The Occult, Harry Potter and Combating the Demonic

June 17, 2013 00:30:27
The Occult, Harry Potter and Combating the Demonic
Veritas Caritas
The Occult, Harry Potter and Combating the Demonic

Jun 17 2013 | 00:30:27


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Speaker 0 00:02 Riding to the epiphany that great incorrupt Benedict and bless it, Don Colombian Marmion States, quote, the fathers of the church have seen in the call the match eye to Christ cradle the vocation of pagan nations to the faith. As soon as the word incarnate appeared here below, invited the Gentile world, his cradle and the person of the magic, he turned a wisdom with us. Show us that he brought peace, peace to men of Goodwill, not only to those who are nigh to him, the faithful Jews represented by the shepherds, but also to those who are far off the pagans represented by the magic, the calling, the magic, and their scientification signifies the vocation of the Gentiles to the faith and to salvation. God sends an angel of the shepherds, the chillers, and people that are accustomed to the apparition of the celestial spirits to the matcha who studied the stars. Speaker 0 01:00 He caused the marvelous star to appear. The star is a symbol of the inward elimination that enlightened souls in order to call them to God. Close quote. Blessed had Dom Marmion. So the very foundation of the mystery of the Tiffany is the call of the pagan nation. Still one true faith has seen in the call the match had a Christ cradle and there are a number of significant blessings done for the feast of the Tiffany, the blessings of epiphany water and a blessing to gold, frankincense, and myrrh. One interesting fact is these blessings also contained prayers to drive where the devils in factor that blessing the epiphany water. There's a very serious exorcism. Why would a pithany the 12th day of Christmas have specific blessings that are so concerned with the demonic that should be pretty easy for us to see. We consider that we're celebrating the calling of the pagan nations to Christ. Speaker 0 01:57 After all, before the coming of Christ, all the nations of the world, every last one of them except in of course the Hebrew nation was in bondage to the devils. His Psalm 95 verse five States, all the gods of the Gentiles are devils. All the gods, the Gentiles are devils. So in this face, the feast which reminds us that Christ income just for Jews alone, but for all the tribes of the world, all of them, in spite of the fact that they were locked in to varying degrees of demonic, but darkness that he came to free us all from sin and darkness. It's only fitting to blessings associated with this feast contained prayers driveway. The devils, and you don't need me to point out to you. In our day and age, these blessings are more needed than perhaps any time since our ancestors converted. Our society has drawn to an absolute flood of cult and pagan practices. Speaker 0 02:56 Superstition is everywhere. It's everywhere. So today, let's take a little closer look at the sin of superstition. Saint Thomas tells us that quote, superstition is advice contrary to the virtue of religion and a consistent offering, divine worship, either tome it ought not be offered or in a manner it ought not be offered. Close quote, superstition is a sin of offering divine worship either to whom it ought not be offered or in a manner and not be offered. We've already covered the question of offering divine worship to the true God in an undue manner. We consider the sin of Catholics participated in Seder meals. Saint Thomas discusses this particular category of sin in question one to three of the first part of the Summa. In regards to other types of superstitious practice, we'll run down three categories used by moral theologians. The three categories are adultery, divination, and vein observants. Speaker 0 03:59 As we'll see, the sense from the various categories can easily blend together. Number one, idolatry. Idolatry means giving divine honors to any creature. Divine honors would be like things like worship, offering, sacrifice, and so forth. We'll read from a commentary and idolatry. Fond in a book published in 1957 quote in missionary countries. It is found that the primitive, uneducated pagan worships stones, trees, animals, and many inanimate and irrational things. It is questionable whether they always worship a thing itself. Image worship has animistic and it's lower form and symbolic and it's higher. The concrete object is viewed as in physically permeated Re-Animator by the presence of a spirit of which it is the dwelling place. The educated pagans adopt a symbolic explanation that is that the symbol? Is it? The image is a symbol of some attribute of the day. Close quote. Okay. Obviously what was once true and in 1957 not so very long ago, was once true of peg and missionary countries is now true virtually everywhere in our beloved country. Speaker 0 05:13 Neo paganism, earth worship, WCA, <inaudible>, Santeria, and even blatant Satanism. You name it, we got it. Therefore, the academies built a stone circle so that the pagan cadets and staff can worship there. Their pagan chaplains that serve our troops in our military as well as prisoners incarcerated in our prison systems. Let's not have any illusions barring divine intervention. This is here to stay. That's the reality. The America that you older folks remember is gone. It's gone and we're now the counterculture. For all intents and purposes, culturally speaking, this is a pagan nation with a few tattered vestiges of Christian culture in all the elections in the world aren't going to change that because we lost the cultural war. This is a pagan nation. Idolatry is just going to become more and more blatant as time passes. So the first category of sins of superstition, idolatry, giving divine honors to any creature. Speaker 0 06:15 Second divination from another moral manual. The sin of divination is committed when the devil is involved either explicitly or implicitly in order to discover secret or had knowledge. The of divination is committed when the devil is invoked either explicitly or implicitly or discover what is secret and hidden. There's explicit invocation. The devil when his age has expressly implored. For example, the devil sometimes takes possession of the body of a human being and manifest what is secret through it. This was called Python aneurysm. You can read about the slave girl with the Python spirit in acts 16 but nowadays we call this channeling. Another example is when it's certain places the delegated Oracles through idols. Now this was common in ancient times and I fully expect what we seem playing with this in the near future. So one kind of divination occurs when the devil is explicitly involved. Speaker 0 07:13 As in the case of channeling or Oracles pronounced by idols, the devil is implicitly invoked when means which are not naturally sufficient for the purpose and which have not been ordained by God for that purpose are used to find out hidden things. For example, the devil is implicitly invoked in Palm reading when the lines of the hand are consulted as indications of the future or once some chance event is taken as foretelling what is going to happen as an almonds. Other examples of divination with an implicit invoking the devil are quite calm. A few examples are scrying. Scrying is looking at crystal ball or a mirror to tell the future or reading Terrell cards or having sounds to the Sansa sometime called necromancy because the object is someone's spirits of the dead. But if a science is actually successful, and so to speaking with the spirits of the dead, the people that are actually communicating with devils and devils can be unbelievably convincing. Speaker 0 08:11 Here are perhaps the most common practice in our society of implicit invocation of a devil is using a Weegee board. Now, all of these practices are grievously sinful as such, not to mention dangerous, the actual case of possession of which the movie the Exorcist was based came about as a result of playing with a Weegee puller. So the second category of sins of superstition is divination. Invoking the devil either explicitly or implicitly in order to discover secret hidden knowledge. Chandler's psychics, Palm, rain, terracotta, rain horoscopes are everywhere. Would you boards are even sold in toy stores. Speaker 0 08:54 Three vain observants. As we just seen divination use disproportionate means to discover what is secret or hidden by the help of the devil. Vain observance also use disproportionate means, but to obtain certain astounding effects by the help of the devil. It is important to know as in the case of divination, the practitioners are not necessarily aware of the devil's aid. In fact, they may very well not even believe in the devil. Savannah observance is the use of charms spells, sorcery and capitalistic signs to preserve persons and things from harm or to cause harm. To persons or things or to cure wounds and diseases or to acquire knowledge without study. Perhaps the larger category of sins of vein observance could be called witchcraft or magic or sorcery, but main observance also refers to superstition observance of various things and behaviors which are considered lucky or unlucky. Speaker 0 09:47 Lucky horn, lucky rabbit feet novel walking under the ladder Friday 13th and or in cow country, not throwing your hat on a bed. Morally speaking, there's no difference between divination in witchcraft like divination. Witchcraft may contain an explicit or implicit compact with the devil if there's an explicit pack with the devil, even if his under the guise is some pagan, God or goddess, there will always be mortal sin. Besides all that, this is extremely dangerous and not only to the practitioners and an absolutely huge percentage of the cases treated by excersice witchcraft or sorcery of some sort has been involved in many times. The victim has no clue how the predicament came about or that he's been a victim of a spill. It was only after the X's forced the devil in the name of God revealed open door by which he entered that. This comes up and to answer the question that many of you are thinking guests or sores, Ken's cast spells which harm other people. Speaker 0 10:47 This should not be that amazing. Everybody knows that if someone were to, he wants to hurt someone, he doesn't want to do himself. It is possible for him to enter into a business deal with certain kind of evil person like a Hitman or Sicario and contract for that evil person to harm the third party, right? Everyone has heard of putting a contract out on someone. The situations basically saying devils are the most evil kind of persons, far, far more evil than <inaudible> and as possible sourcers to contact devils in order that they heard a third person, we call it putting a curse on seminar, putting a hex on someone or casting a spell on someone. This has always been commonplace in some parts of the world, in some cultures, but now it's becoming commonplace here as well. Stay in the state of grace. Say your rosary, where blonde scapular and always, always bless your food before you eat and you don't have anything to worry about besides staying in the state of grace plus near foot before he hit her made. Speaker 0 11:47 Making little cross over your drink is an essential habit to get into because probably the most common way of a curse on someone is by placing a cursed item and that you food or drink of antenna victim. But if you bless your food or drink spiritually seeking you speak spiritually speaking, you will disarm this bell. Okay, so the third category of sins of superstition is vain observance and Vulcan. The devil, either explicitly or implicitly in order to obtain certain effects or marvels from the devil. This stuff is everywhere as well. Which crowd sorcery curses so-called love charms. They don't work at best. It only affects lost potions, Rohingya voodoo, Santeria candles to be burned to Santa Muerte, ambulance crystals, certain types of holistic medicine. Let's not have any illusions here either. Barring divine intervention, this is here to stay. We live in a pagan nation now. Speaker 0 12:43 These are all first commandment issues. There's a lot more that could be said, but this is only a sermon on superstition, not a course on the occult. Okay, so what have we seen? We've seen it superstition as a sin of offering divine worship, either to whom it ought not be offered or in a manner of dot and not be offered. We've taken a quick look at three categories of superstitious worship. We've seen it. The first category of sins of superstition is idolatry, which means giving divine honors any creature. We've seen that as second category of sins of superstition is divination, which means invoking a devil either explicitly or implicitly in order to discover secret and hidden knowledge, and we've seen it. The third category of sins of superstition is vain observance, which means invoking a devil either explicitly or implicitly in order to attain certain effects or marvels from the devil. Speaker 0 13:34 Okay, so today we're celebrating the fact, except for those of us who are of Hebrew blood, we're selling the fact that our ancestors were called from the deadly darkness of divination, witchcraft and pagan idolatry, and given the price gift of the true faith, the faith without which it is impossible to please God. And yet even as we celebrate this fact all around us, our friends and neighbors and relatives all around are turning back and entering back into bondage to the very devils that our ancestors were freed from the mystery that God has shown each of us and giving us the true faith is a very great mystery in the best of times. And this cultural chaos and apostasy. Let us show our gratitude by carefully preserving it. Speaker 0 14:26 Now, before we close there, two specific dangers that many, many people who are striving to be good Catholics need to be warned about. And these will only be warnings. We simply don't have time today. Develop these two topics. The first warning pertains to certain practices important from the East, which by their very nature produce mental States, altered States of consciousness which are characterized by significant reduction of logical thought and accompanied by a passivity of the will. These practices by their very nature, produce altered States of conscious mental States, which are characterized by significant significant reduction of logical thought and accompanied by pensivity of the will. It has nothing to do with Christian prayer. Meditation and practices. It produced altered States of consciousness can open doors to demonic influence paranthetically so-called recreational drugs also produce and stimulate altered States of consciousness, which can open to our city monic influence. Speaker 0 15:25 It is not for nothing. Then in the book of the apocalypse, the word for witchcraft or sorcery can also be translated drug use. I don't think you need me to warn anyone who's interested in going to heaven about the moral implications of so-called recreational drug use. Okay, so a few examples of these practices which can produce and stimulate altered States of consciousness, which in turn can open doors to demonic influence. Our centering prayer, yoga and also practices like Tai Chi. Now Tai Chi Reiki and anything associated with manipulating Chichi or Keelan martial arts are also problematic for another reason, and that is that the practitioners are specifically opening themselves up to acquiring certain preternatural powers, certain powers of demonic origin, and the case of Reiki. These powers having to do with healing by the laying on of hands. And I might add parenthetically that I personally know an Exorcist who in the course of blessing has actually spoken to and cast out a demon involved in this healing of laying on hands and the case of Tai cheered cheek Coon or anything associated with nipping cheer key in the martial arts. Speaker 0 16:41 These powers have to do a channeling Nichole form of energy, which is not of human origin. One example have to suffice quote in the award winning nationally televised 1993 PBS series healing and the mind I was, bill Moyers discussed the popularity of the martial arts and amazing powers they offer. In one segment. Both Myers and martial arts students were astounded as a nine year old Tai Chi master used the mystical energy called G to send an entire line of students tumbling to the ground by merely throwing shit at them from a distance of some 20 feet interviews. The students afterwards revealed they felt forced down by mysterious and irresistible power. This was the power that they themselves were seeking. Close quote, I've watched this film. It is truly creepy. If you're involved in any of these practices, stop, stop the exercise. I've worked hard enough as it is. Speaker 0 17:42 If you want to read more on this, I can recommend this book. It has afforded written by really great Bishop who is also an Exodus bips Bishop. Julian Porteous was one exhilarated bistro bishops of Sydney Australia. This book is entitled yoga, Tai Chi and Reiki, a guide for Christians and is written by delis Saul brother by their max Scully. That's yoga, Tai Chi and Reiki, a guide for Christians written by brethern, max Scully, DLS. So that's the first warning because it's next topics has so much consternation. We'll go into slightly more detail. I'll open the second warning by reading an edited excerpt from an article found on life site news. Quote Toronto, August 23rd, 2007 life site life site news receives angry and often hate-filled responses to its news reports on mainly three subjects. The most hateful and threatening come from San Francisco activists. Second are the angry emails from abortion population control activists. Speaker 0 18:46 Third has been a bizarre response to our Harry Potter reports. Every time life site news publishes an article with an alternative view. This critical of the Harry Potter series. We get a flurry of angry and sometimes downright hateful emails from Harry Potter, Dave OTs, close quote, and that's pretty amazing. The greatest number of angry and hate-filled response from San Francisco activists, pro-abortion activists, and Harry Potter fans. Obviously this topic stirs up some emotions. Let's just quickly consider a few problems with Harry Potter. He said, obviously pertained to Twilight and similar things. We'll start with a few insightful comments from the Catholic author and artist, a man who writes icons, Michael O'Brien quote. The most obvious problem of course is the authors use the assemble world of the occult as a primary metaphor and a cultic activities as a dramatic engine of these plots. It presents these to the child reader through attractive role models such as Harry and Harmonia or students of witchcraft and sorcery. Speaker 0 19:54 This has the potential of lowering a child's card while subconscious and spiritual to actual occult activity, which is everywhere and growing. Rationally. Children know that the fantasy artists in the books is not real, but emotionally and subconsciously, the young reader absorbs it as real. This is further complicated by the fact that in the world around us, there are many opportunities for young people to enter the cult subcultures where some of Harry powders, Harry's powers are indeed offered as real. It is important to note the children read fiction with a different consciousness than adults. This is something that has been overlooked by this Christian leaders who have written pro Potter commentaries. They forget the children are in a state of formation. They don't understand the realities being forced at every turn, wholesome fantasy, regardless of how widely imaginative it may be, reinforces the moral order of the universe in the child's mind. Corrupt fantasy on her mindset. The Potter world is corrupt fantasy with a little cosmetics, cosmetics. Are the values woven into the tale by the author? Close quotes, Michael O'Brien. Speaker 0 21:11 No, I can't recommend Michael Brian's insights highly enough there. He's defined. Just go to life site news and search for Harry Potter. It's a treasure trove of information life site knows. Okay, now let's turn to men minute the church. We'll start at the top. Caught on Ratzinger. 2003 cut on rats and received a manuscript of a book critical of Harry Potter from the German author and letter to the author stated quote, it is good that you enlightened people about Harry Potter because those are subtle seductions which act unnoticed by this deeply distort Cristiana in his soul before Congress. Properly close, quote Carter Ratzinger. It is good that you enlightened people about Harry Potter because these are subtle subjections which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianne and his soul before it can grow properly. Speaker 0 22:07 Now, let's turn to the men who actually engage in combat with the devil, the exorcists, Mexico for the Pedro Mendoza fleet, an extra cyst of the archdiocese of Mexico city. So the popular Harry Potter book and film series could allow the devil to enter children's minds and does a lot of damage. If you put all these ideas in child's head that he can come a wizard, the child believes that and that is opening an Avenue through which the devil can get in. Mendoza said as a series final book went on sale. Rome father Gabriella morph form of the chief extra sister of Rome. It with 50,000 some exorcisms. The most experienced Exorcist in the world has stated quote, you start off with Harry Potter who comes across as a likable wizard, but you end up with a devil. There is no doubt that the signature, the Prince of darkness is clearly within these books. Speaker 0 23:04 Close quote. DEXA cyst also criticized the disordered morality. Presented rulings works noting that they suggest that rules can be contravened and lying is justified when they worked once. Benefit. The Vatican's former chief Exorcist also says, quote practic Singh yoga is satanic. It leads to evil. Just like reading Harry Potter. Close quote, one more exercise story. I was personally present at a conference in which the speaker made some positive remarks about Harry Potter on other priests lives in the and at that time had 17 years is nexus. Immediately jumped up, slammed his fist on the table and spoke out in a very low, loud and forceful tone. I mean, I took notes. Harry Potter's peer wickedness. I'm sick of hearing about Harry Potter. It's a gateway to the call. I'm pretty big. Well, that's, that's for sure. He, he could play pro ball, a great big guy, maybe about 300 pounds. I'm pretty big. Another priest now we're sitting on a couch and a teenage boy, maybe 115 pounds, pick the couch up and held it up by one leg. I speak to them in English. He answers in English. I speak to them in Latin. He answers in Latin. I speak to them in Italian. He answers in Italian. I speak to him in Spanish. He answers in Spanish. I speak to him and chairman. He answers in German. Speaker 0 24:48 When I was exercising, I asked where all this came from. The demon said Harry Potter at four cases in one day of people, demonic problems as a result. Involvement in Harry Potter. I don't want to hear anything about Harry Potter. Not everyone gets possessed, but watch out. It was an impressive intervention. Okay, so maybe some folks don't want to listen to the pro-life media comments. Maybe some folks aren't much moved by the comments of an author and religious artist. Maybe some folks can find some way to weasel around the words of Cardinal Ratzinger, but if we're not going to listen to the som warnings of the excersice, the guys that actually fight the Del X's from Mexico, Rome, the Caribbean, well then all I can say is it. Pride goes before the fall. Speaker 0 25:48 Well, let's close by considering a powerful way to protect ourselves and our families from the attacks of the devils. Something is often overlooked or unknown, and that is adoration. What is an adoration and admiration is a sound demand made in the name of God to do something or to desist from doing something. Okay, and adoration is a som demand made the name of God to do something or to assist from doing something. Okay. In regards to devils, the Catholic encyclopedia points out that quote, the name of God reverently involved carries with it an efficacy which demons are unable to withstand close quote, but are we allowed to at your demons? St Thomas States quote, it is lawful to drew the demons. We may repulse the demons as being our enemies by jurying them through the power of God's name less. They do us of solar body close quote, so we are allowed to obtain your demons. Speaker 0 26:48 One easy way of doing just that is by knee means of what is commonly called a binding prayer. Bonnie Pearl is simply a common name for adoration. Here is an example of a binding prayer in the name of Jesus. That's the critical part. That's why it's an adoration in the name of Jesus. I bind you spirit of blank. Look, explain that blank in a second, okay. And the name of Jesus, I bind you spirit of blank and send you to the foot of the cross to be judged by our Lord. Okay? And the name of Jesus, I bind you spirit of blank and send you to the foot of the cross to be judged by Lord again in the name of Jesus, I bind you spirit of blank and send you to the for the cross to be judged by our Lord. Now what is blank? Speaker 0 27:37 That's where we insert the description of whatever's pestering us. Things like lust, panic, anger, fear, whatever is bothering us or tempting us, okay? If this is being caused by demon, we can tell right away just by saying this a few times since that's going to stop it. One of my friends told you about how one of his little kids have been waking him up to something like 14 times a night or so. Then he said this prayer before he went to bed and the name of Jesus, I bind you, any spirit that interferes with sleep in any way and sending us for the cross to be judged by our Lord. And then the kid only will come up once the next night. He said the fair again, same thing and so on. So he stopped the demons from waking that child up. Now we don't do this for the whole universe, okay? Speaker 0 28:22 Just what's bothering us or immediate vicinity or someone specific that we're praying for. Now they don't have to be near us, might be a child in college or someone on the other side of the world, okay? So they don't have to be proximate to us. If we just want to clear the air and don't have a specific thing we've noticed. Here's the approach to use in the name of cheese. I bind any spirit here that is not of the Holy spirit and send to the full cross to be judged by our Lord and the name of Jesus. I bind any spirit here that is not of the Holy spirit and send you to the foot of the cross to be judged by Lord and the name of Jesus. I bind any spirit who does not have the Holy spirit and send it to for the cross to be judged by Lord. Speaker 0 29:00 Okay, so we can be specific and name a temptation, a problem, and the name of Jesus. I bind the spirit of blank and center for the cross. We judge by Lord or we can clear the air with the name of Jesus. I bind any spirit here that's now the Holy spirit and send it to for the cross, be judged by our Lord for specific temptation of problem, the name of Jesus. I bind the spirit of blank and Sandy to the full cross to be judged by Lord. We can clear the air by saying in the name of Jesus, I bind any spirit here that is not of the Holy spirit and Sandy to the cross to be judged by our Lord. Of course, we can also say something like, precious blood wash over me. Protect me from the wickedness and snares, the devil. Let's close on this great piece, the Tiffany, as we ponder the calling, the magic eye out of the darkness of pagan superstition to the sanctification at the crib of the little Lord Jesus. Let's thank God for mercifully calling our pagan ancestors to the bosom of Holy mother church. Let's thank God for mercifully granting us the gift of the true faith and for mercy, keeping us free from or freeing us from superstitious practices, and let's break him during this Holy season of the pithany to call her Peggy temporaries, friends and relatives out of their bondage to the devil and into the freedom of the sons of God.

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