Fixing Your Intentions at the Offertory

October 23, 2005 00:26:08
Fixing Your Intentions at the Offertory
Veritas Caritas
Fixing Your Intentions at the Offertory

Oct 23 2005 | 00:26:08


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:05 not long ago. We talk about having any attention for communion and that way preparing more readily to make a good Canadian and making a better holy community today. We'll see why we should also always, always, always have an intention ready for the offertory and the mass now just mentioned it does not have to be the same intention. It's what you're going to communion for. The offertory, the mass. They should have an intention, so we'll talk about that to see why we should have an intention always ready for the afternoon mass. Let's just ask ourself, why did our Lord Institute the holy sacrifice and I asked in the first place. We all know that on Good Friday when our Lord was nailed to the altar of the cross, that he redeemed us. He came there and made satisfaction for us. What's the point of the holy mass then? The holy sacrifice. Speaker 1 01:03 The mass is the means that our lord himself chose to distribute to apply all the graces, all the merits that he won on calvary to the individual sold throughout the world. Each of us, the mass is how he passes out. Those rewards that he won for us at his passion and death. As the Council of Trent Cooke puts it, quote our Lord, and God offered himself to God the father once for all by his death on the altar of the cross to accomplish and everlasting <inaudible> shoe, but death was not to end his priesthood. And so at the last supper, in order to leave for his beloved spouse, the church a visible sacrifice, he offered his body and blood under the species of bread and wine to God the father, Andy gave his body and blood under the same species to the process to receive making them priests of the new test tonight. Speaker 1 02:07 At the same time, this sacrifice was to represent the bloody sacrifice which he accomplished on the cross once for all, it was to perpetuate his memory until the end of the world and it saving grace was to be applied to the remission of the sins that we daily commit close call the council of Trent, the holy sacrifice. The mass was to represent the buddy sacrifice, which our Lord accomplished on the cross once for all to perpetuate his memory. Until the end of the world and apply his saving grace for our mission to sins. We daily commit so we can see that Lord instituted the mass as the means to apply the mirrors he won for us at calvary and today we'll start by looking at it like fruitful practice to help us maximize the benefit we get from each mass that we hear. So what do we do at the offertory for you? Speaker 1 03:11 Little people that starts right after the cre. Dan's at the offertory which starts right after the creed. You fixed your intention. Okay, father, what does that mean to say that you fix your intention? Well, first off, what's your intention? That's the thing that you really want off to your mass step for. Maybe it's to pray your grandma has a holy death. Maybe it's to pray you overcome a bad habit, whatever it might be. You take that intention and you mentally place it on the host, which the priest is offering up for you. The priest offers mass on your behalf. In fact, at the sun mass, it's always the intention. It's called Crow Popo. That's for your intentions. That is so the mass itself is even offered for your intentions, okay? But if you don't have them, then you miss now. Okay? So the priest is offering mass in your behalf. Speaker 1 04:02 Part of the prayer that I say with the host, I'm holding the host up on a pattern right there and there's a prayer, and in English it would sit, it would be received or Holy Father Almighty and eternal God. This spotless host for all here president, I'm offering it for every one of you that's present here. That means you, if you don't have an intention, get one right now. Holy debt can't go wrong with that. If you have a holy death, everything else, dates and insignificance, okay? How? If you don't have an attention, get one right now before we go any farther, okay? And I'll pay attention again. Now you take, you mentally placed that same attention on the chalice or in the Chels, which again the priest is offering up for you. Here's part of that prayer. The priest goes over there, water, little bit of wine, which stands for you to come back and, and when the priest is holding it up in English, he's part of the thing. Speaker 1 04:54 We offer into the a Lord. The child says salvation for our own salvation for that out of the whole world. It's in the plural. We offer onto the we offer. That's you and I, and I have an intention, but if you don't have an intention, I'm kind of generically offering it for you. Have an intention. You're missing an opportunity. If you don't have any intention. Remember, see, I'm the official delicate that's been chosen by God to go right up to the very threshold of heaven there to offer these things. But I'm doing it for you. I'm standing the place of Christ as official mediator between God, man. That's what my job is. Now we fixed her intention. If we placed on host as replacement Chow's do that. We fixed our intention. That's the other intention right now. Fixing it and junior distracts know that you're covered. Speaker 1 05:48 Huh? But if it's, you know, if you wait until after the consecration too late. So if you miss the exact minute, you still keep on it. But it come with an intention. Don't randomly go cause might keep distracted where week you come here and say, I went off on mass for this intention. It'll still count. Even if there's a big sonic boom or something. It's not like, oh darn. You know, the good Lord is trying to make it. If you're actually trying to do something, you don't carry your weakness. But if you just come into your space and out, that's not the same. You come with an intention. Okay. Now, right after the cellist offered up, please sets it down. And the very next prayer he says, well, he's bent over on symbolically Krav laying before God, the father and my hands are joined together like a slave. Speaker 1 06:30 Like they're on the threshold, the edge of heaven. So my hands are joined together like this and I'm grovelling. That's what I'm doing and I'm praying on everybody's behalf. But what's the prayer on this thing? Listen carefully. Here's what I'm saying. In a spirit of humility and with a contract heart receive us the Lord and grant that the sacrifice which we offer this day at night side might be pleasing onto the oh Lord God again in the plural. Where did this prayer come from? I think it's pretty awesome. It's taken from a lot longer prayer. In the book of Daniel, the three boys wouldn't bow down to the false gods and the grave image of King Nebuchadnezzar, the king, the Babylonians, and so they were tossed into that Florence, the fire because they were spared. They're walking around in this furnace of fire with the fires burning out and killing everybody that tries to get too close to it. Speaker 1 07:23 They were tossed in there and they're praying and while they're praying they make note. It's in the third chapter of the book of Daniel, the right there. Since they're an exile, there's no priest to priest offering up pleasing holocaust or sacrifices to the true God. And so they're praying that God might accept them as a burnt offering. Quote it a contrite heart and humble spirit. Let us except it. So let our sacrifice be made. Nice psyche state. It may plays the close quote, God, the Holy Ghost. It's the words have hardly been changed at all. It's just been modified slightly so the police can stay at and mass. It's beautiful. So what we've just done is we've United ourselves to the holy sacrifice by fixing our intention at the offertory, we should make a particular point of uniting ourselves with the priest as he's praying this prayer, make that hurt. Speaker 1 08:15 The three boys, their own cause. What's the priest asking on behalf of everyone, right then for the truly humble spirit and a contrite heart and God is bond himself. This is the amazing thing. God is bound himself six times at fish on baster, and I've got his permission to appear at the edge of heaven representing his son, putting on crest. It's not as I'm doing everything right, not getting creative and a lot of liturgical nonsense up there. He has to listen to what I'm saying. It's unbelievable. It's Austin. Our religion is unbelievable. God puts himself at mercy and then like me and what are we asking for right? Then humility and contrition, emoting contrition. These are absolutely essential virtues. If we want to become saints, she's the holiest because she's the most humble. We're asking to be conformed more and more to Christ, to our lady. Speaker 1 09:13 Okay, this is our opportunity to priest is officially asking for us. So what are we thinking? This will dispose as to pray more and more for the actual grace in our life if we unite ourselves to this kind of prayer. Okay, so now we fixed our attachment off toward, we made a point if United cells to the prayer for healing and contrition because God is dawn himself to listen to his praise is honestly not following the rule. God looks down, got the fire, looks John, he'll accept that offering I've made on our behalf. But what is he looking down and saying? A little piece of bread and some Y, but the father, the heavenly father also sees intentions that have been attached by each person, the priest and everyone here on whose behalf it's being offered. He sees everyone less attaches attached to that bread and wine. Speaker 1 10:00 As long as we fixed him. If we didn't fix them, he won't see him. He see it's important for us to do our part. You know, he said, I have a job to do, but so do you. So do you. Okay, so as long as we fixed him, God, see it looks down from heaven and hell. He fires looking down from heaven at the alter. What is he seeing? He's looking right there and he's seeing the host of wine we call your intention side. Now here, it all starts to come together because what happens next is the priest consecrates the host and the child and holds them out on behalf of everyone to show to the heavenly father. Think of what this means. Suddenly by the miracle transubstantiation, the bread and wine are completely gone. Only the accidents remain. Only your parents is a bread and wine. Speaker 1 10:48 Romaine by the power of the priesthood is passed down from Christ, the apostles on Hawaii Thursday at pass down from them to this very day by the laying on of hands a few words or whispered over a piece of bread. That bread becomes a man. That man is God. Had a few words. I was spillover, some wine, and that wine becomes a man. That man is God. Jesus Christ becomes really, truly present body book, Soul and divinity. And what happens now, God, the father is looking down and he's seeing his son and his son is holding up the intentions we fixed at the offertory on our behalf. That's how we unite ourselves to sacrifice a Calgary at the mass. The heavenly father sees that right then and he's merciful to us so we can keep doing this day in and day out as long as we live. Now stop and think about this for a minute. Speaker 1 11:51 Say now fonts. It says, quote, during mass, we can obtain all the graces that we desire for ourselves and for others. If well, we offer to our our Lord the God in the mass. We ask for those graces in our Lord's name for then Jesus himself, United seen itself with us in prayer. Close quote, we need to fix those intentions during the off the tour. Then Christ has United himself with those prayers and he's often up to the heavenly father. Saint Alphonsus says that by the offering of our Lord to the heavenly father at mass quote, we offer to God a complete satisfaction for all the sins of men. And especially for the sins of those who are present. But although the mass is of infinite value got accepted only according to the dispositions of those who attend to holy sacrifice, close quote. So we want to dispose ourselves. Speaker 1 12:43 And especially during the offertory, especially that next period where we're playing for humility, it can tradition because the more humble we are about can try it, we are the more disposed we are. This is a very short period of time. You can do it, you know, but I mean we're not asking you concentrated every moment that humanly, that's it. But at this point in time, you can do that. You're disposing yourself in a very effective way because these are official prayers that God is upon himself to hear in official prayers. The church always more powerful than a private prayers cause it doesn't depend on the mirror of men like me. Luckily it depends on the reality of the, of the sacramental system that Christ has established. Okay. Now let's step back from the prayers themselves and make a few other practical notes. Half can I do with our sacrifice? Speaker 1 13:30 Many people don't realize all the things we do at mass, they could dispose this towards receiving more fruit, which is considered a few to get the general idea, okay? The choir disposes us towards grace. Not only are they performing unnecessary liturgical function, they actually dispose us to grow in holiness and God rewards the people in the choir for their central contribution. The more external graves are no external glory, we give to God for more grace that flows down off the altar. Okay? The music and the cues actually matters. You actually disclose yourself to more grace by saying, we've stuck to the mass, the angels for a long time. Why? So we learned it all by heart. Anybody that's suffered with me long enough knows that. I'm not saying here, but if you get it paid upon it into your head long enough, even somebody like me can hit a note. Speaker 1 14:22 Huh? That's, that's the kind of thing. So what we're doing, we're trying to get it so we can all do it and singing those parts from the pew is directly serving God and listening, listening to the beautiful motets after we fixed her intention at the Africa, for example, is an active way of serving God. Why? Because of their prayers and their beautiful musical prayers. They're sacrificed the praise which gives you external glory to God and are meant to lift us all and they'll do that. So that helps us grow in Hawaii. And I see, you know, young guys have traditionally disposed themselves to more graces by serving cause after the priesthood, that's the next best thing. And that thing, that's a particular dignity that God allows me. Young, mandatory, also things like leading a rosary, being ushers, taking out the collection, singing, all those things dispose us and our means for growing and wholeness. Speaker 1 15:18 How about the ladies? It seems unfair and they can't serve if no things like the flowers up there every week. Now those are real flowers and they're surrounding the tabernacle. Our Lord, they remind us in the first place. The beauty of the garden to eat and flowers for this mysterious thing and liturgical, you know, always been something to remind us of the on fallen world. There's something about flowers like that and mystical significance and reminders to the world to come and that's a sacrifice from the ladies and altar and rosary such that I don't think for a second that our lord as an appreciate surrounding his house with things like flowers. Okay. That these wax candles right there on the altar, the candles for the Easter Vigil, the Pascal candle that has no candles, the canvas for the church, women, those things are all beautiful burnt offerings for our Lord Altar Rosary Society, alter linens, CarPros purification and all that. Speaker 1 16:10 None of that. Get them. They clean them. And I am a, this isn't gonna, you know, I mean, I am very thankful for that. Believe me, if you've ever seen me loose with an iron, it's a frightening thing. And okay, the linen all through class, they cover the altar. All right? But that Trismus pibs all these things are essential. There's, it's, there's never going to be a day when I'm going to sit around and still baptismal clips and I'm not making fun of it, you know? But it's just not going to happen. It's impossible. I can't return the phone calls. Okay. All these things. And of course singing, all that, these are great means for growing in holiness and the collection. I don't talk about money, but that's not a issue. It's not a plug. But that is also, and not just here. I mean, whenever we're supporting the poor, authentically Catholic projects, that's an important thing because when they come to sacrifice from what God's given us, and you know, I'll just say personally, I don't do that very often because I don't like talking like that. Speaker 1 17:02 But all these kinds of things, you don't know how much I appreciate everything that people here do. And it keeps me trying to work real hard so that we'll get to heaven. Okay. So those are some of the more external means of disposing us towards greater holiness and all these stack question mass. But since the devil hates the mass above all things, he never sleeps. There's a few things we should consider before we close. We all fall on centers. We all need correction. But in a community like this, just like in a family, there's an order to be followed with respect to correction. When order corrections is properly followed and corrections, they're given the proper manner. They actually disposed people towards holiness. That's part of the child. But I praise to get up here for example, and preach your way through the commandments and there's 10 of them. Speaker 1 17:50 So at least one of them is going to hurt. You know, you can take your pick, but we're all damaged in different ways. But some of them are going to hurt. Every one of us is going to be hurt in some way, but something that the church teaches because everyone is his damage in some way. Blood, original, actual stent. So they're special. Grace is for the corrections done in the proper manner. Okay. And they don't dispose people to our 12 units. But if the order corrections is not followed and always that not disposed, people who are totally this, it generally purchases discord and stim. It's hard enough taking correction from proper authorities. Thanks a lot to Adam. And that's in spite of the fact that a proper authority has a special grades. It's called the crisis cake, which helps them to correct and guide people that are subject to them. Speaker 1 18:33 We're all kids and we all know once to tell when some of us are still kids and we all know how hard it was for our parents to kind of justice and getting this fine. Right? So if there's a problem around here that really actually needs to be addressed, let the priest know and we'll take care of it either privately or publicly as the case may be. But we can't grow in holiness if we don't suppress the desire to issue corrections to those are not on our sorority. It's actually impossible. I'll prove that in a minute. I'm not making it up. It's actually part of our religion to kind of keep settling about last things we see. And your holiness is an integral part of my particular judgment and son, I'm very interested in it and that's just for your sake. But for mine, I've got plans. Speaker 1 19:17 Okay. So I'll get, let me read some important advice from that. Greg's Danish think and documents go theology St John on the cross. It pertains to the relationship between mining our own business and holiness of the Catholic Church, old Saint John and crossed up and assurance safe guide for the spiritual life. So this very slightly edited quote is taken from his work called the cautions. And these are Saint John of the crosses, warnings about the dangers of the world, the flesh and the devil and applies to anyone serious about growing in holiness. And I, it's my real prayer that that's everyone in this community. It's a long quote. It's important to plan it carefully. I will make paranthetically comments here and there as we go. Speaker 1 20:03 Nanny through not observing his caution have not only lost the peace and blessings of their souls, but if fallen and habitually fall you too many evils. And sims, that's what he talking about. It's worth repeating and nanny to not observing this caution and not only lost the peace and blessings of their souls, but if fallen and have eventually fall into many evils. And since the caution is that Dow shits keep thyself with all diligence, from setting my thoughts upon what happens in the community and still knowing from speaking of it, which may concern or may have concerned, someone in particular that shall not speak of his character or his manner of life or any of his business. However grave it be safe to that person, to whom minutes ride, if thou should speak of it at that point in time. In other words, we need to keep our minds, oh out of other people's business and not speak of them except to the proper authority. Speaker 1 20:56 It'd be the priest or the family, the parents. That's where we start and message. You know so egregious, obviously St John Nor shutouts to ever be shocked or marvel at <inaudible> here east, but should strive to keep thy soul and forgetfulness of it all. In other words, we just drive it out of our mind. Not St John Explains his caution in more detail for thought desires to consider any of these things. Even though the live among angels, many things in them will seem to be to BMS since thou will not understand the substance. Seven takes out here for the example, lots of life who because she was troubled at the petitioner, the side of Mites, and look backwards to see what was happening was punished by God who turned her into a statue of salt by this. Understand that all that, even though they'll dow may live among devils, God, Wellesley, to live among them in such a way that Don Knotts looked back and thought at their business, but abandoned them. Speaker 1 21:59 Holy striving to keep that soul here and sincere with God, undisturbed by thoughts either of one thing or another that may take it for certain. The communities will never be without some occasion of stumbling. I may take it for certain that communities will never be without sem. Occasion of stumbling sits there, never wanting devils who strive to overthrow the saints, and God permits this in order to exercise the same improvement, if not not keep thy self has been said as though that we're not in the house. Dog Cats never attained the holy detachment recollection or free thyself from the evils, the lie here, if God does not do this, however good may be the aim and however great tie zeal the devil will trap the either in one place or in another and now are already securely and trapped. Now that's the permit I sell to be distracted in any of these ways. Speaker 1 22:55 Remember that which is said by the Pasta Saint James, if any man thinking it himself to be religious bridling not his tongue. This man's religion is in vain. This is to be understood and the less of inward speech. Then about outward close, quote Saint John of the cross, very long. Here's the important thing. Even though even though found they live among devils, God, Wellesley, to live among them in such a way that they're not looked back and I thought if their business but abandoned them, holy striving to keep thy so pure and sincere with God, undisturbed by thoughts either of one thing or another if thought, do not this however good, maybe the aim and however great guy, zeal the devil and trap the an hour already securely and tracked on a dos permit by soul to be distracted in any of these ways. When we're having these temptations, they're not of God. Speaker 1 23:54 Just as parents are sponsoring, their children are correct in this community to priests who are responsible. If there's a problem that the priest know, we'll take care of it. That's close. We're considering ways to take advantage of mass to make serious dry and holiness. We've seen that not only should everyone come to mass, but attention for holy communion. He should also have an intention for the mass itself and these two intentions do not have to be the same. We've seen it. The offertory. Everyone should fix his intention on both the host and the wine. We've seen it. We should unite ourselves with the priest prayer to grow in humility and contrition. We've seen that after the consecration. God, the father looks down and is pleased to see his son who's now holding up those intentions that we fixed at the offertory. We've seen that we could expose herself for more threats from an ass by assisting with other things that surround or support the holy sacrifice, such as serving senior year caring for flowers, linens, and such like things associated with the altar. Speaker 1 25:00 Let's never forget why God put us in the world. Never forget we've been put here to become saints starting the day right at this very mass. Let's take advantage of a very powerful aid to help us in that endeavor. A very powerful aid to help us go and holiness. Let's make a serious effort to fix our intentions at the office. We're here to become saints and Saint Alphonsus says, quote, those who say, God is not wishes all to be saints. Make a great state. Yes. For Saint Paul says, this is the will of God, your sanctification. God wishes us all to be saints and each one, according to his state and life, the religious as a religious, the priest is a priest. The married is married. The businessman, as a businessman, as a soldier, as a soldier, and so of every other state in life, close call, Saint Alphonsus, bishop and doctor, the church, God wishes his all to be stains.

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