The Road to the Dubia (Part 5): Amoris Laetitia

February 12, 2017 00:30:50
The Road to the Dubia (Part 5): Amoris Laetitia
Veritas Caritas
The Road to the Dubia (Part 5): Amoris Laetitia

Feb 12 2017 | 00:30:50


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I haven't already approved SEMA and the name of the father, the Holy spirit in because of time. And in certain cases, content I've edited, cut and pasted quotes as usual. I'm sorry, but they're far too many sources to cite them all without blogging down in this sermon. Although we're going to be straight talking today, we need to always remember. We have to give the pulp every benefit of the doubt. We don't want to become Protestants and start using private judgment. So once again, I would like to recommend for the rippers book magisterial authority. And finally, please do not put words in my mouth. Do not interpret, read anything to what I'm going to say, or assume that I'm trying to say something that I'm not saying. I speak my mind. I'm picking my words very carefully and do not wish to be misunderstood in such a grave undertaking for many are called, but if you are chosen and they have the father and the son and Holy spirit name, Pope Francis is frequently urged his clerics to his present in their speech. Okay, great. So what does that mean? Pretty easy is a Greek word, which means to speak the truth to power boldly and courageously without any fear of even the mightiest. And since it's very, very rare for the high and mighty to appreciate truth, it involves some danger to the speaker. So today we're going to heat the Pope and speak with <inaudible>. Speaker 0 00:01:19 Okay. As we saw last week, the role of the magisterium that's the divinely instituted living, teaching authority of the Catholic church made up of the pulps at the Pope and the bishops in union with him. The role of the magisterium is to safeguard, clarify, and transmit the deposit of faith. Remember the deposit of faith is a collection of all the trues, which were revealed by God that was handed down from Christ to the apostles, and it closed the death of the last apostle st. John. So all the truths necessary for salvation have been revealed. So since then, there never has been, never will be any new public relations revelation it's complete. It contains both truths to be believed in principles of conduct, things to be done. It has two parts, sacred scripture and sacred tradition and the contents of the deposit of faith or sacred scripture, the dogmas of the faith, Christian morals, the seven sacraments and the hierarchical constitution of the church. Speaker 0 00:02:19 Okay. So the role of the magistrate and the Pope and the bishops in union with him is a safeguard clarifying transmit the deposit of faith down to the end of time. And we saw the Pope, Canada should explain things perhaps more clearly that have already been revealed. He can and should apply the unchangeable teachings and principles and dogmas finding the deposit of faith to new situations. But in the sense of coming up with some novel thing, never heard of in the church, he was not given that power. According to the teaching of Vatican, one quote, the Holy spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter in order that by his revelation, that might disclose new teaching, but so that by his assistance, they might devoutly guard the revelation handed down to the apostles, the deposit of faith. It might faithfully set up for Speaker 1 00:03:06 Close quote. Speaker 0 00:03:07 Okay. So that's the Pope then what about the bishops? A Bishop teaches as a successor of the apostles. And so in regards to his teaching, he's not entitled to anything besides upholding the deposit of faith. The point is that the role of the magisterium, again, that's the Pope and the bishops in union with him is to safeguard, clarify, and transmit the deposit faith whole entire right until the end of time, not to invent unheard of novelties. Okay. Okay. So over the past few weeks, we've been reviewing some fundamental points of the unchanging and unchangeable Catholic faith. We've looked at the magistrate and the deposit of faith. We've reviewed some basic teachings regarding marriage, some basic teachings, Cardi, the sacrament of penance and some of the basic teachings regarding the most busted sacrum of the altar and the worthy reception of Holy communion. Now let's start tying these things together, starting with marriage, as we've seen, marriage is a contract that results in a relationship, a man and a woman make the contract. Speaker 0 00:04:07 And if it's validly made than God makes the relationship, we've also seen the exact contract that a man and woman make the results in the relationship of marriage. Here's the exact contract, a man and a woman give and accept an exclusive and perpetual ride for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. Okay. So marriage is a contract that results in a relationship and the contract results in marriage is a man and a woman given an and exclusive and perpetual right for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. If this contract is validly made than God makes a relationship. And although this is painful to say, but it's words and actions, Pope Francis has shown that at least to some degree, he opposes each and every one of these unchanging and unchangeable truths about marriage and his speech. He seems to be a man of very great contradictions. Speaker 0 00:05:06 So it's only fair to say that in regards to some of these topics would also be possible to find him stating what appears to be the opposite. That being said, and recognizing that we are speaking of the pulp here, and he is the Pope and wanting to give him every benefit of the doubt as is his right. I will try to be as balanced and fair as possible and time we have, we need to realize that in no way, are we able to cover all the issues in a sermon let's get started as against the unchangeable teaching that marriage is a contract that results in a relationship. Speaker 0 00:05:40 I truly believe that understanding the Pope's approach to this topic is the key to understanding a whole host of his actions and comments regarding marriage. So it's been a bit more time here than on the other topics. Quote, June 17th, 2016, site news at a pastoral Congress on the family for the diocese of Rome. Pope Francis said that some cohabitating couples are in a real marriage receiving the grace of the sacrament, Pope Francis quote. I've seen a lot of fidelity in these coal habitations. And I am sure that this is a real marriage. They have the grace of a real marriage because of their fidelity close quote. Speaker 0 00:06:23 What exactly are we saying when we're saying that some cohabitating couples are in a real marriage receiving the grace of the sacrament? Well, we're saying that it's possible, at least for some couples to commit to very, very serious moral sins shacking up, which is the sin of scandal and fornication. And by committing those two serious sins, but an actual commitment to not get married, coupled with an actual commitment to live in sin, these couples then become married. God makes the relationship of marriage and they receive the grace of the sacrament. If that sounds blasphemous well, it should. We're saying the 2000 years of explicit teaching on this matter are completely wrong. That's what we're saying here. We're saying that at least some couples can fornicate their way into the state of grace. That's what we're saying here. Let's be clear. You cannot form a Cate your way into the state of grace. Speaker 0 00:07:28 More and more fornication. Even years of fornication do not produce a sacrament more and more fornication. Even years of fornication cannot produce a sacrament with all due respect to the Pope. And in spite of these sort of clients, we do owe him due respect. He is the Pope, but with all due respect to the Pope, it doesn't matter what the Pope says more and more fornication. Even years of fornication do not and cannot produce a sacramental marriage. People that shack up are not married without being a bit sarcastic. It's just a simple fact in order for a couple to be married, that couple actually has to get married in order for a couple to be married. That couple actually has to get married. So that's on the one hand. And on the other hand, the Pope also poses the idea that the marriage contract results in relationship. Speaker 0 00:08:27 When in the same conference, the Pope said, quote, the great majority of our Sacramento marriages are no, because they say yes for the rest of my life, but they don't know what they're saying. Close quote. In other words, even when a couple does get married, the vast majority of them do not have a marriage. That'd be absolutely fair. Although the video of these comments is readily available. It makes it clear that this is what the Pope actually said. The official Vatican transcript changed the words from the great majority of Catholic marriages or no to a part of them are no. So on the one hand, the Pope says that it's possible, at least for some couples to commit to very, very serious mortal sins shacking up, which is a very, very serious sin of scandal and fornication. And by committing those two serious soons by committing those two serious sins, but an actual commitment to not get married couples, an actual commitment to live in sin. These couples then become married. God makes the relationship of marriage and they receive the grace of the sacrament. And on the other hand, the Pope says that the great majority of those Catholics who have actually gone through a wedding and gotten married are not married according to the Pope. Then when people don't get married, then they do get married. And when people do get married, then they don't get married Speaker 0 00:09:51 As against unchangeable teaching. That marriage has exclusive. That is to say between one man and one woman had perpetual. That is to say until the death of one of the spouses, divorce and remarriage are clearly opposed to both of these teachings. And that regard recently the Pope established so-called fast track and almonds. Now remember what an anomaly is. An annulment addresses. Only one question was the marriage contract validly made another way of phrasing. That same question is to ask if at the moment of exchanging vows, did the man and woman validly consent to be married? Okay. So a nomad is a finally by a church tribunal, a church court that a marriage contract was not validly made that at the moment of exchanging boss, the man and the woman did not validly consent to be married. And so no relationship came into being because that can only happen as a result of a validly made contract. Speaker 0 00:10:47 Okay. So there are a limited number of things that actually invalidate a marriage contract. There are only a limited number of ways of not getting it right. For example, perhaps one or both spouses were too young to contract for marriage at the time of exchange of ALS that would make the contract invalid. Perhaps one spouse was permanently impotent at the time of exchange evolves that would make the contract invalid. Perhaps one spouse was not free to marry because he was already married at the time we exchanged vows, obviously that would make the contract invalid. Right? Okay. So all of a sudden the Pope issued a document for fast check annulments amendments are free and it takes 45 days to get premiums. Everyone else gets to pay for it, by the way, we're in the Catholic church. Can you get married in 45 days? So in this document, the Pope lists about a dozen reasons that enable a couple to submit a case for FastTrack phenomena. Speaker 0 00:11:42 The most disturbing aspect of all this is that many of these reasons have nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the marriage contract was Valley entered into at the moment of the exchange of owes. Many of these reasons have nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the couple validly consented to marriage. For example, one reason is the marriage broke up quickly, but as sad as that is, and it is sad, it's a tragedy, but still that's after the fact, what does that have to do with the moment of consent? Another reason is the unplanned pregnancy, the woman, but what does that have to do with validly consenting to marriage? Another one has to do with the concealment of incarceration, but what is the fact that someone wasn't juvie hall or jail or prison have to do with the Villa? Did he have consent to marriage? Speaker 0 00:12:27 Nothing, nothing at all. In other words, many of these supposed reasons for fast track process and almonds have absolutely nothing to do with an elements and try to explain to someone why one thing the Pope says is ground for a nomad, but another isn't. The painful fact is the Pope is not forced. Every priest who has to deal with these issues to have to choose between him Pope Francis or Christ. That's the choice here in most dioceses is not probably much easier to get out of a marriage than to get out of a car lease agreement. Now, think about that. Think about that. Speaker 0 00:13:11 That's not an accident on the same day that the fast track enrollment document was released, that it can newspaper published an article explaining the purpose of this new fast track process. The author Monsignor Pinto was also the official presenter of the reform. I quote from an Italian commentator quote, according to Monsignor Pinto, the invitation of Christ present in their brother of the Bishop of Rome, who be that of passing from the restricted number of a few thousand moments to that immeasurable number of unfortunates who might have a declaration of nullity that Christ wanted an immeasurable number of announcements is completely unheard of up to now. The ecclesiastical tribunals had always been reproached by Pope's because they were too indulgent and recognizing moments with Pope Francis, everything has been overturned and they are now attacked for the opposite reason. Now, large scale and Ahmet factories are to be set up close, quote, large scale and Ahmet factories. Speaker 0 00:14:10 How do we set up in order to pass and the restricted number of a few thousand elements to them measurable. Number of unfortunate who might have a declaration of nullity so much for the indissolubility of marriage, huh? In introduction to the very document promulgating, these fast track and almonds, the pub himself from art quote, it is not escape me how much an abbreviated judgment could put at risk. The principle of the indissolubility of marriage close quote, Pope Francis. It is not escape me how much an abbreviated judgment could put at risk. The principle of the indissolubility of marriage. The Pope continues quote for precisely this reason I've determined that the judge in such a procedure should be the bitch of himself who by virtue of his pastoral office is together with Peter, the greatest guarantee of Catholic unity and faith and discipline close quote. Now think about that for a moment. The judge in such a procedure should be the Bishop himself. It has not escaped me how much an abbreviated judgment can put at risk. The principle of the, of the indissolubility of marriage. So the judge in such a procedure should be the Bishop himself. Speaker 2 00:15:28 Everybody thought about that. Speaker 0 00:15:31 Okay. So let me ask you all a few questions. So who's got the bishops back here, who's covering for them, making sure they're remaining faithful to Christ and the deposit of faith, especially in an area as challenging as this. Well, let me put it another way. What kind of a job are the bishops doing in a related area, defending the unchanging unchangeable teaching of Christ regarding contraception and sterilization. How's that working out? When's the last time you heard Bishop defend these teachings in a clear and unambiguous manner. They're not blind. They can see their people. Aren't having children. These are smart men. So if you've ever heard a Bishop explain and defend those teachings. So given that the vast majority of bishops have given no evidence whatsoever of being able to defend the church's teaching on contraception, why would anyone think they would be up to defending all by themselves? Speaker 0 00:16:29 The church's teaching on indissolubility and that's the exact point Christ himself puts someone in the world to cover the Bishop's back, to strengthen and support them to make sure they remain faithful to Christ in the positive faith. That's why in Luke 2232 Christ commanded Peter to strengthen his brethren. But instead of fulfilling his Christ, given office of strength in his brethren, we see the poll, make the bishops themselves handle these fat fast-track cases, not their tribunals. The Pope is making the bishops themselves decide these cases like they don't have a zillion, other things to do. The whole idea of a tribunal is to help the Bishop and his duties. But the Pope is making the bishops themselves deal with these cases and making them render a decision in 45 days, any bets on how that's going to work out any bets and how many bishops are actually going to hold the line here. And they know this and the official presentation of the fast track system, Monsignor Pinto said, quote, a Bishop with millions of faithfulness. Diocese could not personally preside over the decision to Naulty for all the faithful who requested close quote, a Bishop with millions of faithful in his eyes. He's cannot personally preside over the decision of Naulty for all the faithful who requested Speaker 0 00:17:50 In all this rush to break up marriages as fast as possible. And this lemming like stampede to jump off the cliff into the eternal flames, as rapidly as possible, who is being left out, who is being forgotten Christ in the first place Christ our Lord. And then of course, the actual husband, the actual wife, the actual father, the actual mother, and the legitimate children, where are they? One blog brilliantly summarized the situation and a very pointed posting, entitled a future conversation. Mama, what does pastoral mean? It means child. Then when your father and his new wife go to church, the priest test to pretend that I'm dead Speaker 0 00:18:45 As against unchangeable teaching, that marital rights are limited to acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. In one of his airplane interviews, the Pope actually came out for contraception in certain cases. And if there were any doubt exactly what the Pope meant the next day, the Vatican spokesman father Federico Ambari clarified it for us. Father Lombardi told Vatican radio quote, the contraceptive or latex device in particular cases of emergency gravity could be the object of discernment in a serious case of conscience. This is what the Pope said. Close quote. According to Lombardi, the Pope spoke of quote, the possibility of taking recourse to contraception or Lake text devices in cases of emergency or special situations. He's not saying it's possibilities accepted without discernment. And daddy said clear that they can be considered in cases of special urgency, close quote, keep in mind that contraception is intrinsically evil, which means it is always an everywhere, evil, no matter what the circumstances and with no exceptions whatsoever. And yet the Pope endorsed the use of hormonal contraceptives, like the pill and latex devices talk about diabolical disorientation. And this is coming from the pulp himself. This is like endorsing blasts me for San Francisco behavior. Let that sink in. Speaker 0 00:20:15 We've never seen something like this before never. And all this gives all faithful priests and other area in which they have to choose between Christ and the pole, which they must actually pose the Pope. If they want to save their souls, we could keep multiplying examples. The problem there was not finding controversial astonishing statements. The problem was deciding what points were the most important to cover. In the limited time we have in a sermon, let's sum this up with some observations by well-known Canon lawyer, dr. Edward Peter's quote, Pope Francis, really. And I think sincerely believes a most marriages, at least most Christian marriages really aren't deep down marriages. And so the normal process has to be sped up to dispatch of what are after all. Probably no marriage is anyway. And the consequences of post divorce marriages need to be softened because most people know, second marriages probably weren't true. Speaker 0 00:21:14 Marriage is the first time and so on and be lots of things that aren't marriages like cohabitation and civil only weddings between Catholics really are deep Dawn marriages. So we need to affirm them and assure them that they enjoy the same grace graces at Mary's people and so on. But this is the pulps view. Can I suggest be directly determined from his own words, close quote. As I said earlier, I truly believe that this is the key to understanding a whole host of his actions and comments regarding marriage. And I was greatly heartened to see that dr. Pedro seems to be a lot of like-mind and this particular matter, dr. Peter's quote, I see no way to avoid the conclusion that crisis over marriage is unfolding the church, and it is a crisis that will come down to whether the church teaching on marriage, be concretely and effectively protected in church law over the legal categories, treating marriage doctrine become so distorted or simply disregarded as essentially to abandoned marriage and married life to the realm of personal opinion and individual conscience close quote. Speaker 0 00:22:20 Okay. Now, with all that as background, let's talk about a Morris Latecia Morris. The tsetse is a title of a document issued by Pope Francis released last April, which supposedly summarize the two sittings on the family from the beginning. It has been nothing but controversial. And as we learned recently, some 30 curd Cardinals wrote to the pub before he released it, warning him that it would not only waken the church's teaching on marriage, but on communion and confession as well. But that's not quite correct, Morris. The tsetse is not waking the church's teaching on marriage, Holy communion or confession. What it has done is produced an all out attack on those teachings. So for the remainder of this sermon, we're going to try to grasp the Pope's understanding of his own document. So rather than waste any time getting bogged down and ambiguous and confusing language and the document itself, we'll just take a quick look at the change in pastoral practices and several different diocese as a result of this document, and then quickly compare those new pastoral practices. Speaker 0 00:23:27 So the unchanging and unchangeable teaching the church, okay, why are we going to look at the pastoral pack trusses and these particular diocese to try to grasp the Pope's understanding of his own document? Because the Pope to varying degrees has shown his approval for the application of Morris, the tsetse and these diocese, the diocese are the diocese of Rome. Obviously as the Bishop of Rome, his intentions can be inferred from the pastoral guidelines established there. The Buenos Aires Presto region of Argentina, the Pope wrote a letter to those bishops quote, praise and their guidelines as an authentic interpretation of a more <inaudible>, but let it go so far as to say, there are no further interpretations close quotes and the diocese of Malta whose pastoral guidelines are published in the officialness paper, the Vatican observatory Romano. And although there's some differences with a whole lot of verbal squinting spread all over these documents, nonetheless, in each instance, the bottom line is that active adulterers are to be given Holy communion. Speaker 0 00:24:30 It's truly a Henry the eighth moment in the church. It's truly a Henry the eighth moment in the church, the great Catholic Stan Bishop Athanasius, Schneider points out the clerks who makes such guidelines to peace. Such centers are in fact saying that they can continue in the joy of adultery and he comments quote, admitting the divorce remarried to Holy communion without first demanding of them to live in continence and not divide their sake, Sacramento, bonds and marriage, not demanding of them to repent and to make a very serious intention not to send in the future. And so dispensing them from this where at the same time, destroying Dessa, creating three sacraments, which Christ gave us the sacrament of penance, the sacrament of Eucharist and the sacrament of marriage close quote, bef Bishop Athanasius, Schneider, let's just take a quick sampling from each of these guidelines first and Maltese guidelines, quote, in addition to allowing divorced and sibling remarried Catholics in our diocese to receive communion. Speaker 0 00:25:31 If they are at peace with God, the Maltese Bishop said it might be humanly impossible for Catholics to abstain from marital relations. When civilly remarried, close quote, it might be humanly impossible for Catholics to abstain from marital relations when civil married, it might be humanly impossible for Catholics to abstain from marital relations when ciliary married. Oh really well, besides being heretical to say that as humanly impossible, to keep the commandments. Yes, you heard that right. Besides being heretical, that saves humanity impossible to keep the commandments, this kind of comment from a cell, but instantly raises another question, which is what is her name? Speaker 0 00:26:14 When you hear priests or bishops making comments that outrageous you should think, what is her name from the Argentinian guidelines, quote, Morris, the tsetse opens up the possibility of access to the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist close quote, and the Roman guidelines as quote, who can decide and could be none other than the confessor at a certain point in his conscience after much reflection pear, I must the responsibility before God and the penitent and asked that the access take place in a discreet manner. Close quote. Now here we see three things. First we see the Pope once again, refusing to exercise office of strengthen his brethren. Not only by not protecting his bishops, but actually allowing them to dump this responsibility on the confessors, better pray. We have a lot of st. John, the Baptist and st. John fishers and the priesthood, because we're going to need them. Speaker 0 00:27:13 Second. We see sacrilege, he'll be a sacrilege on both sides to try to absolve such a person. The center would commit a sack lid since what that penitent makes his act of contrition. He must promise God that he's going to avoid sin and the near occasion of sin. He must promise God that he's going to amend his life. People who are living in sin simply cannot make a good act of contrition. In other words, they cannot be absolved because they are not sorry for their sins will be sacrilege for him to try. And on the side of the priest, it would also be a sacrilege since he's fully aware that this penitent is not properly disposed to be absolved. He knows that even if he were so evil as to attempt to absolve such a penitent, the absolution would just ricochet off. And he knows in such an invalid and evil attempt to do so, the priest would purchase him for himself eternal down nation. Speaker 0 00:28:04 And we also see sacrilege. And the suggestion that these unrepentant adulterers can and should receive Holy communion. This is truly diabolical in the formal sense of the word, but we all know that we all know that we covered that in some detail a few weeks ago, but perhaps the worst of all this is it all. This is by the guidelines, the suggestion, or perhaps even the orders of his Bishop and the approval of the Pope, the guidelines of his Bishop and the approval of the Pope. Better pray. We have a lot of st. John, the Baptist and Saint John fishers and the priest too, because we're going to need them. And the third thing we see is solicitation. Remember that solicitation is both a mortal sin, as well as a clinical crime. And it isn't limited sibling to the confessor, soliciting someone to sin in the common understanding of the word. Speaker 0 00:28:59 It also includes evil advice regarding such manners is contraception, sterilization, fornication, adultery, perverse acts of any type viewing, impure images, into entertaining, impure, thoughts, and so forth. And obviously given this sort of wicked advice to unrepentant, adulterers this type of diabolical advice that they can continue in their sinful state is both the sin and the crime of solicitation. All this is by the guidelines, the suggestion, perhaps even the orders of his Bishop and the approval of the Pope, better pray. We have a lot of st. John, the Baptist and st. John fishers and the priesthood, cause we're going to need them because this will eventually spread virtually everywhere. And it's already giving all the priests in those dioceses who wish to be faithful. You had another area in which they have to choose between Christ and the Pope is another area, which they must actually oppose the Pope. If they want to save their souls. Speaker 2 00:30:05 Closing questions, Speaker 0 00:30:09 Should st. John the Baptist have a combinate Herod, who he slept with his brother's wife, if not, then why not? So Jane such st. John Fisher have accompanied Henry the eighth. Well, he slept with a woman, not his wife, if not, then why not better pray. We have a lot of st. John, the Baptist and Saint John fishers in the priesthood, because we're going to need them for many are called, but few are chosen.

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