The Christian Seder Meal: A Violation of the 1st Commandment

March 06, 2011 00:20:08
The Christian Seder Meal: A Violation of the 1st Commandment
Veritas Caritas
The Christian Seder Meal: A Violation of the 1st Commandment

Mar 06 2011 | 00:20:08


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 When that, which is perfect is come that which is imperfect. We've done away with the name of the father and the son of the Holy ghost. Amen. Today we'll spend some time considering a topic about which there's a lot of confusion, but before we actually turned to that topic, we'll spend a few minutes making sure that we have a clear grasp of the principles at stake. So we'll turn to st. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest doctor of the church as usual. There'll be a lot of cutting pasting and editorial comments. Okay. Let's start st. Thomas ass, whether the ceremonies of the old law, it's the mosaic law ceased at the coming of Christ. The answer is yes, they're completely over and done with why, because it's st. Thomas points out when we're dealing with the worship of God. Our external acts must correspond to our internal beliefs. Speaker 0 00:00:58 It's an important principle. When we worshiping God or external acts must correspond to our internal beliefs. We already know that after all, it's precisely because we believe that God is really present body, blood, soul, and divinity right there. And the most blessed sacrament of the altar, because we believe that we express that externally by being quiet and Reverend church by falling the rubrics. If we're priests by making Reverend Jenny flections dressing up and your Sunday best and so forth, the important point for our purposes today is that the situation with regards to the interior act of faith is significantly different between the people of the old covenant who looked forward with anticipation to the coming of Christ and our current situation after the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord. So since on the one hand, these interior acts of looking forward to Christ coming, and the other hand, our interior acts of having recognized him, having already had come are not the same, because those are not the same maternal acts. Speaker 0 00:02:07 The external expressions, liturgical ceremonies cannot be the same. Say Thomas explains quote the ceremonies of the old law, which foreshadow the new covenant and the joys of heaven had to cease at the advent of the new covenant and other ceremonies had to be introduced, which would be in keeping with the state of divine worship for that particular time close quote. So the ceremonies of the old Los ceased and other ceremonies took their place. For example, the Sabbath, which is meant to remind the old Testament, faithful about the creation of everything by God. In the beginning, the Sabbath was replaced by the Lord's day, which is rent to mind us the new Testament, faithful, but the resurrection of our Lord and his new creation in spirit and truth. Okay. Now say Thomas asks whether since Christ passion, the ceremonies that luck can be observed without committing mortal sin, Saint Thomas quote, all religious ceremonies are professions of faith in which the interior worship of God consists. Speaker 0 00:03:15 Now, man can profess his inward faith by deeds, as well as by words in an either profession. If he makes a false declaration, he sins, mortally, parenthetical remark. Everybody already knows this. That was the whole issue with the early martyrs who refuse to burn a pinch of incense to Caesar the genius of Caesar, because they understood clearly. And so did their pagan persecutors that by burning that pinch of incense, they were making a profession of faith. It Caesar was a God. And at the very same time, committing a mortal sin against the true faith, right back to st. Thomas, all religious ceremonies are professions of faith in which the interior worship of God consists. Now, a man can profess his inward faith by deeds, as well as by words and an either profession. If he makes a false declaration, he sins mortally. Now, though, our faith in Christ is the same as that of the fathers of the old Testament yet since they came before Christ, whereas we come after him, the same faith is expressed in different words by us and by them, for example, they used to say, behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son using verbs in the future tense. Speaker 0 00:04:32 But we refer to that same event by using verse in the past tense. When we say that she conceived and bore in like manner, the ceremonies of the old law point forward to Christ as having yet to be born into suffer. But our sacraments signify them as having been born and having suffered. Therefore Jesse's, it would be a mortal sin for anyone professing his faith nowadays, to say that Christ is yet to be born, which the fathers of the old covenant said devoutly and truthfully. So also it would be mortal sin nowadays to observe those ceremonies, which the fathers of old fulfilled with devotion and fidelity Speaker 1 00:05:12 Justice, Speaker 0 00:05:13 It would be a mortal sin for anyone professing his faith nowadays, to say that Christ is yet to be born, which the fathers of the old covenant said devoutly and truthfully. So also it be a mortal sin nowadays to observe those ceremonies, which the fathers of old fulfilled with devotion and fidelity. Okay. Quick review. What have we seen? We've seen that when we're worshiping God, our external acts must correspond to our internal beliefs, which is why the ceremonies of the old law, which looked forward to the coming of Christ had to pass away after the public promulgation of the gospel. After the public announcement that Christ had been born and suffered and died for us, we've seen that all religious ceremonies are outward professions of a man's interior faith. And then since a man can profess his faith by both words and deeds, if he makes a false declaration about his faith and either word or indeed in either case he sins, mortally and a prime is principle, the ceremonies, the old law we've seen that it would be a mortal sin objectively speaking for anyone nowadays to say that Christ is yet to be born. Speaker 0 00:06:18 And that would also be a mortal sin objectively speaking for anyone nowadays, to participate in the religious ceremonies of the old covenant. Now that we've seen the basic principles, which are easy enough to understand we'll turn to today's topic. It's a problem which breaks out every spring and actually involves a lot of very good Catholics are most likely, completely unaware of the issues. The problem is Catholic participation, the Seder or so-called Catholic or Christian eyes Seder let's get started by making sure we know what a Seder is. And then we'll look at the so-called Catholic or Christianize Seder. So what does a Seder to Jewish religious ceremony then cycle pre to Botanic explains that a Seder is quote, a ritual meal served on the first night of the Passover commemorating the flight of the Jews from Egypt presided over by the head of the family. Speaker 0 00:07:12 The Seder falls a liturgy, the Hagatha that reminds participants of the story of the Exodus. The ritual includes blessings, the pouring of wine and ritual questions about the meaning of the event asked by the youngest child present the meal includes unleavened bread and bitter ERs, close quote, other sources, point out that quote, the wards and rituals in the state are a primary vehicle for the transmission of the Jewish faith from one generation to the next close quote. Okay. So what is the origin of this Jewish ritual meal? It falls a liturgy then cyclopedia of Judaism answers that quote in the biblical and temporal periods, the observance of the Passover was concentrated on the Pascal sacrifice, following the destruction of the temple in 70, they don't say D but we do following the destruction of the second temple in 70 a D the rabbis had to recast the observance of Passover without the Pascal sacrifice. Speaker 0 00:08:09 The development of the post temple Seder took place, gradually close quote, the encyclopedia of Judaism. Other Jewish sources explained that the basic ritual was established by about the middle of the third century a D. But the first mention of the Seder plate is about 1080. Although it may have been part of the ritual by the fifth century, a D and on the Seder plate among other things, there's a shank bone of a lamb, or sometimes a chicken bone, as well as a roasted or hard boiled egg. The shank bone symbolize the Pascal lamb offered in sacrifice in the temple. All the eggs symbolizes yet another temple sacrifice. One of the cups of wine, the cup for lodge, it is associated with messianic hope of looking forward to the coming of the Messiah and or the messianic age. All right, let's ask ourselves a question, given that in the first place, the Seder is a Jewish religious, right. Speaker 0 00:09:04 I used to hand on Judaism from one generation to the next. And furthermore, given that certain aspects of the Seder point towards sacrifices in the temple, which were ceremonies of the old law, which prefigured our Lord's once for all sacrifice on cavalry. And given that certain aspects of the Seder are associated with the future coming of the Messiah as if Christ had not yet come given all that. And given that it would be a mortal sin for a Catholic to participate in ceremonies, in which either the words or the deeds 0.4 to Christ as if he is yet to come given all that can any Catholic possibly participate in such a ritual without at least objectively speaking, being guilty of a mortal sin. Speaker 0 00:09:56 The answer's obvious, objectively speaking. It is impossible for a Catholic to participate in a Seder without committing a mortal sin. Now let's turn to the so-called Christianize or Catholic Seder and deal with that issue. We'll limit ourselves to two examples. First example, this is taken from a book published by liturgy training publications of the archdiocese of Chicago. It's entitled the Passover celebration, a hag it up for the Seder quote in large and small groups. Christians have begun to celebrate the Seder dot. We do not come to the Seder as to a history lesson or to a restaging of alas, separate of Jesus. We come to the Seder just as it is celebrated by Jews close quote. Well, if we come to the Seder just as it's celebrated by the Jews, then objectively speaking, we commit a mortal sin. This is actually a serious sin against the first commandment. Speaker 0 00:10:53 It's a serious sin of superstition, which might very well surprised us. It's safe to say that most Catholics don't have a clear exact idea of exactly what superstition is to specific sin called false worship. Here's a brief explanation from the first commandment section of a moral theology text quote, superstition is false worship of the true God or true worship paid to a false God. One sins by false worship. If one worships God by the ceremonial rites of the old Testament, these are grave sins, close quote, second last example. Here's a typical example of an argument used by people who are in good faith and trying to be good Catholics. This was taken from an announcement written by priests to by all counts. This is probably very well-meaning excellent priest quote. The Seder meal will be a Christianized celebration of the Passover meal Christ date throughout his life. Speaker 0 00:11:47 And for the last time with the apostles in the upper room, this is not a communion service, nor is it meant to be. We're remembering the Jewish tradition so that we can grow closer to the Jewish carpenter who gives his life for our salvation close quote. Okay. So the priest tells us that this will be a Christianize celebration of the Passover meal that Christ ate throughout his life. And for the last time when they pass us in the upper room, but it will not be a communion service, nor is it meant to be before we discuss the morality of the ceremony, let's briefly review some historical facts. First 0.1 historical fact that needs to be emphasized is that rabbinic Judaism, Judaism, as it exists today is not biblical Judaism. Rabbinic. Judaism is not biblical to use. The temple is gone. The Jewish priesthood is extinct. Speaker 0 00:12:46 Modern. Judaism is a different religion than biblical Judaism and did not come into existence until after the destruction of the temple. At the very earliest rabbinic, Judaism didn't even exist to the reign of our second Pope. And it may very well not have come into existence to the reign of our third or fourth pulp in Israeli, who's converted to Christianity, Israel Shamir expands on his point, quote, the brilliant Israeli scholar, professor Israel, Yuval of Hebrew university proved at the Judaism. We know of rabbinic. Judaism came into existence in the end of the first century after Christ Christianity actually superseded biblical Judaism and became the faith of millions. Still a small band of men challenged its advent and offered an alternative rabbinic. Judaism, rabbinic, Judaism produced its own Holy books, the mission and the Talmud as Christianity produced the new Testament professor, you've all wrote the biblical Judaism died, and two religions claim to be the legitimate heir Christianity and rabbinic Judaism. Speaker 0 00:13:49 That's the Judaism we know of is a jealous sister, not a mother faked Christianity. It's practitioners are not the people who remain faithful to old religion as a biblical Judaism, which had sacrifices, Jerusalem, temple ritual, parody, tides, and priests disappeared 2000 years ago. It is a new faith explicitly made to fight Christianity, close, quote, difficult Judaism died, and two religions claim to be the legitimate heir Christianity, rabbinic, Judaism Christianity actually superseded biblical Judaism. It became the faith of millions. Rabbinic. Judaism is a jealous sister, not a mother faith to Christianity. Another author makes the same point using other terms, quote pre-Christian biblical Judaism. That is to say the religion of the old Testament is essentially the same religion as Christianity. The religion of the new Testament, Christianity is the perfection of pre-Christian or biblical Judaism, difficult Judaism, prefigures, Christianity, Christianity, perfects, biblical Judaism, every bit as much as the old Testament prefigures the new and the new perfects, the old, the post-Christian rabbinic Judaism, the religion of the Jewish race after destruction of temple is a new religion distinct from religion of the old Testament. Speaker 0 00:15:08 Judaism. In other words, underwent a sort of substantial change at that point. Not only was it redefined, do the impossibility of observing the old law, no temple, no sacrifice, no priesthood, but also a new anti-Christian element came into the definition of this new religion. The core of Jewish belief is no longer merely the weighting of the Messiah, but also the belief that Jesus of Nazareth is not that Messiah's as a consequence of modern, shew thinks that Jesus is the Messiah is not considered a Jew by the Jews themselves. This shows that modern post-Christian or Bennett, Judaism and Christianity are not continuous in short biblical Judaism is pro Christianity. Whereas modern Judaism is anti-Christian. Speaker 0 00:15:55 The historical reality is that when someone is present at a Seder, any Seder, he's not going to be remembering the biblical Jewish tradition so that he can grow closer to the Jewish carpenter who gave his life for our salvation. As we've seen Jewish sources, state explicitly that this particular ceremony was developed by the rabbis, after the destruction of the temple in 78 D and at the earliest, it achieved its current general form centuries after our Lord's death centuries, after his death, the plain historical fact is that our Lord and apostles didn't have anything to do with the current Seder ceremony as it's practice. That's the first point second point. What on earth can this priest possibly talking about? When he States the Seder will be a Christianized celebration of the Passover meal that Christ ate for the last time with the apostles and upper room, but it is not a convenient service, nor is it meant to be. Speaker 0 00:16:55 What is he talking about? The council of Trent quote after our Lord had celebrated the ancient fees to the Passover, which as we seen Jewish sources, state clearly is not the current Seder. After our Lord had celebrated the ancient feast of the Passover. He instituted a new Passover close quote, the concept of Trent after our Lord instituted the ancient feast of the Passover. He instituted a new Passover and guess what? That's what we're doing here today. And every day, when all the altars alters the world, we're celebrating that new Passover feast. In other words, the Holy sacrifice, the mass is the Christianized celebration of the Passover meal that Christ ate for the last time with the apostles in the upper room. This is the Christian I celebration the Passover meal and it's the only Christianized celebration of the Passover meal. And it was given to us directly by God himself. Speaker 0 00:17:59 All right. Remember that if a man makes a false declaration about his faith by the word or deed, he sends mortally. So, which is the correct expression of our faith. The one true faith, the Christianize Seder meal, or the Holy sacrifice of the mass is taught by the council of Trent. Which one is it? Look, the Catholics who get involved in this side sort of thing. Probably have no idea how unbelievably offensive this is to God. We have to make some distinctions here. Obviously we're talking about objectively offensive. We're not judging interior disposition of anyone. That's up to God, but we're Catholics. It's not like we're some sort of well meaning, but confused. Protestants whose ancestors left the church centuries ago and who in perfectly Goodwill are now mistakenly trying to recreate what happened at the last supper. It's not like we're chews who don't know Christ is yet we're Catholics. Speaker 0 00:18:59 We don't have to make anything up. This is it right here. And right now we're Catholics, we can offer the true worship to God and no one else can. No one else can. We must never forget that. And no amount of whitewash can cover up the reality that at least objectively speaking Seder meals or even Christianize Seder meals are simply false worship paid to the true God. And that means we can't have anything to do with them. It's the first commandment issue let's close with a prayer Lord. We give you thanks for having an Institute of the new Passover and for inviting poor sinners like us to participate. We profoundly adore the president. The most blessed sacrament, the altar by the saturation. We wish to atone for the many acts of false worship, committed by Catholics at Seder meals. Amen. Our lady of reparation, pray for us. Name the father, the son, and the Holy ghost. Amen.

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