The Errors of Russia: How They Affect Family Life

January 09, 2005 00:23:02
The Errors of Russia: How They Affect Family Life
Veritas Caritas
The Errors of Russia: How They Affect Family Life

Jan 09 2005 | 00:23:02


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Speaker 0 00:07 We're all familiar with that bone chilling warning given by our lady of Fatima on July, 1917 during the height of world war one. Well, the war is going to end, but if people do not see defending God, worst one will break out during the reign of Pius the 11th if my requests are heated, Russia will be converted. No will be peace. If not, she was bred her errors throughout the world. Close quote. So what happened one then didn't see Safin and God, we've all heard of the roaring twenties to a worse war. World war II broke out just cause that lady had prophesied three Russia, which at the time of her lady's apparitions was an Eastern Orthodox country, ruled by the czar, became an atheistic Marxist empire and for communist Russia began spreading her errors throughout the world. Now these errors are so serious that the blessed Virgin Mary came down from heaven, warned us about them and then perform the greatest miracle outside of gospel times in order to draw our attention to them and to confirm her warning, we got to sit right up and pay attention. Speaker 0 01:38 So today on a face to the Holy family. Let's take a few minutes to consider some of the errors of Russia errors that affects family life right here today in our own country. We'll start with the teaching of the pulse. First we'll take a general look at the churches teaching concerning atheistic communism. Then we'll take a quick look at just how the areas of Russia spread so rapidly throughout the world. And finally we'll take a quick survey of the principal errors pertaining to family life. In two weeks we'll respond to those errors with the actual teaching of the church. Part one, a very general look at church teaching, considering AC or concerning atheist communism in 1937 not quite 20 years after our lady appeared in Fatima <inaudible> 11th 12th and cyclical on atheistic communism precisely to warn the faithful about Russia's errors. It's a great in cyclical, everybody that has the time well rewarded for spending time reading. Speaker 0 02:52 It was start this investigation by hearing the teaching of the vicar of Christ. For the sake of time. I've cut and splice quote <inaudible> quote, atheistic communism aims at upsetting the social order and the undermining the very foundations of Christian civilization. For the first time in history, we are witnessing a struggle coldblooded and its purpose and mapped out to the least degree between man and all that is called God. Close quote right here. The pulp is quoting that part of Saint Paul's second letter to <inaudible>. That's the section where Saint Paul is referring to the antichrist quote, this satanic scourge is an opposition to both reason and to divine revelation. Entire peoples find themselves in danger of falling back into a barber is worse than that which oppressed the greater part of the world at the coming of the Redeemer close quote, those are sobering words. Biased 11th she took at the faithful do not allow themselves to be deceived. Speaker 0 04:10 Communism is intrinsically wrong and no one who would save Christian civilization and they collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever. Those who permit themselves to be deceived into lending their aid towards the tribe of communism in their own country will be the first to fall victims to their own error. Close quote, communism is intrinsically wrong and no one may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever. I see 11th quote, the Eva, which today CarMax, humanity can be conquered only by a worldwide crusade of prayer and penance in far. Also the power, the intercession of enact that version, who having crushed the serpent's head of old remains the Sherpa, cactus and eventful help of Christians close. Cool. All right, well we go on. Let's review. We've seen our lady of Fatima Warren, mankind that if we didn't stop offending God, Russia, what's better air Strout the world we've seen Pope Pius 11 called communism, a satanic skirt that he taught the communism was intrinsically wrong, that men find themselves in danger of falling back into pagan state. Speaker 0 05:33 That's even more barbaric than that at the time of our Lord and all this Eva could only be conquered by worldwide crusade, a penance and prayer and intercession of the blessed version. Part two. A quick look at just how the errors of Russia spread so rapidly throughout the world. I see 11th how is it possible that such a system spread so rapidly in all parts of the world? There is an explanation for the RAF, the diffusion of communistic ideas now seeping into every nation great and spa advanced and backward so that no corner of the earth is free from that. This explanation is to be found in a propaganda so truly diabolical that the world has perhaps never witnessed. It's like before it is directed from one common center. It is shrewdly adapted to the varying conditions of diverse people. It has instant disposal, gigantic financial resources, gigantic organizations, international congresses, countless trained workers. Speaker 0 06:44 It makes you a pamphlets, reviews, cinema, theater and radio schools and even universities. Little by little, it penetrates into all classes of the people and even reaches the better minded groups of the community with the result that you are aware of the poison which increasingly pervades their minds and hearts. Close quote, the explanations to be found in a propaganda so truly diabolical that the world has never witnessed. It's like before and it's directed from one common center. I see 11 quote. Another powerful factor in the diffusion of con communism is the conspiracy of silence on the part of a large section of the non-Catholic press of the world. We say conspiracy because it is impossible to otherwise explain press so eager to exploit. Even the little daily incidence of life has been able to remain silent for so long about the horrors perpetrated in Russia and elsewhere and at that pressure. Speaker 0 07:53 It has so little to say concerning a world organization as fast as Russian communism. This science is due in part to short-sided political policy and his favorite by various occult forces, which for a very long time had been working for the overthrow of the Christian social order. Close quote. Another powerful factor is the conspiracy of silence on the part of a large section of the non-Catholic press or the world that was written in March of 1937 has there been some kind of NASA of awakening, a major conversion of the press since then has there, what's the general reaction? The press over topics like contraception, abortion, other politically correct since, what was the general reaction in the press over the passion of the Christ? Speaker 0 08:56 What was the pub talking about when he speaks to the various, he called forces working for the overthrow of the Christian social order in the Pope is referring to his arch enemies of God and the church of whom Pope Pius the ACE said quote, their laws had truth. Third, God is the devil. Close. Cool. Okay. So they're lost on truth that God is a devil. Great father. So who's that? These are the same men of whom Leo, the 13th road quote. It is. Needless to put them on their trial, they're already judged their ends. Their means, their doctrines and their action are all known with indisputable certainty, possessed by the spirit of Satan whose instrument they are. They burn like him with a deadly and implacable hatred of Jesus Christ and up his work and endeavor by every means to overthrow and Saturday close quote. Speaker 0 09:56 Okay, great father. So they're possessed by the spirit of Satan and they burned like Kim was it deadly hatred of our Lord. So who are we talking about? On a later date? We'll take a closer look at these allies of atheistic communism, which the Pope is referring to. These are the logics who looks like the Freemasons, the Shriners, the odd fellows, the Illuminati, sculling bones. Let's review. We've seen that the errors of Russia were spread so rapidly throughout the world by means of diabolical propaganda. Shrewdly adapted to people in various States alive and poured out to the various mass media from one source. We've seen it. The spread of the satanic lies by the comments were aided and abetted by a conspiracy of silence and non-Catholic press due to political concerns and the influences of the lodge are three. A quick survey of some of the principle errors concerning family life. Speaker 0 10:59 Now let's turn to a few of the pertinent errors of Russia to pertain to the family. In 1884 a series of errors later adopt adopted by Russia were proposed and a work written by the coauthor of the communist manifesto, Karl Marx, his partner Kangos. This work is entitled the origin, the family, private property, and the state. Here's his basic argument. Private property has caused enslavement and oppression of women by net that you might wonder, how does private property cause women to be oppressed? How does that follow? Well, over the course of their lives, men have the habit of a massive private property. Okay. Now they have this private property and they want handed on to their children. So big deal. What is the fact that one hand on their property they want their children inherit their wealth have to do with enslavement and oppression of women and the twisted logic of angles. Speaker 0 12:02 It has everything to do with it. See, men are more physically powerful than women, right? And they want to make sure that this property goes to their children. So in order to make sure that their own kids get their inheritance, then have to use their superior strength. Why pay attention? It's weird. A man needs to press his wife in order to make sure that all her children are really his children so that only his children will get his private property. But when the revolution is finally done away with the private property, then of course women will no longer need to be oppressed because there's no longer any economic reason for it's completely whacked besides which it's not ready to sin. Sell could dig me women, but it's a Marxist might say it's the economy stupid. Again, the basic argument is that a man needs to press his wife in order to make sure that all their children are really his children. Speaker 0 12:58 So his children will get his property, but when communism has done away with private property, then women will no longer be oppressed since the economic reason it's gone. Okay. Father, what is all this weird theory about oppression statement of women by men because of private property has to do with us. Good question. And she may have gathered by now reading this stuff makes your head spin, but a Canadian author who waited her way through angles and summarizes eight key points for the sake of time, we're not going to explore how each one of these flow from this basic argument, but if you put on your thinking cap, it's pretty easy to see. Okay. Now remember, these are marks the stairs as I'm going through them as we go through them. Everybody should ask himself if he's ever heard anything like this before. These are Marxists errors. Speaker 0 13:44 First, recorded by angles in 1884 angles. Conclusions, first, women must be allowed to work in the factories on an equal basis with men. Second, divorce must be made free and easy. Third definite roles for the two sexes must feel eliminated. Fourth, the notion of the woman is a housekeeper must be eliminated and house work must be seen as an industry. Fifth, childcare must be turned over to the community as in it takes a village to raise a child. Six, the stigma and even the concept if they want you to miss C has to be eliminated. Seven, the definition of family has to be made flexible and open and a sexual activity should be unrestrained. I remember those are marks his servers just to make sure no one messed them. We'll go back through them. The basic argument is a man needs to press his wife in order to make sure that all her children or his children instead only his children will get his private property. Speaker 0 14:51 When communism is finally done away with private property, then women will no longer be oppressed since economic flourishes will not attend that way. The conclusions from this argument are first women must be allowed to work on an equal basis and the factors at the end. Second divorce must be made free and easy. Third, the roles for the two sexes must be eliminated. Fifth, the notion of women, his housekeeper has to be getting gotten rid of. Six childcare has to be communalized. Six the stigma and concept of illegitimacy has to be eliminated. Seventh family definition has to be changed to be more open and flexible and eighth sexual activity has to be unrestrained. Does any of that sound familiar here in America? Those particular areas of Russia generally come out of the title of feminism. Our lady of Fatima men, like she said, she's the perfect mother and she wants to warn her children to late grade. Speaker 0 15:54 Father Hargrove, an expert on Marx's philosophy has a few other closely rated points drawn from other marks. His sources, they're worth considering. These are paraphrases equal rights. Marxism holds the only absolute equality between men is legitimate because is atheistic. It rejects any claim that the authority of the church's state fall from God. It denies the parents have any natural authority over their children. Marxism holds that the source and foundation of all authority is the community. In other words, no God over man. Nope. Pope Bishop or priest over the faithful. No husband over wife. No parents over children. The collapse of all hierarchies. Nancy, patient of women, Marxism rejects any link that binds woman to the family and the home. Women's emancipation is absolutely necessary to establish the class was society. The future women must be encouraged and if necessary, forced to withdraw from the family and the care of the children. Speaker 0 17:06 Being a housewife and a stay at home mom are despised. Anti revolutionary bourgeois activities. Women must be liberated from household chores and rearing of family by establishing cut childcare centers so that they can enter into public life and collected production. Under the same conditions as men. As Lennon said, quote, the success of a revolution depends upon the degree of its participation by women. Close quote, no parental rights in education because women must be free from being Housewives and stay at home moms and enter the ranks of the workers in the world. The state assumes the total responsibility for the education and training of the children. The communist manifesto States quote three education for all children in public schools. Close quote, which in Marxist terms means that the state alone has the right to educate. It also implies that the state and not the parents has exclusive rights to determine who shall teach what the correct and will be, what the textbooks will be and how these matters shall be communicated. Speaker 0 18:22 The communist manifesto States quote centralization of the means of communication in the hands of the state. Close quote. Thank you father harden. Does any of that sound familiar? Our lady of Fatima man, what? She said she's the perfect mother. She wasn't wondering what was going on in Portugal in 1917 when she came down from heaven. She came down to warn us cause she wants us to know. Let's review. We've seen that our lady fat of award, mankind, that if we didn't stop offending God, rush would spitters throughout the world was seen at Pope Pius the 11th called communism of satanic scourge. He taught the communism was intrinsically wrong and it men find themselves in danger of falling back when the pagan state even more barbaric than that at the time of our Lord, we've seen it all. This evil could only be conquered by worldwide crusade a Pence and prayer and intercession of our lady. Speaker 0 19:24 The pulp explained that the errors of Russia were spread so rapidly throughout the world by means of diabolical propaganda that was truly adapted to different people in their States alive and poured out to the mass media from one source. We've seen it. The spread of the satanic lies by continents have been aided by short-sided political policy and the agency, especially of the logics. We've seen that a whole series of areas of law, Russia flow from angles, basic argument that a man needs to press his wife in order to make sure that his and only his children inheritance private property. But when communism has finally established this utopian state without private property, there'll be no longer pressure, no one, no longer any impression of women. We've seen the errors which flow from that argument. Angles are argued that women must be allowed to work in the factories, the same conditions as men. Speaker 0 20:17 Divorce must be made free and easy. Definite roles for two sexes must be eliminated. The notion of a wife as a homemaker must be eliminated. Childcare must be turned over to the community. The stigma and concept illegitimacy must be eliminated. The definition of the family must be changed to be more open and sexual activity must be unrestrained. We've seen another era of Russia. Is it only absolute equality between men is permitted. We've seen that means, for example, no God over man, no Pope over the faithful. We've seen another era of rushes that being a housewife and stay at home mom or despised con. Revolutionary or Schwab activities. We've seen other of rushes that the state should take total responsibility for the education and training of children. Now it's easy to see why. Father Harvey used to say that America is the most successful Marxist nation on earth. Speaker 0 21:20 Okay. We've seen the devil's plan for families and two weeks we'll see heaven's plan for having Holy families. Let's close with some thoughts, some last living Fatima, visionary, sister Lucy. Well, it is indeed sad. There's so many of them. So many are allowing themselves to be dominated or the dolichol cold wave that is sweeping the world and they're so blind that they cannot see their error, but their principle error is that they have abandoned prayer. I'm convinced that the principal cause of evil in the world is lack of union with God in prayer. The devil is very smart and watch his far weak points so he can attack us. If we're not careful and attentive and obtaining the strength from God, we will fall because our times are very bad and we are weak. Only God's strength can sustain us. Take everything with calmness and with great confidence in God. You'll do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. He will supply far in sufficiencies, close quote, sister Lucy. The principle cause of evil in the world is lack of union with God and prayer. Say rosary, say are three hail Mary's naked, fervent Thanksgiving after you go to Holy communion and take everything with calmness and Gregg confidence in God, he will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. He will supply for our insufficiencies.

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