Modesty of the Eyes

May 02, 2004 00:21:51
Modesty of the Eyes
Veritas Caritas
Modesty of the Eyes

May 02 2004 | 00:21:51


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:06 the almost total collapse over the past 70 years of the rural population of the owner and great plains makes it difficult to imagine that the teens and early twenties started late last grade homesteading, boom with land free for the taking and thousands and thousands of families moving out west, putting up a little house and scraping by trying to econ living. Although some of those old houses are still uninhabitable. The only thing that's left for the most part, or whether boards and old foundations sticking up in the sagebrush bunch grass growing around them, scattered here and there across the prayer to world, the past living on only in the dreams and memories so they're little timers. One day was patching up one of the walls and when I was on homesteads and I happened to be living in, I made an interesting fine. She, the walls have been line with old newspapers in order to keep the wind from blowing through the cracks. Speaker 1 01:08 Right there in the wall was a fun page of an La newspaper from about 90 years ago. Right there, right in the middle of the front page of an la paper from nine years ago was this big front page article including interview with the La County Sheriff about a serious social problem. What was the serious social problem that wanted this front page article and an interview from the La County sheriff. The sheriff had received reports of completely unacceptable and amoral behavior and he wanted to know all the citizens to know exactly, you want to tell us this and exactly what should be done about it. So what was the problem? The sheriff was angry about something he called Googoo eyes. Google eyes. Now what's that supposed to be? Well, that's the sheriff and as a man, he was completely ticked off in his county. Some woman could be walking around innocently mining her own business, and yet she might encounter some create. Speaker 1 02:16 It had the unmitigated gall to make eyes center. Now keep in mind, we're talking about La as in Los Angeles, the sheriff of La County. Is He mad because he's heard that there are men in his county who weren't looking at women with the respect due to them as when he was mad because these men were making eyes at women. This is in La, talk about a world of the past. It lives on only the dreams and memories of the old timers, but it gets better right there in the article, he gave instructions on what was be done and his instructions were peated in large type on the front page of the paper. Daily county shifts that if a man says some low life is giving two eyes to a woman, he should go out to that little life. Google hire and I quote, give him a good kick in the seat of the pants, clothes, clothes. Speaker 1 03:21 I love man like that. Just think about it. We're talking about a county sheriff of La County. He also pointed out that any man it was that much of a low life was in no good cower. He can't help love in a man like that. We used to have leaders with some testosterone, but maybe that's the only something in the past living on here, the dreams and memories of the old timers, it's clear the sheriff saw the obligations that we have to our neighbor. It's clearly saw the proper relationship and role the sex is. It's clear that even if he wasn't a Catholic, he saw the order that God had established in nature and because of that he saw his sworn duty as an officer of the law to promote law and order order. He saw his duty as the chief boxer that county to promote the proper order to protect the weak and the fence flips and he also saw the duty that falls on each real man to protect and promote that same order established by God in nature because keep order so the women was county would be able to walk around safely and securely without fear of predatory lowlights when their mothers and wives and sisters and daughters be a lot safer walking around in a county with men like that. Speaker 1 04:56 Just pictures with a man like that would do to some low life that actually had the nerve to lay his dirty hands on a woman. Women folks would be safe. Speaker 1 05:07 She, when everything's properly ordered, it isn't only the rich or the strong or the powerful that are safe when everything's properly ordered, the poor and the weak and the lists are also safe. Women folks are safe. That's how it's supposed to be. And most of us, at least past the middle forties I remember a time a world like that. But now for the most part, that's the only world that the past living on in our dreams and memories. Can anyone here seriously imagine the La County sheriff giving a press conference today and May, 2004 and announcing these angry about something like this, that something needs to be done and suggesting that people go out and give these, they could boot fat chance. It's almost impossible to imagine any current national leader who's in a position of power, seriously suggesting anything that even remotely resembles this. No. Our society doesn't protect the poor. Speaker 1 06:17 It doesn't protect the weak or the defense. But the presence of planned parenthood is a powerful testimony to that we're approaching total insanity. We barely have law and we certainly don't have much in the line of order. In fact, law and order in our society or the church at large. It's fast becoming a thing in the past, something living on and the dreams and memories of all time, but that's what we're here to do right now. What we do here in mass is we hold back the Davids, we reorder the chaos and how do we do that? By offering an ordered and pleasing worship to God the father. And by doing that we then obtained the grace to order our own thoughts, our words and our deeds in a manner that's pleasing to the father and we also obtain the grace to order our families in this particular community in a manner that's pleasing to God. Speaker 1 07:20 You don't need me to tell you one of the most disordered aspects of our society are all the matters wrapped up with the sixth and Ninth Commandments. We've been going through preparatory to talking about the six commandment. The last time we talked about this topic, we looked at modesty and we saw that mosque is a virtue. They gives a man the ability to govern and dominate his passions, especially his desires for pleasure. It's a moral virtue that guards purity by giving a man the power to practice, do measure in his actions and his dress. And then we took a quick look at modest team dress, which principally concerns the ladies. Today we'll take a quick look at modesty of the odds which principally concerns the man. This is not a question of a double standard because the sexes are different. They tend to labor under different difficulties. Speaker 1 08:18 Men typically have more difficulty with purity itself and with modesty eyes and touch, so that's where they must be more careful. For example, viewing pornography is by and large a male problem. Women must give more attention to the whole field of modesty and be more considerate of the weakness of others. As we've seen immodest dress is by and large a female problem. The differences between the sexes come out about even when we're speaking in terms of sin, it's the same old story. One sex is typically guilty of offering forbidden fruit and other sex is typically guilty for taking. The bottom line is that Christ calls all Catholic man and all Catholic women to have a sense of responsibility for one another and to show that by their practices of the virtues of purity and modesty. This Christian respect and compassion for the weakness or the other sex translated into the ladies protecting the men by their modest dress and department and the men protecting the ladies by mind's behavior by fresh and anyone that gets out of hand, we have obligations to our neighbor. Speaker 1 09:33 So let's talk about the obligations a man has with respect to his eyes. Quick Review. Thanks for original sin. Our passions and our emotions are rebellion against right reason. That's the condition we call concupiscence, which inclines as strongly towards pleasurable goods. So it inclines is strongly towards sin. And so because it can Coupa sins, immodest glances naturally tend to stir up lust or 2% a very real danger of less being stirred up. Immodest glances tend to either disrupt up lust or to be a near occasion of stirring it up. And of course, once lust is stirred up, there's a huge danger of consenting to it. As Saint Alphonsus says, the devil first attempts is to look then the desire and afterwards to consent. Can we commit mortal sins with our aunts? Yes. In Dee, we certainly can. The eyes are the windows of the soul and what we look at can hurt us when we see dangerous sites that might tempt us. Speaker 1 10:44 We have an obligation to look away. King David did and he fell and he's anointed prophet of God. How can we tell how serious is sin? These types of looks might be, let's take the case of a glance which stirs up lust or as a near occasion of string it up. Okay, so we're talking about something that either stirs it up or to near occasion. In other words, we're talking about the serious matter. Obviously if you're married, this doesn't apply to spouses. All right? Now, if there was no intention of this glance, say it was accidental and no consent to pleasure stirred up, there's no sin. So no intention and no consent means no sin, no intention, no consent, no sin. If there was no intention and fake consent before this man realized what's going on and rejects it, that's what the Marla's called semi deliberate consent system thing. Speaker 1 11:41 Consent. There's the venial sin, so no intention, st consent. Venial sin. All right? If there was no intention, but fucking sitting goes, all right, you know, check that out. Something like that. Mortal sin, okay? If there's a direct intention, I am going to look at this bad book. I know. Watch this bad movie. That's a mortal sin. So no intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, some consent, venial sin, no intention, full consent, mortal sin, direct intention, learn to sin. That's the morality of these kinds of looks. You can see like the off switch is important on a television. Okay, so how do we prevent committing mortal sins with our eyes? Get rid of your TV. No. There's four things to keep in mind. First off, we've got to pray. God will give us the grace to resist temptation. If and only yes, we say our prayers say those three hell marries every morning for holiness in period year and a day and every night for whole innocent purity at night. Speaker 1 12:53 This practice works miracles. Everyone here should be saying the three hail Mary's in the morning and at night for holiness and purity. If someone is still struggling with controlling his eyes, his thoughts, he cannot the Andy by Neil Unitus fingers. Take your hands like that. Put them on the floor and kneel on your fingers while you say the hell merits, it'll hurt. It won't cripple you. It'll hurt. That's the point. You asked him the blessing version to take you more seriously because maybe you need to up fan. It'll hurt. Okay? We need to set a rosary every day. The blessing mother wasn't born in heaven and wondering what they were doing down in Portugal when she came down to Fatima in her mind at us that we needed to say the rosary every day. She's the best mother. She's perfect. She knows what we need. She came down to test, say, your role is three every day. Speaker 1 13:42 If we don't listen to her, there's only us to the lane. She came down and told us that the biggest miracle in the world since the resurrection and what's the message? Say Your roads for me. Okay. Overall then we also have to have a serious Sacramento mental life and most especially regular concession. If a person has struggled with these kinds of things the church teaches, it is a moral miracle to overcome these kinds of problems. Without Confession, a moral miracle. What does that mean? A physical miracle is like raising somebody from the dead. Warm Miracles are above that. In other words, a person would have an easier time raising somebody from the dead than conquering a serious problem with this type without confession. So regular confession is essential. It's essential. Okay. At least every two weeks, if not more frequently. If that doesn't do it, you keep up in the end. Speaker 1 14:36 Okay, so first 0.3, hail Mary's Rosary Confession. Second Point, we have to modify eyes. So we have the virtue to look away. When we see something dangerous, we can modify our eyes every by not looking at something we like to look. Yeah, and that gives us, I have so that we can look away from things that we better not look at. For example, we can do things like delaying read a newspaper article for awhile or opening a letter that we love for an hour or two or turning off the TV. It's the second modify our eyes daily. Third, to notice something dangerous is not sinful. To notice it, it's not sinful, but to purposefully look, to continue to look, look away, and then look back after looking away. Now that sinful, if a man cages with a modest intent, whether or not the person whom he looking at his in Mosty dressed, then he's guilty. Speaker 1 15:36 Okay. If he's purposefully engaging those immodest looks cause that's the direct intent. We talked about whether or not the person he's looking at as he modestly dressed has no bearing on a situation he's guilty, has no bearing until August 31 one we see that Saint Jobe made a covenant with his eyes that he would not so much his think on a virgin. Why? Because he knew if he controlled his eyes and didn't look at her, then he wouldn't think about his Saint Gregory. The great says it's not lawful to be whole. What? It's not boxful to desire. Saint Francis to sales says that which is not seen, is not desire inspired wear to God. And Ecclesiasticus nine says, gaze not upon another's beauty. For many have perished by the beauty of a woman. And here by lust is in kindled as a fire. For many by admiring the beauty of another man's wife have become rapid opaque. Speaker 1 16:39 That's the holy ghost word on it. Sandy Gustin says that even if for I should happen to fall upon something in decent, we should take care not to fix them. There at Saint Alphonsus points out a deliberate sixth immodest look. Maybe the in frontal spark, they will cause the damnation of that. So, so the third point is we must look away when we noticed something dangerous. Unfortunately, the danger level is going up. So we have to keep this principle in mind for what should a guy do, right when he finds himself tempted to take any modest class or the look back or the stairs. So there he is and that situation, we already know this who's gone through it, but if there's repeating, he should start by calling on the precious blood. Now what does that mean? It means he needs to say a little prayer doesn't have to be out loud. Speaker 1 17:33 It can be under his breath or even just mentally. But if you'd say a little prayer along these lines, precious blood wash over me and protect me from the wickedness and stares the devil. If he can't remember that, remember precious blood wash over protect me. We're calling on our Lord's precious blood to protect us from the devil. Why does prayer? Because if the devil is producing imaginative images, it will drive it away. Remember the demons contempt us by introducing images into our imaginations or getting us agitated to some degree, but calling on the precious blood, we'll stop these type of temptations. Even if a man is not in a state of grace, this will work because our lord shed his precious blood for sinners. Didn't some precious blood wash over me and protect me from the weakness in snares. The devil that's first precious blood wash over me and protect me from the wickedness snares, the devil. Speaker 1 18:28 Next, the guy praise Jesus. Mary Joseph Saint Maria Goretti, Guardian Angel help Jesus. Mary Joseph, Saint Maria Goretti, Guardian Angel help Jesus. Mary Joseph, Saint Marie Gretty, Guardian Angel Healthy. What's he doing is calling him heavy artillery from heaven. Okay. As soon as he's calling the questions, but if Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Merico, ready, Guardian Angel, healthy, that's the level of grace. He said his prayers. Now he's got to have an involved. Now he has to do his part. That means that he has to shift that image that he's got in his imagination. Whatever it is that he's wanting to look at, obviously he knows it's there. He wouldn't be tempted to look. Okay. Example, I always suggest is canoeing. Then that could be canoeing. That needs to substitute this temptation in his imagination, but something that's enjoyable, very easy to picture, and has absolutely nothing to do with his temptation. Why? Imagine something enjoyable. Because right now the man's appetites are being drawn. Speaker 1 19:28 They're being drawn towards something pleasurable. It's very desirable. It's nothing he wants to look at, but it sinful. So since his passions are already moving towards something pleasurable, rather than trying to fight that, what he does is derail him by thinking about something else critical. So the passions just keep moving, but you have derailed them and moved them towards something that isn't sinful. It's pleasurable. It's illegal pleasure. Okay, so quick review. He's being tempted right then to make an immodest plans. As soon as he realizes he prays precious Blood Washer reprotect me. Why? To get the devil out of the picture and he praise Jesus. Mary Joseph, Saint Marie Goretti, Guardian Angel helped me. Why? To get heaven into the picture. Then what does he do? He shifts. Imagination is imagination from this temptation that he wants to look at something that's very enjoyable and easy to picture. Something to do with Montana. Speaker 1 20:16 Obviously. Now remember, as long as we're fighting, we're not sending songs, we're fighting. We're not sinning. When you're tempted. Pressures, bud, Washoe, army, Jesus, Mary Joseph, saint merger, Eddie, Guardian, Angel, help me and think about canoe and or something else. Fun and pleasant. Moral. Okay. Say those three hail Marys every morning and every night. Say Your Rosary every day. Go to confession regularly. Modify your eyes. Look away from dangerous sites. When you're tempted, say precious blood wash over me. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Saint Maria, Goretti, Guardian Angel. Help me then think about <inaudible> or something else. Fun, pleasant, moral. And then you, regardless of how immodest our society may become, we'll be able to keep the command of Saint Peter found in today's epistle. Beloved, I exhort you as strangers and pilgrims could stain from carnal desires, which war against the soul. 88 we are strangers and pilgrims passing through here on a way to have it. So if we do these things as our souls become more and more ordered in moral mode, be do to love God, troubles with the modest looks and impure thoughts will themselves become things in the past. Only fame and distant memories. The life of a man on the road to have it.

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