned she didn't get it done before she died. So yes, as this young woman, would you do the pilgrimage for me and the young woman did. And what was interesting about the stories? Every church she stuffed to pray and she could see her aunt, they're praying nobody else could but ac go down as she's going along in this code. And then she'd stop and look and there'd be her aunt somewhere in the, in the, in the church and the congregation at the end, no more an visible, but the other one was a, I have the name of the priest. Speaker 0 04:25 I just am not gonna announce it from the pulpit. But uh, I, I mentioned this a few weeks ago cause it's so interesting. And then I got all the details. Summer, it was when he was a assistant pastor down in the bay area. And after midnight mass, he closed the church. And since he's assistant, he had to get up at 5:00 AM and unlock the church for the morning mass. It's 6:00 AM so he's a, he comes in and he comes into the church and he walks in and there's all kinds of people in the church dressed and kind of strange clothing and there's a guy standing, he goes up to him, he's really mad. He says since he very upset and he goes up to the man standing, he says, hey, you guys aren't supposed to be in here. The guy looks at and looks down, looks at our Lord in the bus at sac when it looks back down. Speaker 0 05:06 Glickson kind of embarrassed. I mean, he's a, and he leaves him and he goes over to another man that's new in there. Yeah, it's supposed to be in here. You're not supposed to be in here. And he's telling all these people, what are you doing in here? In this woman who ceiling? Uh, it turns to him and says, father, sometimes strange things happen and it's like, what's going on? There's people kneeling up real close to Tabernacle and sprinkle a lot towards the back seat, goes in the sexy for a minute going, what am I going to do? He steps back, got totally empty, not a single person there. And he goes, Ron, check the, they're still all locked. And, and uh, later on he realized he'd seen souls from purgatory and realized too from some of his reading of the saints that the ones close to the tabernacle, the ones closer to getting out. Speaker 0 05:51 And you know, one of the nuns and he was saying, oh, that's who introduced the shred. I says, oh, that happens to all priests. It does not happen to all priests. So they say that. Okay. So that's two of her stories. And I'll close with one more that reminds us of how important it is for us to pray for the poor souls and really have a devotion, make sacrifices there in the mystical body. They're suffering brothers and sisters. So this is from a father Gregor Carfora a can irregular. So this is years ago at Naples, a poor man to sole supportive. His family was in prison for debt. His wife was in great distress, not only because now the burden of providing for the family risk to don her, but also because she was expected to cancel her husband's dead in the streets. She had recourse to a rich man who was known to first charity towards the poor. Speaker 0 06:43 She presented well-written petition but received only a small coin, still more depressed by this repulse. She went to the next church to plot or heart before God, the true father, the poor while praying fervently before the alltrust thought suddenly occurred to her mind, suggested perhaps by a guardian angel. She remembered the powerful help rented by the holy souls to those who invoked their aid filled feels great confidence. She took the little money she had and gave it to have a mass said for them on leaving the church shoes met by a venerable man who dressed most pleasantly in choir for the cause of set and it's having told him or misfortune, he gave her letter, which she was to deliver to a certain old woman in the city and then he left her. She immediately set out to fulfill the air act. The gentleman to whom the letter was addressed was gravy. Speaker 0 07:29 Astonished. When on receiving he recognized the handwriting of his deceased father. Accordingly, asked her who had given her the letter. She answered in an old venerable looking gentleman, had given to her. Glad surrounded roamer eyes rest in a portrait and a great surprise she had it that he looked exactly like the figure on that picture. Only more cheerful with trembling. Hand the man. Now open the letter which contained the following words. My son. At this very moment, I father's leaving purgatory to go to heaven, released by means of the mass which this poor woman cause to be celebrated. Therefore, I commend her to the be grateful and reward her well for she's great in the, the gentleman repeatedly read these words, tears. Meanwhile, streaming from his eyes and often or he read them, the more they consoled him. Oh my poor friend explained with your little arms, you can fruit so great a favor on my father. I will reward your charity. Most bond flee henceforth neither. You know, yours shall suffer from what we want to remember. The holy souls, our prayers, if we take care of them, they will surely take care of us.

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