Sanctifying Grace: Supernatural Grace

August 10, 2003 00:14:06
Sanctifying Grace: Supernatural Grace
Veritas Caritas
Sanctifying Grace: Supernatural Grace

Aug 10 2003 | 00:14:06


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Speaker 1 00:04 Managing your narratives on a standing there on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Totally awestruck by the beauty of it all and as you're scanning there, it's a man walks up to you. He says, it sure is beautiful, isn't it? So yeah. Wouldn't you like to take a flight and get a real close look? Yeah, sure. Well, okay, start thinking positive thoughts. Stick up both your arms and run off the edge right there. You think this guy's a complete blue thinking? Positive thoughts obviously can't make anyone fly. Everyone knows in order to fly, we need to find the sheet. It doesn't matter how we feel about it. That's just reality. If we run off a cliff, whether we're thinking positive thoughts or not, it's still beyond our nature to fly. If we rely on our own natural powers to fly will surely fall. That's also true in the spiritual life. Speaker 1 01:07 See, there's a spiritual sort of ground. If we rely on our natural power to try to fly off to Heaven after death, we'll fall. It doesn't matter how we feel about it. That's just reality. The scriptures are clear by nature. We are born children of rap, we're members of falling rates. Thanks a lot Adam. By nature, when we die, our souls will fall and naturally speaking there isn't a thing that any one of us can do about it. So there's a parallel just as we fall bodily if we tried to rely on our natural powers to fly off a cliff, so ounces will fall spiritually if we try to rely on our natural powers to get to Heaven after death. There is one huge difference. Even though flying is beyond our natural abilities as men, still we can develop technology to make it possible for us to fly. Speaker 1 02:05 We can build a balloon or a helicopter or an airplane, but there is a single intellectual, technological or physical way that we can get to heaven. It's totally beyond our nature. We can't build a cannon. It shoot us. There are rock travel. It's totally, completely unaccessible to us. Naturally, no amount of money, research wishful thinking or anything and get us a disability. It's totally beyond our nature. In order for our soul to get to heaven. When we die, it has to receive powers above its nature. Super natural powers. This supernatural power can only come from God as his free gift and we can only get in this life. What are we saying? We're saying that we die with this power, this supernatural power. We can't fly to heaven and once we get there, our soul can live the life of heaven, but if we die without this supernatural power, we can't get to heaven and even if we could get to heaven, our soul couldn't live there. If we guy with this power, we can get to heaven and live there. If we die without and we can't, which means their soul will apply into hell. Speaker 1 03:31 The Great Catholic author, frank, she commented that supernatural life is given to man in this life and what a man does with it. It's really the primary story of his life. Everything else is incident on the fringe of no real importance. When we come to die, we are judged by the answer to that one question whether we have the supernatural life in our soul. If he answers yes then to heaven, we shall surely go for the supernatural. Life is the power to live the life of heaven. If the answer is no, then we cannot possibly go to heaven for we could not live there when we got there. If we die with his power, we go to heaven. If we die without this power, we can't get to him. What is the name of his supernatural power? It's sanctifying grace. Grace means free gift. You remember? It's a free gift that comes to us from God. Speaker 1 04:35 Now remember, there's more than one kind of grace. For example, there's actual graces. Actual grace has given us the power to do supernaturally good ads, so actually graces supernatural allies the way we have put sanctifying grace does not change the way we act. It changes our being. Sanctifying grace changes how we are sanctifying. Grace sanctifies us. It makes us be holy. Sanctifying grace is actually a created share in God's own life that he places into our soul to give us some new type of life, supernatural life, and that makes us holy. That's what Saint Peter's referring to in second Peter one four when he writes of us becoming partakers of the divine nature, partakers of the divine nature. When we're in the state of grace, God is actually placed like created share of his own life into our soul and it completely penetrates our soul. Totally filling it with holiness. Speaker 1 05:41 The great doctor, the church saint basically great comparison, our soul in a state of graves with a piece of iron placed in a fire. The iron represents our soul. The fire represents God. He points out that just as penetrates iron, so also grapes penetrates the soul. Of course, as we know, iron does ordinarily hard like black and coal, but the same base of the grade says, pull the iron lying in the furnace is not lose the nature of honor and yet by being placed in the fire, the iron becomes fiery itself. It becomes penetrated by the whole nature of fire and even assumes its color, warmth and powerful in the same way by their union with God and angels and souls of men have the sanctity poured and implanted into their hoping. There is only this difference. God is in his own nature pulling us itself, but the holiness of angels and men is it created share of that holiness. Speaker 1 06:51 It's a participation in God's natural holiness, close quote Saint Bays as the great doctor of the church, the holiness of angels and man as a participation in God's Natural Holiness, sanctifying grace is it created share in God's own life that he places into our souls to give us a new type of life, supernatural life, and this makes us holy. This makes us partakers of the divine nature and because it's soul in the state of grace has created share of God's own life. It hasn't created share in God's unspeakable beauty. Saint Brigid's used to say that a man could not people the beauty of his soul in the state of grace without dying from joy. Saint Catherine of Sienna did survive at, you're seeing a vision of a soul in the state of grace, but she said that she would willingly have given her life to prevent that soul from losing such beauty. Speaker 1 07:55 In fact, he Catherine used just kissed the ground in which a priest walk because two of them souls obtain this community that's worth dying for the grace of God. Despite the example of the saint. Saint Alphonsus points out that men do not understand the value of divine grace. Men Do not understand the value of providing gray. All right. What is divine grace work? Saint Thomas gives us the answer. The sanctifying grace in just one soul is worth more than the entire material universe and all it contains. I just think about, we piled up all the riches in the universe. The tedious amount of sanctifying grace is worth more all than all of that, and it's a free gift that God can say no Protestant. Sanctifying grace is an infinite treasure because it makes us worthy of the friendship and love God. So grace isn't infinite treasure, which God gets freely, but as Saint Alphonsus points out, men do not understand the value of divine grace. Speaker 1 09:07 Hence they exchange it for vanity, for little or for peace, sleep pleasure. Our Lord himself told us I came that they might have life and have it abundantly. What did he mean? He meant that he came to give us supernatural life. He came specifically to give us sanctified grace. That's why he established the Catholic Church. In fact, the whole entire purpose of the Catholic church is to continue Christ's work through time, undoing a damages of original sin by bestowing or restoring grace to men's souls. Every single thing that a man does as a priest is concerned with one thing, one thing only grace that stowing it, increasing it, protecting it or restored. That's the idea and the priesthood. That's why we're here. Now, there's a lot of very important details that we still need to understand about the same define grace and other types of grades, but for today, let's review. Speaker 1 10:18 Because of Adam's sin, men fell from grace and are not born without sanctifying grace. Naturally speaking, there isn't a single thing we can do about this and in order to live the life of heaven, we have to be supernaturally alive. We have to have sent defined grids. If we die with it, we can't live life in heaven. If we die without it, we can't. Everyone needs to burn this into his mind. The most important thing I will ever do is dot. If I die with supernatural life, I can live and have. If I die without supernatural life, I can't. What is the supernatural life that we call sanctifying grace? It's the created share in God's own life. It's a free gift from God that makes souls speak bubbly, beautiful, and it's absolutely priceless. So there's six things we just covered about sanctifying grace. First, it's completely above our nature and supernatural. Speaker 1 11:24 Second, it makes it possible to get to and live and have heaven. Third, it's a free gift of God for it's a created share in God's own life. Fifth, it fills the soul inexpressible spiritual beauty and sixth, it's absolutely priceless. It's supernatural gifts, the ability to live in heaven. It's a free gift. It's created share. The divine line makes us so spiritually beautiful and it's priceless. Now we can see why our Lord is a crime in today's Gospel. He's crying over Drew's nothing because he sees it so many of his people, his chosen people who he loves so much are consciously, willfully and maliciously rejected him. And in rejecting him, they're rejecting the only possible source of the supernatural power they eat to get to heaven. It's so without supernatural power. When they die, they're still, we'll do what comes naturally Delco, their natural destination. Since they can fly, they'll fall. Speaker 1 12:42 He's crying out with Jerusalem. What's he doing when he looks down in New York? So after all, what's really crazier? Thinking positive thoughts, sticking out your arms and chopping off the cliff and gambling. It's something was saved even before you splat or living day to day without staying the state of graves and gambling. And somehow you'll get supernatural life before you split. So why was our lowered crime? St John gives us the answer because we had him was life. The light was the light of man came onto a zone and <inaudible> received did not. But as many as received him, he gave them the power. They made the sons of God to them who believe in his name. We're born not of blood, north of willow flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God, and the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. We saw his glory, the glory as it was the only we got in the sound of the father full of grace and truth.

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