St. John Chrysostom

January 27, 2018 00:04:16
St. John Chrysostom
Veritas Caritas
St. John Chrysostom

Jan 27 2018 | 00:04:16


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I very oppressed man. And the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's a face to the great dr. St. John Chris system, one of the four great doctors of the East he's born in, uh, three 47, uh, had a very good education. Then he spent four years living as a monk and then two years as a hermit. And he actually injured his health in the two years of the hermit. Cause he never even laid down. He sat up the whole time. He would never lay down even to sleep and all that. So he injured his help. He ended up being ordained a priest there for Antioch and, uh, was well known as the greatest preacher in that part of the country. When he was asked to take a ride, I think it's some office of Imperial court and he's in a chariot when he finds out that he's been chosen to be the Archbishop of constant. Speaker 0 00:00:50 And I'll say he gets hauled off to constant and Opal. And his whole time there was a complete controversy. He gets there and things are pretty much in chaos. And so he's going after the priests that they have to live like priests and the religious have to live like religious and all those kinds of things. And he doesn't spare the, the, the, uh, the elites is either the empiracy docs. Yeah. I, you know, she's rich and she sees somehow get some widow's money and some land. I think there were two, two different things. So he, he, uh, rebukes her for that. Well, that doesn't go well with like the wife for the most powerful guy in the universe. And so she's causing problems for him. Yeah. So all these controversies going on. And then, uh, one of the Imperial court guys that was very, very important, did a power play against the emperor and lost. Speaker 0 00:01:45 And he comes running to the church for, for sanctuary. And I don't know if it still goes on and if my memory might be a little, a little faulty, but I believe in this country, at least until recently, they still respect to that. I know in the eighties, in Montana, up on the, by the Canadian border, there'd be people trying to get into Canada and they they'd stay in the churches. At least at that time, the feds did leave them alone. You had to feed them to keep them there, because if you could quit feed them, they went up and they weren't free. But anyway, it's an ancient, right? The guys hanging onto the horns of the altar. So they had this kind of a curtain. We had it in the, in the West to where at certain parts of the massive divide up. But so say John <inaudible>, he gets up there and starts preaching. Speaker 0 00:02:26 Then he has the curtain drawn back. And here you see this super powerful guy hanging on to the hanging onto all attorneys talking about basically the van, world power and all that. Here's this got kind of a, really a dramatic demonstration where the most powerful guys in empire as told on the author, so he doesn't get killed. Well, he gets exile for his preaching then called back because people are throwing a fit and then really exiled to where they just said, that's it. And he gets marched off into our, and he's living in the mountains and he's just with the soldiers he's at this time and his late fifties, or maybe 60 years old, and he's getting marched Roundup, they're living in the cold half starving to death and all that. And finally, he just dies of the treatment. The day before, the day before he died, they stopped in a shrine. Speaker 0 00:03:13 I don't remember the name of the Saint. I think it was st Basileus, but it was a martyr. And the martyr told him he had an, he had a, at least nail acute, uh, elocution from the martyr that told him to look who she was from the model that told him we're going to be together tomorrow. And they started March them off the next day. And he asked, can we go back to that shrine? And the soldier said, DOE. And then they realized, wow, he's done. And he got the sacraments and die. And that would be, I think September 14th, four Oh seven with st. John, Chris who died right after that, the emperor guide, which people took as a real sign of a judgment on her and all her machinations to get him banished and doing all that sort of a thing. And their son, Theodosius the son of the emperor. He became the, when Saint John <inaudible> came back to Constantinople, he went and did, as it were a formal apology for the way his parents had treated him. Anyway, that's just a little bit on the great cock of church st. John Chris system.

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