Q&A pt. 3: Spiritual Communions

December 24, 2020 00:07:19
Q&A pt. 3: Spiritual Communions
Veritas Caritas
Q&A pt. 3: Spiritual Communions

Dec 24 2020 | 00:07:19


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Yeah. An answer to your question. Yeah. It's okay to record this conversation, obviously. It's not a sermon, but I should probably still, yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to just say that I can't give permission to, to promulgated published this. Uh, just cause those are the kind of restrictions I'm living under, but, and I'll just presume it for a conversation. Okay. Next question. That's a really good question. What if, what if apparently spiritual communions don't work? Okay. We're going to actually distinguish here. We're not going to feel anything. Usually that would be an extraordinary grace or an illusion. You know, we don't want to ask for, you know, and if we ask for, we might feel things, but that's not going to be from heaven. Right? So that let's be clear. We don't want to ask for those things. If a person's concerned that they don't think it's as they're fruitful or not as fruitful as they can. Speaker 1 00:01:13 That's one of the things they should be offering their masses for and let's speak. So you don't have to be present at mass to offer the mess if you're spiritually present. So if you're watching one of these live stream masses, which is quite all right, if that's all you've got, I mean, if you can get to mass and you're going to do, don't do the live stream thing. That's not, that's not all right. But if you can, what you do is really important at every mass at the offertory to fix your intention. Then in this case, it'd be that I get more fruit from my spiritual communions because they're more fruitful to make progress. So how do you fix your intention? Well, in every mass, there's an awful story. So in the new mass, I don't remember the offertory prayers, but he's making a point at one point, he says, pray birth. Speaker 1 00:02:00 And that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God. The father almighty see when the priest is saying my sacrifice and yours, he's offered that mass for intention, but also your intentions. What are your intentions? That's what you fixed it off toward in the old mass, the priest kiss altar and turns around and mystically gathered. So it's like last call. Cause he says <inaudible> and he turns all the way around and that's in English. He would be saying prep brother. And to my sacrifice and yours, except for God, the father almighty. Well. So what does that mean? So you fix your intention. You should have the intention before mass, like in this case that you get fruit from your spiritual communions, but then ideally, but don't worry about if you miss it, cause you're distracted, there's a Sonic boom or whatever, you know? Right. Then ideally when the priest uncovers the chalice and he picks up the patent, you've mystically, place your intention on the host and then he's the priest is offering it up. Speaker 1 00:02:56 Then ideally when he's pouring the water into the wine, that water stands for your intentions, every everybody else's intention. So you place your intention as he's pouring the water into the wine. And then the God, the father looks down and sees that water and white now hold that thought. Cause our Lord, whilst he was hanging on the cross, he was offering up all those intentions to the heavenly father. So he looked out through all time, all the mass. So we're going to be offered in all the intentions. And so that's how in time we can personally unite our intentions with the once, for all sacrifice on the cross. That's how we do that. So they have me fought that at the end of the, off the torch and he's looking down and he sees the host now on that host, so to speak there's the priest's intention and everybody else's intention that has fixed it. Speaker 1 00:03:43 And in that chalice, there's the priest intention, everybody else intentions fixed, but then all at the, at the consecration, it's different. There's our Lord presenting those intentions to the heavenly father. And he's going to be pleased with that. Cause that's the whole object of the exercise afterwards, then at a Holy communion or the spiritual communion. It's the same thing that the motion is different at the offertory Christ is taking those intentions to have an athlete, spiritual communion or the Holy communion sacrament. I mean, he's coming to us saying, what can I do for you? And so we don't have to have the same intention then, you know, so at our, so let's say at mass, we had the intention of our spiritual communities would be more fruitful, but at our spiritual communion, or if we're at mass or Sacramento communion, we can have a different intention completely that I grow in this virtue that I overcome this failing, that I have a Holy death, et cetera. Speaker 1 00:04:39 And so we ask our Lord in, in the spiritual communion, we receive him and place him in our heart. And then we love him. Now, if a person has made, uh, the Marian consecration St. Louis de Montfort, we praise them in our lady's heart. Nothing could be better than that. Cause she's going to love him the way he deserves to be loved. And we're United to that. And she's the one that can do that. And at the same time, we should invoke the Saint of the day and our, our patrons and so forth to love him whilst he's in our heart, either spiritually or sacramentally and the poor souls to love him whilst he's in our heart, either spiritually or sacramentally. And then we want to spend the time loving him and in a spiritual commanding, we do just the same as we would as a Holy community. Speaker 1 00:05:18 We spend that time with him. We don't say, well, you're sear spiritually. So, you know, I flip off the TV and go charging out to do whatever right away, unless you have to cause that's how work is. Everybody understands that. But if a person doesn't, they want to spend that time at Thanksgiving and just like, like a sacrament committee and they will get those graces. They will get those graces. But if they wisely suspect or not, then they have to keep asking for that and they should also do or <inaudible> have anything in them, which cause it would be true of, of Sacramento community too. They should anything in them. That's a, that's an impediment to them growing in grace. Because look, after, after our first Holy communion, we're not create saints. That's not because of some defect in our lore. The one Holy communion is enough to make us a Saint. Speaker 1 00:06:01 He said, but if we're not as, because of defects in us and it's the same with spiritual communities. So we want to work on those, I guess, for, in response to that, to work on those. I think that book on healing would be very useful. And I'm not saying that those people put it together, I've conferences and sermons and it's actually free. That ebook is free. I know it's on a plenty of places. It's on Barnes and noble I books or something like that. Apple books, something it's on scribe, dear Scribd or something. I don't know. It's on a number of European things I've been told on summit, but Oh, what's the name it's called healing, uh, selections from the sermons of father FSSP yeah, that it's free. They can buy it from Amazon, but you know, and I don't get anything. This isn't my book. I know that these my stuff, but it's not my book. So this is not an advertisement. It's actually, it will. It it's things I don't know about the book itself. I can't speak to that, but I know while I was still preaching and doing those things, I know for a fact it helped a great number of people. And I did any number of days of recollection retreats and just a lot of sermons, et cetera, and working with people on these things. So those would definitely help people, but I don't, you can look that up.

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