Accident and Substance Feast of Corpus Christi

June 18, 2006 00:20:23
Accident and Substance Feast of Corpus Christi
Veritas Caritas
Accident and Substance Feast of Corpus Christi

Jun 18 2006 | 00:20:23


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:05 somebody wants to ask me, have you ever wondered where the white goes when the snow mountains? What would he say that again? Have you ever wondered why the white goes when the snow mounts? Why would I wonder that the whiteness depends on the snow. Whiteness is the property as snow. When the snow melts, he left with water and water isn't why. I thought of why we tell him about the whiteness and snow on Corpus Christi. Because today we're going to start by trying to get a crass on the meaning of two words, accident and substance, right? But what does that have to do with the whiteness of snow? We'll get to that. But first off, let's start by noticing something that isn't apparent to some of the people at too much so called education. Whiteness really exists. Snow is really wide. The author's really wide. My Elvis already wide, just paper's really wide. Speaker 1 01:01 Whiteness, the color white release this and snow or they exist to, okay, so why did some so exist? So at father, well, let's ask a question about the relationship between whiteness and snow. The question is, does the white color depend on the snow for his existence or does the snow depend upon the white color for its existence? It's obvious the white color depends on the snow for its existence. Okay. Let's stop for a minute and think about what we've just noticed. We just noticed there's two different ways of existing. At least two right there. We've just seen two different ways of existing. Whiteness really exists. Snow is really wide. My Alvin are white, alters really wide. Paper's really wide and the color white really exists, but in every one of those cases the whiteness exists in another thing. The whiteness of snow exists as a quality of snow. Speaker 1 02:03 The whiteness of this owl or this paper exists as a quality of the ALP or the paper. Okay? Outside of our minds, outside of in minds, there's no such thing as whiteness having a separate existence of its own. Outside of our minds, there is no such thing. It's just whiteness floating around can only white things like my out. We could say the same thing for balloons, the greenness to redness or any old color outside of our minds. Colors don't have a separate existence of their own. They always exist in some other thing. Color is not the only example of beings that don't have a separate existence to their own. They're not the only example of beans would only exist in other things. Here's a few more examples. Outside of our minds, tastes like sour, sweet, don't exist. They don't have a separate existence. Their own, they always exist in another be like a lemon or a crane. Speaker 1 03:04 Upset if our minds waves like ounces or pounds don't exist on their own. They always exist in another pain like barbells around some of these waste upside of our mind shapes like round or oval don't have a separate existence that was existing and other pain of being drawn on a piece of paper or the shape of a race track or attire or the pat, something like that. Now the technical term for these kinds of appearances are properties or qualities or characteristics like whiteness which can exist in other being a technical term is called accidents. Now ordinarily, nearly when we hear that word in, he got a car wreck or something, but an accident is also a technical term, which means that being lesbian nature, it's the nature as be to exist in another pain. An accident has a nature to exist. Another being and another kind of being an exist in is called a substance. Speaker 1 03:59 So what's the substance? Well, this is another technical term. A substance is a particular kind of thing. Unlike an accident, unlike an accident, a substance is a pea which has an independent existence. Now we're not talking about any dependent like independent of Gaza. We're trying to do some kind of devil thing. You okay? No. Unlike an accident of substances of being which has an independent existence, whenever we saw that accidents depended on something else, whiteness depends on something else to exist. A substance has an independent existence. Substances exist in themselves. Accidents exist in substances. Substances exist in themselves, a substance as something whose nature is to exist itself. Accidents exists and substances substances exist in themselves. For example, Snow. Snow is the substance, the color white and the snow is an accident. The freezing temperature of snow is an accident. The little Crystalyn form of snowflakes. Speaker 1 05:01 These are all accidents, okay? So snow exists itself. It's a substance and the whiteness and the freezing temperature and Christmas shapes is snowflakes. They all exist in snow. They're all accidents. All right? I'm a substance like sis to myself. The color of my eyes, my skin, or my hair or the lack of it, they're all accidents. They're all, they all exist to ne. My bald spot doesn't have any independent existence. It's part of me. It isn't floating off in space somewhere. Okay? Okay. My weight, my height, my accident, my knowledge, all these things exist in me. They're part of me. They make me different than what I would be without them, but they're all accidents. So substance and accident are two different kinds of beings. They have two different modes of existence. Basically a substances in independent B and accident as a dependent B. A substance like snow or a particle or an altar boy is the paying whose nature is to exist in itself an accident like the lightness of snow or the shiny golden color, the other gold bar, the weight of it, or the color from an occupy. Speaker 1 06:07 Please here go through all beings whose nature it is to exist as substance. Those are accidents. All right, so hopefully we hammered that down enough. So now we have the basic idea of substance next, hence town. Let's make note of another key point. Take Snow for example. How do we know snow is white? We look at it, how do we even snow is cold. We touch it, we feel it. So what's your point, father? The point is the whiteness and called and says snore accidents and our senses naked possible for us to know about whiteness or cold coldness. The snow. We know accidents to our senses. This is what we sense is accidents. We look at snow, we see its way. We look at a crystal in structure. We look at the priests we see as a polyps or where he has a funny accident or whatever. Speaker 1 06:57 Okay. When we're looking at these things, we're noticing accidents. What colors at what's that way? What's it taste like? How long and wide and deep it is and so forth. We come to knowledge of accidents for a sentence. We have the correct knowledge of vaccines, but we only know the substance through the accidents. We don't come to a direct knowledge of created substances, but we come to know substance to it's accidents. What are you talking about father? I'll just describe some accidents and everybody here will know what the substance is right away. The substances, why it's freezing cold. It's made up little six pointed white crystals. It melts into water falseness guy the winter. Those are all accidents. As soon as I say that, we know what the substance is. It's snow, right? We come to know the substance through it's accidents. All this, it's just background whites. Speaker 1 07:45 We can have a clear understanding of the church's teaching about transubstantiation. Okay. Father, what's transubstantiation? This is a $4 theological world for what happens at the consecration to the bread and the wine. Here's the teaching of the Council of Trent. Now, with that background, if you gotta be clear what they're saying, okay, so listen carefully. This is the council of Trent. By the consecration of the bread and wine, a conversion takes place of the whole substance of the bread and the substance of the body of Christ general org and or the whole substance of the wine and of the substance of his blood. This conversion is appropriately and properly called trans substantiation by the Holy Catholic Church. Closed quote, it's called Trans substantiation because at the consecration, there's a change in sub substance. At the consecration, the whole substance of the bread is conversion into the substance in the body by the Lord and the whole substance of the wine. Speaker 1 08:52 It's concerning his substance at a precious. We all know that, and we also know that after the consecration, there's nothing left at the bread wine except the accident. All that's left are that parents is sometimes people call these species appearances, species accidents. These are all the same. <inaudible> different words for the same thing. Things like the shape and the color, the taste, the quantity. How do the accidents, the bread wine remain without the substance. It's by the power of God. Almighty frank sheet has an interesting discussion of this quote. Whatever the senses perceive even with the aid of those instruments, men are for every event and increase the reach of the Stanford instruments like microscopes for example, of Scales and whatnot. Whatever the sense perceive is always a quality, a property, an attribute, no sense perceived the something which has all those qualities. This something is what philosophers call substance. Speaker 1 09:51 The rest, the things we perceive are accidents, which it possesses. Our senses perceive accidents. Only the mind knows the substance. This is true of bread. It is true of every created thing left to itself. The mind assumes after the consecration, the substance is bad, which in all its past experience has been found to have this particular group of accidents, but in these two instances, the bread and wine of the Eucharist, the mind is not left to itself by the revelation of Christ. It knows that this substance has been changed. In one case, it is the substance of his body into the other end of the substance of his blood. The senses can no more perceived a new substance resulting from the concentration than they could have perceived the substance there before. We cannot repeat too often the senses can perceive only accidents and consecration changes only the substance. Speaker 1 10:56 The accents remain. Their totality, but not of course is accidents of Christ's body. It is not as body which has the whiteness and the roundness and the softness. The accidents once held an existence by the substance of bread knows others once held in existence by the substance of why are not helping existence solely by God's will to maintain him. Close quote. Now I want to make apparent that a core marker that occurred to me as I was reading this to you of a friend went to college in the northeast, and this is before he was a a good Catholic. He's actually a priest now. But in the house he lived, there were a bunch of people that run the witchcraft and the one of the persons who's tell him, I don't know what you'd call it. So this called the which test, you know, I don't know what it's called. Speaker 1 11:43 Like you get your varsity letter in witchcraft. I don't know. But anyway, the deal was for these people, they had 200 hosts scattered on a table and one of them was consecrated that little on the bottom of it. And the people that know what was going on in standing in there and they don't put a door, a person to have to walk in and pick up the consecrated house. That way they knew they passed. Well she passed something like that. Let me just tell you, parents and music possessed because we can't tell with our senses. We can only perceive the accidents. But the angels can see the substance hidden behind the accidents. The fallen aint shows. No, that's Christ our Lord, not just the holy angels. So the devil. Now let's see, we have to believe on phase that kind of shades. Cause our, we, we, we, I'll say it comes from our hearing. Speaker 1 12:32 God said so. So it has to be true. That's why we believe we can't see. But they can see in a different way than us read the book, that book on genius or Eucharistic Love, it'll increase your face cause you see a lot of great things from the saints and eucharistic miracles. That was all parents critical. Back to the sermon where we think about consecration, we had to stop and think about the incredible power that God has given to man. The power God has given to priests. When he says the words of consecration over the bread, this is my body. The substance of the bread is turned as the substance of our Lord's body. And when he says the words of consecration over the wine, that's my blood. The substance, the ones turn into substance of the precious. But now wait a minute. Father, when I learned my catechism, I learned that Jesus was really present whole entire body. Speaker 1 13:23 Bloodstone divinity in the host and in the precious blood. But what you just said is when you say the words, this is my body, the subsidy, the bed is turning the subsidy alerts body, and when you say the words, this is my blood, the substance of the wine is turned to the substance of precious blood. If you said that, then how can crests or lord behold an entire president under the parents as a bread wine? It's a good question. We still know the answer. It is true what I said. The words do have the power to cause what they signify. If I say this is my body, that's the only power I have is when I sit up over the wheat bread that that bread becomes the substance changes come bread to his body. That's my pile I have and when I send this my blood over the wine, the wine changes from the substance of wine into the precious blood, but keep remind yourself what's happened to our Lord since the resurrection he's body can no longer be separated from his precious blood survivor's body is his blood has to be there. Speaker 1 14:26 He's alive because he's alive and his body and blooded there. That means his soul has to be there and because he's God, that means his divinity has to be there. So when I say this is my body, it's true that I only have the power that's not given the power to confect. The Saquon says body becomes the president of the host, but as soon as his body becomes present, his blood has to be there and so has to be. The infinity has to be there and it's likewise with the precious blood to this my blood over the wine. That means that his body has to be there. It still has to be there and his divinity holding entire, both the host and the challenge. All right, father, when the host is broken, is the body of Jesus Christ broken off? So no, only the accidents are broken. Speaker 1 15:09 The body, the substance remains whole. It complete in each of the parts. Does that mean that Jesus Christ is just as much in a park or the host as in a whole host? Yes, it does. We can even see this expressed in literacy because the priest holds his thumb and index finger together after the consecration and how carefully cleaned the patents after communion. Since even the TV is part of a host, he's treated with just as much reverence as if it were a tire host. Since he contains Christ, our Lord Horne entire, does this mean that our lord has as many bodies as there are hosts? It doesn't mean that even though by the mighty power of god to whom nothing is impossible, our Lord's body is really present in many places. At the same time, his body itself is not multiplied. He has only one body which is present everywhere for an entire and other consecrated, most in the world, just like God is everywhere present. Speaker 1 16:03 Well he is, but one guy. Okay. Father, how exactly does transubstantiation work? By the power of God. We have to believe it if we want to be saved, but God hasn't revealed how it works. And in fact, the catechism, the concept Trump warns us about this. According to the warning, so frequently repeated by the holy fathers, the faith Larry Reed warned against, curious, searching into the manner in which this change is effected. It defies the power's conception. Look, when we find any example of that natural transportation or even a very work of creation that such a change takes place must be recognized by faith. How it takes place. We must not curiously acquire close quote. Why not father, what's the problem with be curious about this. Some kinds of curiosity are dangerous. This is an example. We have to humbly recognize your limitations and not stray because of the fallen man. Speaker 1 16:55 Intellectual Pri, which is refusing to recognize their limits, has always been one of the pathways to destruction. Sinful curiosity about hotrod stats, transubstantiation takes place. Canon has often led into things like alchemy, what we now call the new age movement. The church has 2000 years of experience with human weakness. Only a fool would ignore these warnings. We believe by faith when we get to heaven, when we get to see. Gotcha. Says you've got to wait and find out the details on this. So he all by faith the devil's know they tremble the saints. No, we know the angels know, but some things we don't inquire into too. We find out. Okay, well that's your view. We've seen a substance and accident or two different kinds of being. They have two different modes of existence. Basically a substance as an independent being and accident as a dependent being a substance like snow is a paying whose nature is kicks. Speaker 1 17:51 History itself an accident like the whiteness, the snow, the temperature, the Crystalyn shape of the plagues. These are beings whose nature it is to exist in a substance. We've seen it. The consecration, there's a change called transubstantiation. At the consequences of the whole substance of the bread is converted into substance to the body of our Lord. The whole substance of the wine is converted into the substance of your precious blood. We've seen that after the consecration. There's nothing left of the bread and wine except the accidents. All that's left other parents is sometimes known as species. Things such as the shape, the color of the case, the quantity in all of these accidents are held in existence only by the will of God. Let's close with three thoughts from the council of trend. First, if anyone says that in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist, the substance of the bread wine remains together with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and denied that wonderful and singular conversion of the host substance to the bread end of the body and the whole substance of the wine and the blood, but only the accident to the bedliner main, a conversion with the Catholic church most repeatedly calls transubstantiation let them be an Afro. Speaker 1 19:04 Second, if anyone says that faith alone is a sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrum to the most holy Eucharist, let him be anathema and for fear less so greatest Saccharin David maybe received unworldly and so on to death and condemnation. This holy Senate ordains and declares that Sacramento Confession must necessarily be made beforehand by those whose conscience is burdened with mortal sin. How can try even, they may, they may ever consider themselves. And if anyone should teach, preach who obstinately assert or even in public disputation, presumed to defend the contrary. By that very fact is excommunicated. And finally the Holy Senate declares more of it. This custom was piously and religiously introduced you to the Church of God. That I'm special feast day. Every year Corpus Christi, the Sublime and vulnerable segment be celebrated with extraordinary veneration of solemnity and it'd be born reverently and was honoring procession through the streets and public places. And so indeed, Victoria's truth, Auto Silbert a triumph or a falsehood and heresy that our adversaries at the site of so much splendor in the midst of so great joy, the University of church, the other vanish, weakened and broken or overcome and confounded by shame. May someday repent. Calculus.

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