The Communion of Saints

November 02, 2005 00:17:26
The Communion of Saints
Veritas Caritas
The Communion of Saints

Nov 02 2005 | 00:17:26


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:05 Today. We'll start because I'm going to read you a little story. It's a it's from a book by John Carol Cruz or Regulus. Tony we'll go on from there. When she was almost 21 years old, Clelia Barbie Arie inspired a small group of ladies of sinless religious ideas to join her in her performance. Good works. They devote their energies to the teaching of Christian doctrine, to sewing, to aiding the sick and providing every manner of charitable assistance to those in need. Many unusual things began to take place when there's no food in the house, the community prayed, the doorbell would ring and food would be provided praying to st. Francis payola. The patron of the group was also effective in obtaining bread, flour, wine, and other staples. And in addition, mother Clelia, if she has been known cured, many people by using the oil from the lamp that burned before the portrait of st. Speaker 1 00:01:02 Francis of payola, Clelia died of tuberculosis on July 13th, 1870, when she was only 23 years old, her last words were deep, brave, because I'm going to paradise, but I shall always remain with you. I shall never abandon you the evening of July 13th, 1871, exactly. One year after Clelia his death. Well, the sisters were at prayer in the chapel. They declared that they had a visitation quote. Suddenly there was the sound of a high pitched, harmonious, and heavenly voice that accompanied the singing in the choir. At times it sang solo and other times, and harmonized with the choir moving across from right to left. Sometimes they past close by the ears of one or the other, the sisters, the joy, which had brought, showed their hearts with happiness, impossible to put into words. This wasn't a, this world we live that day in paradise. From time to time, one had to leave the room. Speaker 1 00:02:02 The emotion we experienced was so strong that left you breakfast until one had to call out, you know, your Lord, you enough close quote, this miraculous event dismissed all the thought of the night's rest. Instead, since the blessed sacrament was not reserved in their chapel, they decided to spend the night or during the bus at SAC, but any of your by church, the end again, declared quote, but how great was our surprise? When we realized that the voice had followed us and a copied us, as we began our prayers close quote, clearly his voice played with them until Dawn. Since that day, she has never left them, joining them the most diverse around age and conditions. At the time of his death, there were only 10 girls who lived in the community after the rule of the order was approved by the Holy See warm members joined the community. Speaker 1 00:02:51 Many, be inspired by the voice of the Holy founders. After the second world war, there were 236 members during the, and some sisters numbered almost 300 in recent years, the flourishing order maintains over 35 institutions throughout Italy and mission fields in houses. The order will open an Indian Tanzania Africa with a number of the local young women joining and practicing the ideals of the Holy founders and the communities in Cantonese and India. The sisters here Clelia has voice which things in place with them in Swahili and I can't print off. And it's an Indian language when they pray in Latin, Clelia prays in Latin as well. The mother superior of the order stated the author 1970 quote, this priggish gift stimulates us to do well increases. Our faith is a relief to the trials of life and gives us a great desire from heaven in a more recent letter received before the publication is booked. Speaker 1 00:03:48 The mother provincial the order sister Silvana Magnani confirms that the prodigy is still taking place. She writes quote, the voice accompanies us in our prayers, which are in Italian with prayers that are in diverse languages and Tanzania, where we have a mission, the voice speech and language Swahili and India language is a lamb or something. Sorry. The voice has been described as one, unlike any of the surf, always sweet and gentle, sometimes sad and not always. It's not only is it frequently accompanied by angelic strains, but is himself often transformed into the Pearson celestial music. Many witnesses been questioned with integrity, including original companions, various superiors and sisters, the order priests and lay workers and orders hospitals, but adequate testified. They've heard the voice. Many witnesses have given sworn testimony before ecclesiastical tribunals investigated the project prior to Clelia saw him edification on October 27th, 1968. And before canonization on April 9th, 1989 st. Speaker 1 00:04:51 Clelia continues to let them hear voice like that first anniversary of her death, her nuns together with many others. Can you hear her voice? Would you praise sayings in her seeds? It is a voice called happiness when an obviously good news for her family, the church and the world is full of sadness when suffering is nearby and just always calm and encouraging a true sign that God never leaves us. So that's the first little story. Hold that thought. I'll read you a different story. This one takes place at Luttrell, Benedictine, Abbey, Pennsylvania, excuse the apparitions occurred there in the year. 1859. American press took up the matter made fun of it. So the avid habit with spirit of the house, address this letter to the newspapers and I quote from the Abbott's letter. The following is a true statement of the case and our Abby at st. Speaker 1 00:05:48 Vincent and he'll troll a bunch of timber camp, 1859, a novice on apparition of that Benedict and full choir dress. This apparition was pretty everyday from September 18th until February 19th, either at 11 o'clock or at noon or two o'clock in the morning. It was only the 19th of November, the novice interrogated, the spirit and the presence of another member of the community and asked the motive of these apparitions. He replied that he had suffered for 77 years for having neglected to celebrate seven masses of obligation that he had already appeared at different times to 700 Benedictans, but he had not been heard. And if you'd be obliged to appear again, after 11 years, if the novice to not come to his assistance, find the spirit ass. If he's seven NASA's might be celebrated for him. Moreover, the novice must remained in retreat for seven days, keep strict silence. Speaker 1 00:06:39 And during 30 days recite three times a day that Palm misery, his feet there, and his arms extended in the farm across all the conditions were fulfilled between November 20th and December 25th. And on that day after the celebration, the last mass, the apparition disappeared during that period, the skirts showed itself several times, distorting to novice, most urgent manner to pray for the souls in purgatory. Four said he, they suffer frightfully and are extremely grateful to those who cooperate in their deliverance. He added sad to relate that five priests with died in her Abby, not one had yet entered heaven, all were suffering in purgatory. I do not draw any conclusion, but this is correct. It's signed by Abbott women in a certain way. Both these stories might seem astonishing. The fact that Saint Clelia like a good mother keeps so close to her spiritual children and encouraging them saying with them and to them, it seems astonishing that a big Benedictine monk might appear to his brothers, begging them for prayers and help. Speaker 1 00:07:49 But if we stop and pawn, if the reality of the church for a minute, it shouldn't seem so astonished at all. As faithful members of Christ church, we shouldn't find anything just time sheet wonderful. But if we appreciate the reality in the church, we shouldn't find it is that astonishing. It's not particularly astonishing that the people in heaven are big brothers and sisters and the church traffic one help us out. It's not particularly astonishing that the people in purgatory want us to help them out. Both fees, a concrete examples of profound reality. The church has placed in before our eyes, the special way, the next two days, the reality that we're not in this alone, we're not in it alone. We're together. It's literally a family affair as members of the Catholic church. The one true church on earth, we belong to the communion of saints. Speaker 1 00:08:51 We're not in it alone. Women's together. Now, even though we already know all this, let's take a few minutes to have a quick review of our categories. And on this topic, the topic of the community, the same question, what does it mean when we speak of the comedians saints and the pastas creed answer a community st is Mac the union of the faithful on earth, blessed it in heaven and the souls in purgatory with Christ as their head question, the father, I thought saints were only the angels and the men and women in heaven answer. Well, they certainly are saints. And that's why we call them saints. But when we speak of the community saints and the process created, we're using another meaning of the word Saint. And in this case, it means not only the men and women and angels in heaven, but everyone that actually belongs to the true church of Jesus Christ. Speaker 1 00:09:47 It means everyone who belongs to the Catholic church. And that means everyone in the church, triumphant it's everyone in having a course like st Clelia and everyone in the church suffering that's everyone barbecuing down below the earth and purgatory like the Benedictine monk. Who's periodically being led out of purgatory in this case to ask for help in prayers. The course that includes all the faithful here on earth. When the church no attend the fighting church, that's us. We're in the fighting church question. Why is the church here on earth called the fighting church? Because we're fighting, we're fighting our enemies, but even devil, we're fighting that worldly spirit that tries to get us to reject Christ, to conform to its wicked ways. And we're fighting our very own worst enemy, which is our own flesh, our own fallen nature. I don't disorder desires will surely drag us to hell. Speaker 1 00:10:46 If we don't fight, we're fighting to get to heaven. That's why we're called the fighting church. The church. No question. What can the church triumphant the saints in heaven do for the souls in purgatory and the faithful members, the fighting church on earth answer through the communion of saints. This bond that we all have with the one head Christ who the community of saints, the saints in heaven can help the saints and purgatory and the facial members of fighting church on earth. By praying for them. They're watching so closely over us because heaven isn't like light years away. There's a thin tissue right here between us and them. The spiritual realm is surrounding us. The devil is they're trying to attack us. The angels. Our guardian angels are right here. Our patrons they're right here. They're watching over us. That's what that singing of Saint Clelia reminds us of, huh? Speaker 1 00:11:37 The feast today reminds us of the truth. That all those who fight under the banner of the Lord and have one on showing perfect total, complete happiness and heaven for all eternity question, should the fateful members, the fighting church on earth for the communion of saints on the saints in heaven and pray to them. That's exactly what we're doing right here right now. That's what the relics, here's a major Relic, large bond from the unknown, but a modern from the catacombs. It's big enough on a rock like that. The seals are actually on the bone. You know, a lot of times, anyway, that's, that's a Relic. It might be on the case and relics up there. And of course the feast, the faithful members of the fighting church on earth through the community, saints should honor the saints in heaven to pray to them because they're worthy of honor. Speaker 1 00:12:25 They're friends of God and they'll help us in our battles. Your honor, we've got friends in high places and that's what this feature mindset question can the facial members and the fighting church on earth, through the community of saints relieve the sufferings and the souls in purgatory. That's what this story about the Benedictine monk reminds stuff. They need our help. They can't help themselves, but we can help them. There's a communion of saints. We can relieve their sufferings by prayer fasting. Good works intelligence is, and having masses offered for them also. That's why we've got the names. Everybody's got the names of all of the faithful. The part of it, Arabic gave to us under the all a hundred altar cloth during the entire month of November. I'll remember it. And I also wrote on there for all the intended ones that you forgot to give me, which is fine. Speaker 1 00:13:16 Cause I have intention. I'll come to that later. So there'll be taking care of her. You can't give me stuff later, but they're not getting forgotten. If you're sitting on, what did I do? Question can the facial members of the fighting church on earth help one another as members of the mystical body of Christ, we help each other by practicing supernatural charity. And especially by the spiritual corporate works of mercy basic review, let's close with a few concrete suggestions. Every single one of us needs to have a devotion to the saints in heaven, devotion to the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph goes without saying. And then general was, she also had a habit of reading lives of the saints so that we're filling our imagination and our mind with the deeds of heroes, huh? We should get to know him, but each one of us also has a true devotion to our Holy patrons. Speaker 1 00:14:10 We need to know our patron saints. These are the great heroes or heroines we've actually been named after everyone should know the story of their lives, teach your children and your grandchildren and your God showed her the stories of the saints they have been named after. We should sub they saints today. I still get a present I'm named after Saint for very, and I still get a present from my folks on, on May 26th. I like that. You know, I mean the birthdays, no big deal. The niggas st. State, you should have a personal relationship with your saints. Okay. In two weeks because of that, November 17th, that's a Thursday, that's the feast of Saint Rose Philippine to Shane that's. We've got the blessing of his community of having a patronist in heaven who actually lived here in Kansas and Missouri. So we had to make a special attempt on that day. Speaker 1 00:14:58 And that's not just the pitch for me. I mean, that's a pitch cause cause we'll get graces for it to attempt to get to mass that Thursday in her honor. And of course, with respect to the souls in purgatory, we need to help him out visiting cemeteries, place you list of our beloved dead on the alter. Having masters offered for them, making communions for them, uniting ourself to the priests and praying for them during the momentum of the dead that's after the consecration at a high mass, you can tell, cause the Altima steps back and I do this. I'm not looking at the niche that I go like that I'm praying for the dead. Right. Then I'm looking right at it, a lower cause. That's what it says to do. And I'm praying for all the dead well unite yourself. Cause that's not just, I'm praying for you guys. Speaker 1 00:15:39 That's what I'm up there. So unite yourself at that moment. Of course I'll also be praying for all the ones right there that are right on under the altar cloth, but let's do that. Okay. Girlfriend dogs, which means we have to make the effort, I guess, of getting confession every two weeks mothers, when your kids are sick or hurt or whiny, teach him that wonderful Catholic mother expression offered up, okay. Let's be careful. Each one of us to not let any of our sufferings go to waste, we can pay the price. We can pay the price and get so many of our suffering brothers and sisters out of the pains and purgatory and into heaven. If we just make the effort. And again, as we said earlier, if we pay the price and get some, a purgatory into heaven, we've made friends with someone who has a personal debt to us, injustice that we've helped out. Speaker 1 00:16:36 That's solid. That went from correctly to heaven. It's like a special patron or Patriots. It is going to make darn sure that we don't end up where we really don't want to go. And even if we do end up at pretty cool that we get out of there pretty quick, they never sleep. There are no in grace in heaven, we've been blessed with the greatest possible gift remembers and the Catholic church. The one true church, we belong to the community chains. We may be in a tiny branch, but we're not in it alone. We're not in it alone. It's a family affair. Let's not forget to call out the brothers and sisters in heaven. The Holy angels. Let's not forget our brothers and sisters roasting per guitar. <inaudible>.

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