Enthronement and Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 25, 2006 00:23:13
Enthronement and Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Veritas Caritas
Enthronement and Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jun 25 2006 | 00:23:13


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Speaker 0 00:01 Today on external solemnity of the sacred heart. We'll start with a short review of the churches teaching about the kingship to Christ in order to put everything in a context. Remember, because of original sin, heaven slammed shot, there wasn't a thing any one of us can do about it. Man had absolutely no way to redeem himself. In the infinite mercy of guides, he decided to send down his son on a rescue mission to save his enemies. That's us. So our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ became man and paid our debt by his passion and death upon the Cross and in spots to this work. God, the father poured down gifts upon our lord and a sacred humanity and one of the gifts our load was given was power. As he says at the end of St Matthew's Gospel, all power has been given to me all power, all power, and heaven and earth. Speaker 0 01:00 It's all been given to Christ our Lord. That means that our power passes through Christ and it comes from Christ. Every last Spec of power in society, whether it's a kid with his dog or a mother over children or father over his wife in the home president over the nation. Every last Spec of power is crates, including all authority, all authority in society. And that's every society, whether it's a family, whether it's a city, a state or nation. All 40 comes from Christ and depends directly upon him. Since all authority comes from Christ, all 30 for every society or than Christ is the true king of all societies. Pope's had made this very clear Pope Leo the 13th quote, his empire, he's talking about Christ started Lord. His empire includes not only Catholic nations, not only baptized persons who though of right belonging to the church had been led astray by air, had been cut off from it by citizen, but also all those who are outside the Christian faith. Speaker 0 02:13 This is that truly the whole of mankind is subject to the power of Jesus Christ. Close quote, the vicar of Christ. Christ is the king in public and private life. And since he's the king of all nations and since he's also God, all nations owe him worship. They owe him public worship and other authority belongs to him. We have the right to have our Lord's kingship publicly acknowledged and furthermore, there will be serious consequences if Christ our Lord is not publicly honored as king. All crazy political theories, not withstanding Pope Pius the 11th quote with God and Jesus Christ excluded from political life with authority drive not from God, but from man. The very basis of that authority has been taken away because the chief reason of the distinction between ruler and subject has been eliminated. The result is that human society is tottering to its fall because it no longer has a secure and solid foundation. Speaker 0 03:29 Close quote, the vicar of Christ with God and Jesus Christ excluded from political life. Human society is tottering to its fault because it no longer has a secure and solid foundation. And if we need any proof of that, all we have to do is look around because our lord is the king of all nations because he's God. All nations owe him public worship and all their authority belongs to him. Now, all that's background and that gives us the ability to appreciate the absolute importance of in trauma and sacred heart and trauma as a public recognition of the kingship of Christ, of our home over a parish, a diocese, a city, a state of nation in which he's been thrown. That in trauma is asylum, public recognition of the worship that is due to Christ and the reality that other authority flows from him. The late great father Mateo, who is the pastor of in thrombin as sacred heart commissioned by Saint Pius attempt to go preach this to the whole world. Speaker 0 04:43 He did that for all the pulps from Saint Pius attend to his death during the reign of Pope John the 23rd is fighting material points out that in trauma is also quote, an act of social reparation for all the modern refuses to accept his kingship as shamelessly flaunted in godless legislation, godless schools, godless families, and may we add all the godless filth that pours out like raw sewage from the outlets of our mass media. Each one of us shouldn't throw on an mh or Petra statue of the sacred heart in the most noble place in our home and when we're at it, we should get a picture or a statue of Immaculate Heart of Mary and set it up there next to our Lord. It's a song recognition that in that home by Lord is the king and our ladies, the Queen in where they say goes, but that's just the beginning. Speaker 0 05:43 Then trauma is just the beginning. Then we've got to start acting like we really mean it because his father Mattel points out. Very essence of in trauma is to inspire in us a blazing love for the sacred heart. One home at a time, one town at a time, one city at a time, one nation at a time by following a three point spiritual plan. First point is prayer, especially at home. We need restore the life of prayer and Catholic families, so start by turning off your TV or better yet, throw it out the window. Then kneel down, say the family rosary every single night. Our Lady wasn't bored in heaven and wondering what are they doing don in Portugal, the day when she came down in 1917 to fat on them with a message for the world. Are we smarter than Our Lady Callie? Smarter than God. If God went to the trouble of saying his mother down to tell us that we should pray the rosary than who are we to not listen up. Speaker 0 06:49 So the first point of spiritual plan is prayer. Second Point, holy communion. We need to strive to hear mass and make worthy communions as often as possible. By doing this, our home becomes filled with the strength and power of our Lord, dwelling in our hearts in throne image as an expression of his kingly rule over society and these communions then firmly establish and maintain his kingly rule over our hearts. What if we can't get to mass? Then we send our holy angel to mass. We make a spiritual community. There's a whole section on that in this book, Jesus, Our eucharistic love. The second point point of the plan, the spiritual plan is holy communion. Third Point pennants that's the cross. The cross find the material and I listen carefully. This is important. It's a long quote, but it's important. Quote, all of us have some sorrow, some bit across offered us by Christ. Speaker 0 07:51 This must be put to use not merely to be endured and not merely to be suffered for one's own sake, but to be suffered as a sacrifice for the conversion of some soul. Is there a sinner to be converted? A fond way Catholic to be returned to the filled fold and unbeliever to be made a Christian, the conversion is guaranteed if only sufficient ransom is paid. Let me repeat that. The conversion is guaranteed if only sufficient ransom is paid. If it is necessary to work a miracle to perform this, the miracle shall be performed, a miracle of grace, but always these miracles, that conversion must be paid for how? First by holy mass, by living the mass in our daily lives by offering up oneself with Christ and the chalice. Secondly, by the spirit of penance just described daily cross as accepted in a spirit of sacrifice. Speaker 0 08:50 Thirdly, by special kind of sacrifice. This is only for the chosen few who wish to do something extraordinary to honor the sacred heart into ransom souls. It is known as night adoration in the home. This part of the program calls for more proven souls to spend one hour at least once a month in adoration of the King of love in their home, either as individuals or as a family group. The salaries to be made sometime between nine in the evening at six in the morning. The time is chosen to compensate and make reparation for the sense the world so frequently committed during the same time clause called Father Mateo. Let's review that little section. A conversion of a center is guaranteed if folly, sufficient rants and is paid. How do we pay it first by offering ourselves up at holy mass with Christ and the chows. Speaker 0 09:42 Secondly, by accepting our daily crosses with the spirit of sacrifice and thirdly by the little flock, make nugget adoration in the home for at least one hour a month between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM so three points. The spiritual prayer up, planet prayer, especially a family rosary, holy communion as frequently as possible and pennants paying the price for sinners. Think of what our Lady of Fatima pointed out there. Many souls that go to hell because no one prays and offers sacrifice from here's how to do it. If we were on our way to hell, wouldn't we want someone to do this for us? Okay, why do we want to do this? Because our Lord is not only kingdom from the nations. He rules your households. We love him. We want to acknowledge his kingship and express a Thanksgiving to him, and if we do that, he's promised to reward us if we fall this plan, these promises that he's given are guaranteed is it promises made by God who can either deceive or be deceived? Speaker 0 10:51 God isn't like us. When he promises something, it's going to happen. I mean, we might. We say this is God. These are promises from God. Okay, we'll go through them. I'll make comments on the way. The 12 promises of our blessed Lord to Saint Margaret, married for those who are devoted to a sacred heart. First promise I will give them all the grace is necessary for their state and law. He give us all the graces necessary for our state life. What more do we need? We're here to get to heaven. The only possible way to get to heaven is by means of grace at the very first promise our Lord makes to those who are devoted to sacred heart. And so give them all the graces necessary. Think about it. All the graces. Second problems, I will give them peace and their families. Well, since he's the only one here present that can claim he came from the holy family, the rest of us can probably take advantage of this promise. Speaker 0 11:51 Third Promise, I will console them in all their troubles. He doesn't promise that we won't have trouble. Crafts is part of our life. He's God. He's perfect and he had to encode the cross. We're kidding ourselves if we think we won't have cross. Okay. He doesn't promise we won't have crosses. There's one thing we can be sure of. We're going to have him. He hasn't promised. We want to have troubles, but he does promise that held consolers in all our troubles. Fourth promise they shall find in my heart and assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death. Now this is great. What happens to us the very moment we die? That's a particular judgment. The very moment we die, which means that very moment their soul leaves the body. We have to appear before the judgment seat and who is sitting on a Jesuit seat judging us. Speaker 0 12:46 It's Christ our Lord. Our Lord is going to be our judge and what does he just promised to give us a sheer refuge in his heart at the hour of death? Notice that mercy or what he's promised to have mercy on us at the very minute that he's going to judge us. Fifth, I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings speaks for itself. Sixth, sinners shall find in my heart, but source and infinite ocean of mercy. Why did God become man to save sinners? Why after his resurrection is do you keep the wounds? We can see them on the statue there. Why do keep the wounds especially that wound in his sacred heart, their battle scars that he kept remind us of the love he has for each one of us to remind us the loves each one of us so much that he died for us. Speaker 0 13:42 Seven teapots souls shall become forever. Another word for tepid is lukewarm. Being lukewarm means that someone commits deliberate venial sins without even thinking about it or worrying much about it. Oh, well it's only a venial sin. So why would it promise to tepid souls become Fermin? Be a big deal. Saint Gregory, the grade explains quote, the habit of committing light faults without remorse and without an effort to correct them gradually to prive cess of the fear of God. And when the fear of God is lost, it is easy to pass from venial tomorrow's sin. Close quote, Saint Isidore points out by adjust judgement, the Lord will permit the man who despises minor sins to fall into more grievous crimes. Close quote, Saint Alphonsus teaches quote, many are unwilling to be all together separated from Jesus Christ. They wish to follow him, but they wished to farm at a distance like Saint Peter, who when the redeem was seasoned, the garden followed him from a far off. Speaker 0 14:49 But David Act in this manner, she'll easily fall into the misfortune, which be fell asleep. Peter, who in charged by servant made with being a disciple of the redeemer, denied Jesus Christ three times close called Saint Alphonsus. Are we working at overcoming our own faults or we tap that for years been worn from the pulpit and the bullet and that if we're gonna have the Internet, if we're gonna have the Internet, we must have some kind of extremely aggressive filter. Camair can families association filter family link to protect everyone from the bad sites? Have we done that? Do we have any pirated software? If we do, what makes us think where to get away with it when we die? What sort of TV shows how he watched magazine articles, videos, music books. Are we doing any unnecessary survival work with shopping on Sundays at any mice? Clothing, entertaining, impure thoughts. Speaker 0 15:52 Are we dating for old enough, financially independent enough to be married? Have we been keeping company without a view towards Tylee marriage? Did we ever Bellis attitude towards authority like our parents or husband, our boss, we overindulged in food and drink or using any blast miss language. Are we working at overcoming our faults? Do we make good confessions frequently, our Lord promises that a lukewarm soul who devotes himself to the sacred heart will become fervent. Why do we waiting for a fervent soul shall speedily rise to great perfection? Think about Saint Margaret. Mary. According to Father Minnelli quote, it is useless to attempt to describe the saints burning love for the Eucharist. When she was not able to receive holy communion, she broke out in orange expressions of love like these. I have such a desire for holy communion that if I had to walk barefoot along a path of fire to obtain it, I would do so with unspeakable joy. Speaker 0 17:02 Close quote, fervent soul shall rise speedily to great perfection. Nine I will bless the homes in which the image of my sacred heart shall be exposed and honored speaks for itself. 10 I will give to priests the power to touch the most hard and hearts that's particularly important for at least a couple of us around here. Saint John, Chris this and points out quote, everyone must render, can count his own sins, but priests are also responsible for the sins of others. Close quote, priests are responsible sins. Others. Everyone has to render a con to their own sins, priests or response with sins. Others. That's why I don't get up, period to try to make you all feel good. I want you be good. I have plans in hell, isn't it part of them? Okay. Number 11 those who propagate this devotion shall have their name written in my heart and she'll never be faced when speaks for itself, spread the devotion. Speaker 0 18:03 12 the all powerful love and my heart will grant to all those who shall receive communion on the first priority of nine consecutive months. The grace, the final repentance, they shall not die in your my displeasure nor without receiving the sacraments. My heart shall be their insured refuge at that last hour. This is the first Friday promise. The two that again, the all powerful of my heart will grant to all those who shall receive communion on the first priority of nine consecutive months. Decrease the phone. Repentance they shall not diner images, pleasure nor thought. Receiving the sacraments are hard. Shouldn't their insured refuge at that last hour? Of course, that includes a key confession. Make your first Fridays and while you're at it, make your first Saturdays. Make every effort possible to ensure that your children make the first Fridays and first Saturday, even if heaven forbid later on one of those kids goes a little wild. Speaker 0 19:04 He's not going to get away with it. He's not going to get away with it. Okay, let's review. Each one of us should publicly recognize the kingship of Christ by in 20 image in the most noble place in our home. Then we should start fine at three point spiritual plan in order to inspire a burning love for the sacred heart. Three points of spiritual planner in the first place. Prayer, especially the family rosary. Second place, holy communion is frequently and possible. Third, place penance. Paying a price for sinners. Remember Our Lady of Fatima said, many centers go to help because there's no one to pray and sacrifice for them. We can change that. We should remember that the conversion of a sinner is guaranteed if only the price is paid. How do we pay it price first by offering ourselves up at holy mass with Christ in the Chaus segment by accepting our daily crosses with the spirit of sacrifice and thirdly, for those who can by making night adoration in the home for at least one hour a month between the hours of 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM now. Speaker 0 20:05 Before we close, there's one more motive for getting serious, very serious about devotion and sacred heart. Some years ago I had the privilege of going to carnal Kong's funeral. Cardinal Paul Shan of Taiwan preaching preached Mandarin in English needed part of from his notes and point out the cardinal cone was not the first man that in 1949 that had been asked to become the bishop of Shanghai. He told us that the first man had turned down the job and not without reason, because he realized that he would suffer terribly. At the hands of the communist tyrants. Buddy told us father Kang was asked to be the bishop. He replied that he would be proud to suffer for Christ. And then as bishop comb, he traveled around for the next five years times people that they must have no illusions that they would be persecuted. He prepared his people for the persecution. Speaker 0 21:09 And of course there was say a church full of people, many of whom had spent years, decades in Communist prison camps for the simple crime of being a Catholic for crimes like owning a rosary for crimes. They blind to Legion of Mary for crimes that refusing to agree the DePaul was not the head of the Catholic Church. Decades. He'd Communist prison camps sitting right there in the parish with the rest of us. Why are we ending a sermon about the sacred heart with a story about cardinal cone I true confessor the faith. Cause it's the gentlest way I can think of to say that each one of us needs to be able to say that he'd be proud to suffer for Christ. We need to be able to say that each and every one of us needs to be able to say that. And the only way we're going to be able to say that is by living the message of Fatima praying on a rosary everyday, wearing the brown scat weather and turned into the sacred heart and fall. Speaker 0 22:22 This three point program and begging him to increase our love. We have a window of opportunity right now. Our Lord has promised us if we're devoted to their sacred heart, he will console us in all our troubles. He didn't promise we won't have troubles, but to look console smeller troubles and we're going to have troubles. Let's not have any illusions. We're going to be persecuted. There's no need for panic. We know what to do. He told us beforehand, but war are going to be persecuted if we're living the devotion and sacred heart. If we're living that devotion, then we'll be ready and we'll be able to use all that to pay the price for the conversion of many souls. Oh, Jesus. Meek and humble of heart. Make our hearts like con to that.

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