Saint Christopher the Christ Carrier

August 01, 2004 00:13:28
Saint Christopher the Christ Carrier
Veritas Caritas
Saint Christopher the Christ Carrier

Aug 01 2004 | 00:13:28


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:06 this morning we'll take a quick cluck at one of the most in cochlear saints in the world. For centuries it's been revered and info by both eastern and western Catholic. He's a saint whose story was handed down by word of mouth. We don't have a lot of details about him, but the original Catholic attitude is derived from the fourth commandment. Generally speaking, if our fathers in the faith told us something happened and it did, we take them at their word. Somewhere around the year 200 a haven in the Middle East had a son whom he dedicated to the pagan gods and that met and Apollo and those days long before men took growth hormone and steroids shots. This pagan boy named rapper was crew into a huge giant of a man with a very fierce and face. Naturally enough in those days, a huge ugly giant like that wasn't great to man as a car or a warrior. Speaker 1 01:14 A rapper <inaudible> decided he was not going to sell himself short. In fact, rappers decided that he would only serve the greatest master. He struck out from home and traveled around until he found a mighty king who had this general reputation and her into his service. Everything was going fine until one day accord. Minstrel was singing his song that mentioned the devil rapper was noticed that the king trembled. Every time the devil was mentioned, just pagan man realized that his king was afraid of even hearing about the devil. So he told the king, if you're afraid of the devil, this improves that he's greater and more powerful than you are, or you wouldn't be afraid of it. So I'm going to go and look for the devil and accept him as my lord master and become his sermon. And so he set off to look for the devil. Speaker 1 02:14 Excuse me, for pointing out the obvious. But before we go any farther, we don't ever want to try something like this. If the devil can appear to our lord and lay the kingdoms of the world at the feet of the son of God, don't think for a minute he couldn't appear to sinners like us said, don't try this at home or anywhere else. Some auto stand against the first commandment that anyone pulls a stunt like this. Not only would they lose the holy faith, it's almost essential that they'll be damned. Also, remember that repurpose is an acre. Hey, okay. Now back to the story. As <inaudible> is traveling along to desert encountered a fierce looking soldier who asked him just what he thought he was doing were after Mr <inaudible>, I'm looking for the devil. I want to take him for my nastier. Here's looking, soldier applied. I'm the one you're looking for. Speaker 1 03:12 That service was delighted to hear this and acknowledged the devil as his Lord Master and promise to serve him faithfully. They traveled along until they came to a cross standing by the side of the road. When the devil saw it, you've had wrapped APIs and some kind of crazy detour and I'll see the brushing around before they came back to the road that Urbis wondered what was going on and then he realized the devil was afraid of the Cross and noticed that he was trembling after some carding at devil finding dead. He wasn't afraid of someone on man. The Cross reminded him, but he wouldn't say so. Once again, this pagan giant of a man realized that if the devil was afraid of someone, that someone who was associated with the cross must get greater master. So what happened? Wrapper vest told the devil I intent, sir. Speaker 1 04:06 Oh, even most fearless, strongest mightiest master. If you're afraid of this man that proves it, easy creator and more powerful than you are or you wouldn't be afraid of it. And so I'm going to go and sit to this man in order to accept him as my Lord Master and become his Sarah. Now there's more to this story and we'll get to that in a minute, but before we do, let's stop and ask ourselves the question. Although wrappers has a relatively good idea, he only wants to serve from ideas and after show he's a pagan. He showed his first few attempts, he's getting it wrong of trail. You can't get it much more seriously wrong in serving the devil deliberately anyway, the basic idea is good. It's sort of a confused version of the first commandment. A question that we all out ask ourselves is a question that's really worth pondering is who am I serving and I serving God? Speaker 1 05:12 Is He really in first place or someone or something else to my master in my life? Money, pleasure, power, prestige, other men's opinions, comfort. When I look deep in my heart of hearts, who's really, really there, is there anything or anyone I have to give out in order to serve my audience? NAFTA, the life of ought to give us all pause to reflect on those wonderful lines of dedication to oil whose feast we celebrated yesterday. Nan is created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord and by this means to save his soul and the other thing it's on the face of that earth are created for man and that they might help him in obtaining to end for which he is created. From this. It follows the Nan is to use those other things insofar as they help him towards his and not to rid himself of them insofar as they hinder him to Zahn, he ought to desire and choose only what is most conducive for the end. Speaker 1 06:50 For which he is creating clothes, coats and Ignatius oil. Is there anything or anyone I have to give up, you know, or just there. Mightiness of mass time. At any rate, better is searched for some time before he found a holy hermit who told him about the man, the God man associated with the cross. Herman had represents where his allegiance to Christ, the king, and then any instruction. Rapper this holy faith and finally baptized him giving me ugly John Giant Christian name the giant ass to hermit. What must I do to serve Christ? Hermit replied my son Doug, the giant replied, that will be difficult at first. Then you must pray. Pray without ceasing, but can I begin with something else? At least until I know my prayers, Herman pointed to a turbulent river where many people had been drowned. Instead, you're big enough and strong enough. Speaker 1 08:08 If you stay here and take the travellers off for nothing, it'll be work of charity that will greatly praise Christ our king, ugly giants and good. I can give that kind of service and I promise to serve him in that way. He found a good place to do the river delta shelter to live in and cut a pole to steady himself in the current, and he began working as a ferry man, cheerfully carrying travelers across the river on his back for the love and service of Christ. He'd finally found the mightiest mastering. One day a child begged Chai to carry him across the river. The Chai heaved a little bull on his shoulders, grabbed staff, and began wading through the river. With each step, the child grew heavier and heavier and away press so down so hard on this kid giant, and he was afraid he was going to found her, but he finally made the other bank. Speaker 1 09:11 When he finally stepped the child down, he said, my boy, you're such a heavy load. It seemed like I had the entire world on my shoulders and the little boy replied, don't be surprised you had the creator of the whole world on your shoulders. I'm Christ. You're king. And after short conversation, the little boy vanished. Now we can easily see what a prophetic name Herman had given his rapper this at his baptism. He named him Christopher. Even in English, it's easy to make up to me. You have Christ and fairy. The same rush. When this word Sherry Christ Farida Christopher, the Christ, the Christ carrying the Christ farrier Christopher means to Christ there the ugly giant who devout only to serve the most fearless strong body as an nasty, ugly giant who made a vow to serve the devil ugly Beachae who carried the Christ child, the Cost River Dagley dying and Christopher quit being ugly on the day he saw his master again. Speaker 1 10:23 He quit being ugly on the day he met the blessed virgin. He quit being ugly on the day he was murdered in my sia during the persecution of nations around the year two 15 on the day he became Saint Christopher. Isn't it funny that nowadays no one would have a problem believing in ugly China exists? It's not always a professional wrestler. Reason some stupid spy movement. But if the father is, tell us about one that became a saint saint so popular that millions of people traverse 17th centuries, hadn't been devoted to him and asked for his help from heaven. Why is it that now sophisticated modern people assume it's all a myth. Isn't that funny? No, it's not funny. It's sad because just shows a loss of faith. Now, holy mother, the church that approved prayers to the giant, you lost that for fathers in the faith who told us the truth about the ugly China who finally found the minus master whom he wanted to serve. Speaker 1 11:38 Doug the giant became a saint, has become one of the most popular saints in the church. He's one of the 14 holy helpers. He protects against lightning storms, demons, disease, and of all times among other things. He's a patron saint of Gardeners, book binders and sailors and of course travelers. I certainly pray to him every time I go anywhere and not just when I'm driving. Last week I had a particularly serious spiritual problem presented to me. It was the eve of the Feast of Shane Christopher, and so I made a deal with him. I told him that if his problem came to a happy solution, I preached about him today. As you can see, I'm holding up my end of the deal. What about Saint Christopher? He came through in about 10 minutes. He's powerful. He's a spiritual giant. He's one of the 14 holy helpers. This day, the holy giant may not be popular in some studio, sophisticated circles, but he's still in heaven and he's still ready to help us out if we just turned and asked him. Let's close with the official prayer the church offered to God on his feast today, July 25th she's taken from the Roland Ms. Grant. We received the Almighty God that we who celebrate the festival, a blessing <inaudible> for the martyr. Maybe by his intercession be strengthened in the love of the eye name. Saint Christopher. Pray for us.

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