Sanctifying Grace a Created Share in God’s Own Life

December 31, 2006 00:24:36
Sanctifying Grace a Created Share in God’s Own Life
Veritas Caritas
Sanctifying Grace a Created Share in God’s Own Life

Dec 31 2006 | 00:24:36


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:05 Okay. Before we get going, there's a few things we need to talk in the book of the Prophet Zeke, the Lord speaks of the watch can be placed over the people and he warranted. If the watchman sees the sword coming out against the land and sound's a trumpet, Warren's The people, then whoever hears the trumpet and doesn't heat the warning is guilty for not listening and so the blood is on his own hand. But the Lord has sworn to Washington that if he sees danger coming upon lander does not warn the people then he has to answer for their lives. So I've been appointed the washing over you and there's two things I'm specifically warn you about right now. And that way you're warned. First off, I was talking to a priest this weekend. He tells me there's some kind of TV shows. There's at least two of them that have psychics on the TV show, like communicating with so-called spirits with dead. Speaker 1 00:54 Let me tell you, if the community with any spirits, they're not dead people. Okay? There's spirits that are pretending to be dead people because insofar as it's real, if they are doing that, they're evil spirits. That's not how God works. You don't have this, but anyway, if you're even participating in this kind of thing, you are president of Sans. You don't have to be physically presbytery. Uniting yourself to a very serious modal sin against the first commandment and it's the most important commandment. This is definitely fall sports shoe. It's extremely offensive to God. If you get possessed, if stuff happens in your house, like whatever, if you lose the faith, it's your fault. Don't watch this kind of stuff. Don't allow it to house. Don't let it be turned on under any circumstances. It's very serious and not being sarcastic. Okay. That's one number. Two Internet filters for about four and a half years or so, I've been putting every month in the Bolton about at least two possible things. Speaker 1 01:46 American family association filter and family link, which are two things that are updated every day to keep blocking those sites. Now, if you have the Internet going in your home and some kid gets on it because you don't have a filter and he gets in trouble, that's going to be your fault. You can't see your warrant warrant. You will have no idea how many people are gonna go to hell because there's nothing intrinsically wrong with the Internet. Let me say that. But the way the Internet is, there's going to be so many people going to hell because it's basically you're allowing a dirty bookstore to be readily available in your own home. So think about that and we put it in a bullet. And again, if you don't have a filter like that, you need to get it on there. You're going to see on Judgment Day how many people have been taken out because of this. Speaker 1 02:32 It's very frightening. There's a lot of praise, very concerned about the thing. It's nothing intrinsic around with Internet, but if you don't have a filter on it, he had a 30 book store right there in your home. It's only a click away. You don't even have to get up and go find it. It's right there. You don't have to go the bad part of town. It's right there, but it filter on. Okay, that sound the trumpet, you know, and I'll just get on with the sermon first. Part of what we're going to talk about today, we've heard before, okay, father wide, I, we're going to tell us things that we've before because it's so important. It's absolutely critical for each one of us to have a firm grasp possible. On the first things we'll talk about. These concepts are so important and I can't begin to tell you how many Catholics, practical Catholics, people that go to mass every week, they've gone to Catholic school from k to whatever, and they don't have the foggiest notion about what we're doing here today and why I need them every week. Speaker 1 03:25 I don't want that to be said of any one of us. So let's review. Remember, the scriptures are clear by nature. We're born children of Wrath, excepting of course for our lady, we're all members of fallen race. Thanks a lot out. And that means that by nature, when we die, our souls will fall into the abyss naturally speaking. That's what's going to happen and naturally speaking, there isn't a single thing that we can do about it. Not a thing. Not a single thing. We've talked about the parallel before, just as we thought, Paul bodily. If we tried to rely on our own natural powers to fly off a cliff or an antenna or a tall building, so we'll fall spiritually if we try to look to rely on our own natural powers to fly off to Heaven after death, but there's a gigantic difference. Okay. Speaker 1 04:18 Even though flying is beyond our natural abilities as men, still, it is possible for us to develop the technology to be able to fly. We can go with hot air balloons, we can go hang gliders, build helicopters, aircraft. Okay, but there isn't a single intellectual, technological, physical way we can get to heaven. It's totally beyond our natural powers. Okay? It's completely beyond that. We can't build a candidate, shoot us. There are Rocca to travel there. It's absolutely completely and totally above beyond the ability of our nature. No amount of money, research, wishful thinking work, weird things preached by sex. Nothing can get at this disability. It's totally above and beyond our nature. In order for our soul to get to heaven when we die, it has to receive powers above its nature. Super natural power. This supernatural power comes only from God. It's his free gift and we can only get it in this life. So what are we saying? We're saying that if we die with this power to supernatural power, our soul can get to heaven. When it gets to heaven, it can live there. If we die was out, this power, our soul can't get to heaven, and even if it could get there, we couldn't live there. If we die with a supernatural power, our souls can get to heaven. We guy was out in our soul, can't get to heaven, which means that it will plunge into hell. Speaker 1 05:53 The Great Catholic author, frank, she had commented that the supernatural life is given to man in this life. What man does with it is the primary story. There's life. Everything else is incidental on the fringe of no permanent importance. While we come to die, we're judged by the answer to that one question whether we have the supernatural life in our soul. If the answer's yes than to heaven, we shall surely go for the supernatural. Life is the power to live the life of heaven. If the answer is no, then we cannot possibly go to heaven for we could not live there when we got there. If we die with his power, we can go to heaven. If we died without this power, we can't get to heaven. What is the name of this supernatural power? It's sanctifying grace. Grace means free gift and we remember that it's a free gift from God. Speaker 1 06:56 Remember, there's more than one type of grace. For example, there's the actual grace. Actual grace gives a supernatural power to do supernaturally good at true, actual grace of supernatural arises the way we act, but sanctifying grace changes our very being. It changes how we are sanctifying. Grace makes us be holy. It sanctifies us. Sanctifying grace is actually a created share in God's own life that he places into our souls to give us a new type of life to supernatural life and this makes us holy. This is what a Holy Father Saint Peter's referring to in second Peter one four when he writes of us becoming partakers of the divine nature. So because of Adam's sin and then fell from grace, men are born without sanctifying grace. Naturally speaking, there isn't a single thing that any one of us can do about it, but in order to live the life of heaven, we have to be supernaturally live. Speaker 1 07:59 We have to have sent divine grace. If we die, the sanctifying grace, we can live the life of heaven if we die without it, we can't live life with having it's appeared simple. Can we said it before? Everyone needs to burn this into his mind. The most important thing I will ever do is die. If I die with supernatural life, I can live in heaven. If I die without supernatural life, I cannot live in heaven. Okay? What is this supernatural life and call a snake to find grace a created share in God's own life. This is why our Lord became man. He told us I came that they might have life and have it abundantly. What did he mean? He meant that he came to give us supernatural life. He came specifically to give a sanctifying grace. That's why you the Catholic Church. In fact, the whole entire purpose of the Catholic church is to continue to Christ's work throughout time, undoing the damage done by Adam's original sin by bestowing or restoring sanctifying grace to men, souls. Speaker 1 09:12 Every single thing that a man does as a priest is concerned with this one thing. Sanctifying grace bestowing it, increasing it, protecting it or restoring it. That's what God's put us in the world. So the only reason for us to be Catholic isn't because it's convenient, not because it's comfortable. This is not a convenient religion. It is not a comfortable religion. If you're looking for a convenient, comfortable religion, there's probably 40 or 50,000 better choices out there. They're better in the short run. Unfortunately, it's a case of short term game and longterm pain. The only reason to be Catholic, it's because it's true. The only reason to be Catholics cause it's true, and they'll usually be Catholics, says Christ establish the church in order to give us super natural life. That's why we're Catholic. Okay, so much for the review. Let's take a few minutes now to consider six amazing things that happened to us when we first received this new kind of life. Speaker 1 10:14 To do that, we'll follow the late great father Deann, but there's six things that happened to us. Amazing things when we first received that new kind of life. And for most of us that was when we were little babies at the Baptismal Font, okay? The first amazing thing, we got a supernatural power called faith based gives us the ability to believe in and trust what God says. Not because it's obvious, because sometimes it's your isn't, not because it's perfectly agreeable to us because a lot of times the church has it, but we get the power to believe what God says simply because he says so. For example, we know we shouldn't go shopping or mowing the lawn on Sundays, not because it's obvious in our pagan society. What could be less obvious? Who pays any attention to the third commandment these days? We know that we shouldn't go shopping and we'll on Sundays, not because it's agreeable. Speaker 1 11:05 Maybe we reelect shopping on Sundays and they really like the mowing the lawn, but we know that God says so and that's enough for us. We know that God says we can see it to supernatural power. Maybe not in that instance, but there is one because we can believe things that are impossible to believe unless we have the supernatural pot. For example. Here's an example of something that's not obvious and it's perfectly impossible to believe without faith. We all believe there are certain men that can take pieces of bread and whisper words over those pieces of bread and that bread becomes a man and that man is God. We all believe that, but we don't believe that by natural power, we believe that because Christ gave us power and our baptism to believe these shoes are the feet. That's why we're at mass. That's what's going to happen here. Speaker 1 11:59 I'm one of those, man. It's an amazing thing. It's a supernatural thing. So we're believing things that aren't obvious or even things that aren't necessarily critical. We believe because God says so odd. He's given us his power to believe that second amazing thing, we've got the supernatural power of hope. Now, this is a little more complicated than faith. Okay? There are three aspects to the supernatural, a virtue of hope, with hope in the first place. It fills us with this desire to see God in heaven. That's the first aspect. The second aspect is we realize if I rely on my own powers, that's completely impossible. Heaven is completely beyond my reach. And the third aspect is we realized I can rely completely on our mighty power and infinite mercy of God and his promises, and that makes seven possible. Case of hope gives us the power too long for heaven. Speaker 1 12:52 Well, seeing that by our natural abilities, it's completely beyond our reach, and yet if we rely on God's infinite goodness and his infinite mercy and his promises, we cooperate with His grace. We'll get there. Third, amazing thing. We get the supernatural power of charity. This gives us the power to love is God loves. We get the power to love God himself as well as her neighbor and not because we find our neighbor track and lovable, but simply because God made him and God loves him. This means that we actually get the power to love people. We don't like it all. I was that what God commands this. For example, to love our enemies, he didn't say anything about liking that. It's not the same thing at all. God never command seem possible. Remember to love someone means to will the good for them, but to like someone is an emotional response to that person. Speaker 1 13:41 You can easily love someone without liking them. It happens all the time. I remind parents that they loved their teenagers even when they don't like them. We're all familiar with this concept. Okay, so how do we practice the love of people we don't like as the late great father Deon, he used to teach when someone giving us grief, when someone's giving us grief, which saved this little prayer, God make us happy in this life, in the next, when someone's getting to us, we see a little prayer. God make him happy in this life. Next, remember, love is not in our feelings. It's in our will when we say God, make him happiness, life and a next. If we didn't will it? We couldn't say it. We may still feel flaming mad at this guy who's commending us. He could be our mortal enemy, but if we just say this little prayer, God, they can happy in this life in next, we've just done the most loving possible thing for that man, which is to pray for his eternal happiness. Speaker 1 14:39 Remember to love someone as to will the good for them. By performing this little act, we've we've, we've will the highest possible good, which is their eternal salvation force. Amazing thing. We've the power to earn more happiness in housing when we're in the state of grace. When we're supernatural life, each and whatever actions that are done for God are supernatural. We can't see the difference with ordinary vision. They look the same whether or not we're supernaturally alive. We're tying up something supernatural so we can always see a difference with the eyes of faith. What does it mean? It means, for example, and this is just one example, when when the state of grace and we've made our morning offering than all our little daily duties, making the bed, washing the dishes, driving to work, doing our homework, all our little daily duties, which don't look any different at all. Speaker 1 15:29 Whether or not they're done by someone who supernaturally lie. If we're in a state of grace, then because the goodness of God, each and every one of all these little daily duties narrate for us a supernatural reward. What does that mean? It means that by doing these things every day, we're piling up treasures in heaven and assuming we get there, we get to enjoy those rewards that we married it here on earth, how important it is to say, I'm morning offering just amazing thing. We get the absolutely astonishing privilege of being adopted. We get adopted. What are you talking about father? God adopts us with the gift of supernatural life. Also comes this absolutely astounding privilege of being adopted by God as one of his very own children. That's why when we say the Lord's prayer, we can call God our father, neighbor. We're used to that and they, we haven't thought about that, but it's pretty amazing when we think about it. Speaker 1 16:30 Why? Because he's adopted us. Remember by our nature, we're born children of wrath. Adam sold us into bondage to the devil, Huh? That's where Lord came is lying in the manger. And First John Three eight we're told quote for this purpose, the synagogue appeared that he might destroy the works of the devil. Close quote. Okay father, but what does that have to do with adoption and today's epistle? St Paul tells us that when the fullness of time was come, God sent his son, native, a woman, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because your sons gotten sent the spirit of his son and your heart's crying, the father, the Holy Ghost makes the same point in Romans chapter eight you've received the spirit of adoption sons whereby we cry Abba father for the spirit and stuff, give testimony to our superior. They were the sons of God and on and on. Speaker 1 17:23 And on one more quote, I'll just do one. We hear it every day in the last gospel, but as many as received him to them, he gave the power to become the sons of God. So God has raised us up. Think about how amazing it is. He's racist stuff from being spiritually dead, children of Wrath and he's given us the gift of supernatural life, made us partakers and his divine nature and in the process is also bestowed upon us this astounding dignity of being adopted sons. And if we're sons, that means that we're also joined heirs with him in today's epistle. St Policy's speaks explicitly of this as he does in a day. Chapter Romans where he says, we are the sons of God and if sons, heirs, also heirs indeed of God and joint heirs with Christ. Close quote the Holy Ghost. Since we're joint heirs, then we have a claim on his inheritance. Speaker 1 18:15 He can have life and his father again points out because we're God's children, we receive different food than those who are not as children. Since God himself feeds us with the bread of eternal life. Now the sixth and most amazing thing that happens to us when we're in a state of grace and say, God himself comes to dwell within us. Saint Paul writes, no you not that you're the temple of God and the spirit of God dwells in you. The temple of God is holy, which you are and for you are the temple of the living God. As God says, I will dwell on them and know you're not thinking members of the temple, the Holy Ghost who is in you, whom you have from God and you're not your own. Here we have inspired, inerrant word of God telling us that we're not our own, that when we're in the state of grace, we're temples, a living God, that God dwells within us. Speaker 1 19:07 It's truly mind boggling that we're living to have her knuckles. It's mind boggling. Now obviously God is everywhere. There's no place he isn't. God is present in all things, keeping them to being continually holding them above the surface and nothing that said they'd collapse back into nothingness, but we're in state of grace. He's president us in a different fashion and she'd ask the obvious question. What's the difference between God's presence in us by nature and his indwelling of us by grace? And he answers quote, the primary difference is that has God's presence in his by nature. We have no choice. We were not consulted before God brought us into existence. We're not consulted at any subsequent time as her name, even systems, okay? We cannot escape this existence giving presence of God in order to be, we need do nothing, but in order to be supernatural, we must do something. Speaker 1 20:08 God's presence is by no invitation by ours, but his indwelling is by invitation. God's indwelling, it means God making himself at home in us and depends upon our invitation when we're infants. The sponsor extends the invitation to him on our behalf. When we reached the use of reason, we confirm the invitation, we can withdraw it at any time and so lose God's and dwelling and be left only with his presence and close quote. He's dwelling in us one on the state of grace as a tabernacle, living tabernacle. Now just parents, theoretically, I may be wrong, this is out of my memory, but I'm pretty sure it was the origin. It was one of the, one of the early Christians. He's not accepted father, but during the persecution he just been baptized as soon as the terrible persecution going at that time and the people didn't have access to most blessed subsection. Speaker 1 21:02 As soon as family, you know, gone before this newborn baby there and prayed because they knew the most. Plus attorney for sure wasn't a the newly baptized child and prayed that a, that the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit would be sent forth and protect him. During all this. We're not praying to babies, but the presence of God actually present. The dignity is absolutely inconceivable. It's inconceivable and he's drawn within us and let some of all of this stuff because Adam sin men are not born without sanctifying grace, but only to live life to heaven. We have to be supernaturally alive. We have to have sanctifying grace. Remember, the most important thing that any one of us will do is die. If we die, we'll supernatural life. We can live the life of heaven if we die without supernatural life. We can't. The whole entire purpose in the Catholic church is to continue our Lord's work through time by undoing the damages caused by Adam's sin. Speaker 1 22:01 And how does the church do that? By bestowing or restoring supernatural life to men's souls? Every single thing that we do as a priest is concerned with, it's one thing, supernatural life, but stowing it, increasing it, protecting it or restoring it. That is the function of the priesthood. There's six amazing things that happened to us when we received supernatural life was of us at our baptism. First, we got the supernatural power of faith, which gave us the ability to believe in and trust what God says simply because he says so. Second, we got the supernatural power of hope, which gives us the desire to La to want to see God and heaven, and although we see it's beyond our reach, we rely on God's infinite goodness and mercy and his promises to get us there. Third, we got the supernational car charity, which gives us the power of love, God himself, as well as our neighbors simply because God loves him, which means that we even have the power to love people that we certainly don't like. Speaker 1 23:03 Fourth, we got the power to earn more happiness in heaven, which means that if we're in a state of grace and we've made a morning offering all our little daily duties married for us, a supernatural ward fish, we got the absolutely astounding privilege of being adopted by God is one of his own children and six and most remarkable. When we're in a state of grace, God himself comes to dwell within us. That's why he came, man, to save us from the devil and to give all that us. Let's close with a short meditation from Saint Alphonsus quote out of innumerable creatures which he might've made, God has chosen you. I placed you in the world again from the midst of millions of infidels and heretics has chosen to place you in the true church. He's an ideal Christian and a Catholic. How many millions are deprived of the sacraments of sermons, of the examples of good companions and all the other helps to salvation, which are found in the true church and God is resolved to give all these great helps to you without any merit on your part. And even with a for knowledge of your demerits, but when he thought of creating you and be stolen, His grace upon you, he foresaw the insults which you would offer to him.

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