St. Polycarp

January 26, 2018 00:07:21
St. Polycarp
Veritas Caritas
St. Polycarp

Jan 26 2018 | 00:07:21


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi, Maria, Christina, the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the feast of Saint Polycarp. And I'll read from his act he's martyred in year one 66. He was the Bishop of Smyrna and a disciple of Saint John, the apostle. So in the apocalypse and it talks about the Angelus Myrna that's actually Saint Polycarp, but I'll just read from the act because they're very beautiful. So the most Admiral Polycarp, when he first heard that he was stopped or was in, imagine this tour, the resolve to stay in the city, poverty, deference, the wish of many, he was persuaded to leave it. He divided, therefore the court country house not far distant from the city, 30, stayed with a few friends, engaged in nothing else, nightly then praying for all man for the churches throughout the world. According to as usual custom, while he was praying a vision presented himself to him three days before he was taken the pillow under his head seemed on fire. Speaker 0 00:00:54 And upon this turning those that were with him, he said to them, prophetically, I must be burned alive. Well, that was just shot from where at hand he could park to another dwelling. Whereas pursuers mainly they came after him. When they find him not, they seized upon to use that. Were there one of them being subjected torture? Yeah. Was it S impossibly should stay hidden, close it betrayed him, rub his own household, his pursuers then along with horsemen and taken the youth with them. When Ford had separate time on the day of preparation, the usual weapons as if going out against a robber and having kind of an, even to the place, it's where he was. They found him lying down upper room of a certain little house from which he might've escaped another place, but he refused. And then he prays for, he asked for permission to pray and he makes sure they're all fed. Speaker 0 00:01:38 And so they give them permission to pray any prays for two hours. No, as soon as he had ceased praying, have we made mention of all that stuff? Anytime come and Todd tech with him upon it asking, conducted into the city the day before, that'd be great Sabbath. And then the leaders pick him up in a chariot. They're trying to convince me, you know, just announced Christ. And you're an old guy, the knots Christ, and you can offer the sacrifice and you'll be good to go. And he's like no way. So they shoved him out of the, out of the chariot and he actually dislocates his leg, but he doesn't complain. Now, as Polycarp was entering into the stadium, there came to a voice from heaven saying, be strong and show yourself a man of Polycarp. No one saw who it was. It spoke to him, but those are my brothers who were present for the voice. Speaker 0 00:02:23 And as it was brought forward, the Tomo became great. When they heard that Polycarp was taken. When he came here, the proconsul asked him whether he was Polycarp, invest in debt. He was the proconsul sought to persuade him, deny Christ, say, you have respect you. Yeah. Old age and other similar things, according to their custom. Yeah, the Polycarp. And he said, say repent and say away with it, atheist, you know, which is us, of course, because we don't believe in all their gods and Polycarp gazing with a stern competence and all the multitude of the wicked. Then in the stadium waving his hands towards them, said away with the atheists. And then the proconsul urged him saying, now set your Liberty. Reproached Christ, puck, carp declared 80 and six years. I have served him and he never did me in her injury. How can I blast see my King and my savior. Speaker 0 00:03:09 And so he goes through, he wants the, the, the pro consequently pressuring him. And then he says, I have wild beast at hand to these casting. Polycarp says, call them then, but we're not accustomed to pen of what is good. That which is evil. The prod council said to him, I'll call you just to be consumed by fire. Seeing despise the wild beast. If you will not repent. Polycarp says you threatened me with fire, which burns for an hour. And after a little is extinguished, but are eager to the fire of the coming judgment of eternal punishment reserved for then godly. But why do you carry, bring for what you will when he spoke these many, like things who spilled competence enjoy his continence was full of grace. Pro console was astonished and said is set his hair out to proclaim in the midst of the stadium. Speaker 0 00:03:53 Three times Polycarp has confessed and he's a Christian. This proclamation having been made by the Herald, the whole multitude, both of the havens and the Jews with blot that Samira cried out with uncontrollable fairy and allowed voice. This is the teacher of Asia, the Christians in the overthrow or of our gods. He has been teaching many not to sacrifice or to worship the gods. And so they wanted to have a long, a line turned loose on him, but he said, it's not lawful to do so then, then they all start to cry out with one consent that he should be burned to lie. And so it was this then was carried in effect with greater speed than it was spoken. The multitudes immediately gathered together and bundles of wood out of the shops and Beth, the Jews, especially according to customers, Eagle reassessing in it. Speaker 0 00:04:39 And when the funeral pile was Medi Polycarp, laying aside, his garments loosen his girdle. So I'd also take off a sandals. It says, anyway, then they're bought to fix him with nails. He said, leave me as I am for he, that gives me is strengthened through the firewall, enabled me without your security by nails to remain without moving into pile. They did not nail a man, but simply bombed him. And he placed his hands behind him being bombed like a distinguished Ram taken out of a great Flocker sacrifice, prepared to be an acceptable burnt offering unto God, looked up to heaven and said, Lord God almighty the father of your beloved and blessed son, Jesus Christ, by whom we received the knowledge of you, the God of angels and power, and of every creature. Now the whole race, the righteous to live before you I'll give you, thanks that you've counted me worthy of this day and this, but I should have a part in a number of your martyrs in the cup of your Christ, to the resurrection of eternal life, both of soul and body, the incorruption in part by the Holy ghost, I'm on whom I may be accepted this day before he was a fat and acceptable sacrifice. Speaker 0 00:05:38 According to his, you are the ever truthful God. If ordain ever field beforehand to me and now fulfilled wherefore, I asked to praise you for all things. I bless you. I glorify you along with everlasting heavenly Jesus Christ, your beloved son, with whom to you and the Holy ghost, be glory now into all coming ages. Amen. When he pronounced the same man and finished his prayer, those who were appointed for the purpose, kindled the fire, and as the flame blazed forth, the great for theory, we, to him, it was given a witness. It beheld a great miracle. Ben preserved that we might report to others. What then took place for the fire shaping itself into the form of an arch, like the sale of a ship when filled with the wind. It copies compass as by a circle, the body of the martyr. And he appeared within not like flesh, which is burnt, but his Brenda is baked, was gold and silver, glowing in a furnace. Speaker 0 00:06:25 Moreover, we perceived such a sweet odor come from the pile as a frankincense or some such of spices had been smoking there at length. When those wicked men perceived that his body could not be consumed by the fire, they command an execution to go near and Pearson through with a dagger and not his doing this. They came forth the dove and a great quantity of blood. So the fire was extinguished and all the people wanted. There should be such a difference between the unbelievers and the lek whom this most Adderal Polycarp was one. Having their own time has been an Apple stock and prophetic teacher. And Bishop of the Catholic church was in smirk for everywhere that went out of his mouth either has been, or shall yet be accomplished. Those are just excerpts from the act of st. Pauli prayed him today for your fidelity to the faith. Come up may to no matter what you live as a faithful witness of Christ.

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