St. Gertrude the Great

November 16, 2017 00:06:48
St. Gertrude the Great
Veritas Caritas
St. Gertrude the Great

Nov 16 2017 | 00:06:48


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm Maria, <inaudible> the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Of course, uh, in this parable of the versions, the oil we're speaking of the state of grace, we have to be prepared at an hour. We know not we'll be called to a judgment. And so we always want to be ready to meet the Lord with, uh, in the state of grace st. Gertrude, the great she's in the, uh, in the call act of opera mansion. She's, uh, one of the great saints of the sacred heart, a 13th century German Benedict, and she was taking the monastery, I think when she's a lot, uh, five years old. So she's an oblate. And of course the Benedict can oblate. The idea comes from bringing a child. There is an offering to be raised up because in a society where salvation was one of the primary concerns, that would be a very good thing to do. Speaker 0 00:00:55 I mean, nowadays people wouldn't be shocked if someone opened a bank account for their five-year-old or got some certificate of deposit or something, because we tend to think in economic terms, things that really don't matter that much in the light of eternity. And, but their society certainly in the 13th century was informed like price and not, not dollar bills in the same way at any rate her, uh, she's being raised up there and, uh, her for Mader and, and, uh, and a spiritual companion st. Nick Tilda, same, Matilda's the one where we get the three hail Mary's. Our lady appeared to her and, uh, and gave her this devotion of three hail Marys, but st Matilda's or for mater it's st. Character. The great, when she's about 25 years old, had a mystical experience, she's reading something and she has a, uh, an apparition of our Lord. Speaker 0 00:01:48 I believe of the Holy face at any rate, really encouraged her to, uh, to really work on her interior life. And in the call, I could talks about the matches cause there's different mansions and interior life just really briefly, since this is a forever Reno interior life for the spiritual life is analogous to the physical life. Every one of us, if we have a normal life and lived to maturity, you know, you have childhood, then you have a crisis where it's puberty and you'd go into adolescents or young adult, and you have another crisis, which is first freedom, and you become an adult. And if you negotiate, those you'll be normal. I'll just decide like ours is set up. So you'll crash at the first one with all the different, horrible things that are available on the internet. And then at the second one at the first grade. Speaker 0 00:02:35 And when you go out there with all the other things, even if a parent is protected their children, uh, there's all these snares waiting for them. But if a person negotiates that they'll have normal adult and then tear life, it's sometimes called the mansions or the stages, but a person would progress, print spiritual childhood, which is basically trying to conquer the vices. If they're faithful to that and their prayer life, there'll be a crisis. It's called the dark night of the census. They, if they negotiate that there'll be a spiritual adolescent or young adult, and that that would be the illuminative way, the kind of prayer changes they're there. Then they work on virtues at that point in time, this is a very simplified. And then if they're faithful to that, there's another crisis. And it's the dark night of the soul of dark night of the spirit. Speaker 0 00:03:21 And they become, they, they go, they become, they go into the unitive way and she's in the unity of way. And so she's in what was called the spiritual espousal, whatever. And he ended up way, the word tells us something about it cause Christ their, their soul is so purified. They're there. They're so far advanced in spiritual life. They've gone to these in the seventh mansion. And so it's the spiritual spousals because even that admits have degrees. So our Lord, there's such a sympathy. There's such a, a correlation between the soul and our Lord at that time, that in many ways, it's almost as if our Lord is living in here, but not completely yet. And she had the spiritual marriage then, and in a mystical vision, our Lord asked her to give him, give her hand and her hand. And he gave, she gave her hand and he puts seven rings on approved. Speaker 0 00:04:13 I probably the seven gifts of the Holy ghost. I'm not, I don't remember that part. I know that part, which she came back, she could see these rings, but it was significant of what had happened right then, cause she became mystically espoused. It's called the mythical espouses of whatever. It's also called the transforming uni. Cause at that point in time st. Gertrude, the great could say the same thing that Saint Paul said now I live, but not I Christ lives in me. So there's a unity in that sense between the soul and Christ, our Lord Saint John of the cross says at that time they're confirmed. And grace it's a really, really great Saint is basically she just completely responding to everything that are already wants. So she didn't lose her personality, but she's been in a certain sense views do not some mystical Eastern way, put in a proper Catholic way in our Lord. Speaker 0 00:05:00 So she really is living fully the grace for baptism. This is just a little bit about the spiritual life of Saint Claire. Great. But everything I said here, we should be aspiring for why are we capping? What are we about? What do we promise? And our baptismal promise with no confirmation. We reject Satan with all his works and all his past who want to fall Christ. We want to become Christopher. We want that life of sanctifying, grace to take over and us. That's what we've been put in the world to do. And we can do it in this world. Cause somebody like getting sent Crutcher, the great that's been serious about it. She doesn't go to purgatory, dies and goes straight to hell. Every single person in here can do this to not necessarily get to the mystical espousal. I don't mean that, but do that. Speaker 0 00:05:53 You can do your purgatory. You can become Holy that's the will of God for you. That's why you're baptized. And you still believe in a time and almost no one does one of the best ways to help you keep on this path, get on this path and encourage you on this path is read the lives of the saints because as you do it, you'll realize, wow, I can do this. I can do that. They'll encourage you. There are big brothers and sisters and they'll help us get there today. Pray to Saint Gertrude, the grade that she obtains you, the grace to have a burning desire to become a Saint and a very great thing.

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