End Times What Sings to Look For (Part 2)

November 28, 2011 00:27:26
End Times What Sings to Look For (Part 2)
Veritas Caritas
End Times What Sings to Look For (Part 2)

Nov 28 2011 | 00:27:26


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Speaker 0 00:00 On the last Sunday of the liturgical year and the first Sunday of advent, the church asks us to consider the end of the world and we've been doing just that. So have a quick review of what we saw this last week. First we saw that the important thing is not so much when in history we live, but how we die. We're all going to die. We're all going to be judged. The important thing is to do our duty and stay in a state of grace and then whenever we die we're saved. Second, we learned what the word tight means. A tight is a person, a thing or an action that actually exists but is also intended by God to prefigure a future person, a thing or action. And we saw in second testimonies, two, three Saint Paul explicitly teaches that the end of the world can't come unless their first been apostasy. Speaker 0 00:56 A great falling away from the true faith and then the antichrist, the man of sin be revealed. And then we took a quick look at a historical example, which the fathers and doctors have always considered to be a very clear type of the great apostasy, and that's the one that occurred in Jerusalem about 170 BC and we saw that among other things to integrate apostasy itself. We'd expect to see such things as the behavior inside our churches becoming increasingly disruptive and irreverent. A, we'd see people banding the true faith, all the traditions that fathers and turning to false religions, paganism and worldliness, and we'd note, especially among the lady in praise to dramatic rise in immodest behavior dress and perversities most especially those associated with the bay area in San Francisco. Finally, we saw that for the last century. The pope's had been explicitly warning us about the great apostasy so much for the review. Speaker 0 01:58 Now let's take a look today at the ruler who prefigures the antichrist is, whose name is Antiochus Epiphanes after og Xander, the great died in three 23 BC. His kingdom was split into four parts. The time, the Maccabees two, some hundred and 50 years after Alexander's death, the part of his kingdom, which included the holy land, was ruled by Antiochus. Epiphanes is a Greek king of Syria. Today will consider certain features of his rule, uh, by reading lines from inspired, uh, books of first and second Maccabees. Uh, now keep in mind there's a lot more there than what we'll be able to cover in the time we've gotten. As usual, we'll do a lot of cutting and splicing after read some scripture than once again for comments. We'll turn to the great commentary by Father Coin in Salafi today. So let's get started then. Aaron inspired word of God and some of the Jewish people determined to make a covenant with the Heathens and went to King and Thai Cause Epiphany's and you authorize them to follow the ordinances of the heathens. Speaker 0 03:05 Now, who went to Antiochus Epiphanes with this request? Kenenisa at a quote, the leader of the wicked man was chasing who treacherously managed to seize the high priest for himself. Close quote. So here we see ambitious apostate priests paving the way for the tyrannical rule of Antiochus Epiphanes in his paganism. Last week we saw the state that the people fell into this resulting apostasy. Then suddenly in the midst of all apostasy, there appeared terrorists from heaven and great signs, the inspired inerrant word of God quote, and it came to pass the to the whole city of Jerusalem for the space of 40 days. There were seen horsemen running in the air and gilded Raymond and armed with spears like bands of soldiers and horses set in order by ranks running one against another with the shakings of shields and a multitude of men and helmets with drawn sorts and casting a darts and glaring of golden armor and of harnesses of all sorts. Speaker 0 04:07 Where for all men prayed that these prodigies might turn to good close quote, quote a celebrity comments on this quote. Indeed, this portent was done by the angels at the command of God that through these things, God might warn the Jews beforehand about the attack soon to be made upon them by Antiochus Epiphanes. Okay. So now the Lord has warned everybody about the upcoming attack and tie because Epiphanes arrives on the scene and Jerusalem inspired Internet, word of God, quote, and Antiochus went up to Jerusalem with a great multitude, and he took the city by force of arms, and he commanded the soldiers to kill and not to spare any that came in their way and to go up into the houses to slay. Thus, there was a slaughter of young and old, a destruction of women and children and killing of Virginians and infants. And there were slain in a space of three whole days. Speaker 0 05:07 Eighty thousand forty thousand were made prisoners in as many sold as slaves. Closed quote, that's still not all the word of God quote, but this was not enough. Antiochus Epiphanes presumed also to enter into the temple, the most holy in all the world and taking in his wicked hands, the holy vessels. He unwordly handled and profaned them. And he proudly entered in the sanctuary and it took away the Golden Altar and the candle stick of light and all the vessels and the veil and the crowns and the golden ornament that was before the temple. And he broke them all in pieces and he took the silver and gold and the precious vessels and they took the hidden treasures, which he found. And when he had taken all away, he deposited into his own country, close quotes. So here we see that iconic class and of Antiochus Epiphanes as he Sachs, the temple iconoclasm is the deliberate destruction of religious artwork in symbols. Why does God allow this arrogant pig and to profane and strip the temple? The inspired word of God gives us the answer. Speaker 1 06:17 Okay. Speaker 0 06:18 God was angry for a while because of the sins of the inhabitants of the city. And therefore this contempt, it happened to the place and the holy place itself shared in the evils of the people. Close quote, the Haydock commentary. Temples and sacrifices are for our own advantage. God has often suffered sacred places to be profaned when piety had been disregarded. What's the point? As we saw last week, instead of being pious, instead of claim to the true faith in large part, the Jewish priests and people who become a Postie, the Haydock commentary quote, all religious, the rights are designed for God's glory and Man's welfare. Hence, when they cease to serve God, the holy things are destroyed or taken away. Speaker 0 07:18 All religious rights are designed for God's glory and Man's welfare. Hence, when they cease to serve God, the holy things are destroyed or taken away. The holy things are destroyed or taken away when they're no longer used for God's glory and the welfare of man. That's a very serious message here. For each one of us, this beautiful liturgy or holy faith, all this is ours to lose. It's ours to lose. If we're not pious, if we're not serious about avoiding sacrileges, communions and every kind of irreverent behavior and training the children in that way to God will take this all away and that means all of it. He's done it before. He'll do it again. That's not a prophecy. It's a certainty. God means what he says and you won't be mocked or trifled with for long. Speaker 0 08:18 So far we've seen death prophet nation, a stripping the temple, it gets worse inspired word of God and King Antiochus wrote tallest kingdom that all the people should be one and everyone should leave his own law. And many of Israel consented to his service and they sacrificed to idols and profane the sabbath as whatsoever would not do this should be put to death. And many of Israel consented and when the feast of Bacchus was kept, the Jews were compelled to go about crown with Ivy and honor of Backus and whoever would not conform themselves to the ways of the gentiles should be put to death. Here we see the exclusive claims to the one true religion being put to the test. We also see many of the two is becoming actual pagan, idolaters, Quenessa, Lafa Dei and type has commanded that there should be uniformity and faith and religion so that all the people who United and the same superstitions in idolatry just as they were all United in the same kingdom, and therefore the Jews should abandon the laws and the worship of God handed down to Moses and to file themselves with sacrilegious sacrifices and the superstitions and idols of the gentiles. Speaker 0 09:29 And when the Bacchanalia that is the face to back us was celebrated with drinking, dancing, public spectacles, impurities, and all the sins of the flesh, the Jews were forced to wear crowns of IB and honor back a snuggle around the temple or the city closed quotes. Now, what is the Bacchanalia? The pig in a Roman historian, Livvy has a description of the bacchanalian rights, which with some editing can be a read aloud quote to the religious performances in the Bacchanalia to the religious performances we're out of the pleasures of wine and feasting when wine lascivious discourse night and the mingling of the is had extinguished every sentiment of modesty. Then to Bob trees of every kind began to be practiced as every person fond at hand. That sort of enjoyment to which he was disposed by the passion predominant in his nature, nor were they confined to one kind of vice on account of the loud shouting and the noise of drums and symbols. Speaker 0 10:36 None of the cries uttered by the person suffering violation or murder could be heard abroad. Closed quote, that's the Bacchanalia. It gets worse. Inspired. Word of God can talk, has set up the bottle idle of desolation upon the altar of God. And they built altars throughout all the cities of Judah roundabout, and they cut in pieces and burnt with fire. The books of the law of God and everyone with whom the books or the testament Lord were found. It was whoever observed the law of the Lord. They put to death according to the edict of the king, and they sacrificed upon the altar of the idol that was over against the altar of God. Close, quote, Corny slappity quote for Antiochus wished to Bosh the worship of the true God and forced the Jews to adore his idol. Phantasticus wished to be worshiped as being one with the God jove himself. Not only did he want to force them to turn away from the worship of God to the worship of jove. At the same time, you want to seduce them to commit impurities, which is plainly the work of the devil. Therefore, Antiochus ordered that the idol of Joel be placed in a temple dedicated Speaker 0 11:54 by a solemn right and a door from that spot called the temple of jove. On the salty, they sacrificed only to Cho, but also to Antiochus himself as if he were a god. For he himself wished to be worshipers of God just as was predicted by the Prophet Daniel. Therefore, anti cause is a type of the antichrist. Behold, this is indeed the abomination of desolation. That is the adulterous abomination, which makes all things desolate, predicted more than 300 years before by the Prophet Daniel close quotes. So there we see the abomination of desolation. The temple, a pagan idol, a demon worship by the pigs is set up and the temple of the true God and false worship and sacrifices are offered to it. Now, there's plenty more that can be said about the rain of Antiochus Epiphanes, but we've seen enough to get the general picture and remember what a type is a type as a person thing or an action that actually exist, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Speaker 0 12:57 So based on indications we've seen in a prefigurement of both the great apostasy and the antichrist, and since our Lord has commanded us to read the signs of the Times, watch you. Therefore, because you know not at what hour your order will come. Behold, I come as a thief. Pluses. He watches. Here are a few signs of Catholics might want to be on the lookout for sign the behavior and Catholic churches becoming increasingly unbecoming, disruptive. And you're reverend Catholics of banning the true faith and traditions that are fathers turn to false religions. Paganism, worldliness bunk amongst both the lady and priests who dramatic rise in a modest dress, behavior and perversities most notably certainly politically correct sins and those associated with Boston sign Catholic priest neglecting their priestly duties, especially the holy sacrifice, the mass applications, the ones for all sin offering to centers in the confessional sign sign and poor tents in the sky. Speaker 0 14:05 It is true that we haven't seen anything like the angelic battle scene in the skies over Jerusalem, but it is interesting in those days our Lord states that the sun shall be dark and Saint Augustan explains one of the spiritual meanings of our Lord statement, Saint Augusta and quote the son. That is to say the church shall be darkened because in those tremendous temptations and tribulations which shall be in the end of the world, many who had seemed as bright and as firm as the sun and stars shall fall from the faith. Close quote in today's Gospel and our Lord speaks of signs in the sun and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. It's hard not to think of Fatima sine the occupation of Jerusalem. It looked 2124 now that's the line fond immediately before today's Gospel, our Lord states quote, Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the gentiles till the time of the nations be fulfilled. Speaker 0 15:05 Close quote, coordinator slap. Today, quote, Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the gentiles to the time the nations be fulfilled. That is to say to the end of the world and of all nations, as the venerable Bede states until the plenitude of the gentile, she'll enter into the Church of Christ. For Christ has regard to the desolation of trueislam. This was foretold by Daniel and chapter nine where it is said the desolation shall continue onto the consummation and the end meaning that Jerusalem, after being raised to the ground and laid desks, that by Titus shall no longer be the capital city of the Jews, but shall belong to the gentiles. And after that to the Christians and after that to the Saracens and the Turks as it is at present. Now he's writing a 400 years ago, and of course a Jerusalem was trodden down by the gentiles for some 19th centuries, right up until the six day war in 1967, uh, back to Courtney still happening. Speaker 0 16:07 And this state of things shall continue until the end of the world when anti Christ the King Messiah. So the Jews shall fix the seat of his empire at Jerusalem as is planned from apocalypse 11 eight and then she'll eat, not gonna last resist, anti-christ and convert many of the Jews to Christ. After antichrist is slang, all the Jews shall be brought to Christ by the disciples of Enoch and Elias and she'll publicly worship Christ in Jerusalem as may be easily gathered from apocalypse. 28 close quote, sign the wholesale martyrdom slaughter of Catholics. More Catholics have been martyred in the past hundred years. Then the total from all the previous 19th centuries sign the moral corruption and degradation of our youth. Hardly bears comment. It's already almost beyond belief. The schools are are just one of many examples. Just think about the new a rainbow curriculum that's mandatory and Catholic public schools. Speaker 0 17:11 I was on the Texans for life coalition website yesterday and it reports that in Catholic schools in Houston, Galveston in San Antonio, quote, a new, a immoral education curriculum aimed at grammar school. Children has been adopted by local authorities in terms that rival the boldness and indecency of planned parenthood. Explicit materials offered to children as young as five years old. Close quote and the universities are certainly part of the program as well. The Lights Defense Fund reports that a student Georgia tech who didn't mock Kirsten threatened with rape and murder for standing up for faith and views on campus. She was told by one of the deans that quote students had been indoctrinated for 18 years of their lives by their parents and their churches and we only have four years to undo the damage. Close. Cool sign, punishment and persecution for keeping the laws of God again. You hardly need the priest to point any this up. Speaker 0 18:11 One example, I think it's a sign of things to come will suffice. Quote, a young Christian photographer was report to New Mexico. His civil rights commission tried, found guilty in order to pay nearly $7,000 in attorney's fees at her. She respectfully declined to photograph the commitment ceremony of a certain couple, despite the fact that neither of these types of utterly immoral marriages nor civil unions are legal in New Mexico close quilt to say nothing. The fact that the, these are one of the four sins that cry out to him for vengeance. Sign a wholesale rise in the worship of Backus. Remember that the pig and feasted Baucus a Bacchanalia celebrated with drinking, dancing, public spectacles, impurities, all the sins of the flesh, this sort of drunken debauchery, the Bacchanalia is easy to find. It's just been electrified. So a culture of rock and roll, nightclubs, MTV, et Cetera, sign. Speaker 0 19:20 I pushed towards United one world religion, which of course is not the true religion. On that note, the Uri, it's the United Religions Initiative. It's founded in 1995. Uh, they with the goal of making the spiritual equivalent of the United Nations and accompanies, which is supposed to encompass all religions and all types of spirituality, all types of spirituality, the state of goals that you are, I include peace and unity among religions, social justice preservation environment. At the 1997 Uri summit conference, a public worship service included a procession of 15 banners with symbols representing the world's religion, including a banner for the Wiccans, the neopagan witchcraft movement. The 15th banner on it had an empty silver circle representing the religions, which are to come. We shouldn't be alarmed by any of this, but we should pay attention, sign false idolatrous worship and Catholic churches wrecking of idols and Catholic churches and worshiping given them. Speaker 0 20:19 Now this sort of thing is cropping up, uh, more and more often than not just in the chapels of female religious communities that have lost their way. Of course. Everyone here is a, I'm sure is familiar with the astonishing example. In a CC on October 27th, 1986 when the Dalai Lama and a group of his Tibetan Buddhist monks placed to statue the Buddha on top of the tabernacle and they placed this lotus flower shaped sensor in front of the Tabernacle on the side, one side of the tabernacle with his banner with Buddhist, I don't know what on it, and then two pagan books, two Buddhist books on either side of the Tabernacle, and then they bow down in front of the alter and did some sort of Pagan Buddhist ceremony. Now, by the way, if you want to see the actual examples, real examples of the bronze idols that Tibetan Buddhists pray to, there's an absolutely remarkable exhibit over them in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. If you go to look at him, you must be careful that your children do not look at them. Speaker 0 21:27 Another example. Springs to mind took place exactly one month ago today in the Basilica St Mary, the angels in a CC on the 25th anniversary of the first meeting there and Nigeria named Wanda on BIM Bla. Now he's a former Harvard professor, uh, which is fitting and a current high priest, a Yoruba religion. We should read that. Which doctor? This which doctor took the Cajun to lecture the pope and others present. And here's what the witch doctor had to say, quilt. The time has come for leaders of all the world's religions to have a new frame of mind in which indigenous religions are given the same respect and consideration as other religions. Close quote, well thanks a lot doctor. This moral advice coming from the high priest of a religion, which traditionally not only sacrifices animals but also humans. And then he took the occasion to shake a rattle and sing some sort of song. Speaker 0 22:23 Him incantation, curse, I don't know, take your choice in honor of one of the demons he warships, which is supposedly he believes his chained to the bottom of the ocean. Well, he's chained. All right, but it's a little deeper than the bottom of the ocean. Anyway, uh, over here, this Jaruba religion of which this guy is a witch doctor over here and the Spanish speaking parts where let's cut Santa Santeria and in the Portuguese parts of the world, his condo Loan Bay from a Combi, uh, Father Gabriel Amarth, he's the retired former chief excess and wrong most experienced excersice in the world. Uh, points out that the very most difficult clerks curses for an exercise to break are those that are done through Voodoo. Now voodoo comes, this guy's from Nigeria and right next door where his tribe, the tribe he's from is binning where Voodoo. That's, that's from tribes right there and Beneen and the ones that are from Voodoo or from Yoruba. Speaker 0 23:19 Those are the two hardest curses for extra says to break in the world. And we have the guys like this giving us moral advice in Catholic churches. Thanks a lot. What are we to think of this? Let's check with God. Psalm 95, five quote, all the Gods, the gentiles are devils. Close quote, God, the Holy Ghost Sign Prophet nation. And stripping of a beauty, sacred vessels and treasures found in Catholic churches. How many churches have been rec evaded, beautiful marble alters smashed Chelsea's monstrances relic statues thrown away. Cornelius Lafferty has the most interesting and alarming observation. It's worth pondering very carefully. Quote morally, the abomination of desolation is sacrilege and heresy, especially iconoclasm for heresy is an idol, abominable, the God which brings around the desolation of Kingdoms and peoples and the yolk or the Turk by the yoke of the Cherokee means invasion of Islam. This is worth repeating morally. Speaker 0 24:38 The abomination of desolation is sacrificially sacrilege and heresy, especially iconoclasm for heresy as an idol, abominable to God, which brings about the destruction of Kingdoms and peoples and the yolk of the Turk. For one heretics, especially iconic class violet, consecrated churches and breaks the images of the saints and Profane the holy places. Then it is certain that the desolation and devastation of the people is eminent God adventures sacrilege in the violation of his Divine Majesty, worship and religion. Close. Cool. When heretics, especially iconic class, violate consecrated churches and break the images of the saints and Profane the holy places than it is certain that the devastation and desolation that people is eminent God Avengers sacrilege in the violation of his Divine Majesty, worship and religion. So if we are heating our Lord's command to watch, those are a few of the signs we might want to watch for. Pope's have already given us a fairly decent idea of where in history we're living. Now what are we supposed to do? Speaker 0 26:15 We want to remember that God's in charge. He loves us. He knows exactly when in history he wanted each one of us to live. You don't need to imitate chicken. Little weenies each need to do our duty and our state of life. We need to get serious about the commandments and he gets serious about our faith. We need to get serious about our personal sear rosary. Any three hell marriages and your prayers every day. No exceptions where your Brown scapular stop sinning. Go to confession every two weeks. Make forbid communions spend time before Lord knows, busted sacrum of the altar. Put God first and become holy. It's pretty basic. Get serious about your faith. Stay in the state of grace and do your duty. Just do your duty.

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