Dating 6th and 9th Commandments

September 12, 2004 00:20:24
Dating 6th and 9th Commandments
Veritas Caritas
Dating 6th and 9th Commandments

Sep 12 2004 | 00:20:24


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:10 <inaudible> in person place or thing. The temps, the man. That's when <inaudible> or four different types of <inaudible> football, <inaudible> fall terror or necessary. So four times the case you sit in a remote occasion from your occasion, a voluntary occasion or a necessary occasion. Let's take a quick look at each case or a location. Occasion is a situation in which men seldom fall near the patient stand as a situation which meant all or nearly always fall a five period. <inaudible> can be avoided. Unnecessary patients cannot be avoided, at least not without serious loss. Some men must take the proper precautions if a necessary occasion of sin to avoid follow. So on occasion, as soon as any person place or thing attempts meds promote commodification of sin is a situation in which man, Larry's son, like having a Bible, what's the key in the cover or some in town and you stand in the situation which meant always nearly always fall. Like doing that movements of all three occasions, sin can be removed. You don't have to go there and you don't have to go to where they're showing that no unnecessary. Occasionally sin can be avoided. Like if you're locked up in a cell with somebody that's indications didn't so necessary, patients that can be avoided. At least not without fever slots, but manual must take proper precautions in order to avoid <inaudible>. Speaker 1 01:54 Now this vehicle we just learned and ask ourselves a few questions. First, are we allowed to put ourselves in the occasions as sin? Well, now we can see that depends on what kind of a shit cages that we're dealing or we have to allow us to put ourselves in a remote case. The court's just living and walking around with their own occasion instead of some type all the time. They're remote so we don't have to worry about that particular being in it. How about near to the issues and are we allowed to put ourselves in irritations? That depends on stuff whether it's the necessary for voluntary medications. If it's a voluntary irritation sin, the answer is no. We're not locking ourselves into it. We can't voluntarily put ourselves into harm's way. That's exactly what we promised not to do. When we make that the contrition, we have promised to avoid sins and the near occasions we're talking about unnecessary voluntary. Speaker 1 02:49 Your cases are sin when we promise to go with the Cajun sin. That's the type of promising devote voluntary your cases of sin in. Okay. If it says necessary occasions, we can't put ourselves into it. Yeah. If we take the proper precautions to avoid fall more seriously agents than you want to see as the precautions we need to take because it's like you had the thing on the edge and the grease is clever. It's necessarily there. We have to take right for the costumes. No, all that is by way of introduction made sure we understand the next quote. This is taken from the standard annual pastoral theology. This is a text they for training preachers. Well, company keeping, which is a fancy word for dating company keeping with the intention of timing. Marriage can be considered as a necessary alienation of stent. Since an artist side based, people do not very StreetEasy. Speaker 1 03:54 However, those keeping company that is dating and especially it'd be engaged must use the ordinary supernatural and natural needs whereby the near occasion or fall unison is made remote, especially with regard to the circumstances of the alone together. Costco company keeping date for the addition of early management indicates there is unnecessary occasions sin, however, those keeping company must use ordinary, supernatural and naturally whereby the verification, the fall unison is made remote especially with regard to being alone. There are two points here where she burdened or first company keeping that is date as a necessary occasion of stent. Why? Because Narcisse at which is not the society with arranged marriages, people that are not married street and as far as communicative people. When I'm sick culturalize it's definitely a grievous loss not to be mad at you when you have that location. In other words, what are we saying? Speaker 1 05:05 JD? Serious business, not for recreation. Second, because it's unnecessary occasion, Stan, those are keeping company must do the ordinary, supernatural and natural in order to ensure that the near irrigation of <inaudible> is kept as remote as possible. What are those precautions we rely on? Say No fonts and foxes quote there. Three principle needs to be struck up in handling necessary adaptations of snow. The first is to avoid as much as possible being alone with one another. Speaking confidentially with one another. We're looking at what the second is a Predator and UNCC petition to God and the blessing version for helicopters. It's the third is a frequent case. You have the sacraments of parents view crews, which is trend gaining. Two resistance intentions. Close call. Let's break that down. We'll start with the natural precautions. The Tail Fonts is tells us about that a couple of months to in order to really become an irritation of sin from one <inaudible> nightmare three first, avoid as much as possible. Speaker 1 06:27 The load with one another. That's the first national meeting. There's an old time priest expression. Seoul is consoling on <inaudible>. Obviously that's last, so let's consider that. It could be very roughly translated down when a guy's locally grown. They ain't stand. Tell Americans cause they're not. At least not for long. We ignore reality. I don't know who cares because the way God made me accountable because of original and actual stent. That's just the way it is in say, your timelessness. My whole concept of chaperone comes in. It's just the recognition of men like women, women like men. We're all weak. Second national means that making sure that in your occasion of sin is capture. Mo, avoid as much as possible. Speaking confidentially with one another. This is a very important one. Ladies especially you notice then typically fall off in their eyes and women typically fall in very typically the ears and are the weak points and they're just stigmatized. Speaker 1 07:36 Credit scoring. That's a master of taking advantage of this precise please. If a man is going to try to seduce the woman, more than likely he'll try to establish the particular atmosphere. Most often. By the way he speaks it better. He is add less obvious snares. We've all heard expressions for this kind of things like he's a sweet talker. It's got real deadlines. Three's real smooth or is a silver tongue. Devil is silver tongue devil. It's the same old store. The original silicon devil's to do. What's the first momentum? The stand by smooth, drunk and spirited keeps the steadily striking in the same way. Thanks <inaudible> women have to be careful about sweet cup by extension, things that are read like love notes, romantic letters and so what makes this most especially difficult is that squeaked up and again itself, it's certainly not that. It depends on what's being said and what the motives for other statements we cotton can be good. Speaker 1 08:49 Of course for example, husbands have an obligation before it got up to mostly supporting wives by it's very kind of <inaudible> he took her off to take care of and he can actually become students for you both slippers and neglect. If a husband doesn't take the time to sweet talk as well through the arm. If a man is coordinate, girl is part of the package. It's not wrong in itself but it's words, motives and actions have to be period. But because of <inaudible> you ladies may very well have a difficult time determining his moments until it's too late. Thanks. Lighting. All right. Thought it and how we supposed to tell the difference between someone with good voters and some silver telling devil with that. That's a good question. That's what I'll do. One sentence. The serpent is the most subtle little creatures, but God, that's loud, specific defense against these types of predators. Speaker 1 09:48 The common age for this defense is dad. We see the snow sleep really expressed at a wedding. What does it mean when dad gets away with that from stuff work God with this beautiful failed woman? Well wrapped up in what it symbolizes. The fact that he's got his doing, he's protected her virtue and 90% earned as a chase bird virtually for products. That's why he's leave here to the altar and then he hands you over to the new man who has, who now takes her under his protection. That's what sounds mortal for the father to sit down and interview guy that wants to court his dog and to make him have a little man, a man talk and explains intentions. Dad's talk, no, how can I spent in God's given Catholic? God's doing. Dad's a very important role in protecting your daughters and running off the phones. Speaker 1 10:45 There's a little technique that dads, you should take good yourself. It's called healthy theory. There's a perfect illustration. This, when I was writing this script, when I noticed it in this week's aggregations, it's a little ranch department, educators from back home. Just to get the context and this part article, the authors talking about ranches raising kids unsure. It's coincidental, but when they raised the three lovely popular dogs every single time the boys showed up, pick up one of the girls for date, dad, which just happened to clean his rifles at the table. That was the nicest set of young man and so mannerly to and breaking her through. The test wasn't done close but don't misunderstanding. Although I am recommending the technique of healthy fear as a genuine act of charity to keep vacation for sooner low for both parties. I'm not necessarily recommending this particular application, it's just an examiner. Speaker 1 11:45 I didn't even, although the buck stops with them because God is faithful. Watch the gracious and also the gift of intuition. Mom gave her Wilson on rap because like dad said, take care of like it's a life's assessment of a young man. Couldn't try the girls. So ladies, watch your <inaudible> be careful what you listen to her leave. Be careful that somebody you might be thinking the last father, I can have that kind of thinking. It goes in the category saying this last word. He was sinless, she was <inaudible> that she fell and only here is easy. The society we live in, if you keep that out, you lose your virginity. So many of the questions now, so once much as possible, speaking confidentially with one another. Third Natural things and I could sure if in your case then <inaudible> avoid as much as possible. Looking at, we've already considered this particular principle. Speaker 1 12:50 We looked at the virtue modesty. Typically this is math week, so now <inaudible> considerations are <inaudible> time alone, equal force. Both parties be careful about when you listen to which with five particular force delays. Be careful about which applies particularly to men phones. What are the two supernatural precautions? Dating Alphonsus points out that a couple months absurd in order to collect becoming irritation and stent. For one. The first day for national meetings is prayer to God and I'm also the version for this train to this temptations. The second super truth is frequent confession. I'm serving communities in order to key and keep the strength to resist those temptations, so put them first. We've seen a company King Day isn't necessarily occasion since <inaudible> people don't many strange second because it's necessarily patients in it's permissible if the proper precautions are father, we've seen it, they're in three natural means it must be reserved in order to avoid the irritations send to one, one, avoiding as much as possible, being alone with one another to avoid as much as possible. Speaking confidentially to one another. Three, avoid as much as possible. Looking at women who see their true supernational means towards fall prayer, especially for our lady and frequent confession from the communities which you see that women have a special obligation to practice custody and be careful who and what they listen to them and then have a special obligation to practice test. You be careful. Speaker 1 14:36 Be careful ways we live with truck times. Don't automatically trust yourself. Trust the judgment of your dad, your mom, especially your brothers, the warnings of your oldest sisters and your stupid. You have a lot more to lose. Remember your dignity, not an option for someone's lost EMT like some bottle of wine from the staff member. You've been created immense to minus V by precious part of our word, savior, Jesus Christ. By virtue of your bath, you become a cabinet broker in most parts of the trinity in reflection of the blessed Virgin Mary, she expected to be treated like that. Don't step off your pesto. Be careful now it's constant. Some very practical countercultural conclusions. First, conclusion, date. Speaker 1 15:38 Recreation is not a sufficient reason to enter into the situation. The purpose and the only purpose is court. That is the purpose. Create close to both the purpose of keeping companies determine, is this the man or is this the woman? Is this person who can best help me get to heaven and who I want to spend helping him trinity and some of the crest to answer those questions. Second, permission. If you're not reasonably sure you have a vocation for marriage and you have no business dating, why? Because it's the sin of presumption to enter the of a good reason. If we are reasonably sure that we have, then we can testify. Placing ourselves in the situation. Thirsting coaching, got your confidence OKC. If you're not yet capable. For example, if you're too young or too old, we can't get yesterday, we got pretty darn close. Speaker 1 16:47 If able to guess that you got no, you become older and has more at stake. Don't transfer your loan. Don't wait. Strict you man. Get with the Cro. Ladies, if you're competent <inaudible> Mary, for example, you're too young. You got no business keeping company. Don't let a man who can't put a roof over your head and food on the table. If you can't do it or refuse, it really causes you to do that. Don't let in why it's guard your heart sweet food on the table for the kids. Tell me, grow up with the program. You're the prize. You know I wouldn't stake you want to marry a man? Don't waste your time. Let the boy in court. Speaker 1 17:40 If you're competent of vocational, accurate entertainment company, but you realize this isn't the right ones for you, you must break off that release that you get immediately. Immediately. It's a question of, honestly, it's a question of integrity to question salvation Dolphy ways here. There's the saffron head guard your break up before we close. Please notice we are not saying that young men and young women are supposed to be dramatically sealed and isolated from one another, not at all. In fact, it's essential that that kind of treatment isn't that kind of overreact. We'll only have horrific consequences. The first one, at least in the other, it's all over that idea. Young men and young women stricken, known each other, but they're safe in numbers with a reasonably supervise of Nice one, nice young man, friendly acquaintances, 10 we speaking are fun. What's not appropriate is communicating between one young man, one young woman before the right time. Speaker 1 18:48 God has created us in a certain way with a profound attraction from one another in the fall of man that would innocence as a way of passionate, easily get out of control, and we ignore those two realities. Those two basic realities. I don't know. Let's close. If you're <inaudible> you have to report because more young men will you be able to say bored. It's of the weakness in my flesh and my disorder desires. I treated this beautiful young woman who sent it into my life with respect taking care of your <inaudible> and I didn't do anything to danger of hurting your eternal salvation, which you paid for me at such a terrible products, expensive your life and every drop of your precious blood. We'd be able to say that young women will you be able to say the same thing because young, many of them nights we started with series serious experiments with the idea of self sacrifice and Lillian without trying any corners on God's calls. Let's try to make sure that all relationships with the opposite sex are characterized by chaired compassion fall time. Let's think about the other person. First lesson on a pair of ours for they shall see God.

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