St. Agatha & Martyrs of Nagasaki

February 05, 2018 00:06:17
St. Agatha & Martyrs of Nagasaki
Veritas Caritas
St. Agatha & Martyrs of Nagasaki

Feb 05 2018 | 00:06:17


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm really a prissy mum in the name of the father, the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's face of Saint. Agathy great. <inaudible> say attain assist league during the persecution of <inaudible> quity anise, who is the, uh, console <inaudible> had a brought before him and she didn't give into his desire. So he had her sent to a Madam and she was kept in that house for a month, which must have been a living hell. We know that just fruit through her prayers and her devotion that Christ protected her. She preserved her virtue during that month. And he had it brought back to him and, uh, she ordered her to sacrifice to the God. And she said, may your wife be like your goddess, Venus, a lady of the night? And may you be like, you're God, Jupiter and adulterer. So you ordered it to be slapped. And she, she made fun of him. Speaker 0 00:00:55 This is pretty amazing. He said, well, why is that an insult? If, if your gods are so horrible, that you're slapping me, then why would you worship them? Why don't we worship the true God? So he had her a rack and on the rack, he had her had torches passed over sides and all that. And then he actually had a breast twisted and torture then cut off and she was, uh, thrown into prison. And while she's laying there bleeding, you know, all mangled and all that at night, all of a sudden the cell is completely filled with his heavenly light and st. Peter Kane. And, and he told her that he had witnessed the whole thing and Christ had sent him to heal her. And he healed her company wounds, restorative breasts, let's sell doorway was left, open. The other people are saying, leave, get out of here. Speaker 0 00:01:44 You know, she wouldn't do it. And, uh, Christianity, this shows you that the madness of, of, of somebody really locked in this kind of pig and idolatry hoodie, Anna's didn't repent and support days later, he had her brought before him again, that should be stripped naked and rolled over broken pot charts with, with burning coals. So she's getting barbecued is she's getting shredded rolled around in that she was taken back to her to a cell and died shortly thereafter. This is in the year two 51, but the pagans noted something that even at least on two occasions, very early at this time, twin was covered with her virginal Vale. And when ed would erupt they'd run and go take the veil and it would actually stop the lava flows, right. Wherever they got to. So that's just a little bit about Saint Agatha she's of course, in our, in the Canon of the mass every day, her relics are in Catanan Sicily right now. Speaker 0 00:02:42 It's also the face to the martyrs in August Saki today. And so I'll review a brief, uh, account of that from Saint Alphonsus. His great book. It's the victories, the martyrs. He has a lot on the, on the Japanese martyrs in near too. But what happens at first, the background is it's in January of 1597, the emperor decides that's it. The Christians are going to be killed. So he orders that they all be rounded up in the first place and their noses and ears cut off. But the governor of the place where the, where the martyrs are first captured, just mitigates that by cutting off the, the, the, uh, the, the end of the left ear. Now with Jenna, January 3rd, 50 97 in the grand square of me, April the 24 condemn persons were then placed upon eight carts were ignominiously conducted through the streets, be proceeded by an officer who carried at the end of a pike. Speaker 0 00:03:34 A sign of which could be read the sentence is pronounced against them because they'd preach Christian doctrine that was prescribed in the empire. The entire population was moved to tears on seeing the modesty sweetness and even joy of these pretended criminals so much that their humiliation was changed into a triumph. Many Christians went too far to beg the soldiers to put them among the number of the condemn. They might die with him, but the favor was refused. So on January 4th, you're placed upon base of burden to be transported Nagasaki, the place of execution, where they arrive after journey lasting a month, they were exposed to the gaze of the people that are passing through various towns. But the effect produced was contrary to what the enemies expected. This long journey of severity. This season added not a little of the sufferings of these Holy martyrs. Speaker 0 00:04:24 You had the large number of Facebook company, them, the stalling upon them, everywhere, marks of sympathy and veneration Pearson took a Gero and Francis Baja Lente to fervent. Christian did not cease for an instant to follow them with invincible courage to assist them in their wants. Their faith in their charity were handsomely reward for the guard, seeing that nothing could repel them, made them prisoners and added their names to the list. The condemn thus was the number of martyrs increased to 26. They arrived in Nagasaki on February four. On the following day, they were conducted with Hills situated near the city where the instruments of death have been prepared when they saw the crosses that were destined for them on their calorie. These courage athletes get themselves up to transports of joy and each one hasten to place himself at his spot. Post their limbs in the middle of the body were then tied to the crosses with cords. Speaker 0 00:05:16 According to the custom of the country, a color of iron was put around their necks afterwards, the crosses race simultaneously fixed in the ground. All being in one role with their faces turned to the South in the direction of the city father, Peter Baptist in tone, the category Benedictus and his companions joined their voices to his soon after each one was pierced with two lances, which thrust into the side, cross each other in the breast and came out at the soldiers at this moment, a large number of the faith, which surrounded the Hill, uttering privacy, GSE, Mary Mary, the way through the lines of soldier, entering the enclosure to gather up the blood of the Mars with cloth and procure for them a part of their garments. We are told that a heavenly light was shining above their bodies, and that for a long time, many stars appeared over the Hill. So that's just a very brief account of the martyrs of Nagasaki who are moderate on this day in 1597,

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