Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:01 Two weeks ago, father spoke of how to deal with temptations. That's the ordinary activity, the devil, and although we don't want to spend much time thinking about the devil, in fact, we shouldn't spend much time thinking about him. Nevertheless, since he's a part of reality and part of the battle that we have to fight, it's important for us to have a clear understanding of how he works and how to defeat him so he doesn't mislead us. We haven't talked about this particular topic for three years, so it's a time to review because it is important. In the first pistol of Saint John, chapter five verse 19 in Aaron, Word of God says, quote, the whole world is in the power of the evil. One close quote, the whole world is in the power of the evil one. Every night we priests are reminded of this reality when we pray the words of Saint Peter at Complin, Saint Peter says, quote, be sober and watchful because your adversary, the devil goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom?
Speaker 0 01:01 Amy, he may devour. Resist him strong in the faith. Close quote, pottery Po. Who could see the evil spirits gives us some idea of how many of these adversaries are actually prowling about pottery. Po Quote, the number of devils active in the world is greater than that of all the human beings who have lived since Adam. Close quote, Padre Peel. So the whole world is in the power of evil. One vast numbers of delves are prowling about. Are we in trouble? Not necessarily. Today we see hope in the gospel of fallen angels possessed this man with a mute spirit, but we see this fallen angel, this devil, one of the world rulers of this present darkness comes up against Christ, our Lord, the true light of the world, and our Lord casts him out. A fully armed strong man. The devil was Guardian's own palace. When suddenly a stronger man Christ, our Lord overwhelmed him and attacks him and overwhelms him.
Speaker 0 02:07 The scripture tells us, quote, for this purpose, the son of God appeared that he might destroy the works of the devil. That's in first John Chapter three verse eight for this purpose, the son of God appeared that he might destroy the works of the devil. See the world isn't the power of the evil one. Vast numbers of Dells are probably involved, but the Senate God appeared precisely so he might destroy the works of the devil, so we shouldn't be scared. We need to be caught aware of it. We need to be cautious, but not scared that great mystic and doctor the church say, Theresa. Avalara gives us an idea of how we should react towards all this quote. I don't understand these fears. The devil, the devil, when we can say God, God and make the devil tremble without doubt. I fear those who have such great fear of the devil more than I feel the devil himself for can't do anything to me.
Speaker 0 03:00 Although sometimes Assad Saddles, I pay no more attention to them than to flies. They're such cowards that when they observe the or steam, but little their strength leaves them. These enemies don't know how to attack head on except for those who may see surrender to them. Close quote Saint Teresa of Avila, I pay no more attention to them than flies. They're such cards that when they serve the Arab steam, but little, their strength leaves them. I don't understand these fears and we can say, God, God, make the devil tremble. Saint Teresa makes a great comparison between devils and flies. After all, where to flies, accumulate manure, piles, stinking bodies, rotten things, dead carcasses and devils are just filthy little beasts that loves sin and degradation. The spiritual equivalent of manure piles, things like spiritually dead souls and stinky rod and occasions a thin, especially things like certain isles and grocery stores.
Speaker 0 03:57 The occult, the New Age Movement, which craft weegee boards, drugs, pornography, chaired card psychics, birth control pills, astrology, things like that. So we really want to avoid these filthy little piece. We've got avoid sin. We've got to stay in the state of grace and keep the commandments get to confession regularly. You make ferment communions. All those ways of avoiding the flies are kind of obvious. We're not going to deal with that today. Today what we're interested in is specifically how to fend off these few filthy little spiritual flies when they're pestering us. So we're gonna take a few minutes to consider. Some useful spiritual flyswatters, spiritual flyswatters that everyone here can use. We'll look at some prayers first and then add some Sacramento's prayers. I use this particular prayer all the time. It's the bare bones version of a prayer that extra sis used to stop or subdued demonic manifestations, but this particular prayer we're going to review here.
Speaker 0 04:54 It's not an exorcism. We're not allowed to do that. That's something that the bishop does or priests. He appoints. Okay, these are prayers. Anyone here can do these prayers. The devil hates these prayers so much. He tries to convince people they can cannot or should not use these prayers. So this past Friday, that's two days ago, I contacted an expert. This is a priest who works full time as an extra cyst in a very large diocese. That's what he does for a living. I asked him to comment, quote, any believing Catholic can privately bind evil spirits. This has been the practice from the time of the early church. It is evidenced in the writings of a number of the fathers of the church. It is an entirely different matter. When someone is praying publicly in the name of the church, then in ordained deacon or priest is required close quote, so any believing Catholic can privately bind evil spirits.
Speaker 0 05:45 In other words, don't go out and try to do exorcisms, but you can positively bind evil spirits. That's been the practice since the time of the early church, the very beginning. Here's the prayer in the name of Jesus, I bind you spirit of blank. We'll explain that blank and just in a second, in the name of Jesus, I bind your spirit of blank and send you to the foot of the cross to be judged by lore. Okay? In the name of Jesus, I bind you spirit of blank and send you to the foot of the cross to be judged by our Lord. If you don't have that in the name of Jesus, I bind you spirit of blank and Cindy to the foot of the cross to be judged by Lord. What is blank? Blank is where we insert a description of whatever is pestering us right?
Speaker 0 06:25 Then things like lust, panic, anger, fear, screaming kids, whatever particular thing is bothering us or tempting us. If it's being caused by the filthy little flies, we can tell right away just by praying this prayer a few times. Frigging. You know why? Because if he prayed a few times and it stops, that's what it was. If it doesn't stop, that's not what it was. It's that simple. You'll tell it's diagnostic. You do it once or twice. Sometimes you do it and it just stops, right? I go, mission accomplished. Other times it just keeps going, but to it two or three times, and if it doesn't stop, then that's not who's behind it. I mean, unless your potter appear and can actually see them. This is one of the ways to tell. One of the particular priest I know has a terrible time sometime at night with these stupid flies, but he just says in the name of Jesus, I bind you.
Speaker 0 07:10 Any spirit, that inner free asleep in any way and sending for the cross. We are judged by our Lord and then it's all peaceful. So he says in the name of Jesus, I bind any spiritual that interferes asleep in any way and Sandy, the foot cross beachhead Baylor. Now we don't do it for the whole universe, just what's bothering us or immediate vicinity or someone specific that we're praying for. They don't have to be narrows. It could be someone on like a child on other side of the world. All right? We're not bound by distance. Our prayers aren't limited by some kind of distance network. If we just want to clear the air and we don't have a specific thing we've noticed. Here's the approach to use in the name of Jesus. I bind any spirit here that is not of the Holy Spirit and sandy to the foot of the cross to be judged by our Lord.
Speaker 0 07:51 Okay? That's just sort of bringing out the shotgun and shooting in the general direction. The name of Jesus. I bind any spirit here that's not the Holy Spirit in Sandia to the foot of the cross to be judged by our Lord. One more time, the name of Jesus. I bind any spirit who there's not a Holy Spirit in sandy to the foot across to judge boiler. So we can be specific and name a temptation or problem. And the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of blank at San Diego flew across to be judged by the Lord. Well, we can clear all, all the filthy flies with the name of Jesus. I bind a spirit here that's not a Holy Spirit and sandy to the foot of the cross. We judge by our Lord. Okay. And past years we've also mentioned the precious blood prayer that's also incredibly powerful.
Speaker 0 08:29 And driving off these filthy flies. It's precious blood washed over me or precious blood wash over me, protect me from the wickedness and snares, the devil, precious blood wash over me or precious blood wash over me and protect me from the wickedness and snares the devil. If you're having some kind of horrible movie in your mind and you do that and it disappears, you know who was the projectionist? Okay, remember, do these things. We don't have to be in the state of grace. We don't have to be in the state of grace because it's not relying on some power within us. It's the power of Christ our Lord in the holy name. Okay? But if we're not in a state of grace, we're already in the dominion, the devil to some degree. So what you want to do is go back to a confessional. K, don't waste any time, but these prayers don't require you to be in the state of grace.
Speaker 0 09:13 Everyone already knows important to Saint Michael prayer. You should say your angel of God every day. The sock to us is also useful and powerful prayer. So prayers for swatting, filthy fly specific temptation of problem. In the name of Jesus, I bind your spirit of blank and sandy to the foot of the cross to be judged by our Lord. Or we can clear the air with the name of Jesus. I bind any spirit here that's now the Holy Spirit, and send it to the foot of the cross to be judged by lower. Also, precious blood washed over me or plushes blood wash over me and protect me from the wickedness and snares the Dell. Okay, that's prayers. Sacramento's quick review. We know all this already to sign of the cross is incredibly powerful if something's by when you make the sign of the cross, okay? Everyone here should also be enrolled in and wearing your brown scapular.
Speaker 0 09:59 Make sure you have a saint blessed at St Benedict's metal on it. If you have one that's blessed, that one has a specific exorcism on him to keep away these flies, and of course you shouldn't leave home without miraculous medal somewhere on your person. Keep a blessing rolls around in your pocket, but don't just keep in your pocket. Pray it every day. All right? Have some blessed salts around your house to cook with. If you're going somewhere and you have to stay at a hotel or motel, have a little Ziploc bag or something like a bless itself and you just take a little pinch and put it the four corners room and flick a little across across the room, that'll take care of it. It's not a volume thing. You don't need a scoop shovel. You don't need to be crunched and cross the floor.
Speaker 0 10:36 It just works. It's it's spiritual. See just need a little teeny bit. It's not, it's, it's I'm serious. Cause sometimes people think both little is good more, it doesn't change the blessing. So there's no point in having small salt all over the place. Okay. So you, you can do that. That'll clear them out of that hotel room. Cause you can bet unless you're the first one there, there's probably problems with the TV and other things. Okay. So a has some blessed it olive oil to cook with and to put any place on, on any place at ALC with the sign of the cross. It also has that special blessing on it to keep away bad dreams and so forth that are caused buddies flies. So put a little on your thumb and every night you make a little cross in the kids' foreheads when you bless them before they go to bed.
Speaker 0 11:14 Okay. And of course after the first and third mass every month we bless a salt and oil here. Of course, holy water, everybody should have that in your home. And certainly every bedroom should have a font. If you don't have a font and every bred him do it. You don't have to buy something fancy. You can use a bowl. I mean, you could cut a plastic bottle in, it doesn't have to be expensive, but you should have something there with holy water in it and it'd be a good idea to have a little, a small bottle by the bed or something. We keep spray bottles by the beds that were priests. Anyway, you just flick a little that holy water, they're out of there. I mean, think of the power of the holy water and think what clowns these, if I throw holy water at you like we did, that's one of the reasons for the just made.
Speaker 0 11:53 It wasn't like you all went flying out of the pews. If you're not in a good, they're out of here. I mean it wipes them out. That's one of the reasons for the, just they're out of there. Okay. Saint Anthony's brief. You don't have to have one of these printed ones, but it's a piece of, of paper with a, or you could so and too, but it's got a cross and some Latin words from the book of the apocalypse on it. These words are used by Priester and exorcisms. It's Ha Coochie Domini, Fuji Tay Parties Adverse Save. Richard Leo de Tribble, Uda erotic stab fidelity, which means behold across the Lord, a flee adversaries, the lion of the tribe of Judah. The root of David has conquered all of those. Uh, we put it on the cover of the bulletin today. You put that in your pocket, put it in a wallet or a purse, stick it between your mattresses, anywhere in the house.
Speaker 0 12:38 You know, you, you know, you put it in the, everything else falls in the couch and the side pocket might as well pull one of these in there. You know, keep the delis away from that part of the house. Okay. Anyway, they're, they're handy little item and they're cheap. Okay. Just to cross. He take a piece of paper and road at copy off the front of the bullet and remember palm Sunday coming up, take one of the palm fronds and get other branches this year to probably just be evergreen. We're having a winter down here this year, but bring other branches to blessing that blessing on palm Sunday's powerful. And then you can make little crops already. You've got some real powerful things. And then make those four little crosses, put them in an envelope with your name on it. After Easter, we'll have a box in the back of church and we'll just collect them every Sunday.
Speaker 0 13:18 And then on April 29th, which is the Feast of St Peter Martyr, there's another blessing that we do and this blessing is really powerful. Um, and <inaudible> rate changes second, and then you'll come back and collect him after that. We'll have will bless him. Then he can do things like put them in a Ziploc bag. Barium in the four corners, your property, but at four corners of a room or apartment, four corners of your house, whatever. Listen to some of the words, this blessing quote, let these branches be so endowed with a blessing to the sign of the holy cross. Then whatsoever place a particle of them has preserved the Prentice of darkness along with their followers may depart and fly and trembling from such homes in places. Let their let no damage result from lightning storm. No one Clement, whether consumer destroy the fruits of the earth, nothing disturber or them who serve the almighty God who live us and race throughout the Angeles ages.
Speaker 0 14:05 Amen. Close quote. That's the Roman rituals. So that's just a translation of part of what the blessing is on them. Not only do these little palm crosses or branches, keep away the filthy flies in their follower. It protects you from lightning and storms and bad weather. One extra says to, I know swears by this to do this. It's cheap. Doesn't cost anything. Just a little bit, five minutes to put in an envelope. Okay, so sky Sacramento, it's the sign of the cross. We all know that scapular St Benedict's and miraculous metal, the rotary, bless it, salt oil and holy water. St Anthony's brief. Palm Cross is blessed on a piece of St Peter Mater. These are all powerful Sacramento's to drive away these filthy flies. St Paul tells us, put you on the armor of God that you would be able to stand against the seats of the devil for wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Close quote, we've just learned about some of this armor of God. Let us arm ourselves by avoiding sin, the occasion to sin using these prayers and these sacramentals daily as a great saint, Theresa says, quote, if we have whore off for God and we embrace the cross and try truly to serve God, the devil will flee these truths like the play a fig for all of devils because they shall fear me a fig for all the devils, for they shall fear us.