Q&A pt.4 Scandal & Divine Providence

December 26, 2020 00:06:57
Q&A pt.4 Scandal & Divine Providence
Veritas Caritas
Q&A pt.4 Scandal & Divine Providence

Dec 26 2020 | 00:06:57


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Yeah. An answer to your question. Yeah. It's okay to record this conversation, obviously it's not a sermon, but I should probably still, yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to just say that I can't give permission to, to promulgated published this. Uh, just cause those are the kind of restrictions I'm living under the, how do we prevent ourselves from being scandalized by things? Let me talk about that. And I wanted to turn to another topic related in a second. Look there's was scandal there's scandal offered in scandal, taken scandals offered is isn't this a nice Apple? This is the scandal taken as yet. Let me take a bite out of it. So, you know, there are two different things. So the fact that priests and bishops, and even the pulper acting scandalous at various and sundry times, I mean, you can't get worse scandal than the first commandment, these violations of the first commandment. Speaker 1 00:01:10 I mean, come on, you know, they'll shall not have false gods before me. And then we commemorate it on October 13th. Let me, let me make a note of that right here. On October 13th, we had the spectacle of seeing the Vatican issue. These ten-year-old coins official coins with one that has that pagan goddess that's pregnant. And the other one, uh, was St. Peter welcome immigrants. Well, as far as I'm concerned, those are symbolic warnings too. It's October 13th. So we can, we can make a relationship to that. And Fatima doesn't take any stretch and I'm not going to develop this much, but just to point out, it seems to me that symbolically you're seeing a new religion coming into birth, being given birth to it, and St. Peter walking, all the immigrants is everybody will be welcome except you now, you know the Catholics. So it's this new environmental type religion. Speaker 1 00:02:02 That's definitely a scandal that these things are scandalous, but taking skin, the fact that someone's doing something bad doesn't mean that I have to sin. In fact, I'm responsible for sending. So if, if I'm driving down the street and there's a, some girl dressed in the Hey sailor thing, you know, that's a work in a street corner. I say a prayer for, but I'm not going to keep looking. The Saint Francis seal says, there's many things you can't help seem, but you can help look at and that department, so scandalous what's going on there, but, but I don't have to take scandal from it now. And if I did or any kite did why then it'd be his fault. And it's the same with the priest and the bishops. It's not particularly surprising that priests fall, or it shouldn't be, I mean, people, if, if, if it is to people that they could read the old Testament and that would, that might cure, uh, disabuse them of a notion, you know, cause sometimes he goes, I can't believe this. I said, have you ever heard Caiaphas? Have you ever heard of Anna's? Have you ever heard of, you know, Aaron built the golden calf? I mean, are you being serious? You ever heard of St. Peter denying our Speaker 2 00:03:00 Lord? I mean, we can go on and on and on. I'm not making fun of, Speaker 1 00:03:04 It's just pointing out that human weakness, putting on a collar, doesn't prevent you from human weakness. It's sort of a devil attractant, you know? And so these guys, we have to pray harder for them not be scandalized because we don't know at the end of the story is, and we have to pray for them, but we don't want to be scandalized by him. And we also don't want to follow him. So that's what I would do with that. I wouldn't take scandal. It's not impressive, but you have to have sort of a there, but for the grace of God go, I certainly don't approve of it, but I'm not going to let it bear me down. No, that's a good question. The question, divine Providence, I think this is readily available online. There's a level of booklets available as well, but uniformity with the will of God by Saint Alphonsus, it's a very small booklet, but I think if a person printed it out offline at, I don't know, eight, 10 pages, I'm just guessing. Speaker 1 00:03:54 I don't know. It's fantastic because it can help them in all circumstances. Like think how, how am I to bear this and how to think about things. And so they keep their calm, they keep their patients and they just see, look, uh, God is permitting this. I haven't fallen out of the hands of loving God. And that's the thing to keep all this in perspective. I mean, none of this is escaping God's attention. And so if it's happening, it's either because he wills it or he permits it. And frankly, how can we expect everything to go? So swimming and lovely when we've done nothing but offend God, like almost as a first principle for so long, just even the Catholic people. We don't have to go out and think of the Catholic people. I mean, people can roar and complain and about all the abuses Speaker 2 00:04:49 And I I'm with it. I understand that Speaker 1 00:04:51 In the sanctuary and those are more important, but so many churches you go there and I go, I don't see any priest holding a gun to these married people's head and tell them don't have any more kids. If they're wondering where the vocations are. It's because you didn't have the kids going. That gets people mad when he pointed up. But I mean like it has to be said, I don't see a priest holding a gun to people's head and saying, get married, get divorced, get married, get divorced, get these anomalies. You know, I mean, and certainly there are real installments. I wouldn't deny that. And certainly marriages are going to break up in a society like ours. So I'm not making fun of him, but my heart goes out to them. But I'm pointing out that it's on both sides of the altar rail in the church. Speaker 1 00:05:31 So you have all this chaos, idolatry, horrible stuff on one side of the communion rail, and you have other things on the other side and the whole package deal. But I want to say that because the whole package deals, nobody gets dealt out. There's not like, Oh, we're good. As it as a group, we could, they bad. If that makes sense. And I'm not making light any of that, cause that we're talking about human suffering and pain, but in a situation like this, God can't bless a lie. And we have too much lying before God going on. Uh, we have things. So to just move away from the things I just said, which is, uh, seriously in most churches, how long has it confession mind? And yet everybody before this thing would go to communion that that's not possible. It is not possible that everybody in that church is disposed to receive our Lord. Not possible. The priests aren't worn in the people, everybody, it goes to communion. They squawk about these politicians and rightly so and rightly so, but I mean, they're no different than anybody else. Any soul is precious in the eyes of the Lord and they haven't been looked after. So after a while, it ha it's kind of like everybody out of the pool, you one can see why we've been permitted to go through these times. It's a, it's a big sifting Speaker 3 00:06:55 Out.

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