The Mystical Significance of the Missal

December 01, 2013 00:32:50
The Mystical Significance of the Missal
Veritas Caritas
The Mystical Significance of the Missal

Dec 01 2013 | 00:32:50


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Okay. So once again, the church asks us to consider the end of the world. So we're going to do just that, but a few preliminary notes before we get into it. First off teaching a church has clear. There is no such thing as the rapture. There's no such thing. As so-called millennium, a thousand year visible reign Christ. Our Lord, he came to us visibly. The first time on Christmas is a baby and they come to us visibly. And finally, the second time at the end of the world, as they're judged, that's it? No rapture, no millennium period. We're profess that when we say the creed, a other point is obviously the end of the world is an exciting and frightening topic. So we need to always keep in mind that God knows everything he knew from all eternity. Exactly. When he was going to have each one of us live, he knows exactly what he's doing. Speaker 0 00:00:56 And no matter when he chooses anyone to live, he gives that person, all the graces. They need to become a Saint at that exact time in history of the world. So we need to remember the most important thing is not in when, when in history we live, but how we die. The most important thing in the world, the very most important thing is to die in the state of grace. That's what matters to die in the state of grace, all that by way of introduction, the council of Trent acid, some of the mysteries of the Holy sacrifice of the mass be explained to the faithful on Sundays and feast days. So what we'll do today is to look briefly at the mystical significance of one ceremony. That's the movement of the missile during the mass. So let's start briefly by considering the symbolism of the missile itself. Speaker 0 00:01:51 The missile symbolizes the adoration given to God, keep in mind with adoration is iteration is the free and loving submission of our whole being to all mighty God. It's the mains by we wit by which we, as believers recognize the sovereign rights that God has over us. Since our liturgy, both the mass and the divine office is essentially about adoration. It's easy to understand why the missile, since it's a liturgical book, symbolizes adoration, the loving submission of our whole being to God. Okay? So the beginning of mass, the missiles placed on the pistol side of the altar. That means that a church that's properly oriented a church that's actually built. So it faces East that's liturgically East. Obviously we recognize that it's not facing he's really, but if a church is facing East, that means to be oriented, it's facing the orient. So in a church it's built. Speaker 0 00:02:51 So it faces East. The epistles side of altar is the South side. The South side is symbolic of the Jewish people at a solemn mass. When the pistol is sung, the priests and the people sit and the priest covers his head just as the Jewish man, even today covers his head with a prayer shawl. And it symbolized the fact that his mind is veil to the mysteries of redemption. Although the Jews had the true faith for the most part, they did not freely and willingly submit themselves to our Lord's preaching. They didn't listen. They sat where they were as it were unresponsive, they had the true faith, but then they rejected Christ. And as a consequence, their minds remained veiled. We're reminded of this terrible reality at every mass during the last gospel. When we hear the words impropriate vented and Sui am non rich parent, he came unto his own and his own received him, not the Jews had the true faith, but they didn't adore Christ. Speaker 0 00:04:00 They rejected him. He came unto his own and his own received him not. And so because of the rejection of Christ, the misses symbolically taken away from Jews and moved to the North side of the altar. And the gospel was then sung to the North, which is a direction of the gentle scripturally and liturgically. The priest and the people stand for the gospel is a sign of the readiness to act on God's word. And the priest listens and prays with his head uncovered mystically, signifying that the mysteries of the redemption unveil to him. And as a consequence, his headship is now fully restored in the new Adam Christ, our Lord to whom he freely and lovingly submits himself. But then what happens? The missiles taken away from the North. In other words, the missile is symbolically taken away from the Gentiles. Why is that? Because it's Saint Paul warns us in second Thessalonians chapter two in verse three, there will come a time. Speaker 0 00:05:03 The time of the great apostasy when the Gentile peoples who have the two faith will then reject it in turn back to paganism, they will reject that free and loving submission of their entire being to Christ. They were fused recognize the sovereign rights that God has over them. So the missile is symbolic, be taken away from the Gentiles and returned to the South side of the altar, the side of the Jews. Why? Because it's Saint Paul says in the 11th chapter of as a pistol, the Romans, the Jews who have rejected Christ will in the times of the great apostasy and anti-Christ turn away from their faith this ways and turn to Christ and embrace him. So the movement of the missile mystically and symbolically summarizes the symmetry of salvation history, the rejection of the truth by the Jews, the acceptance of the truth by the Gentiles, the rejection of the truth by the Gentiles, the acceptance of the truth by the Jews. Speaker 0 00:06:04 Okay. Now let's take a few minutes and walk back through all that and take a deeper look at several aspects of those different points in salvation history, which are symbolized by different placements and movements the missile. Now, obviously the first symbolic movement of the missile when is taken away from the South side of the altar, the Jewish side, and moved to the North side of the altar has already transpired historically, for the most part, though, it's of us here to send it from various Gentile. Peoples, most of us are probably not Hebrew Catholics because of their refusal to freely and lovely submit themselves to her Lord. Divine judgment fell upon the Jewish nation in 70 a D. And there's one point here that we're going to reflect on very briefly, because it can help us understand certain aspects of the current crisis. We find ourselves in, in order to do that, let's quickly remind ourselves of what a type is. Speaker 0 00:06:59 We've talked to this before, but we need to know a type is a person a thing, or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person, a thing or action. Okay. Now, because the temple is a type of the church and the city of Jerusalem is a type of the world. The siege of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple are types of the end of the world. So the one point we'll quickly consider was recorded in the book, the Wars, the Jews, which was written by the Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, he's an eyewitness to the fall and destruction of Jerusalem, the temple well writing of some of the signs, and portents sent by God before the destruction fell. And he has a whole list of them. He has one of interest that we're going for today. Speaker 0 00:07:50 He States that quote the Eastern gate of the inner temple, which was a brass and vastly heavy and had been with difficulty shut by 20 men and had bolts fastened very deep into the firm floor was seen to be open of its own accord about the sixth hour of the night, six other nights, midnight close quote. Okay. So in the middle of the night, this immense door into the interior of the temple adores so heavy, they took 20 men to push it open or push it, close it somehow just on bolts itself and swings itself open. Okay. Back to Josephus, this appeared to the common man to be a very happy prodigy as if God did thereby open to them, the gate of happiness, but the men of learning understood it, that the security of their Holy house was dissolved of its own accord. The gate was open for the advantage of their enemies, and they publicly declared that this signal for the desolation that was coming upon them close quo. In other words, what we see here is a mystical dissolving of boundaries by divine intervention, a mystical removal of barriers to the enemy, a loss of integrity of the temple structure in all this as a sign and portent of the upcoming destruction, desolation a portent of the just judgments of God, which are falling on their Jewish people for their rejection of Christ. Our Lord. Speaker 0 00:09:16 Now I see this as for shouting, what is going on? What has been going on spiritually speaking within the Catholic church for the last number of decades, certainly since the council, this ongoing dissolving of boundaries, this mystical removal of barriers to the enemy, a portent of the chest judgments of God, which are falling on the Catholic people for their rejection of Christ. My opinion is it as the chaos and corruption accelerates the only traditional things that remained standing, so to speak all throughout Holy mother of the church are going to be those elements, which have been positively put in place and guaranteed by God, for example, sacraments, which can't pass away, those elements will remain, but those things would have not positive and put in place and guaranteed by God. For the most part will continue to be stripped away. We already considered a concrete example of this. Speaker 0 00:10:10 When we consider the question of canonization, we saw that when considering canonization, they're precisely two elements. They're guaranteed by God, they're too and fell. We just determined facts and they are infallible one to the soul. The can I sate depart in a state of grace and two that he already enjoys the beatific vision. Those two elements are positive. Who guaranteed by God, in any degree of canonization, they can't pass away will be corrupted by human action. We saw that in infallible decree used by the post when Canisius st. There's no question of heroic virtue. In other words, in regards to the elements of account innovation, which have not been positively put in place and guaranteed by God, such as the question of heroic virtue, those elements won't necessarily be present. They may be, but not necessarily. So if we approach the strange, disturbing, and sometimes shocking changes in this light, it should keep us from falling the lead of so many folks who already succumb to despair and scandal and dived overboard. Speaker 0 00:11:15 We already talked about this, but if you found yourself on board, a ship and a typhoon with the wind, Holly and 70 foot seas crash over you, and you suddenly found that up in the wheelhouse, they're having a fist fight. You're not going to jump overboard. You're going to keep hanging on he'd hang on for dear life. No one in their right mind would dive off into 70 foot seas by the grace of God. We're in the Catholic church. That means we're already on board. The ARCA salvation, the ship won't sink. It can't sink. So even if we have a bunch of characters doing who knows what in the wheelhouse, we just need to keep some perspective, keep calm and hold on. It is going to get tougher. Let's not have any illusions. It's going to get tougher, but don't jump overboard. Don't jump overboard. Speaker 0 00:12:06 Let's get back to historical situation. So the Jews had the true faith, but then when the Messiah came, they rejected him and fell away. As a consequence. The gospel, the good news is preached to the nations. Now we should spend some time thinking about this, cause I don't think sometimes it occurs to people, the situation for all the nations accepting of course, the Hebrew nation, the situation where all the nations at the time of the coming Lord is they were all collectively speaking involved. In some degree of devil worship. We have the word of God in this Psalm 95, five, all the gods, the Gentiles are demons. Speaker 0 00:12:49 Once we see that once that reality really starts to sink in, we can see that one of the most amazing miracles in the whole history of the world is the fact that these various peg and Tris from which most of us are descended, suddenly became Catholic. Just think about it. It's plain flat, miraculous Christianity doesn't just happen for the most part. All our ancestors, those pagan tribes were like big motorcycle gangs. They just didn't have Harleys think about their conversion. It's totally amazing to get some idea, to make mental image of it. Just picture a priest, walking into a big biker bar on a Saturday night and climbing up on a table and starting to preach. See, all right, you all turn off that music and listen up. Is that your wife and take your hands off her. You've had enough put that beer down. Now I've been sat here by almighty God to tell y'all that y'all are going to hell unless you obey the 10 commandments, repent from what you're doing and become Catholic. Now that may seem funny, but it's actually pretty darn close to the reality. Christianity doesn't just happen. Speaker 0 00:14:05 Once we have a more realistic grasp of the situation, it's easy to see what a miracle it was that the nations converted were baptized. It's also pretty easy to see why there's so many missionaries that were martyred. So there's big symmetry and salvation history. First, the Jews who have the one true faith rejected when they meet the Messiah. So they fall away and then the faith is preached the nations who embrace it. But then at the end of the world, when the fullness of the Gentiles of coming to the church, the nations will suddenly turn away from the one true faith and turn back to pagan gods and goddesses to go back to the worship of demons, this massive turning away from the one true faith. This rebellion of Catholics against the true faith is known as the great apostasy. The fathers and doctors have explained what this apostasy means. Speaker 0 00:15:02 For example, st. Thomas explains this a posties. This apostasy will be separation from the faith and separation from obedience to the Pope, Pope Saint Leo, the great teachers that indeed the great apostasy will mean abandoning of fate and abandoning obedience to the pulp. Saint Augustan adds this event must precede. The coming of the antichrist and Santa Gustin adds that not all will abandon the faith, but few will retain it. So the two aspects of the great apostasy are abandoning the faith. So those are the sins of heresy and apostasy. And secondly, abandon obedience to the pulp, this sins of disobedience and CISM, basically it's an era in which private judgment rules Supreme, and since we're absolutely immersed in this kind of atmosphere, and since these are salvation issues, we'll consider them in more depth at a later date, an immediate result of rejecting Christ in his church will be the atmosphere of sin and depravity. Speaker 0 00:16:17 We can get an insight in the moral climate at the end of the world, by considering the moral climate in Jerusalem, on the Eve of its destruction. Since as we've seen, it's a type of the end of the world, just read Josephus. It's a nightmare. It's a total nightmare of particular interest is large faction of men, wreaking, havoc, and Jerusalem who and I quote from Josephus indulge themselves in feminine wantonness, deck their hair, put on women's garments, put on eye makeup and imitated, not only the ornaments, but also the less the women were guilty of and tolerable and cleanness and unlawful pleasures of that sort. And thus, they did roll themselves up and down the city. Remember the city's a type of the world as in a house of ill repute and defiled entirely with their impure actions, Naval, their faces looked like the faces of women. They killed with the right hands. When their gait was a feminine, they presently attacked mans and drew their swords from under their finally died cloaks and ran everybody through whom they alighted upon close quote, shades of Sodom and Gomorrah given all that prefigures the situation that will occur during the great apostasy. During that time, we should expect to see a very powerful faction of military, good aggressive men of a certain persuasion swishing through the world, filling it with their impurities and murders. Speaker 0 00:17:42 But this shouldn't be a surprise. Luke 17 verses 26 to 30. Our Lord specifically States that the conditions at the end of the world would mirror both the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, we all know about Sodom and Gomorrah, but what was the state of things in the days of Noah, the ancient Jewish commentaries known as mid rash, give a pretty clear idea in two places, these ancient commentaries state that quote, this will be edited. Quote, the generation of the flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for perverse marriages, close quote, the generation of the flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for perverse marriages. In other words, these days are like the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Speaker 0 00:18:43 It looked 21, 24, or Lord gives another sign of the times and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the nations be fulfilled some 400 years ago that scraped scriptural commentator, corniness ELAP today commented quote Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times the nations be fulfilled. That is to say until the end of the world and of all nations or peoples the great doctor, the church of interim lead explains that this means that until the planet to the Gentiles shall enter into the church of Christ for initial be accomplished, then all Israel shall be saved. As the apostle says, Romans 1126, which shall be at the end of the world for Christ has regard to the desolation of true Islam. This was pro for tow by Daniel and chapter nine, verse 27, where it is said, and the desolation should continue even to under the consummation and to the end, meaning that Jerusalem, after being raised to the ground and laid desolate by Titus shall no longer be the capital city of the Jews, but shall belong to the Gentiles after that, to the Christians, after that, to the Saracens and the Turks as it is at present. Speaker 0 00:20:03 And this state of things should continue to enter the world. Now, remember he's writing 400 years ago, the state of things should continue to enter the world. When antichrist that came aside, the Jews shall fix the seed of his empire Jerusalem close quote, Carnegie Slappy day. Okay. So the point here is that according to our Lord Jews and will be ruled by the Gentiles until the time of Gentiles be fulfilled. In other words, to the great apostasy, the Gentiles, at which point it will pass once more into the hands of the Jews and all this will take place at the end of the world. And indeed truism was trodden by Dawn, by the Gentiles from a time its destruction of the temple in 70 80 until 1967, six day war. Speaker 2 00:20:46 Now let's just step back for a minute. Speaker 0 00:20:48 The Jewish people had the true faith. Nevertheless rejected it. When they met the Messiah, they explicitly rejected Christ explicitly and they continue to do so. And then during the great apostasy, the nations who had the true faith will reject it in the process explicitly direct Christ. So during the great apostasy accepting for this tiny remnant of those who hold onto the true faith that holds on to Christ our Lord, the world will sink into condition of darkness and sin. There's like nothing that has ever gone before. And the overriding note will be an explicit rejection of Christ explicit. He's the only way out. And unlike our ancestor, the pagans who worshiped devils, but didn't know who he was, the Neo pagans worship devils, but they know who he is so accepting for this tiny remnant. It holds onto the true faith. It holds onto Christ. Our Lord, the whole world, all of mankind, June Gentile alike will be immersed in atmosphere. That is like nothing that has ever gone before a satanic atmosphere, impregnated with an explicit rejection of Christ. Speaker 0 00:22:09 And in the midst of all that sin and chaos in the midst of that anti-Christ atmosphere, the man, his sin will appear. Then I Christ himself. Let's take a few minutes to review some of what we know about the antichrist. The commentator stated we will almost certainly be Jewish. It is certain that the Jews will accept him as their Messiah. Our Lord States in John five 43, that you have rejected me, but another will come in his own name and him, you will not reach yet. St. John Chris system st. Cyril Santa Gustin, the venerable Bede, the ancient writers teach that another who comes in his own name will be that anti-Christ on the Jews will believe. And his book on the antichrist published in 1646, the Dominican commentators, Thomas Venda States quote the fathers and all commentators teach it. The antichrist will truly surpass and diabolical and deadly sorcery, all sourcers whatsoever, who came before him close quote, he will not be the devil incarnate. Speaker 0 00:23:13 Only God can take on another nature. The devil has an angelic nature, so he cannot become incarnate. He can only possess a man. Thomas will vendor quote. It is the doctrine of the fathers and the ancient theologians that the antichrist will act rule, be governor and deliberate totally for lust. This should certainly not be understood as if the antichrist were just like one of our possessed people who are deprived of their judgment and their Liberty in acting rightly or sinning. But rather that he was an integral mind and freewill will choose to sin or do good. And the devil will be able to fill his soul and mind with all wickedness and depravity so that every kind of voice and the most filthy disgraceful behaviors might be present. In fact, it is not possible to doubt the antichrist lusts towards others is going to be the most abandoned of all close quotes. Speaker 0 00:24:12 He'll rule the world to doctor the church, Saint Anselm comments, quote, the antichrist shall recruit the upper-class to himself by means of riches close quote and Thomas Vander States quote, the works building structures. The antichrist will surpass all marvelous works whatsoever raised up in the world at any time close quote, Thomas Venda, the fathers, and all other commentators unanimously teach that after he's established his world rule, then I Christ will affirm to all by means of words and deeds that he himself is the true God creator of all things that he alone is a true God. And beside him, there is no other, as soon as he established himself as God, then I coastal command that victims and offerings be sacrificed to him daily with a new, extraordinary, most extravagant, right in the temple of Jerusalem, which once more shall be raised up in consecrated and in the temple in Jerusalem and in all other temples throughout the world statutes, which represent the antichrist as God shall be erected, close quotes. Speaker 0 00:25:19 Saint Anselm says the antichrist. So subject the multitude to himself by means of terror because he will rage with maximum Savitri against the worshipers of God. This persecution will last three and a half years. Pocalypse 13, five and power was given to him to act 42 months. 42 months is three and a half years during this horrific persecution in OCHIN Elijah returned to preach against the antichrist EasyKnock is a great grandfather of Noah. We're all descended from him. And Elijah was the prophet. The father's teacher now living together hidden somewhere on earth, but they will come back during the reign of anti-Christ Swarez the Jesuit theologian States quote. It is of the faith. The neither EasyKnock nor lodge have died, close quote, both Suarez as well as that great doctor, his church, Saint Robert Bellamy teach that is heresy or proximate to Harris. He did not that the two witnesses in the apocalypse are Enoch and Elijah EasyKnock has a special mission to the Gentiles and Elijah to the Jews. Speaker 0 00:26:23 They both preach and perform miracles, convincing many to reject the antichrist and the case, the falling away Gentiles turn once more to the Holy Catholic faith and largely due to the preaching of Elijah, the Jews will finally embrace Christ as their Lord and God you knock, and Elijah will be killed in Jerusalem and lay in the streets three days while the force of evil had this big old party. And then to the horror of the enemies of God, there'll be resurrected and assumed into heaven. Not long after that, there'll be a blasphemous parody of our Lord when by demonic power, the antichrist attempt to ascend into heaven, but it will be knocked out of the air and he'll die. A period of peace follows this. It's my opinion. It's all it is that this will be the time of the triumph of the immaculate heart. Speaker 0 00:27:13 After this period of peace, our Lord will come to judge the living a dead we'll just touch on a few of the details. St. Thomas says before the second coming firewall cleanse the world and every place which was infected by sin shades of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can read about that. Saint Peter writes about that as well. So if I will cleanse the world and every place that was infected by sin, and this fire will kill all the men or than alive st. Thomas teachers at the centers will be killed in a painful way by the fire. The just will be killed by it without pain or else with a pain in exact proportion, to the faults of which they still need to be cleansed. And the reason for that is purgatory and some last day. So the, just that would otherwise have gone to purgatory, get that purgation in their death. They get that suffering just like that. As they're dying immediately falling, that is the resurrection, the dead they'll be taken to meet our Lord. Who's coming in glory with his angels. Then the last judgment will take place and that's it. Speaker 3 00:28:12 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:28:15 Okay. So what have we seen? We've seen that the movement of the missile symbolically summarizes the symmetry of salvation history. You start with the rejection of truth by the Jews, the acceptance of truth by the Gentiles, the rejection of truth by the Gentiles, the acceptance of truth by the Jews. So the obvious question is about where are we on that timeline right now? We'll consider a few remarks made by the Epistolic nuncio. Epistolic nuncio is the Pope's ambassador to the United States. So it's Archbishop Carlo Maria. Degano now the last November. He gave an extraordinary conference at Notre Dame in which acting as a representative of the Pope. He warned us. The topic of persecution in martyrdom should be a vital concern to us living here in the States. And he said, and I quote in the context of martyrdom and persecution, the law enforcement branches of the state can be relied upon to achieve the desired goal close quote. Speaker 0 00:29:22 So that whole conference is where serious reflection. When you have the pulps ambassador, warning us about moderate them and persecution, but then two weeks ago, Archbishop Regana spoke to the American bishops gathered in Baltimore. We'll just read one excerpt from the address. Now keep in, this is the Pope's ambassador. Speaking to the bishops of our country, Archer, Bishop Degano quote. I would like to call your attention to the words then carnival TIAA for the young people. Why seeing the den cartel, what Cardinal Altea became bless a John Paul too. So I'd like to call your attention to the words the then carnival Tia is reported have given an address during the Eucharistic Congress in 1976, for the bicentennial celebration of the signing of the declaration of independence. It seems to be so profoundly prophetic Cardinal Latiya. We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced. Speaker 0 00:30:36 I do not think that the wide circle of American society or the whole wide circle of the Christian community realize this fully, we are now facing the final confrontation between the church and the anti church between the gospel and the anti gospel pertain Christ and the antichrist. The confrontation lies within the plans of divine Providence. It is therefore in God's plan, and it must be a trial which the church must take up and face courageously close, quote, the Pope's ambassador, delivering a message to our bishops. I would like to call your attention to these words, which seem to be so profoundly prophetic. We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced. We're now facing the final confrontation between the church and the anti church between the gospel and that had a gospel between Christ and they had a Christ Speaker 2 00:32:08 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:32:12 Might be a real good time to search your heart. Make absolutely sure that Christ is ruling. There might be a really good time to be very, very careful about staying in the state of grace Might be a really good time to stay close to our lady and remember promise the soul that recommends himself to her by means the rosary shall not perish might be a really good time to stay prayed up.

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