The Saints Show Us The Gospel in Practice: Mother Elias of the Blessed Sacrament

June 23, 2013 00:24:32
The Saints Show Us The Gospel in Practice: Mother Elias of the Blessed Sacrament
Veritas Caritas
The Saints Show Us The Gospel in Practice: Mother Elias of the Blessed Sacrament

Jun 23 2013 | 00:24:32


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 In one of her letters, a little flower that's Saint Therese of the child, Jesus States, quote. I love to read the lives of the saints very much the count of their heroic deeds and flames my courage and spurs me on to imitate them close quote. So today we'll spend a few minutes telling the story of a little known spiritual daughter of Saint Therese, whose life was filled with heroic deeds. For the most part, it's a paraphrase taken from a Carmelite work entitled love can do all on August 15th, 1879, Elena Maria Tipperary. The second youngest of 20 children, there is a Catholic family. We wouldn't have any of this fortnight for freedom stiff. If we had more families like that, Elena Marie Terry, the second youngest of 20 children was born in Mexico to develop family of European extraction. At the age of 18, she decided to enter into a teaching order while she was traveling on the train to the convent. Speaker 0 00:01:10 A young non past buyer then turned back, looked at her intently and said, you'll remain there a short time. Then you'll be a Carmelite Halina Marina thought to herself. How strange for, to tell me something like that? After a few years, she was dismissed from the teaching ruler in 1904, sought to enter the Carmel in Mexico city. She saw a picture hanging on the wall and to her very great surprise. It was exact none she'd seen on the train. She was told it was a French Carmelite named sister Therese, the child Jesus, and the Holy face who was already well known because of her autobiography and the miracles worked through intercession. The day Elena Marie had seen her on the train September 30th, 1897 was the exact day that sister Therese had died far, far away in France. Speaker 0 00:02:15 Elena Marie was given the name of Marie Mary Elias to the blessed sacrament in December of 1908. She was sent along with mother Teresa, Maria, the macro conception mother Bernard of the Holy spirit from Mexico city to the Carmel and Queretaro. This carnival began to thrive. And in December of eight, 1912, the sisters elected sister Leia prize priors. She was a mystic, the souls in purgatory frequently, visitor, for example, senior Don Toronto dilatory. Now that was the father of one of the nuns mother, Theresa Maria visited mother Elias and told her that he was now freed from purgatory because the prayers of his daughter and having founded that new convent Queretaro for the greater glory of God and the good of souls, other poor souls would visit her and asked her to share her terrible pains that she might offer them up and expiation to God. Speaker 0 00:03:14 But it wasn't just the poor souls that would visit her. The demons also paid calls and persecuted and tormentor horribly to the point where they'd leave her as one dead. I want occasion. She was very sick and in a wheelchair. And one of the nuns saw the wheelchair just racing along. And they said, mother, where do you want to go? She said, I'm not doing this. It was this Adela trying to throw her down a staircase or sentence. They go over there and grab the wheelchair and keep her from launching off to wherever they were going to throw her. In May, 1914, the revolutionary armies were closing in on Queretaro in order to prevent atrocities to the religious, the vicar general, a diocese ordered the nuns to dissolve the convent, to assume disguises and seek refuge with families. Mother Teresa turned the mother last and asked now what should we do? Speaker 0 00:04:02 No one has shoes or dresses. They're discoursed mother lies as to rev answer to reverently. Nevermind God will provide, provide when everything is so expensive and we have not a penny. What are we going to do, mother, dear, don't worry. God will provide. And going up to the attic, mother laughs brought down shoes, dresses, and wigs for some time on the advice of her confessor mother lies had been inquiring shoes and dresses while they were still available and cheap and hiding them in the attic without saying word to anyone. And she'd gone so far as to have the sister secretly make wigs from the novices, his hair, you know, cause they have their hair cut and it's they take the novice hair and make wigs, I guess nowadays it color a prepper when they received the order, dissolve the sisters recognize it as a punishment. And they said, this is a punishment for our lukewarmness let us know a brace the cross. And they offered it up for their beloved nation. They only got to mass or confession. Occasionally each non remained closed in her habit, but wore a secular dress on top in spite of the discomfort and heat. And there were a whole lot closer to the equator than we are. Speaker 0 00:05:15 The greater part of the community stayed in a house blowing to the mother of one of the nuns with the rest fond Haven in other homes in June, 1914, the day before the revolutionary forces entered quertaro mother Elias left mother Teresa's prioris there and took a number of young professed nuns and postulants to Aguas Calientes in the hopes of finding a convent there back in quitarle mother, Teresa had to separate the sisters and keep them moving from house to house ahead of the revolutionaries mother Elias asked permission of Rome to move the whole community to Aguas Kali and taste. And then onto Cuba, if needs be mother Elias returned, acquire a tire to help remove the Manning sisters, but was arrested in prison for three days. Although many other religious remained detained, she managed to obtain her freedom by offering Monday the soldier who was supposed to guard her by early fall of 1914, the whole community was reunited Aguas Calientes in the Carmelites resumed their life of prayer and recollection, but the revolution continued to spread through Mexico. Speaker 0 00:06:25 And as a parent medical note, to give you an idea of what was going on during the revolution, it's incredible. The suffering that the faith went through and more particularly the priests and religious, it was very similar to the days of the catacombs. Whole families were shot in their homes for the crime of saying the rosary together priests were shot on being found, administering the sacraments and the priest who attempted to do so knew that it was at the risk of his own life. Some priests were taken prisoner and then made to, to raise their own rants from among the poor who venerated them. Some elderly priest tied behind horses and drug to death. Women of the night dressed in religious habits like nuns to discredit the Catholic church, revolutionaries disguised as priests offered mass blaspheming God, as they did. So in testimony giving six years later and I'm leaving out the worst mother Elias stated, and I quote that time I'm I sell so many things. Speaker 0 00:07:29 The Crohn's is soldiers. The revolutionaries did. We had to go from place to place in caring for the nuns to keep them from taking an ans up in the Hills with the soldiers. When they took possession of a city right away, they took the keys to the churches and they said the government was the owner of the churches. The soldiers took the seborrhea and empty the contents, the sacred hose into the oats for the horses. They would take the vestments, put them on the horses neck. He was in for saddle blankets. They shot the Tabernacles and almost every church, there was no place, no town where there's not that kind of profit nation in every place everywhere. I saw many times how they burned up the confessional. I saw in a church where the most blessed sacrament was exposed. Hundreds of men come and shoot the monstrance and then disappear the confessionals. Speaker 0 00:08:18 And some images of the saints have been burned in the public squares, the company, men of bands of music and empire speeches. They profane the churches, entering them on horseback, smashing the images, treading the relics under foot, throwing the host about on the floor and even giving them the horses to eat with the fodder and some churches. The currencies just themselves have pretended to say mass and see to themselves to hear the confessions of a multitude of people dressed his priest. They've heard the confessions of sick people. And then in derision revealed what they heard and the confession, all these things I've seen with my own eyes. All the of nuns have been expelled from entire Republic being given, but a half an hour to leave, not allowed to take with them a change of clothes. And in many cases, not even a Breviary to pray, many sisters have been taken to the barracks and police stations where the VAs are chesty. Speaker 0 00:09:12 Weren't great danger. Immoralities increased to such a degree. They have profaned, not only versions, but violated nuns, carrying them away by force where they now suffer horribly to the great suffering I saw. I've seen in Mexico, the sad and lamentable fate of many sisters who have been victims of unbridled passions of the soldiers in general, many young girls after having been forced to live with the revolutionaries have been thrown out and many have been killed in the street as though they were animals close quotes, mother Elias of the blessed sacrament on one occasion, whether last overcame or fear of being kicked by a horse to rescue hosts, tossed into its feed. She did not hesitate either to pick up Chelsea in front of soldiers, dead and crooked from being thrown against stones. These Charles says were brought to her sisters who spent whole nights weeping in front of these sacred vessels, seeking to make reparation for the outrageous, which our Lord and his divine sacrament of love had suffered for us. Sinners. Mother Teresa had full confidence in mother lies to obtain any necessity for the community and placed mother Alliance, whether last under obedience, as long as she was out and about to save as many Charles's and subordinate as she possibly could, even at the risk of her life. Speaker 0 00:10:33 Think about the value that the saints place on the Holy things Speaker 0 00:10:40 Day by day, things cruise still worse. The persecution of religious was such that could be fun, no safe to hide them, no safe place to hide them. After hiding the young sisters and chess and cupboards mother would keep vigil until Dawn gardened the door of the enclosure. At one point mother, I spent 22 nights sitting in the door, guarding the sisters and praying to God do not let these men touch divergence. Many times she had recourse the sermon of God, sister Therese, the child cheeses for protection. Saint Therese hadn't been canonized yet. One day, several statues were to be burnt in the public square. So a group of pious women had agonized the night before is how to say them and decide to ask mother last for help. She advised him to go to the governor for repeal of the order. He's a man who had forsaken his Catholic faith and joined the revolution less from political beliefs than from a desire to support his family led by the disguise mother Elias, the women, brave soldiers and insults to obtain an interview with the governor. Speaker 0 00:11:39 He refused their plea, tell him it was too late to withdraw his order. Not even for the love of his own mother, mother Elias then asked my governor, would you allow me or anyone else to burn the picture of your mother, your or children, and not feel anything. The governor placed his hand on his sword and replied, if anyone should attempt that I would kill them in an instant. My governor mother-in-law has asked one word more. You are raised a Catholic, you Revere the statues and you know what they represent. What do you please, for the sake of your children, withdraw your order. Or if not burn me with the statues. So the governor relented, and he wrote the order to prevent the burning of the statues. The one thanked the governor kindly and he accompanied them to as far as the steps and shaking hands with them, promise that if at any time they were in need of help, he was ready to oblige them. Speaker 0 00:12:32 Two weeks later, he gave the command at the superiors of any Catholic institution should present herself to the court in the distinctive and complete habit of her order as prioress of the new foundation in August, Kelly aunties, mother Elias left her little flock to join three other superiors of different orders on their way to comply with the snow command. The Carmelites wondered if they'd ever see her again. The forest superiors were interrogated at length by the same governor. Death seemed certain while the judge questioned others. Mother lies, prayed a little flour. The questions were under oath and mother did not know what to answer nor could she deny the existence. The Carmel it lasts. When the governor interrogated her, he looked at mother lies, very steadily and said, Madam, I think I met you before my governor. It has only two weeks since I came to this very place, a company by six other ladies, begging your illustrious person to withdraw the order, which had been given to burn the statues in the public square. Speaker 0 00:13:30 And you so kindly granted it to me, but you did not wear this carb. No, sir. I was in disguise. And why are you wearing this dress once more at your command to present ourselves in our total dress of what nationality are you? French? Her mother lies. His father was French. How many sisters have you under your charge? 12 professed nuns. How much money in the doll? Reese have you not one penny. What did he do with it? It's been confiscated. Do your sisters keep the law up? Not wearing the habits? Yes, sir. Apparently. What do you mean by apparently? I mean that we wear the habit inside and a sec, the dress on top, he roared with laughter and asked. Are you not warm and uncomfortable? Very much, sir. And what do you and your companions intend to do to Kennedy enlist life of slavery? Speaker 0 00:14:25 Why don't you and your companions, Mary? Because we have professed to the contrary, but of what benefit will you beat to your country to pray and sacrifice ourselves for the salvation of souls? Do you think you'll save me? Yes, sir. If you cooperate with the grace of God, seen this touched his soul from mother's account because he paused and looked out the window for quite a while. Then he turned back and asked, well, do you really think I'll be saved? Yes, sir. If you believe, believe in what in God and keep his commandments. My goodness, you speak Spanish fluently. He said changing unpleasant subject. She was sentenced to be excelled along with other Carmelites that 24 hours to leave the country. Motherland heard the sentence with joy, but admitted to the judge. They were without a cent to their name and acting on his promise of two weeks before she has permission to stay in the city a few months, while they gathered the necessary money to leave the country. Speaker 0 00:15:27 He consented promising that no to molest them and adding that if they could not obtain the son, he would give it four hours had passed. His mother lives had taken leave of her agonizing sisters. Her return was a cause for great Thanksgiving mother succeeded in obtaining money for the fee, from the families of some of the nuns to take part of the community. As far as Cuba, the rest found refuge and decided to trust in divine Providence to provide on October 24th, 1914, disguised wigs, bonnets, and secular clothes over there. Wool habits, mother lies, and the younger sisters boarded a train bond from Mexico city. And from there, they took another train to Vera Cruz. During the journey mother-in-law's have the statue of the infant. Jesus. There was a band painter that had come originally quarter total in 1803 and she was taking it with him. So as a disguise, she had it wrapped up like a baby in a blanket, all that. Speaker 0 00:16:19 She was carrying it as if she was a mother. They were revolutionary soldiers on the train. And one of them was suspicious of the baby, never cried. He says that is being awful quiet. He started over towards mother. At that moment, the statue of the infant began to wail like a living child and tears fell from its eyes. The soldiers left mother alone from Vera Cruz. They took a Spanish ship to Cuba in a van to the Carmelites graciously hosted them mother lives, but Monsignor Kelly. Who's the president of the Catholic extension society here in the United States who was writing a book on the persecution in Mexico. He offered the money to bring the rest of the community. Cuba. If mother Lyas had the courage to undertake the return journey. So a few weeks after arriving in Cuba, mother Elias returned to Mexico to rescue the older nuns of her community who were in danger of starvation, imprisonment or worse. Speaker 0 00:17:17 When she reached Mexico city motherland contact a former postulant sister Anjelah and they took, they took her as a companion for the rest of the trip. Not far out of Mexico city, the train was stopped. And the two of them along with other passengers were removed from the train and taken to a prison. The two nuns remained for more than a week in a crowd prison cell with 12 inches of water on the floor every night, the whole group was someone for questioning the only ones who returned to the cell or those who are not condemned to meet it execution. When the two sisters turn had come, they were taken out to courtyard to be tied, blindfolded and shot. Mother lies begged to be left without the blindfold and his soldiers will time him up. Acquiesced accompany of revolutionary soldiers were drawn up then in front of the two religious who are now kneeling to order was given to shoot anteriorly mother called upon the little Florida, deliver them. She interiorly offered a somewhat skeptical prayer, little trays. If you are a Saint, as some people say you are then deliver us. And I promise to Fatah monastery and your honor, both nuns for the discharge, with the guns and the two nuns sank to the ground and were left for dead. Speaker 0 00:18:32 Saint Therese intervened about 2:00 AM mother last regained consciousness. She would later say, I knew I had been shot, but I find myself neither in heaven nor in purgatory. So I realized I was still in this veil of tears. Sister, Angela was also still alive and they work to free each other using their teeth. A guard discovered them at this time and aimed his firearm for the final acoustic Gras. Poor mother said, don't shoot us. Our blessed mother will punish you if you do what you must do is get us out of here. The guard express concern for his own safety, but then something that's very much like the acts of the apostles of Saint Peter. He yields to an unexplainable impulse and leads them out to the fields. As the two sisters begin walking along, not knowing where they're going. They're frightened by the sound of hook, beats a rider, rains up and asked them what they're doing at that time. Speaker 0 00:19:28 The night and mother told her as much as she dared their escape from prison and that they want to catch a train from Mexico city. It turned out that the horseman was a priest who often came to absolve. Those being led to execution. He said that the horse knew its way to the Depot. And if they gave the horse, its head, he get them there. And they said they didn't know how to ride. He helped them out and told them, don't be afraid. Look at the heavens and not at the earth. And you won't get dizzy and fall. It was daybreak when they arrived at the Depot, just in time to catch the train from Mexico city. The first act there was to walk the five miles to the shrine of our lady of Guadalupe to give thanks. Then when they got there, they went in on the knees. Speaker 0 00:20:08 As mother could speak a little English, they chose an English hotel for greater safety that night and the room. They finally exam themselves. Discovered they'd been wounded by the shots. The sisters found blood on their clothes, but no wounds. Saint Therese had rescued them in a miraculous way. It's very much like some of the stories you read in the martyrology of the early saints. The next day, they took the train to August <inaudible> and met up with mother Teresa and rest of the community gathered together and promptly set off for Cuba arriving on January 8th, 1915, they spent the next five to six months with the Carmelites of Havana. One Havana, mother Elias, and mother Theresa approach, various bishops, including the bishops of Cuba and Puerto Rico. I seem to be received in their diocese, but with no success, sleep tan permission from Rome to take the community of the United States. Speaker 0 00:20:59 And in spring, they traveled to new Orleans, taken up housing with various religious communities in that city in November, 1915 mother lives in community were invited by the Bishop of grand Rapids, Michigan to establish their community. They're the Carmel of our lady of Guadalupe. By 1919, the Carm caramel was full and the money foundations began slow Mexico in 19, 19 Buffalo, New York in 1920. In fact, the Carmel of Saint Therese in Buffalo, New York is a fulfillment of the promise made in front of that Mexican firing squad. Six years earlier when mother Elias had prayed little trays, if you are a Saint, as some people say than deliver us. And I promise I will find a monastery and your honor, the chapel of the Buffalo Carmel was the very first one in the world to be, have the little flowers it's Taylor st because it was officially dedicated to Saint Therese. Speaker 0 00:21:51 On the very day of her canonization May 7th, 1925. You can't get any faster than that. The Carmel in Alexandria, South Dakota is as foundation for the Buffalo Carmel in 1923 mother lives went to Schenectady, New York, funder, the caramel there. Grand Rapids continued to send out foundations Detroit in 1926. Culiacan Mexico in 1940 Littleton, Colorado in 1947, traverse Michigan in 1950 in iron mountain, Michigan in 1950, especially muster last return to the grand Rapids Carmel. She died there February 28th, 1943. One more interesting anecdote when mother Elias and her community weren't being harmed by the Carmelites in Havana. Another Carmelite community from Mexico, the karma of <inaudible> from Hildago state also sought refuge there in that Carmel, that community later turned to return to Mexico, but under the persecution of Kayas, they had to flee again. So the mother superior to one single caramel contacted a friend she'd made an Havana. Speaker 0 00:22:54 Mother Elias, mother lies then got in contact with some Carmelite father. She knew would flood the Mexican persecution themselves with the help of mother Elias and others who defrayed most of the costs in March, 1928, the Carmelites of two on single arrived in a house across the street from a pair of staff by this Carmelite fathers, the parishes, our lady of Guadalupe parish in Dallas. Over the next few years, they made several moves until 1952. They arrived in their current location on flower street. That's why there's a caramel here. Let's close the saints, show us the gospel and practice. We started with a quote from Saint Therese. I love to read the lives of the saints. Very much the cart of their heroic deeds and flames, my courage and spurs me on to imitate them. We've just considered some of the heroic deeds of a truly amazing woman and spiritual daughter, Saint Therese, mother Leia said blessed sacrament today. Let's ask Saint Therese and mother Elias to obtain for us a fearless burning love for our crucified Lord. A love that is rooted in unshakable hope and an immovable faith. Ask them today for a fearless burning love for our crucified Lord written an unshakeable hope and a faith firm. And is it movable as a rock.

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