The Need to Be Loved

January 14, 2018 00:38:32
The Need to Be Loved
Veritas Caritas
The Need to Be Loved

Jan 14 2018 | 00:38:32


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Henry oppressive. Let the peace of Christ the choice in your hearts, name of the father and the son. Holy spirit. Amen. Now we've talked on this topic before, but it's so important. It certainly bears with PD. We all want to be happy. We all want to be loved and we all want to be free. All those desires are written in the very hearts of men, their deepest, most profound desires, but you don't need me to tell you that something is really wrong here, really wrong. It's obvious from you even most casual clients at our society today, instead of happiness, instead of peace, instead of a well-being's, there's so much existential misery and unhappiness and anger desperation. Instead of love, we have loneliness and abandonment and emptiness instead of freedom people aren't bondaged vices and sin. They're unhappy. They got distress and turmoil over the social chaos and all the pain and emptiness that you can see in so many people's lives. Speaker 0 00:01:15 The agitation bustling about broken marriages, shattered families, perversions the hypersexualization of our society. All these kinds of things that you see people covered with tattoos and piercings, empty seminaries, empty Cloisters MTPs. Those are all visible signs, sort of emptiness inside. So many people on the happiness of the surface, living wreckage of so many lives that are meant for love and peace and happiness. And every one of these people wants to be loved for the most part. They're not experiencing that. And they actually don't even know how to experience that. So why all this chaos said it's because people actually are looking for love, but they don't know where to find it. So they're looking, they're trying to fill this emptiness inside. They're grasping different pleasures, or try to deaden the pain with drugs or alcohol, or just turning up the music ever. But everybody wants to be loved. Everybody needs to be loved. Everybody was created to be loved. Now I don't want to show hands, but let's bring a little closer. How many of you are really truly happy and have a deep inner peace managed to keep your peace? No matter how trebling the fairs are and the church and the state, or even in your own home, how many you really feel the love of God truly feel that because we all want to be happy. We're made to have that kind of peace. Those desires are written in our hearts. Speaker 0 00:02:57 There are deepest, profound aspirations yet in my pastoral experience, there are very few people that can say they're truly happy that they really feel free and loved. Why is that so rare? We'll talk about that today. I'm gonna talk about why so few people have that experience more importantly though, than why we're gonna talk about what each of us can do about that. What each of us can do to start actually experiencing that true happiness. That true love, that deep and lasting inner peace and freedom known as book interior freedom, a father shot Phillipe, and he's a man. I consider pride to me the most profound spiritual writer today, living today, he writes quote, every Christian needs to discover that even the most unfair circumstances, we possess within ourselves a space of freedom that nobody can take away because God is at the source and guaranteed without this discovery, we will always be restricted in some way, will never taste to happiness. Speaker 0 00:04:10 But if we've learned to let this inner space and freedom unfold, then even though many things they will cause us to suffer. Nothing will be able to really impress us or crush us. If we've learned to let this inner space, that freedom unfold, then even though many things may cause us to suffer, nothing will ever be able to crush us or impress us. St. Maximum Colby was at peace when he should OSH words, that's worth meditating on. If he could find his peace in Auschwitz, that we can find our peace here. Let's talk about that because the sad fact of the matter is very fair. Very few people have found that inner space had freedom nowadays. And that's why so few can say they're truly at pace. They're truly loved. They try to feel free. In other words, what we're saying is if someone doesn't know how to do that, you're not feeling low, but to the degree they not experienced this to unfold, this energy of freedom, then they'll be happy. And this isn't some sort of weird Eastern meditation technique where we deny reality. It's look reality really in the face Saint Maximilian wasn't denying he was in Auschwitz. Speaker 0 00:05:34 Okay? Why is it so folded up in most people in one word it's woundedness. The reason why so many people are folded up it's because their woundedness. So in the time we have left, we sketch out in broad terms, just how each one of us can approach the problem or woundedness. As I say, we've talked about some of these aspects before by come it in different areas. So if you listen to all the things over time, you can put it together and really have a program going for yourself. We'll briefly review what we mean by wounds. There's two basic kinds of lawns, physical and spiritual. When you cut yourself the knife, it makes a physical <inaudible>. The severity of the wound, depends on how deep you cut yourself, where you were cut. You know, over time as the wound heals. Typically the pain decreases too. All you have left is a scar. Speaker 0 00:06:26 Now a spiritual woman is exactly analogous to physical, a spiritual as a result of a trauma or event in someone's life. I left an impression at some kinds can be remembered sometimes not the seriousness of the wound, the depth out spiritual one. So to speak depends on the seriousness of the trial or the event. The traumas that caused such wounds can range from self-inflicted wounds, resulting from every sin because each and every sin does wound does, or the ones that have been inflicted on us through no fault of our own like being violently assaulted. <inaudible> being conceived outside of marriage because it actually will own somebody, but I'm like the typical progression of a physical wound from damage to healing to scar. Typically spiritual moment remains present. And why is that? It's because in spite of the fact they cause pain, people typically don't know how to heal from spiritual ones, but because of wounds, this source of pain, we typically wrote back barriers. Speaker 0 00:07:21 Rob, just like, if you had a bad cut on your arm, you'd be really fair, but you wouldn't wanna lean your arm on seven. You're careful not to bump it into something with a spiritual wound. People develop behavioral patterns to protect themselves so they can live with it. Get off. These berries are typically a it's expressed in certain personality, quirks and faults. They serve to protect us from that pain might see an expression as anger, resentment, hatred of certain people or situations not being able to deal with large crowds of people living in the past, living in the future and so forth. It's a really brief summary. I've talked more tips elsewhere on his website, father, Chad, rip your heads for accent 45 minute long spiritual conferences dealing with wounds and healing for those who want more details there. And he'll be talking in a different, from a different perspective. Speaker 0 00:08:08 So useful. Cause we've talked about spiritual things. You have to take different perspectives because any one of them, isn't going to be able to capture it. Now that we have some idea of what we mean by spiritual ones, let's make up an example of a wounded person and then sort of walked through the process of her healing, of her unfolding, that inner space of freedom, so to speak. And all of this is a personal making up. I've dealt with people that have had every one of these things. So I'm just making a composite because obviously I can't directly talk about anything that I work with. So obviously besides Warren's original sin, everybody has these wounds because of our different life experiences, but the process of humans, basically the same. So once we get the idea of how it works, what sort of approach to take to oneness, we can easily apply to our own circumstances. Speaker 0 00:08:56 So we're going to make up a woman. We'll call her Judy. At the age of 16, she gets violated. She winds up pregnant. When her dad finds out, he flips out and she caves into his pressure and has an abortion. Then complication said, and as a result, she has to have a hysterectomy. So now she's sterile. So she starts drinking and acting out. But as the years wear on, uh, she finds herself more and more unhappy. She finds herself like what used to be somewhat pleasurable, at least able to dead in the pain. He's more and more gross and disgusting to her. She just can't convince herself anymore that the drinking and sleeping around is fun and she feels more and more empty. One more used and just playing miserable. Now, obviously before two of these inner space of freedom can unfold. So to speak, she's got a Hale. Speaker 0 00:09:45 She's got to heal from the trauma and violated from the wound of her dad pressuring her to board his grandchild from the abortion itself. The fact that the hysterectomy, she can have her have another child from her disorder, drinking from all her acting up. There's other things we'll touch on later. So Judy is very, very wounded, but she's like her or she's Legion. This is, this is a society. How can someone can somebody like Judy can be healed? Absolutely. I've seen people heal from every one of the sort of wounds that Judy has. I've seen men and women that are actually a lot more wounded, a lot more far for the gun and shooting here. Some are in the process. Some are along the way and some have actually made it to the Heights of holiness. And I'm using that in the proper sense of the word. Speaker 0 00:10:34 I mean real sanctity. Okay. It's definitely possible for somebody like you to be healed and experience a true freedom, a true happiness based prudence truly be loved. So how would she set out on this healing journey? The first step in any journey is the most important. She can't be close to the truth. Judy can't get anywhere unless she's open to the truth. So that's the first step she has to make an act to the will, should be open to the truth no matter where that leads or not. What's important. She may wisely suspect. She's not strong enough to embrace the truth about herself and all one glance, but she hasn't asked to do that. She doesn't have to, she didn't tell you one step at a time, but she has to be committed to face the truth. And over time, the old truth, what is essential, she remains open to the truth, no matter where it leads. It, it is absolutely impossible to make progress without audio. And so often this isn't the very reason why people remain stuck in bondage. They're miserable, unhappy conditions. I had a friend. I can talk about this cause it's a publicly known thing, but just really briefly, she had a situation like this and had a hysterectomy. And then she became an activist and a portion activism problem. It took her 10 years to mentor. So it's the only children she would ever have. She had been involved in importing. She couldn't start the healing for 10 years. Speaker 0 00:12:22 Once she admitted that, then she was on way she was on away. Okay. But you don't have to admit it all at once. They do. They don't just can't or one reason, someone who gets stuck as a candle will admit the tree to themselves. There can't be any real progress. The kind of you were talking about is an act of God and requires the cooperation of a man because God is truth himself. God will not end. He cannot build on a lie. This is why we must be open to the truth about ourselves. If we want to heal, God can't build on a lie. He can't heal a lie. He can't he's God, but there's things he can do. And that's a contradiction in terms is to expect God, to prove a lie. Speaker 0 00:13:10 So it's absolutely essential for Judy to be dedicated truth, no matter how painful and convenient, maybe to her personally, again, a lot of people bogged on right there. They want things to be the way they want it to be. And not the way they really are. Now let's consider two possibilities first, supposing that are situations far too horrific for the face initially. So Judy just can't take it. Um, secondly, second situation, although suppose it's very painful. She can't face her situation situation initially. So we're going to start with the, she can't even face it it's much too much to her for the handle initially. And this is realistic because of her damage and would miss from the violation compounded by her dad's rejection number, enter an hour of greatest need fall by the trauma of the abortion resulting on sterilization. It's quite possible that over on a core, Judy just can't face the truth about herself. Speaker 0 00:14:00 She's wounded. She's traumatized the very person she looked for love and protection, acceptance, vile, rejected her and conspired to murder his own grandson. And ultimately the sterilization of his own daughter and said all that's too painful for. And of course it's some level of she'll know that that's probably the principal source or Wilder Belize behavior on. She has to start somewhere. So let's suppose for the men of your sheets too much for, to face it relieves to horrific, it seems like she'd be stuck since she has to be dedicated to the truth about who she is. And that truth is way too much further to handle. But with this sort of horrific trauma, she shouldn't necessarily try to call the circumstances to mind. This is not a psychological exercise. It's a spiritual, it's not necessarily might even do more harm than good. So what can she do? Speaker 0 00:14:45 What can she do to do it for life? Her situation is just too painful for her to actually face or even to think about much. It's actually quite simple. She needs to ask our lady to bring our Lord into woundedness and pain and healer and make her free. She has to pray something along these lines. God, I can't handle this, but you can't give me the grace to admit the truth about myself, me, the grace, to see myself as you see me and to love myself as you love me, God, I can't house, but you cannot turn it all over to give me the grades to see and admit the truth about myself. Give me the grace to see myself, to, to see me and to love myself as you love. Speaker 0 00:15:35 And over time, if Judy's faithful to this sort of prayer, God will come into her life into her woundedness. And the result is she is healed and get strong enough to be able to start facing more of the reality. She'll get the grace to persevere in this healing journey. So that's the first possibility the situation is too horrific for her to face. Initially, we're about to explain where next steps would be because now she's actually moved herself with the grace of God, to the next thing where it's painful, but she can start admitting the truth. That's the second possibility. Even if the situation was too much for her to handle, initially, she's now moved to the point where they've all experienced pain before she can face the situation initially. So what should she do? She should pick a woman. Let's say the violation. Now, if she wants to be healed, Judy has to make an act of the will, that she really wants this to be healed and she's willing to suffer whatever it takes to be free of this moment. Speaker 0 00:16:29 And that's critical. She has to make an act of the will, that she actually wants this to be healed. She's willing to suffer whatever it takes to be free of this wound. And I've talked elsewhere in detail about this. Just apparent critically. This sounds strange, but a lot of people won't want to let go because I think this is my pain. I went through it. Nobody else can understand it, et cetera, listen to the other conferences about that. But that's one of the reasons she has to make that girl she's willing to be healed. She wants to be free. She can do whatever it takes. She has to have in her mind, it's going to hurt. It is going to hurt. It's like resetting a broken bone in your heart. It's going to hurt. But in this case, she's, it's going to hurt. But in healing, the pain is because, because it's being released and coming out, when she got wounded, there was pain going in and she's had it in there all that time. Speaker 0 00:17:21 Knott's pain going up. So that pain that hurt that stuff coming out. It's like, she's been standing on a manhole cover and this she is. She starts to miss prayer. The healing that manhole cover gets released, and then this stuff starts flowing out. People call me up and say, father, there's something wrong, all this stuff going on, but that's actually something, right? It shows your prayers are being heard. It's going to hurt. But that hurt was there all that time. Okay. It's the most important thing is to make an actor. Well, she wants us to be healed and she's willing to suffer whatever it takes to be free of this. When she asked to have in mind, it's going to hurt, but that pain can be put to good use just one small anecdote in that regard, before we go on Yvonne Beauvais, she was later known as mother, Yvonne, Amy of Jesus. Speaker 0 00:18:11 It was one of the most remarkable women. The last century. She was a victim soul who among other things was given a mission to suffer for priests, to make reparation for those who committed sacrilege as against the most blessed sacrament. She's a 24 year old woman waiting to be accepted in the economy. When August 10th, 1925, she was an ambushed and kidnapped by three men. They beat her and tortured her. And I can't talk about that really. Um, in this venue, one of the mentors, Humes actually depraved priest, whom she had previously tried to help by delivering them a warning from our lawyer. And then he violated her. Speaker 0 00:18:53 She was tossed out blindfolded. He deserted street in a rough part of Paris. She'd been kidnapped, be torture violated by a priest, a doest on an empty street. She's waiting to enter religious life, but now she doesn't know what's going to be over or vocation of her life in her journals. She wrote quote, Jesus chose the heaviest cross. The most humiliating I suffered a trow. She's the non parts of my body and every fiber of my heart and my soul, but the most beautiful entries or simple statement had called that his trial. I obtained that same year, the ransom, the 32 souls of priests and danger close quote is that pain. It didn't go to waste. She paid the price. The Saul's at 32 prays were almost impossible to convert all week on that. Speaker 0 00:20:16 What became a rapper, a priest to buy me dinner. He then repented and was converted. She paid the price for that man that she had just produced the painted gold awakes. Look, when we're talking about healing, serious wounds, it's going to hurt. It's doable though. It doesn't have to go to waste. And if you offered up that moment, you could certainly pray money. Yvonne and me a cheeses town here. Okay. So Judy identified upon the violation. She makes an actor. Well, she really wants it to be healed. She's willing to suffer whatever it takes to be free of this woman. She has to have it in her mind. It's going to hurt. And the healing, it hurts because in pain is being released and going on. It was owning. The pain was going in. So she's picked up on. She wants to be healed. Now she needs to turn to our lady and pray along these lines. Speaker 0 00:21:19 Bless mother of God. I completely open this wound of violation and everything associated with it and everything that followed. Then she asked her lady at Begley to wash, cleanse and purify this morning by tears and precious butter. Last time. Then, then she asked her lady who had begged me to bring my son into this world to heal it. Then she asked her a big of Phyllis bottle charity because of Dyson to stay in rural. Okay. Walk back through what she trans translating and tell us our lady, I completely open this wall and she names the loan and everything associated with it and everything that followed from it because she wants to open all that up. She doesn't have to remember it. She shouldn't try to remember it. The object isn't to go into the fetal position or bedroom and not get up it's to be healed. Speaker 0 00:22:13 So she just make an act of open it up and ask him how he did come into it. And she asked her lady to cleanse and purify with her tears and then the precious blood of her side. Then she asked her to bring her son into that long to heal it. Then she asked her they son to fill in with charity to stay there and rule cause they've been closed out of that part of the body, but he's outside of time, he can come into that. Okay? So she opens, completed this one violation and everything associated with it and everything fall forward. She escalated wash, cleanse and purify with her tears, her son. She asked her to bring her son into it, to heal it and to fill that's all charity together with her son to stand up. Okay. Another important point to keep in mind when someone's trying to go from these wounds and seriously prayed asking him or her to bring our lady to bring an order to each and every area to heal. Speaker 0 00:23:14 And oftentimes previously unknown wounds will be revealed in the process. It's very common. Wouldn't be surprising at all. If sometime during this process, Judy came to a deep understanding knowledge of other ones she had completely forgotten about. And over time, Judy is faithful. These kinds of prayers, day in and day out. This horrific wound will begin to heal that inner space of frame deep within your soul begin to unfold. How will she know? She'll actually know one of the easiest way. She'll be able to tell Shelia to think about the event, perhaps even be able to discuss with a close spiritual friend or her director and opening pain throw any emotions associated with before, before she was just almost folded up. It will be just something that happened, but the emotional bondage that pain, the fear that'll dissipate over time. That's a sign that the spiritual wound has turned into a spiritual scar. Speaker 0 00:24:06 There's actually other things that are going to have to happen. Unfortunately, she, that deep healing she desires it has to do with forgiveness. She'll have a lot of forgiving you to do. We've talked about this before and the process of healing. That's absolutely essential with the time we have to date. We won't be able to review that aspect. Those talks are readily available online. Okay. Besides these sort of healing prayers, places in a rosary, making frequent confession and fervent communions are one month. Some of the most fruitful practices that Judy can use to speed up the process of healing. But another one that's very, very important is the prize is the practice of formal Valencia patients and this whole process of healing. Judy's learning to allow God come into her areas of her life because of the wounds have barriers, so to speak around them. Speaker 0 00:24:52 But he didn't come to precisely from God coming into those wounded areas and healing him. So another way of looking at him is this actually a way of establishing a much deeper relationship with God in the life of a wounded person. I guess what, except for her, everybody's wanted to like get to the transforming union. That means Judah needs to completely reject anything that hurts relationship with God. Anything that's a barrier between her and God and the very way until he can do that as by formal, renunciations now the technical $3 word for this kind of nutsy issues and maturation. Okay. Before we explain how to do this, we'll explain what we're trying to do. We're making a formal round station. Typically when there's a load, there's a disordered attachment. There's an attachment. Some sort that actually interferes with the healing process. For example, it's very common for someone who has been a real party. Speaker 0 00:25:45 Animal is you have a sort of perverse pride is ability to party and drink with the best of them. And that prefers pride would absolutely. It would be a disorder attachment he's attached to that pride metal block is healing. Even if he's confessed it repented, he hasn't necessarily, we're not set. So he still has them. So that's a barrier between that automatic God. So the whole point of a former NCAA is to break free of a disorder detachment. So how would a Judy make a form or unsafe? One of her disordered attachments? Let's pause it right now. She's working on forgiving her dad. She pray something along these lines. I completely not really checked with the full force of my well, everything that's disordered or displeasing to God, that part always stays the same. And here we go through my thoughts, attitudes and emotions concerning my dad. Speaker 0 00:26:34 I do this. This is why it's called Andrew issue. Here's the key part. I do this and the white names of Jesus and Mary. The name of father son, the Holy spirit. She'd repeat this three times nine and most blessed Trinity. We'll walk back through that again. I could put an utterly check, the full force, smile, anything and everything. That's disordered displeasing to God. My thoughts, attitudes or emotions concerning my dad. I do this in the Holy names of Jesus married in the name of father, son, the Holy spirit. Amen. One more time. Supernate in your mind. I completely and utterly chapter four floor smile, anything and everything. That's displeasing to God and my thoughts, attitudes or Marcy's concerning my dad. I did this in the Holy name to chase Marion in the father, son, Holy spirit here. Obviously she has to be serious here. Speaker 0 00:27:21 She has to mean what she says, and I'm not talking about feeling she has to mean it or this would most definitely be the sin of taking the name of the Lord in vain in a very serious matter, because you're calling on the name of the Lord to actually help you make this act of the will. So you don't just randomly say you say it because he made it. Okay. Now what's today's honed in on a particular problem. The results were remarkable. They're really remarkable. What this accomplishes, this kind of agile ratios of breaking away of that disordered attachment, the will releases as it were this disordered attachment by the power of the Holy name. Oftentimes there'll be a feeling of release or a sense of freedom. When this is done, it varies with individuals, but it's not uncommon. Somehow they talk about feeling it in their spirit, although it's not really feeling, but they actually feel like this burden has been released. Speaker 0 00:28:09 Cause they've just suddenly detached from something they've been attached to. Another thing that Judy should pray for as a godson, a good spiritual companion, a friend on the same journey or a good spiritual director, please don't ask me my director. Won't let me take anybody else. She must pray, uh, for this felt. Cause if she's truly serious, she'll get what she needs. She'll give a good spiritual companion or someone else on the same journey or a good director. She'll get what she needs, not necessarily what she wants. And this is super important for people who are trying to heal to burn into their minds. If Judy's truly serious about her and she'll get what she needs, not necessarily what she wants. And this is super important to at the beginning because when someone starting on a given journey, what they want, what they think they need, <inaudible> not even remotely close to what they actually need, but then their woundedness, they just can't see that. Speaker 0 00:28:59 So Judy, wouldn't be able to see that. So Judy should pray to God that she sends her good director, the companion, spiritual mentor friend and Saint journey has to pray for it. This is hugely significant in the healing process because in the process of unfolding this inner place of freedom in your heart, she needs to be able to accept and love herself. And part of that accepting, loving yourself is being loved and truth and accepted in truth by another. And I emphasize the word and truth. Once again, father shock Philly, a lot of quotes, but very meaningful except in ourselves is much more difficult than it might see pride. Fear of not being loved. The conviction of how little we are worth are all too deeply rooted in us. Think how badly we racked or false mistakes and failures, how demoralized and upset we become, how guilty they make us feel. Speaker 0 00:29:51 Only under the gaze of God. Can we fully, truly accept ourselves? We need to be looked upon by someone who says God did through the prophet. Isaiah, you are precious in my eyes and honored. And I love you. Consider a very common experience. A girl who believes she's playing as curiously enough to many girls, even pretty ones begins to thinks that she might not be so prideful after all on the day. A young man falls in love with her and looks at her with a tender eyes of someone in law. We urgently need the mediation of another size to love ourselves and accept ourselves the eyes. And maybe that been a parent, a friend, a spiritual director, but above all the are those of God, our father. So look in his eyes is the purest truest tenderness, most loving, most hope filled in this world. Speaker 0 00:30:37 The greatest gift given those who seek God's face by persevering in prayer, maybe that one day they will perceive something that is divine and look upon themselves who will feel themselves love. So tenderly that they will just see the grades of accepting themselves in depth. What has just been said has an important consequence. When people cut themselves off from God, they deprive themselves of any real possibility of loving themselves. This is easily seen in developments of modern culture. When they cut themselves off from God, people ended up by losing their sense of human dignity and hate themselves. It is striking for example, to see how humor in the media is less and less, the humor of tenderness and compassion instead of humor, derision art also is incapable of representing the beauty of the human face. This also works the other way. People who hate themselves cut themselves off from God, because when Judy sees that you can be loved for who she truly is, that this love is forever and will not be, this is a huge freedom in that regard. I'll tell you a little anecdote and I won't give any details, but I do have explicit permission to just say this because it turned out a priest got caught in a situation where he had to hear, uh, someone's confession in face to face while he was sitting at a table. Uh, and now unless the penitent is laying there in the hospital bed, uh, that's just not something that this priest does, but he got caught in a situation. A woman made a very good and obviously a very painful confession. Speaker 0 00:32:10 And after it's done, since they were sitting around the table, they had something to eat together and they just chat and talk chill out a little bit. It's all, sometime later he ran into her and she told him that having that meal and that little visit after confession, was it one of the most healing experiences, liberating experiences she had ever experienced her entire life. And the priest was surprised and said, why all we did was have some bean, Chuck Ronald go there. And she told them in so many words that it was so healing because she really had come clean, really had various assault him. And she was expected to be rejected by that priest. She was convinced that in some way, you push her away and it's steady, ate with her and choked around. So somehow in that moment she experienced divine touch. She had experienced the love of the heavenly father. In that moment, she somehow realized that she could be loved for who she truly was. So they have a love that will last forever. Speaker 0 00:33:21 How many wounded people had practically worn themselves out? Trying not to be rejected again, in spite of their efforts, they're always led. They fond a disparate circle thinking I'll never be loved, or if they're unlovable, but suddenly when they finally start experiencing that public God who they truly are, and they can start accepting himself for giving loving themselves. And then they can start. There's one more topic. We have to briefly cover that top cause of how to recognize the areas in our lives, the wounded, but just touch on this briefly. Again, I want to recommend father Rick or stocks. The question is what are my wounds? This spiritual question. Someone's going to be obvious if we're finally assaulted child, that if we had a border, et cetera, but many ones are not obvious when you get turned over Holy spirit and our lady in the bag over and over come, Holy spirit. Speaker 0 00:34:08 Help me see myself as you see, I love myself as you loved me, plus some other healthy. See myself as you see love myself as you come, Holy spirit, help me see myself. As you see me, love myself as you love me. Plus, my mother helped me see myself. As you see me, you'll have myself as he left and overtime, less obvious problems will become apparent in back because I already mentioned previously, unknown wounds are very commonly revealed to the person. Is it really important since there's many ways to be wounded, many different types of wounds. So it's can come from our families can be passed on almost like an inheritance. For example, family pride. It's good to have a healthy pride or loved ones, family, but a sort of arrogance in some families can be granted each member or spirit of harshness and so forth and so forth. Speaker 0 00:34:56 So it's going to be easily wounded by the loss of a parent by being raised in a broken home home without love a home full of violence and words and deeds, or they've been abused physically or emotionally once can even arise in utero in the mall. Some other objective, the pregnancy, or seriously considered a board and the child, even if she experienced a serious sickness or trauma, some kind of traumatic sorrow, as amazing as itself that they can experience rejection may need healing from that to both these cases, they inheritable and the bone utero felonies, and need to forgive him from the heart. And this would become obviously prayer, because you're not going to remember. It's going to be something that will just appear in prayer, but you need to pray about something that happened when you're very, very small. Okay. There's a lot more to be said that sufficient does everybody on the right pass? Speaker 0 00:35:45 Okay. A few more observations before we close. What I'm going to say right now, it might not apply to every soul that does this. I suspect it does. I just want to observe over the past decade or so that an experienced, the one souls I've worked with that are faced with these kind of prayers, that certain point in time, they're selling a major for that purse, miraculous inner healing. They're lifted by divine grace as it or to a plateau. They're given this deep inner peace and a major healing. For the most part, this is not a complete healing. They're given a deep healing, the ones I've worked with and a deep peace, but then there's areas to work on areas with which they're still needed, violated bringing the Lord's grace and life. I think that's to keep crushing and keep walking on that path, keep up that pair life to deepen that relationship with Christ, our Lord and mother. Speaker 0 00:36:31 That's my opinion of why this happens like that because it's such an encouragement because I can say, wow, you know, look how I am compared to how it was yesterday. Huh? But here's the sad point. This is my other point. As we've already pointed out, we have to make an act of the will. We really want to be healed or willing to suffer, whatever it tastes. We heal. I have had wounded souls that made great progress, actually truly miraculous progress. Americans are craze and then giving deep inner pace, but a major healing. But it's usually been left with areas to work on. I've had souls in spite, all those graces he'd give sharp on that. Chose to turn back. God's given us free. Well, he respects that I'll never take it away. He won't force us to be healed. He won't force less to forgive others. He won't force us to be saved. He won't force us to spend eternity with him and help him find a point. If anyone has his kind of wounds and wants to discuss more, the priests it's essential, at least initially takes place in confession under the seal and be careful about the priest you don't want to go on to yourself. Wanted more. Speaker 0 00:37:43 That's just reality. When it comes to that, I'm just as much a Catholic as everybody else had to go to confessional. I know it's, I'm not, you know, at that point yet a priest, but I have to go to, I know what it's like. Be careful. Okay. You want to keep it in the confessional. Cause that way the sacramental affects most precious blood can pour over the lawns and keep it on the sealed is that safe and it's anonymous over time if there's a need and when it's so nice to discuss the situation and external form, but if not only in the police precinct balanced and completely trustworthy, never just start discussing these things with the priest outside the confessional. I mean 12 alarms, baby flashy lights. Okay. I mean it alright. Let's close. Everybody wants to be loved. Everybody needs to be.

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