St. Ambrose

December 07, 2017 00:06:46
St. Ambrose
Veritas Caritas
St. Ambrose

Dec 07 2017 | 00:06:46


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi, Maria Prisma the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. We can see our Lord talking and st. Matthew's gospel, but us being the salt of the earth. And of course that the whole illusion there is salt is a preservative. When your jerky meat is salt, and then it doesn't go rot. And he talks about if the salt loses its savor, what good is it for to be cast out? You can see that certainly as Catholics, universally, we have lost their savior because everything is so rotten. And the reason it's rot is because we haven't been serious about Christ and his church, Saint Ambrose, Saint Ambrose, one of the great, uh, for great Western doctors of the church, his dad was a very important official in the Roman empire. Uh, his dad ruled like vast areas of gall and other parts of the empire Saint Ambrose. Speaker 0 00:00:57 Then, uh, as, as a man, when he reached adulthood, ended up become becoming appointed. The prefect of what's all now, the North of Italy and in Melanne the Bishop who had been in had been there for 20 years as an area. And he died and there was a Tomo rising because they were going to, in those days, they, they elected the Bishop, the clergy, the people elected a Bishop. The Catholics are fighting with the Ariens cause obviously the Ariens want, or a heretic for Bishop and the Catholics when a Catholic for a Bishop. And so Saint Ambrose, he's the ruler. He went there to calm things down to time. He's a catechumen say, went into the basilic, where everybody's carrying it on and all that. And just spoke to them quietly about, you know, about being quiet and about the importance of, of, of doing the right thing and so forth. Speaker 0 00:01:49 And all of a sudden, one of these boys, a little boy cried out and breasts for Bishop, and then everybody started out crying Amplus for Bishop and he's kind of be wilted cause he's the, he's a catechumen. Anyway, he tried to escape the thing, but it didn't work. So over a period of time, he went through being baptized and ordained to the minor orders day by day in the major orders and priest and Bishop. And it was on this day, December 7th, that he's consecrated a Bishop and of an incredibly wealthy man at that point in time, he disposed of his property. I think his brother was managing part of it. He kept enough set aside for the sisters. Brothers is st. And so his sister, his sister who had taken the veil. So he kept enough set aside for her so that she'd be taken care of. Speaker 0 00:02:34 And then just lived a very modest life from that point on, he was absolutely, uh, fearless. At one point in time, uh, troops had surrounded, they had a Basilica, they wanted to give to the areas and they surrounded the Basilica and he had the Catholics in there. And so he got him singing. He, and, uh, he had him starting to sing the songs, which they know back and forth, which is how we know I'll do it now. Cause if you, if you ever go and, and see how we do it in the West and in a monastery or something, one, one side will sing. Then the next person by other side, back and forth, you got the people doing this. Then he taught him him because he wrote him. That's why we have hymns in the Breviary. Now it's because of stain ambulance. Another time Theodosius is the emperor. Speaker 0 00:03:20 And there was some, some uprising. I don't remember. I think a city in Asia minor, I don't remember what the, what it was, but one of his officials had been killed by some people. So in a completely unjust act, he ordered that, uh, that they wait until the people that gathered in the circus and then just slaughter a lot 7,000 of them, you know, with no regards to what guilt or innocence or anything like that. And I believe that he actually repented a Fort before it happened, but it was too late to send messengers and you weren't going to text message. So off they went and it happened that people gathered there for the games and there's this horrible slaughter. Well, he, Saint Ambrose wouldn't let him come into church. He excommunicated him. I mean, this is, this is the Roman emperor. And, uh, and the Bishop holds him off and tells him, you do penance, you've got to repent, et cetera. Speaker 0 00:04:15 So Theodosius as it is in his past or in Milan, uh, he, I think he spent about eight months, uh, weeping, not coming to mass and so forth. And finally he sent one of his courtiers who talked him into it. Like he sent one ahead to see if he could come and Ambrose met him there and said, you're not coming in unless you do public panics. And so the dosha did, so this is the EMP, you know, the most powerful man in the world, putting on, uh, penitential garments and, and, and seeing the Psalms and kneeling there with the public penetrants in front of everybody on their way. Yeah. And crying until fourth. And it really moved the people at any rate, uh, ultimately got the X medication lifted and he could come to mass or receive the blessed sacrament. And later in life he'd start crying when he thought about Saint Ambrose, because he said, he's the only real Bishop in the world because he knew much, same. Speaker 0 00:05:08 Ambross loved him. That he'd resist him like that and make him do what was right to make sure he got to heaven, how we need bishops like that, priest like that. Instead of all this dance, Ron Trent, trying to figure out how to make, give everybody a sacrilegious communion, Karen enough, for bottom to try to make sure they go to heaven and don't receive the Holy mysteries on worldly. I'll just make one more remark about Saint Ambrose, because he's just a for Verena is it course is greatest. Convert we'll know is st. Augusta Santa Gustin was in Milan at that time as a mannequin, a heretic and a serious heretic in Saint Ambrose knew that, but Santa Gusto would come and listen to his preaching. And then he come visit with him. And Saint Ambrose was always so charitable to them would answer his questions and all that, that it opens Santa Guston's heart. And he brought him into the church. That's another thing we can think about as well is our charity towards our neighbor, no matter how crazy they are at the time, we don't know what God has planned for. Are we really showing Christ to our neighbor or in the case of our ladies, our lady toy, our name, who are we showing to the people around us? We come into Connor, let us pray to stand down Ambrose to really, really live our baptism and confirmation. He promises everyday.

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