Charity: 1 Corinthians 13

February 08, 2018 00:02:51
Charity: 1 Corinthians 13
Veritas Caritas
Charity: 1 Corinthians 13

Feb 08 2018 | 00:02:51


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm already a Prisma in the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Today we have one of the most beautiful passages in scripture placed before us, which is from first Corinthians chapter 13, about charity. Charity is the virtue of virtue. As Saint Paul said, charity remains. It's the one that you take to heaven. Everything else is necessary. You have to have faith. You can't have charity without fate. You can't have charity without hope. Faith is fundamental than hope and charity. The charity is the love of God above all things and the love of our neighbors. So for the love of God and Saint Paul goes through all these beautiful listings of qualities of charity. There it's chapter 13 of first Corinthians it's work reading today to prepare yourself for Holy Lynne. But we can tell if we don't love our neighbor and that isn't a feeling of emotion it's in charity, but if we don't love our neighbor and Christ, then we know we don't love Christ. Speaker 0 00:01:08 The proof is in how we actually act interior and exterior in the first place. Can we pray for our enemy? Do we love our enemies enough to pray from? We don't have to like are enemies that doesn't have anything to do. It's good, but we have to love them. Do we pray for enemy? We just kick and complain about them, cuss him and so forth. That's a quick check on charity. What about when people offend us? Maybe they're not our enemies. Do we pray from where we take umbrella? Sort of burning our heart about that? What about praying for those who have less than us, especially spiritually? How often do I have people here? People hack on people that don't have the true religion or the Navy are doing things that are far less than adequate in our Holy religion, but are they praying for them? It's easy to find quite with those, but do we have charity for others? That's the thing. When you go to heaven that determines your model of happiness, you can look at like that, the greater the charity, the greater the place you have in heaven. That's why she has the grade it's outset after her son. Speaker 0 00:02:21 So today you enter into yourself as we're coming on to Holy lint and you injure yourself and say, where am I with NGOs? That quality? How is my virtue of charity? What can I do better? What can I work on from now until Easter.

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