Review of Sins Against the 6th and 9th Commandments

July 30, 2006 00:19:38
Review of Sins Against the 6th and 9th Commandments
Veritas Caritas
Review of Sins Against the 6th and 9th Commandments

Jul 30 2006 | 00:19:38


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Speaker 0 00:05 If you live according to the flesh, you shall die. But if by the spirit you modify the teach in the flesh, you shall live the name of the father and the son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Words from today's Epistle of Saint Paul. Our society is so corrupt that many good people, fact, many traditional Catholics are almost completely confused when it comes to clear understanding of the sixth to Ninth Commandments. We've certainly talked about all this before, but in our day and age, this topic needs to be periodically reviewed and so it's that time again. We'll start by talking about the creative power prefix. Briefly. Just consider all the babies here today and we're thankful to their parents. Think about these babies. Monsignor Smith pointed out once a career, a bridge, a bank, and a building, a book, all these things that are great things in themselves. All of these things will crumble into dust. One day, a whole universe is grinding down to an end, but a baby, a baby is immortal. Speaker 0 01:25 She goes, Asians come and go. They crumble into dust and they just blow away. But a baby has an eternal destiny. A baby will live forever. This universe comes to an end, but that baby will live on. That ought to give us a pause to think about the power, the incredible, awesome power. Think of what God's first buzzy was on, man, be fruitful and multiply. That's God's first blessing given to mankind and God has given this incredible power to man and woman together. They're the joint custodians of an absolutely incredible power. The power of cooperating with God in bringing other man other than immortal beings. He will existence his creative power makes Nana woman godlike. Their like. We've talked about it before, but let's just stop and consider the amazing fact that Oh God could have continued making man just like you made the first one from scratch. Speaker 0 02:40 Just taking some time and breathing into it. The breath of life. Although he could have continued doing that, he didn't. Instead, God shared some of his creative power by blessing and a woman and making them that joint guardians of this incredible Hawaii power of cooperating was him and bringing forth new immortal and precisely because of its power of brings forth new in Bordeaux beans. Little babies is so incredible, so important and so holy. God has protected that creative part by wrapping it up with parity and modesty and then commanded that that power only be used within the boundaries of a very special and blessed state of life, a state of life. So blessed that that in the case of a baptize Nana woman, God has raised us to the level of a sacrament or a natural mourning. The primary purpose of Holy Matrimony, this blessing state of life is the procreation education of these immortal beings. Speaker 0 03:49 We call it children. It's God's plan that baby's not to be brought into the world, inside of family, but also brought up in a world inside of family. The point is is that this power to bring forth new life as a holy power and it must be carefully shielded with modest and pure behavior and it's God's special gift and it's meant by him to be used by married couples and by married couples alone. His point was made very clear by Pope Pius length and is in cyclical on Christian marriage. Quote, the primary and this marriage is the procreation and education of children. Since the duty and trusted the parents is of such high dignity and if such great importance every use of the faculty given by God for the procreation of new life is the right and the privilege of the married state alone and must be confined absolutely within the sacred limits of that state. Speaker 0 04:56 Close quote, the Vicar of Christ, repeat that the primary end of marriage as a procreation education of children, the duty and trusted parents is of such high dignity and has such great importance that every use of the great creative power is that right it privilege of married people alone and must be confined absolutely within the sacred limits as the state of marriage. It's critical for every one of us to firmly grasp his point since it's where a large part of the war is being fought. Right now, our enemies from the Culture Das are easy. Television, movies, videos, popular music, so-called clothing fashions, the Internet, magazines, public schools, every single one of their weapons of mass destruction to constantly blast away at this idea. Everyone of US needs to burn into our that the great creative power and something holy. And once we see that clearly it's easy to understand the sixth and ninth commandment, thou shalt not commit adultery and owl shall not covet thy neighbor's wife. Speaker 0 06:11 On the one hand, these two commands require each man to preserve purity of his mind and body by regulating to create creative power in accordance with reason and our holy faith. And on the other hand, they prohibit him from the city. He can't Chasteen thought. Where's your feet? Let's briefly consider how these commandments apply both to married and the unmarried married. As we know, the primary purpose of marriage is procreation. Education of children. Secondary purpose of marriage has two kinds of aspects. The mutual help and comfort of the <inaudible>, the revenue for Cuban. Since it's one thing we could just break into, two acts between spouses are good to the degree they conform to these two purposes of marriage. And the general principle, everything into following these two pair purposes. Primary and secondary purpose of marriage is good mid-cycle, anything opposed them as evil and tripit specific examples of eagles forbid knacks would include adult adultery, contraception, and direct sterilization. Speaker 0 07:18 The unmarried, in order to preserve my honesty and not corrupt, the innocent will consider only one sin. And once you understand this, we understand all the other possibilities. While speaking about the unmarried Pope Alexander the seventh condemned the idea that it is only a venial sin for the unmarried to kiss for the central pleasure arising from the kiss, even if there's no dangerous for the consent of going even farther, it's condemned to say that is only if he knew of sin for the unmarried to deliberately kiss for the pleasure of kissing. This is a condemned moral air to say that it's only a venial sin for the unmarried to kiss for the essential pleasure arising from the kids, even if there's no danger of further consent or going farther, it's condemned. What does that mean? Saint Alphonsus explains quote, this means that every time someone was sufficient reflection and full consent of the will delights in carnal or central pleasure associated with someone to whom he is not married. Speaker 0 08:35 He commits a mortal sin. This is not only true with kisses, but also with respect to other touches performed for carnal pleasure. The reason is that any delight taken in carnal pleasure, that is to say any delight taken and stirring up the appetite which surround the creative power is a movement towards a marital act called the doctrine of mafia Archie, the universal church. Every kind someone was sufficient. Reflections all consider the will, delights and carnal or central pleasure, so associated with some to whom he is not married. He commenced some mortal sin. The reason is that any delight taken him staring up the appetites which surround great creative power is a movement towards the marital act that's completely reserved to American. Here's the point for the unmarried, passionate kissing is mortally sinful. Why? Because it's passionate. Unmarried, do not have the right to deliberately stir up those passions, whether by saw, by word or by deed. Speaker 0 09:45 Those passions, those divides, those pleasured are reserved strictly for the married by God, the reserved strictly for the married and no one else. Now, once we understand that, we don't need to go to a great big long laundry list of what things are okay and what things aren't okay. For the unmade cash, the kissing is more at least central because unmarried do not have the right to deliberately stir up those passions, whether by thought word or deed. Now when this topic comes up and people discover that passionate kissing is the privilege of the married and a mortal sin for the unmarried, there are usually a number of people. They get very panicked inside before we go any farther, literally minor to anybody that might be in that state. In order to commit a mortal sin, you had to know it was seriously wrong. So if this is news to you, relax, he didn't know that before. Speaker 0 10:38 So the a page your safe would go and sin no more. If you're stun very, that happened before you're married, it's a done deal. He didn't know any better. Now you too, but it's my job as a priest to make sure everybody knows exactly where the boundaries are. I'm in sales, not management. I don't make this stuff up. It comes from God and we have the pope's word on it, okay? Now that we see the problem with passionate kissing, here's the basic moral principle. It applies to all fonts, all words, and all the all pleasure outside marriage that is associated with a creative power. All of that type of pleasure that is directly willed or desired, intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. Therefore, it is boringly sinful for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with the intention of arousing even the smallest degree of this type of sensual pleasure. Speaker 0 11:41 Now, over the years we've talked about this with respect to modest glances. We'll just have a quick review. Remember, this applies to all sides, all words, all deeds. So let's take the case of a glance stirs up lust or the near occasion of that, okay? We're talking about a clans which stirs up, lost her the near occasion doing that. No, we're not talking about spouses here. This is not what we're talking about, okay? So if there's no intention to glance accidental, there's no consent or any pleasure stirred up. There's no sin, no intention, no consent, no sin. If there's no intention, but some faint consent before the person realizes what's going on and rejects it. What the more or less cost than I deliberate. Binos it's an I deliver it. A consent. That's a PDO stand. So no intention. Thank consent Feeney off soon. There's no intention for consent. Speaker 0 12:34 Hey, all right. That's a mortal sin. There's a direct intention. I am going to look through this bad book. Mortal sin. Okay, so there's a little chart we can memorize. All right? No intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, faint or some consent. Venial sin. No intention. Full consent. Mortal sin, direct intention, mortal sin. No intention, no consent, no sin, no intention. Some consent being out saying no intention. Full consent. Mortal sin. Direct contention. What else? Snake. Okay. All pleasure. Outside marriage that is associated with the creative power, all that type of pleasure that's directly the desire intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. Now, before we close, let's deal with a few very typical objections, but father, everybody does this. Now there's a convincing argument. Try it out on mom and then come back and let me know how that one works. Father, what if we really like each other? Speaker 0 13:37 Presumably people don't passionately kiss people. They don't like father. We're already engaged. All the more reason to be careful. You're still not married, at least traditionally, honeymoons are after the marriage. Father, are you saying we can't kiss it off? No, of course not on night. People can't kiss. It's not necessarily a good idea. They said don't have to, but they can. They can. Yes. The kids is a lot on like people are just like those cases you might give to a great grandpa or great grandma, little peck on the cheek kind of thing. That's it. No passion aloud father, and no one can live like this or naturally speaking. There may be some truth to that, but God never commands the impossible. That's why he gives us supernatural powers, sanctifying an actual graces. What do we have to do? We have to avoid the near occasions as sin. Speaker 0 14:34 Say the three hail Marys every morning and night for holiness and purity according to their state mind. Say the rosary every day. Go to confession every week or so and make forbid communions and you can live like this. That's just what Saint Paul is, us and today's epistle. If you live according to the flesh, you shall die, but if you modify by the spirit, you modify it into the flesh, you shall live. That's routine. Today we briefly considered the six and nine commandments. Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife. We see that the power to bring forth new life because the holy power, which God expects us to shield very carefully with the modest, did peer behavior which seen his powers that that special gift, which is to be used by married couples and married couples alone. We've seen this very point emphasized very strongly by Popeyes 11 who said, the primary end of marriage is procreation, education, children the duty and trusted the parents. Speaker 0 15:33 It's of such high dignity and have such great importance that every use of the great creative power, it's the right and privileged. The married people alone must be confined absolutely within the sacred limits of the state of marriage. We've seen it to the degree we clearly and see and understand this, the idea that every use of this great power, it's the right and privilege and married people on the bay degree. We see and clearly understand that idea and the reasons behind it to that very degree, but able to see clearly and understand and defend the entire teaching on the holy Catholic Church with regards to sixth and ninth commandments which see for the unmarried, passionate kissing is mortally sinful simply because of the unmarried. Do not have the right to deliberately stir up those type of passions, whether by saw word or deet, those passions, those delights pleasures or search strictly for the marriage and no one else. Speaker 0 16:30 Once we understand that it's obvious what other kind of behaviors are wrong. We've seen the fundamental principles that all pleasure outside marriage that is associated with the great creative power, all that type of pleasure that is directly welders desire, intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. Therefore, it's morally central for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with the intention of the rousing, even the smallest degree of this type of pleasure. And that practically means if this sort of player has a ready and there was no intention and no consent, there's no sin, there's no intention and some consent venial sin. There's no intention and full consent. It's mortal sin. There's direct contention, it's mortal sin. Let's call with how high are the stakes, this battle, there's some points upon him, say now fonts and says quote sins against the sixth and Ninth Commandments. Speaker 0 17:32 Eyeballs are by far the most common matters and confessions. You know the sins which you feel. How was souls? Since these are the most frequent and most abundant confessional matters, and I'm kind of which the greater number of souls fallen to hell. Indeed. I do not hesitate to research fit all those who are damned are damn that icon of this one. Vice it in purity or at least not without it. Close quote Sam Fox, Bishop and doctor of the church. And second, on July 13th, 1917 our lady showed the three children that sat a terrifying vision. She opened her hands and the ground vanished and they found themselves on the brink of a sea of fire and the CFR was filled with huge numbers of devils, which look like horrible black animals and it filled the air with horrible shrieks. They're also unbelievable numbers of dams. So as tumbling about constantly in the flames and screaming and tear and agony, and there were souls as falling into hell, just tumbling and like snowflakes and a snow storm blessing just sent said that our lady reveal that Marcel is go to hell because of the sins of the flesh and for any other reason, the sins of the flesh, sins as a flesh. Speaker 0 19:15 Isn't that the very warning could Saint Paul gave us in two days a piss up? If you live according to the flesh, you shall die. But if by the spirit you mortified at each the flesh, you shall love your name, the father and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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