Good Shepherd Sunday 5/4/2014

June 02, 2021 00:48:31
Good Shepherd Sunday 5/4/2014
Veritas Caritas
Good Shepherd Sunday 5/4/2014

Jun 02 2021 | 00:48:31


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Speaker 1 00:00:21 Well, anyone that's ever worked, sheep knows they tend to follow leader. And depending on the circumstances that can be amusing, aggravating, or downright awful in the category of amusing years ago, I heard that if you're working sheep through a gate and you shoved a sorting stick in there, so they had to jump over it to get to the gate. Then once he got him jumped, when he could go ahead and pull that steak back out again. And even though there was nothing left there for them to jump over every last one of those sheep coming to that gate would still jump up in the air, sounded like a great experiment, but I actually never tried it probably because that would have gotten my dad jumping around too, which probably wouldn't have been the best idea in the world. If you're a son in the category of amusing and aggravating, the great Australian port Arthur banjo Paterson describes a typical situation. Speaker 1 00:01:17 When being counted out at a gate, if a scrap of bark be left on the ground and the gateway, they will refuse to step over it until dogs and men have sweated and toiled and sworn and healed him up and spoke to him and fairly jammed them at it. The last one will gather courage, rush at the fancy obstacle spring over to about six feet in the air and then dart away. The next does exactly the same, but jumps a bit higher, then comes rushing and falling one in another, in wild bounds, like antelopes until one over jumps himself in the lights on his head. This frightens those still in the yard. And they stopped running out in the category of awful. I quote it's 10 bolt Turkey associated press July 9th, 2005. First one sheep junk to its death. Then stunned, Turkish shepherds who had left the herd degrees while they had breakfast. Washed is nearly 1500 others followed each leaping off the same cliff and they had 450 dead animals lay on top of one another. And the bill, we white pile. Those who jumped later were saved as a pile, got higher in the fall, got more cushioned, close quote. That's just how sheep are. Sometimes you kind of wonder if they have the patent on stupid. Speaker 1 00:02:45 It's kind of a more than passing interest that our Lord who made both men and sheep cause a sheep and this following a leader off a cliff has obvious applications to religious taught history. There've been a lot of religious leaders who claimed to have a mission from God. How many souls duped by false leaders have been led off a spiritual cliff? How can we evaluate claims someone has been sent by God today? We're going to briefly answer that question. And then we'll go on from there to consider a few of the less obvious spiritual cliffs that people might be led off. We'll start by considering the situation of an ambassador being posted from one country to another. You can boil it down into two steps. First, if a foreign country is going to send an ambassador to the United States, they start by sending notice to washing that their ambassadors coming. Speaker 1 00:03:51 Secondly, when the man shows up in Washington, complainant claims to be the ambassador, he presents his credentials, which prove that in fact, he is the ambassador. So the two steps are first sent. Notice that the ambassador is going to be posted. Then second ambassador present his credentials, which proves he is indeed who he says, it's just common sense. We can apply these same stats to the founders, the various religions in history. We can just mentally line them up across the huge stage with Buddha, Muhammad Christ, our Lord Joseph Smith. He founded the Mormons, Ellen cooled white. She found a seventh day Adventist, Charles taste Russell. He founded Jehovah's witness father, Martin Luther, Fanta, Protestantism, and all the rest. Speaker 1 00:04:40 And then since it's only reasonable to expect that a proper notice is set ahead. When posting ambassador from one country to another sauce, it's only reasonable to expect that the least thing an all powerful God could do is let us know that he's sending a messenger. So he'd be expecting him and know how to recognize him when he comes after all. How else could we be sure that the man actually were a divine ambassador? And so on that basis, we apply test number one to this whole lineup we have of religious leaders. We ask them which one of you was pre-announced, which one of you were we expecting? Speaker 1 00:05:26 And after we applied this first test, the stage is cleared except for one man only one was expected. Only one of these had his place of birth and the strange circumstances, which surrounded it foretold only one had his family lineage for toll. Only one had the circumstances of his life and his violent death described literally centuries before he arrived only one Jesus of Nazareth. But let's go ahead and apply the second test to the one and only man left on the stage. She's of Nazarus. We asked him, where are your credentials? If you really were sent by God, then prove it. And is all history shows and continues to show. He did controlling the weather, raising the dead, including himself healing, the sick and lame giving sight to the blind hearing to the deaf and casting out devils and devils are still cast out in his name, friends, extra cyst in the Caribbean. Speaker 1 00:06:48 It isn't just the Catholics that come to him. The Muslims come to them. The Hindus come to him. Why? Because he has a power that no one else does. He has the power of Christ. He casts out those devils in his name, even the Talmud. Those are the religious books produced by the rabbinic Jews. Well, after our Lord's time, but even the Talmud acknowledges his miracles. They just describe him to the power of Satan. It's just the same thing we see in the gospel. The Pharisees accused him of doing things by the power bills. So they even acknowledged this is a hostile witness. He can't get much more hostile than that, that acknowledge the miracles. Speaker 1 00:07:33 So our Lord was expected beforehand and he fulfilled literally hundreds of prophecies. And then once he arrived, he presented his credentials by working miracles. Does he have the right to speak for God? Yes. And he proved it. He said that he had found a church on Peter. The gates of hell would not prevail against it. That it would be visible. The church was his bride. He's not a polygamist that he was setting out as a possible. Apostle is a Greek word. That means a man sent with a commission that he was sending out his apostles to all the nations, all the nations universal, the whole world Greek word for that is cath hella coasts to teach all that. He commanded them and they'd remain with them for all time. He said that his apostles spoke with the 30th God almighty, and that he would guide his church into all truth. His apostle Saint Paul tells us that the church Christ established is the pillar and the foundation of truth. Speaker 1 00:08:44 And this is why we can rely absolutely on the official teachings of the Catholic church, in any area of faith or morals. Since in the words of God, he hears you hears me. And he rejects you reject me Christ. Our Lord called himself the good shepherd when he compared us to sheep. And given that he made both sheep and men, he knew full well, our weaknesses in our need or absolute need for a reliable leader to keep us from jumping off spiritual cliffs. And so he set up a church that will last until the end of the world and a visible head to rule over that church to lead us until the end of the world and the authority given to that church, the Catholic church, and to that visible head, the Pope by Christ himself is absolutely and completely unique. These other organizations that call themselves churches were founded by carpetbaggers. Well, maybe they're not. They're a bunch of carpet baggers. They have absolutely no authority whatsoever from God to found any church, let alone to preach in his name after all who sent them, who chose them, what right do they have to preach? Speaker 1 00:10:19 So the very first question to be asked about a religious leader is who sent you, who sent you in order to be from God, has to be sent from the Catholic church visibly sent. In other words, union with a visible head established by Christ the Pope in the bosom of the visible church established by Christ. The Catholic church is not optional. The hierarchical nature of the church is of divine origin. It isn't just a relatively good idea. It's Christ positive will explicit union with the Pope in the bosom of the Catholic church is a necessary, but is not a sufficient condition to make sure religious leader is a safe guide. I'll repeat that explicit union with the Pope and the bosom of the Catholic church is a necessary, but it is not a sufficient condition for a religious leader to be a safe guide. Why? Speaker 1 00:11:27 Because we can have people that are an explicit union with the Pope and the bosom of the Catholic church. They're not safe guides at all, unless you want to go to hell. The other condition is orthodoxy having the true faith that is also unnecessary, but a not a sufficient condition for a religious leader to be a safe God. If we want to keep from flying religious leaders off a cliff, we have to be sure that they've been sent by the Catholic church there in union with the Pope and that they have the true faith. In other words, that they truly are Orthodox and authentic preacher and authentic religious leader must be sent by the church and be Orthodox. Have the true faith period. Speaker 1 00:12:13 Okay. Now let's just run down a short list of some of the ways that if we're not careful, we might find ourselves falling. Some leader off a spiritual cliff, the dual church cliff. It is certainly no secret that there's a lot of sin scandal, corruption, chaos in the church today. And unfortunately there's a huge amount of misunderstanding about this, or how to think about this. Our Lord himself provided the correct understanding of how we are to think about sin and chaos in the church, in his parable of the wheat in Cockle, when he told us about the farmer who sowed good seed, but as any became in oversewed with Cockle, the servants wanted to pull up the Kako, but the farmer told them, wait until the holler harvest, then gather the wheat into the barns and burn the Cockle. Obviously in good times, spiritually speaking, there's a much higher proportion of wheat in the fields of the Lord, the wheat of course, representing a good Catholics and the fields of the Lord representing the Catholic church, huh? Times like ours. On the other hand, there's a very high percentage of Cockle. In other words, sinners and scoundrels present throughout the church, but in his parable, he didn't give any proportions. Did he? Speaker 1 00:13:44 In spite of our Lord's actual explicit explanation, sinners and scandals will be present in the church right up until the day of judgment. There's a very serious misunderstanding of this point, which periodically arises writing some 80 years ago, the most revenue Ville him. Stockholm's exhilarated Bishop of cologne in Germany, warn seminarians by extension, all of us to be aware of this dangerous air Bishop stockrooms. I quote one dangerous snare that a seminary and must scrupulously avoid is the temptation to make a senseless and unfortunate distinction between an ideal church and the church of reality. No such thing as a dual church exists, there is only one church and that is the church as she is in reality. Or repeat that one dangerous snare that a Catholic must scrupulously avoid is a temptation to make a distinction between an ideal church and the church of no such thing as a dual church exists, there's only one church and that is a church as she is in reality. Hence it is feudal even impossible to approve an ideal church removed from reality and to condemn the church that actually exists. Speaker 1 00:15:12 It's feudal experience proves that the danger present in such conceptions and distinctions lies principally in this, that they soon lead in practice to hostile attitude toward the existing church. And in the end to complete apostasy, this lamentable consequence should prompt every Catholic to suppress from the start, any tendency to make such distinctions and to avoid as a matter of principle, all such purposeless subtleties the divine human institution as it exists reality, the Catholic church as it exists, reality is the only one that must be recognized as a true church of Christ to it belong a reverence, our obedience, our love and our loyalty close quote, one dangerous snare that each Catholic must scrupulously avoid is a temptation to make a distinction between an ideal church and the church of reality. There's only one church and that's the church as she is in reality experience proves that the danger in such distinctions realize principally in this, that they soon lead in practice to a hostile attitude towards the existing church and the end to complete a pause to see divine human institution as it exists. Speaker 1 00:16:36 Reality is the only one. It must be recognized as a true church of Christ to it belong a reverence, our obedience, our love and our loyalty. Now, nowadays we have two very distinct varieties of this dual church hair, but before we break those down, let's make sure that we clearly understand that these two varieties are not morally equivalent. They're not morally equivalent. On the one hand, we have people picturing an ideal church that doesn't exist and can never exist. Okay. But on the other hand, we have people pitching ideal church in a form that indeed once did exist. So we have two very distinct varieties of this error on the liberal side of the aisle. We have people imagining an ideal church where apparently anyone can marry anyone else. Everyone can take the pill, the congregation, so to speak all hold hands and sing kumbaya with women pre skip up the aisle blowing kisses at everybody. Speaker 1 00:17:40 Okay. The principal danger in coming up with this sort of liberal ideal church and approving that rather than Roy and condemning a church that actually exists is it leads to a hostile attitude towards the existing church. And boy, do we see that? And in the end to complete apostasy, and here we are in the greater circles of the church, just look around, it's a nightmare, it's a nightmare. So that's one distinct variety of this there, the liberal vision of ideal church that will never exist and can never exist. There's certainly another distinct variety of the same air fond and what we might call on the pious side of the aisle in this variety of the same air. We have people imagine they belong to an ideal church, which is supposedly in full communion with all the puffs and bishops before Vatican, too. And which only the traditional mass is offered and in which what they call the conciliar church, the Catholic church as she actually exists today is rejected. Speaker 1 00:18:44 And as we just heard the principal danger and approving an ILDL church removed from reality and condemning the church that actually exists as this certain soon leads to a hostile attitude towards the existing church. And I certainly know a lot of people in that category, many of whom I'm extremely fond of and in the end to complete a pause to see here we are, this attitude is rife in some circles, picturing an ideal church in a form that indeed once did exist in hostile toward the church that actually does exist. My opinion, that's what it is. It's my opinion is that as we call it collapsed ever more towards the church or the catacombs, the people who have fallen into this view will grow increasingly scandalized and find it harder and harder to actually recognize the actual Catholic church. It's nowhere near as disordered as a liberal understanding, but ultimately it ends in the same place. Speaker 1 00:19:54 The pious variety of this air is analogous to certain responses at Calvary. Those were confronted by the reality of the crucifixion and did not immediately draw closer to our lady began to be scandalized at the contrast between the reality of our bruise, beaten, bleeding, and suffering Lord hanging there on the cross and the memories they had of his former strength and beauty and power got scandalized. And then they ran away. They ran away when dangerous snare that the Catholic must scrupulously avoid as a temptation to make a senseless distinction between an ideal church and church of reality. No such thing as a door church exists, no such thing. He spirits proves a danger in such conceptions and distinctions lies principally in this that the soon lead in practice to a hostile attitude towards existing church and to complete a pause, to see the divine human institution as it exists in reality is the only one that must be recognized as a true church of Christ to it belong a reverence, our obedience, our love, and our loyalty for the rest of this sermon. We're going to follow this fork in the trail and take a really quick look at a series of errors that have sprouted up as a result of this precise error of making this dangerous distinction. Before we get into all that, just make sure that you understand it's a discussion. These errors, it isn't a personal hack at anyone or speaking of objective errors, not the subjective disposition disposition of people that may or may not have fallen into them. Speaker 1 00:22:05 Okay. Like communion in the hand and girl altar boys, significant ism is another one of these completely novel ideas dreamed up in the wake of Vatican too. It hasn't been just the liberals playing never before seen novelties out of their hats. There may be some here who don't know what set of econ ism is. <inaudible> is a fruit of this very dual church kind of thinking it arose as an attempt by basically pious Catholics to explain the very real chaos, confusion and heresy in the church. What we might call the nutshell version of the standard, uh, uh, civic conduct explanation. There's actually a number of varieties, but the nutshell version of the standard explanation is that the last real Pope was Pius the 12th. In other words, St. John, the 23rd, Paul, the six Saint John Paul, two or Saint John Paul, one St. John Paul to Benedict the 16th and now Francis are not real Pope's. Speaker 1 00:23:09 And so the council and all the confusion, heresy and chaos, a result of the actions of these false non Pope's in their hands Schmidt, we should point out that all set of economism is theologically impossible for reasons we're going to get to briefly. In fact, it's actually a logically consistent explanation. It's logically consistent, uh, uh, once one grats the premises, but even though it's logically consistent since the premise is wrong, but all falls apart, the principle premise that they get wrong is rooted in a very misunderstanding of the relationship between Christ and his church. Here's what the principle error is. Christ will not abandon his church. He did not say the art Peter and on this rock, I'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it until the second Vatican council. Speaker 1 00:24:07 He did not say all powers given to me on heaven and earth, going there for teach you all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and the holy ghost, teaching them to observe all that I've commanded you and behold, I am with you all days until the second Vatican council. This is the God who can neither deceive nor be deceived. And he promised to be with us always not just until the second Vatican council when authors brilliantly summarized the problem. And I quote the civic contest position is indirectly one of despair. It is in fact, a denial of the promise of our Lord, which is so aptly summarized in past returners. Pastor Turner is a document of the first Vatican council and which is so easily understood without the age eight of theologians, theological manuals or candidates. I will quote from Vatican one that which the prince of shepherds and great shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our Lord established in the person of the blessed apostle Peter to secure the perpetual welfare and lasting good of the church must by the same institution, necessarily remain unceasingly in the church, which being founded upon the rock will stand firm to the end of the world for none can doubt. Speaker 1 00:25:30 And it is known to all ages that the holy and blessed Peter, the prince and chief of the apostles, the pillar of faith and the foundation of the Catholic church received the keys of the kingdom from our Lord, Jesus Christ, the savior and Redeemer of mankind and Peter lives, presides and judges to this day, always in his successors, the bishops of the holy sea of wrong, which was Fonda by him and consecrated by his blood whence whoever succeeds to Peter in the sea, whoever becomes the Bishop of Rome. Once whoever succeeds to Peter in the sea does by the institution of Christ himself obtain the primacy of Peter over the whole church. The disposition made by incarnate truth, therefore remains and bless it. Peter abiding in the rocks strength, which he received has not abandoned the direction of the church closed quote Vatican. One set of economism is a religion of abandonment by Christ. Speaker 1 00:26:38 There is only one church and that is the churches she is in reality. The church may not be the way we think it should be, but it is the church. The pops may not be the way we think they ought to be either, but they are the Pope's don't run off the set of a Qantas cliff. Practical set of icons does him cliff. In our day and age, we have two very distinct varieties of what we might call practical set of a conscious. They both operate with the same fundamental principles. The first and most fundamental principle we've already seen as a result of Vatican two, there are dual churches. The second principle is a fundamentally modernist position. Although there is a Pope, he can only command me the church, my congregation, whomever only insofar as we accept or agree with his decisions or his judgments or his commands. Speaker 1 00:27:43 Now this principle is obviously rooted in and depends on the use of private judgment. Those who employ these two principles are practical set of economists because although they admit there is a Pope, practically speaking, they act as if he doesn't exist, except when they're ticked off at him for some action speech or decision, which they find annoying or offensive. These are the operating principles of true post-consumer liberals like these congregations of whacked out nuns and sadly, and ironically enough, also the operating principles of many otherwise pious traditional Catholics who have somehow convinced themselves that these extremely dangerous and erroneous principles are compatible with the authentic Catholic faith. But that's a delusion. Speaker 1 00:28:37 They're not morally equivalent. There's not a moral equivalence between the liberal practical set of a contest and the traditional one, but they're both wrong. Leo, the 13th comments and similar trend in his day. And notice what the reason is, quote, ductless as a result of current evils, there are some Catholics who far from satisfied with the condition of subject, which is there's in the church. Think they were allowed to examine a judge after their own fashion, the acts of authority, a misplaced opinion. Certainly if it were to prevail, it would do very grave harm to the church of God, in which by the manifest will have her divine fonder. There RDB distinguished in the most absolute fashion, two parties, the teaching and the top, the shepherd and the flock among whom there is one who is the head and Supreme shepherd of all close quote, the vicar of Christ. Speaker 1 00:29:40 There's another error commonly found among people who hold the pious practical set of economists position. They often oppose the faith to obedience as if obedience to the Pope, since Vatican two, somehow necessarily results in the loss, the faith. In other words, to save the faith it's necessary to disobey, but that's obviously not the case here y'all are when author discusses other aspects of this problem, quote, what's so many fail to realize is that Vatican one teaches a twofold primacy of the Pope, a primacy of truth as embodied in his infallible teaching office in a primacy of charity as embodied in his primacy of jurisdiction and Vatican one further teaches its submission to both of these principles is necessary not only for incorporation in the church, but for faith and salvation. In the words of past returns, this is the Vatican one document again. And I quote, hence we teach and declare that by the appointment of our Lord, the Roman church possesses a sovereignty of ordinary power over all other churches and that this power of jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff, which is truly a Piscal is immediate to which all have whatsoever, right? And dignity are bound by their duty of hierarchical subordination, true obedience to submit not only in matters, which belong to faith and morals, but also in those which pertain to the discipline and government of the church throughout the world. Speaker 1 00:31:27 So that the church of Christ may be one flock under one Supreme pastor through the preservation of unity, both of communion and a profession of the same faith with the Roman pontiff. This is the teaching of Catholic truths from which no one can deviate without the loss of faith and salvation close quote. The first Vatican council, it is really extraordinary. The degree to which so many traditionalist seem to discard this definitive teaching in regard to the divine constitution of the church, they usually apply something to the fact that the Pope's government and discipline of the church does not involve the charism of infallibility, that it can be seriously wrong in his judgment on such things. And that we have the right to disobey him when he is wrong. In other words, they completely miss the point. Speaker 1 00:32:22 The primacy of the Pope in matters of discipline and government of the church has nothing to do with infallibility. It involves a primacy, not over our intellects, but it's over our wills, just as primacy of the intellect binds us in regard to what we must believe in regard to faith and morals. So the papal primacy of jurisdiction binds us in regard to our Catholic hearts, all that is involved with what constitutes our app systolic work in union with Christ through his mystical body. It binds us. In other words, that union of charity, which is the church acting in this world to defy this unity either in principle or an act is to attack the unity of the body of Christ. It is equivalent to an attack on the divine constitution of the church as constituted by Christ himself, PayPal government, and discipline the church. The primacy of jurisdiction does not in any way involve the exercise of the charism of infallibility, but the doctrine define the nature of this primacy and the necessity of our being subject to an obedient, to the Pope's acts of discipline and governance to the church is indeed an infallible teaching. Speaker 1 00:33:45 The denial of which is a heresy and entails loss of Catholic faith and salvation close quote. Speaker 1 00:33:53 It's a serious we teach and declare by the appointment of our Lord, the Roman church, possesses sovereignty of ordinary power over all their churches. This POV jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff, which is truly a Piskel is immediate to which all are bound to submit. Not only matters, which belong to faith and morals, but also in those which pertain to the discipline and government of the church throughout the world. So the church of Christ may be one flock under one Supreme pastor to the preservation of unity, both have communion and professional, the same faith with the Roman pontiff. This is a teaching of Catholic truth from which no one can deviate without loss of faith and salvation. Speaker 1 00:34:40 The divine human institution as exists in reality is the only one that must be recognized as true church of Christ to it belong our reverence, our obedience, our love and our loyalty. There is only one church and that's the church as she is in reality, the church may not be the way we think she should be, but it is the church. The Pope's may not be the way we think they should be either, but they are the Pope's don't run off the practical set of economy, the non canonization cliff. Now, before we consider last week's canonization, let's start by recognizing there is plenty of room for shock and amazement here by any reasonably well-informed Catholic, it's plain flat dishonest to approach the situation in any other way. What are we saying? It's a cinch bet. If I were a Muslim apologist, if I were someone trying re re recruit Catholics to become Muslim, I'd be showing everybody has goat pictures of St. John Paul two kiss in the Qur'an. I could really make some hay with that one. And there's plenty other colorful pictures like that too. We don't have to like it. I don't like it, but it happened. And that's just reality. Speaker 1 00:35:59 Given all of this very easy to get excited, Lauer says to become scandalized and they get swept right off a cliff by any number of seemingly plausible arguments. It's happening to a lot of good people want to take care, not to farm over the cliff. It's essential to remain calm and a know faith. So let's go through this at a later date. We'll take a close look at PayPal teaching. We've already said that, but today we're simply going to consider the question of canonization and to do that, we need to take a closer look at what is known as the extraordinary and fallibility of the Pope. The doctrine of papal infallibility was defined by the first Vatican council and I'll quote, faithfully adhering to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith. We teach and define as divinely revealed dogma, that when the Roman part of speaks X catheter, that is when an exercise of his office as pastor and teacher of all Christians in virtue of his Supreme apostolic authority. Speaker 1 00:37:07 He defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole church. He possesses by the divine promise of divine assistance promised to and bless a Peter, that it felt Bodhi, which the divine Redeemer willed his church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals, therefore such depth. The Roman pontiff are of themselves and not by the consent of the church. A reformable close quote Vatican one. When the Pope intends one to make a definite decision to by virtue of his Supreme Epistolic authority, three on a matter of faith or morals, four to be held by the whole church throughout the world. He is prevented by the holy spirit from teaching air. Any papal teaching that meets these conditions is infallible. That is to say it cannot be erroneous. And it's era formable. That is to say it cannot be changed. It is not required. Speaker 1 00:38:01 The use of a set formula. Any words may be used. It will sufficiently exp indicate the definitive nature of the decree. Please know that infallibility is not inspiration. The holy spirit doesn't move the Pope to write or say something it's infallibility is not revelation. The holy spirit does not reveal to the Pope. What he should teach her to find and fell. Building works in a negative way. The holy spirit will not allow the poet to make an erroneous statement in the conditions we have listed. Okay. Now, given all that listen carefully to this statement, which is w which was made by Pope Francis last Sunday, we'll read it first and then break it down. Got it. Off the Vatican website, quote, formula of canonization for the honor of the blessed Trinity, the exaltation of the Catholic faith and increase the Christian life by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the holy apostles, Peter and Paul, and our own after due deliberation, frequent prayer for design assistance and having sought the counsel of many of our brother bitchers bishops, we declare and define plus a John, the 23rd and John Paul to be saints. Speaker 1 00:39:11 And we roll them among the saints declaring that they are to be venerated as such by the whole church in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit close quote. Okay. Now we'll just quote the Pop's words as we go down the list. Remember, the Pope is infallible when he won, it tends to make a definite decision. Pope Francis, we declared, defined, bless a John, the 23rd and John Paul to be saints. And we roll among re enroll them along the saints. There's your definite decision number two, by virtue of his Supreme apostolic authority. Pope Francis said by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy apostles, Peter and Paul in our own, the reason invoking is Supreme epistemic authority. Number three, on a matter of faith and morals. Canonization is a matter of faith and morals. Pope Francis said for the exaltation of the Catholic faith increase in the Christian life. Speaker 1 00:39:57 And finally for the whole church, Pope Francis said, we enroll them by them. He means blessed John, the 23rd and John Paul two, we enroll them among the saints declaring. They are to be venerated as such by the whole church. So there we hear a definite decision of Pope Francis made by virtue of Supreme apostolic authority and a man of matter of faith and roads to be held by the whole church. That is an infallible statement. It is an irrefutable statement. It does not depend on the consent of the church. It is just plain flat cut and dry St. John the 23rd and St. John Paul two are in heaven. That's reality period. Close the book. No, here's a little manual published in Rome for the use of Roman congregations. It's a Latin work. And if I translate the title, it it's going to be concerning the value of theological notes and the criteria for distinguishing or for knowing them, okay, in this little manual, we read that to deny the sanctity of a canonized person deny that a canonized person is heaven would be an error in theology and a mortal sin indirectly against the face. Speaker 2 00:41:13 That is a pretty serious cliff. Speaker 1 00:41:17 You don't even want to get close to that edge yet. In spite of all this, we've been seeing any number of completely novel arguments being trotted out as to why these Canada's nations aren't really categorizations. But so far, I haven't seen any objectors site at single traditional theological work. And why not? Because they can't, their arguments have never, before been heard, their arguments are complete novelties. These guys would be screaming like what had saxophones is some liberal theologians cooked up this kind of craziness that they're coming out with. It's completely novel. And that's something worth reflecting on it's worth reflecting on. Does everyone here know what the original term for Protestants was in Latin? They were called the Nova Taurus. That means the guys that dream up novelties. And that's just what these guys are doing. I will cite what so far is the very best of their very lame arguments. Speaker 1 00:42:21 Here. It is. In a nutshell, the process of canonization was radically changed. Well, that's, that's certainly true. It has been radically, radically changed. There's no denying that the prostate cancer radiation was radically changed. And since the process is no longer, so rigorous regarding the question of heroic virtue, the question miracles, the question, orthodoxy, the person's writings, and are all true. It isn't reg very rigorous on any of those. That's true. So the prostate candidation was radically changed since process no longer. So rigorous regarding the question of heroic virtue. The question miracles to the question, the Orthodox, the person's writings then, and here's the conclusion that doesn't fall. This new process does not reliably indicate that the person canonize using new procedures in heaven. Okay, that's the argument, but here's the answer. The fact that the process of canonization has been radically changed. It is no longer so rigorous regarding the questions of heroic virtue, miracles, or orthodoxy persons writings. Speaker 1 00:43:18 We grant that it is completely irrelevant. Absolutely utterly irrelevant to the question. A Saint is not as Saint because the process used in canonizing him. A Saint is not a Saint because the process used in Canada. Isn't a canonization is a declaration that the Saint is in heaven. And as we've just seen an act of canonization is an infallible statement. The holy spirit will not allow the Polk to make an erroneous statement of any type, including canonization under the conditions we've listed. If he's going down, those meets us four conditions, this, and he does in this case, the holy spirit will not allow him to make an erroneous statement. That's our faith. Don't jump off this cliff and just hold that top for a second. I've mentioned this before, but it's worth reflecting on John Paul two. You can show all the pictures you want, all that stuff. I'll grant all of it. You can dig out every quote. I grant all of it. He had a long death with the benefit of sacraments and give or take a billion people, praying for him. We die. If he's not in heaven, we all got problems. <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:44:32 What we have here is private individuals putting their private judgements against a formal infallible era, formal PayPal judgment. It is serious. Don't go down that road. This is where the set of a conscious Ms. Guide is. They are nevertheless much more logical consistent than the practical set of a, the very idea that the pumpkin canonized, two saints quote, declaring that it would be venerated as such by the whole church, close quote, Pope Francis, and that the Psalm and fallible declaration is somehow open for debate discussion or dismissal by someone or anyone who recognizes that Francis the Pope. This idea is completely laughable. Speaker 1 00:45:20 The divine human institution has existed in reality is the only one that must be recognized as the true church of Christ tip along our reverence, our obedience, our love and our loyalty. There is only one church. And that's the church as she is in reality, the church may not be the way we think she should be, but it is the church. The Pope's may not be the way we think they ought to be either, but the are the pups. Don't jump off that mortal sin indirectly against the faith cliff. Let's close. Our lady of Fatima said many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray for them. Make sacrifices for them. Speaker 1 00:46:02 There are many pious people who are jumping off these cliffs apparently to their dome. We need to pray and sacrifice for them. And we've got no place to be smug after all. If we don't find ourselves running off one of these spiritual cliffs, it's not because we're so great. It's because the unmerited mercies of God, Saint Paul could write to the Philippians and tell him to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, right of himself, that he had to chastise his own body less. He find himself cast away. How much more could that be said of each one of us. We need to pray and sacrifice and stay close to our lady. Get closer to our lady during the passion of a Lord who stayed faithful at the foot of the cross to the bitter end. Wasn't the pole within a couple hours of being consecrated. He denied our Lord three times and ran away. Speaker 1 00:47:11 That's the first poll. It wasn't the parcels either, except for one of them. Where were they? They booked out of there. They were gone. The passion, the ones who stayed faithful, the bitter end, where the ones that stay close to our lady through it all. And those were the only ones as we enter ever deeper into the passion of the church. Let's be very, very careful to stay close to our lady, ask her to help us keep faithful, to preserve our union with the Pope, to keep us safely in the church. Live the message of Fatima, say rosary, where your scapular practice, the true devotion of St. Louis to for St. Maximum and Colby preserve your union with the Pope. Speaker 2 00:48:12 Stay Speaker 1 00:48:14 In the church, stay close to her. And he won't jump off a cliff.

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