The Errors of Russia: Their Plan and the Plan of Heaven

January 30, 2005 00:22:47
The Errors of Russia: Their Plan and the Plan of Heaven
Veritas Caritas
The Errors of Russia: Their Plan and the Plan of Heaven

Jan 30 2005 | 00:22:47


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Speaker 0 00:01 Several weeks ago on the face of the Holy family. We took a very brief look at the demos plan to convert or to create unholy families. That's reviewed. We shot that our lady sat on a worn mankind, that if we didn't stop offending God, Russia would her errors throughout the world. We saw this Eva could only be conquered by a worldwide crusade, a penance to the intercession of our lady. We saw that the errors of Russia who were spread so rapidly throughout the world by means if diabolical propaganda, it's the Holy father port pointed out, has been poured out to various media sources. From one point we asked to started, the communists were aided by conspiracy of silence in the non-Catholic press due to political concerns and the Sonic influences. We took a quick look at some of the errors, for example, that women be allowed to work in factories and an equal basis with men. Speaker 0 01:00 Divorce you made free and easy definite roles for the two sexes be eliminated. That only absolute equality between men is permitted, which means no God over man. They'll call for bishops or priests or the faithful. So husband or wife and the kids, no parents. So the children, we saw the notion of the homemaker. The woman is called maker should be eliminated to being a housewife and stay at home. Mom are despised. Anti-revolutionary Bush. Why activities? We saw the childcare should be communalized. The state should take total responsibility for the education and training of children. The stigma and even the very concept of illegitimacy should be eliminated through the definition of the family should be made flexible and open and that sexual activity should be unrestrained. In other words, we saw another name for the whole experience of the heirs of Russia about the family feminism. Speaker 0 01:59 Now before we turn to heaven's plan today, let's spend a few minutes considering the plans of those allies as the communist in this attack on a family and that's the Freemasons. As we saw last time. The pulks have repeatedly warned us that their leaders are possessed by the spirit of Satan and they burn like him with the deadly hatred for Jesus Christ and his church. Pope Pius the 12th and South pointed out that Freemasonry is the mother of this modern apostasy. Keep in mind that apostasy means a total rejection to the Catholic faith. How is it that the Freemasons gave birth, this terrible apostasy that we all find ourselves struggling in? How could they cause apostasy? What was, what is the method that they have employed? Modern, safe. He spent his life combating the Freemasons spells out the answers. These questions. Let's briefly consider what that say. Speaker 0 03:02 Satan accident and Colby asked to say about the method of the Freemasons. In three points, st Maximillian summarizes their attack upon a church. First point to Masonic rule is destroy all teaching about God, especially Catholic teaching. Second point, the masons teach. The Catholicism can be overcome not by logical argument, but by corrupted morals. Third point, it's a nation's crop morals with him, pure act arts and literature like pornography and by promoting Wicked's sinful lifestyle. That's st Maximilian, but it's helpful is that summary of their program might be God's still ranged things. Then in the 18 hundreds the top secret plans are the very highest ranking masons. Those most closely associated with the devil himself fell into the hands of the Holy See the Pope's order that these plans be published. Here's a series of quotes that have been cut and pasted for the sake of time taken from these very documents that fell into the hands of the Holy seat. Speaker 0 04:22 Listen carefully. These things are really worth pondering now. These are the enemies of God. Quote, the work which we have undertaken is not to work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year. You may last many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks, the soldier dies and the fight continues. Let us prepare our arms in the silence of the lodges. Let us stand. Never cease to corrupt. Let us not make martyrs, but better popularize and Feis amongst the altitudes that has caused them to draw it in by their five senses. To drink it in, to be saturated with it. Make fishes hearts, and you will have no more Catholics. Close quote, let us then never cease to corrupt. Let us not make martyrs. See, they learned their lesson in the French revolution. They provoke the reaction, but it's not make Mars, but let us popularized advice amongst the multitudes. Speaker 0 05:33 Let us cause them to drink it in by their five senses to drink it in, be saturated with it. Nick fishes, arts can you have no more Catholics. That's bad enough. There's a lot to ponder already, but as we'll see in the next quote, they're very specific about exactly how they plan to accomplish these goals. Quote, keep the priests away from labor, from the altar, from virtue she could draw lightly to otherwise occupy his thoughts and his hours. Make him lazy. A core may politically active. He would become ambitious, intriguing, and perverse. This corruption on mass that we have undertaken, the corruption of the people by the clergy and the corruption of the clergy by ourselves, the corruption which on one day to enable us to put the church in her to close quote, keep the priest away from labor. The alter from virtue seek occupies thoughts in his hours, make him lazy or may and politically active and he'll become ambitious and trading and perverse. Keep the priests away from labor alter and virtue and he will become perverse. Let's continue quoting. One of our friends said to us in order to destroy Catholicism is necessary to commence by suppressing woman. The words are true in a sense, but since we cannot suppress woman that us corrupt her because when the best star corrupted, they become the worst. Speaker 0 07:41 The best dagger with which to strike. The church is corruption to the works. Then it's a very end closed quote. In order to destroy Catholicism, it is necessary to commence by suppressing woman. Since we cannot suppress woman, let us corrupt her with the church because when the best chair corrupted, they become the worst Shay to the car and the lead. Okay, quick review. What have we seen in the secret plans of the Freemasons published by? What are the polyps in 18 hundreds first to prepare for longterm battle, he can last in this century more. Second, Dan tend to saturate society with the feisty and corruption, specifically ordered to destroy cadet policies and thirdly, intend to corrupt priests. I keeping them away from their work alter virtue and thus priests will become converse and forth. 16 possible to destroy the Catholicism as long as the women are good, it's essential to crop them was written over 160 years ago. Let's just ponder a few of the developments since then. Corruption of priests. Bella Dodd was a communist who served as legal counsel to the communist party in the United States until she encountered Bishop sheen who brought her into the church by a miracle of grace. She stated quote, in the 1930s we put 1100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the church from West end. Speaker 0 09:34 These young men were necessarily communists. They were young radicals tonight. Idea was for them to be ordained and then strive for partitions of influence and authority. In 1953 Manny Johnson, another formal official of the communist party here in these United States testified before the house on American activities committee quote, the tactic of infiltration of religious organizations was set up by the Kremlin. In the earliest stages. It was determined that it would be necessary to concentrate communist agents. In the seminaries because these institutions would make it possible for small communist minority to influence. Did he ology a future clergyman and pass conducive to communist purposes? Closed quote as our lady at Lorne, if we didn't stop offending God, Russia, which spread her heirs throughout the world, corruption of women in 1928 Paul posh lemon said, quote, there's a sad forgetfulness of Christian modesty, especially in the life and dress of women. Speaker 0 10:50 That same year, the international review of Freemasonry said, quote, religion does not fear the daggers point, but it can vanish under corruption. Let us not go tired of corruption. We may use a pretext that just for hygiene, health or sports, it is necessary to corrupt their boys and girls. Practice nudism and dress to avoid too much reaction. One would have to progress in a massage, nickel manner, first undressed up to the elbow, then up to the knees and arms and legs completely uncovered later the upper part of the chest, the shoulders, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Speaker 0 11:44 Remember our lady of Fatima was warnings, quote, more souls go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason. Certain fashions will be introduced, which will offend our divine Lord very much. Those who serve God ought to not follow us fashions. The church has no fashions. Our Lord is always the same. Close quote, the blessed Virgin Mary mother of God. Our lady warns about corrupt fashions. The pulps have warned over and over again about cruft fashion, but just methodical. Corruption continues unabated, but up to our present day, see, when the sheriff really wants to take out a society, really wants to take him out. He attacks the woman as Nikolai and said, the success of a revolution depends upon the degree of participation by the women. Speaker 0 12:50 And speaking of revolutions, why was this modern corruption of morals called the sexual revolution? Was that just some kind of accident? Does anyone here know who actually coined that term? Coined by name Nan named Wilhelm Reich, right? Was his psychoanalyst from the school of Sigmund Freud, the communist. He, Michael Jones has pointed out right, discovered that the best way to attack the social system, which rested upon the authority of the father, the father who represents the authority of God. The father Hunter was to persuade young people to engage in sexual activity. Before marriage, sex was to be used as an instrument of the revolution. Once God was out of the picture, the authority of his father disappeared with fat. His entire social are based on the moral order class and sexual morality is the foundation of social order. Obviously these matters. The man is easy. You're a lot weaker. Speaker 0 14:08 The problem here, what's the woman to success of a revolution? Depends upon the degree of participation by women. Bryce saw that when he's dealing with an individual woman, he had a very hard time breaking down her moral standards and inhibitions. As long as she was difficult to corrupt, this revolution could not move forward. It will be delicate here, right? Discovered that if he took that same woman and placed her in a large group, a crowd, a class in which forbidden things were being discussed or acted out, then in that atmosphere, social pressure, the forbidden behavior would assume a socially accepted status and the woman would then have a difficult time stand over here, stand by his study and I'd love to suggest but inspiration probably the devil discovered a way, the victory, but immerse them in a social situation where it seems like everyone's doing it and they'll have a difficult time preserving their moral scanners and their inhibitions. The techniques suggested by right in breaking down the moral here in visions of women were applied literally right out of the books and all kinds of things. For example, Woodstock and similar music festivals, they're used today, it's still called sex ed classes, college campuses, the fashion history, and certainly the porn drenched media all play a crucial role in sustaining this kind of an atmosphere because after all, the success of a revolution depends upon the degree of participation by women. Speaker 0 16:17 If that sounds far fetched or unbelievable, listen to this now. This is not taken from a story from right, I guess was reading it the other day and I said, well, here we are. I was already writing this sermon and it's a concrete example. It's not contrived. In a recent lecture at Loyola college in Baltimore, that's a Catholic college in Baltimore. Okay. It's a professor stated that sexual promiscuity and hooking up among college students is voluntary. That doesn't seem controversial. Now, his point was at sex among college students is voluntary at this Catholic college. I remembered it, right? Claims that if women, a woman is placed a large crew, which forbidden things are discussed or acted out, then in that atmosphere, social pressure, she'll have a difficult time upholding your standards. None of the light of his claims listened to the response to the professor's statement that sex among college students, a voluntary quote, a young woman and dormitory resident advisor walked up to me afterwards and try to meet doctor. Speaker 0 17:20 You are mistaken about that. The peer pressure and the way things are set up, naked promiscuity, practically obligatory. It doesn't matter what the school says. Officially the rules are to be broken. This freedom can make girls dizzy and unsure of whatever else they believe about saving oneself for marriage. When it seems like everyone else is doing it, it is hard to say no. I with it or more frequently turned my eyes from it every day as an RA, close quote, peer pressure and the way things are set up. Make promiscuity practically apply to whoring. This freedom makes girls dizzy and unsure of whatever they believe about saving themselves for marriage. When everyone else is doing it, it's hard to say no, I'm a priest and it's hard to rate that without being emotional and I've heard it all elsewhere in the essay. The professor writes, quote, most American American college, coed dorms, the flesh of our daughters is being served up daily like snack Turkey. The Gates are wide open. No cards have been posted, nor our daughters. The only ones getting hurt. Speaker 0 19:08 The sex carnival that is calling you live today is also doing great damage charge sons characters. I'm witnessing a perceptible dissipation of manly virtue and the young man I teach, I'm prepared to ask whether America might not be lost because of gray. Middle class was persuaded they must send their children to college with no questions asked when in fact, this is the near equivalent of committing their sons and daughters to the one of the circles of Dante Sinferno close quote, Oh, well, Lennon is absolutely right. The success of a revolution depends upon the degree of participation by women. That's true. That is how it works. There's one other item worth noting. William Reich saw clearly the idea God evaporated from the minds of seminarians who became the Nash in sexual advice. Okay, let's review. We've seen in the secret plans the Freemasons 18 hundreds they're prepared for long battle, even century more. Speaker 0 20:16 They intended to saturate suicide with his vice and corruption in order to destroy Catholicism. They intended to corrupt priests by keeping them away from labor altered the practice of virtue by this means it would become perverse. They realized since it was impossible to destroy Catholicism, as long as the women are good, they must be corrupted. We've seen with regard to the corruption of priests by the thirties the communist embark on a deliberate program of inserting radicals in the seminaries with regard to the crop show women, the Freemasons and barked and deliberate program of gradually increasing the modesty of dress. The revolutionaries realized that the best way to attack and overthrow the social system was to persuade young people to become sexually active. Before marriage. They discovered that a woman's natural position, resistance to corruption and her natural modesty could be overcome if they immersed her in a social situation in which everyone's doing it and that situation because of her sensitive feminine psychology, she would have a difficult time preserving her own moral standards and inhibitions. Speaker 0 21:30 Since this discovery, social situations have been deliberately created and are being deliberately created, Hey classrooms caused dorms in the media, which lead immediately to this kind of corruption and make the so called sexual revolution possible. Let's close. We've seen the devil's plan. What should we do besides the obvious blasted past tonight's quote? Give me an army saying the rosary and I will conquer the world. Pope Pius the 11th the rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to fly and to keep oneself from sin. It overcomes the enemies of God and of religion. It nourishes our Catholic faith. If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to say the rosary. Let not even one day pass it out saying it. No matter how burned you may be with many cares and labors. If you desire pasting your hearts and your homes and our beloved country. Say you wrote a story every day. Say you wrote a story.

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