St. Cyril of Alexandria

February 09, 2018 00:05:03
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Veritas Caritas
St. Cyril of Alexandria

Feb 09 2018 | 00:05:03


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 I'm Maria Prisma and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Well, as we're coming up on lent, one of the things you ought to think about is some kind of good lent reading to do something a little extra, especially if you're not in the habit of spiritual reading. And there's plenty of things available. Father Stephano Minnelli his books on, on GSR. Eucharistic love his books on our lady and so forth. The guys, you know what he is, he dead yet. So you can't see the Saint, but he's just, he's a saintly saintly priest. Uh, those, those are very good. Frank shade. He has a book theology for beginners. It's weak on the part on creation, but you can really learn a lot about theology. They're seeing out fonts. This is always great. You have ratings on religious there's readings for every day in the year, according to the calendar. Speaker 0 00:00:52 So that's, that's free for anybody that has a computer, a phone, a on Saint Alphonsus. So all those things are available. Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and doctor. Sure. The church born in late four century died in four 44. The thing that we say the most notable today to talk about, do with the constant emphasis in his fighting of Nestorianism and his story was the Archbishop of Constantinople. St. Cyril was the, the Archbishop there of Alexandria. So it was the second biggest city in the world at that time. And his story is a God himself into a pick on basically. Well, he became a heretic. What a story is did is he got himself confused about who and what our Lord is because with our Lord, there's one who, and there's two ones who what's is when we ask them question, what we're asking, what are you we're asking questions about a nature, or Lord has the two natures. Speaker 0 00:01:57 He has the human nature and he has a divine nature. But when we're asking the question who were asked the question about person, we ask the question, who are you? Lord? There's only one person there. He's not a human person. He's a divine person. This story has got this wrong. He would say, how could you God died on the cross? And if you don't know, don't think about it carefully. You don't write the answer. You can get pretty confused. And you say what? God can't die. Isn't that obvious? So if you say, yeah, I guess he can't no, he said, no, the man, Jesus Christ died on the cross. Yes, God dying on the cross. How can God die? God can't die. And, uh, this is a confusion. We'll we'll clear it up here in a second. But uh, so people listen to that and they say, yeah, that does sound right. Speaker 0 00:02:42 How can God die? So he says, no, that's the man. So there's two persons. There's the man, Jesus Christ that the human person and the divine person, the divine one person can. So say split our Lord into two. He had two Watts and two who's, you know? So, and the, the ultimate result of all that is if God didn't die on the cross, then our sins were in trouble. This whole thing is just a nightmare. What, how can God die? Cause he has a human nature. He has a body in his soul and on the cross, his soul left his body. He breathed forth his spirit. That's what death is. It doesn't mean you go out of existence and who died? God, the son died. That's who that is. All right. So they had the constant emphasis st. Cyril of Alexandria was in charge of it all. Speaker 0 00:03:28 And they just declared that she's the mother of God. Cause he can play the game at the other end of the court. So to speak, if she's the mother of God and who's out laying in the manger, that's God who is born of the Virgin, Mary that's God. So who died? That's God, he's the same person beginning to Anne. She's the mother of God Theotokos. And that's what they declared a constant emphasis as against Nestorius said, no, she's the mother of God. There's one person, two natures. And a, and that person that's born there. That little baby is God, it's the same one dying right there. So everything our Lord did was done by God, the son, whether you act in his divine nature, by holding things in existence with the acting as human nature, but tripping and falling or eating a meal or whatever, all those things were done. Speaker 0 00:04:14 Like God, the son, now, this is important to note, not just for historical reasons, but because Protestants virtually all in historians, they deny she's the mother of God. But if she's not the mother of God, if she's the mother of some human person, then that's not God dying on the cross. And her whole religion is in vain theology. Really men pray to saints here today that you have a deeper understanding appreciation of the one person and the two natures of Christ. And that insofar is it comes across people like that. You can explain it to your Protestant friends in real, up here.

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