The Road to the Dubia (Part 1): Marriage

February 08, 2017 00:38:35
The Road to the Dubia (Part 1): Marriage
Veritas Caritas
The Road to the Dubia (Part 1): Marriage

Feb 08 2017 | 00:38:35


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Speaker 0 00:00 And the third day there was and awesome ms disciples, the marriage name of the father, son, Holy spirit. Chrissy, Speaker 1 00:16 as we just heard, there's quite the guest list at the wedding. Today's gospel, our lady, our Lord and his disciples, kind of an amazing list, but at every proper Catholic wedding, the exact same guests are there spiritually. They're spiritually present at every proper Catholic wedding where the bride and the groom had put Christ and his mother first in their lives where the bride and groom are striving to live lives of holiness, striving to remain constantly in a state of grace, striving to observe the purity proper for their state in life, striving to live lives of charity and selflessness at those kind of Catholic weddings. The exact same guests that we see at the wedding camp are present in their blessing. That couple from the very beginning of their married life together. It's really beautiful, but you don't need me to tell you that a lot of what passes for weddings anymore, those guests aren't welcome. They're not even invited in. The marriage situation on Catholic is already so bad already. Almost beyond description. One of the past few years, a new flaunt attack on marriage came from the least expected of quarters. We're talking about of course, the attack. Actually the various attacks on Catholic marriage that have come from the Holy See itself. We're having a Henry the eighth moment. Speaker 0 01:48 No, in the Catholic church. It's Epic. It's an Epic disaster Speaker 1 01:56 in order to really appreciate the situation and each one of us as Catholics these to understand what's going on right now in order to make some sense of what is transpiring with the four cartons, Carter Burke and his companions in order to really appreciate what's going on right now and why it matters and it actually really matters. We need to get some perspective and there's a lot of bad perspective out there. So we're going to make sure that we get some perspective from the teaching the church. So in order to understand what's going on right now, this drama between the Pope and the four Cardinals, well the next four weeks we'll review some fundamental points of the unchanging and unchangeable Catholic faith and then actually seeing the issues we'll tie together. So we've got a lot to do and not much time to do it in. Speaker 1 02:42 So it'll be kind of a high level to the teaching of the church in various areas. And then we'll have the proper context to talk about what's actually gone. So today we'll start with a question answer format to review some of the basic teachings concerning marriage. I'll start by saying that, sorry, but there's no delicate way to approach certain aspects of this topic. I asked for everybody's prayers for anybody that's been hurt by in any way, by what we're going to talk about. If that pertains to anyone here, I already apologize in advance. The thing I'm ultimately concerned about, it's not so much causing people pain in this life. I'm just as in the next, I'm going to assume that people would rather hear painful truth than soothing lies. So another point is we're only doing a review of the church teaching. We're not condoning analysis of the current disaster elsewhere. Speaker 1 03:34 Now, analyze the current situation on a good number of occasions and those sermons are readily available elsewhere. So let's get started. Question. What is the most basic fact about marriage? Pope Pius, the love of the teachers' quote from God comes the very institution of marriage. The purposes for which it was instituted, the laws that government, the blessings that flow from the nature of matrimony is entirely independent of the freewill of man. So if one has once contracted marriage matrimony, he's there by subject to it's divinely made laws and its essential properties let it be repeated as an immutable and inviolable fundamental doctrine that marriage was not instituted by God my end, but by God, the laws made to strengthen, to confirm it and elevate it were not made by man, but by God. And therefore these laws cannot be subject to any human decrease or to any contrary agreement even of the spouses themselves. Speaker 1 04:44 This is the doctrine of Holy scripture. This is the constant tradition of the universal church. This is a Psalm definition of the sacred concept of Tran. Close quotes, the Victor of Christ. In other words, the most basic fact about marriage is that marriage is what God made it to be and God and only God makes the rules, not DePaul, not the Cardinals, not the bishops, not the priests, not the deacons, not the lady God, and only God makes the rules. That's the most basic fact about marriage. Question, what is marriage? For the sake of time, we'll follow the late great Frank sheet quite closely here. Marriage is a contract. The results in a relationship on man and a woman are free to marry or not married, but if they make the agreement to marry, then God attaches certain consequences to their app. To this particular free choice of a man and a woman, God has attached the consequence that our real relationship comes into be. Speaker 1 05:56 They have stated their will to eman man and wife. God takes them at their word and makes it so the man and woman make the agreement to marry God makes the marriage dear husband and wife by their own consent, but by his ad. They're not related to each other, closer than a brother to assist her cluster than a father to a son in a relationship made directly by God as a Lord student. They are no longer two but one flesh because their oneness is a God made thing. Man cannot alter it. God alone can bring a marriage into being. God alone lays down the conditions by which you can cease to be once this relationship isn't being, the parties can't alter the conditions, nor can the state, nor can the church by God's ordinance. Marriage is the lifelong union of a man and a woman for the propagation of the species. Speaker 1 06:58 Thus, marriage is not terminable as a contract would be terminable by the consent of the parties or by the will. The state from this, it follows that. Well, the parties can separate with the husband going to other women, the wife to other men. They are still husband and wife because it was God that made him so they're ignoring of the oneness leaves the oneness untouched. It is beyond their reach beyond any reach, but God's similarly a declaration by the state that the husband and wife are no longer a husband and wife. A declaration that is of divorce is a mere form of words. The state can say it is broken. The marriage bond between the two people but it is not broken it during the lifetime of the parties. They remain husband and wife because that is the nature of marriage is ordained by God. Speaker 1 07:52 The failure to understand this teaching of the Catholic church has given rise to much quite irrelevant argument. Those who urged the church should grant or at any rate permit divorce always do so on the ground that in certain cases it is desirable to urge that a thing is desirable is no answer to a statement that is impossible and that is the precise truth. Marriage then is a contract resulting their relationship better still is a relationship resulting from a contract for when the relationship comes into being. The contract has done its work. It is produced the relationship of marriage and the parties are not governed and their common life, not by the contract which they made, but divide the relationship which God made ratification of their contract as a practical matter resulting from it's God being God made marriage is not indissoluble just because of the parties at the wedding made vows of lifelong fidelity. It is indissoluble because it is marriage. Thank you Frank sheet marriage is not indissoluble just because the parties at their wedding made vows of lifelong fidelity. It isn't desirable because it is marriage. Question, what is the marriage contract? This is the exact contract that a man and woman make. The response to which God makes the relationship. Here's the contract. A man and a woman give and accept an exclusive and perpetual riot for acts which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. Speaker 0 09:37 Once more, Speaker 1 09:38 a man and a woman give an accept, an exclusive and perpetual right for acts which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. That's the ancient teaching of the church. If this contract is valuably made that God makes the relationship and if the two partners are baptized, then this relationship made by God is also a sacrament. Speaker 0 10:07 Both it's Speaker 1 10:08 a man and a woman agreed to the contract. That's why weddings worked the way they do. You have two witnesses, the contract would usually call them the best man and maid of honor. The priest is there on behalf of the church and with respect to this aspect, he's there to make sure that the contract is properly entered into. So what happens in poetic terms, he asked the groom if he really agrees, this contract groom says I do. Then he turns to point at terms as the broadsheet greases contract. The gride says, I do. What are they saying I do to, and in other words, what are the terms of the contract? The limits, exactly. What are they contracting for? They're saying I do to marital rights, met or rights, which means that the each given except rights to acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. Speaker 1 11:00 In other words, they have just been given not only God's permission, but it's actual blessing to use the great creative power and they may use that great power on the condition first, that the acts are themselves suitable for the generation of children. That's the limit of the rights. No perversities, no contraception, no sterilization. Second, on the condition that the rights are exclusive, which means the partner yields this right each exclusively to other partner, which shows the unity of the relationship. No adultery or polygamy. Third, on the condition that each part don't see these rights perpetually, which shows the indissolubility of the relationship until death do us Speaker 0 11:47 no divorce. Speaker 1 11:50 Question, what exactly is the purpose of marriage? God created? Marriage is a lifelong union of a man or woman for two specific purposes. The primary purpose of marriage is a procreation and education of children. That's the primary purpose, the procreation education of children. The secondary purpose of marriage has two aspects, mutual help and a remedy. We'll take a quick look at each of those first. Mutual help and comfort. God intends that man and wife help each other, not simply in household chores and training the children, but especially by mutual love and care for each other. She was your wife before. She was the mother of their children. He was your husband before he was the father of the children. You can look for each other first in that mutual health. Second, the remedy since the fall marriage is also remedy for concupiscence. Now that's a $3 word and it just refers to the appetite which tends towards the gratification of our senses. Speaker 1 12:53 All that means is that one of the purposes of marriage is a lit of legitimate quieting of the passions, but that has to be understood correctly. The legitimate quiet and the passions is within the bond reason. Marriage is not simply concerned with the passions. It's also meant to express both the love and intensify the union of the two personalities, the man and wife, so God created marriage for two specific purposes. The primary purpose of marriage is procreation, education children. The secondary purpose of marriage is a mutual help and comfort of the spouses and the remedy for concupiscence acts between the spouses are good to the degree they can form those two purposes of marriage. The general principle is everything in conformity with these two purposes is good, permissible, anything opposed to them as evil. Forbidden question, what is the marital duty sometimes known as a marital debt? Speaker 1 13:48 By entering into the marriage, each spouse has received rights as in rights. These rights come from God. That means the other spouse has a corresponding duty before God to accept a reasonable request. That's one of the consequences of saying I do. This is serious duty owed to justice to the other spouse and the right is not just a right to quiet passions, but a right to a union of the personalities and expression of love, which means that has to be paid generously or it's not being paid. Furthermore to refuse a reasonable request to pay the debt. That means a flat out refusal, not a request for delay to refuse a reasonable request to pay the debt without a very serious reason is a mortal sin against justice since it's a violation of the rights of other spots and sell some moral sin against charity because frustrated one's closest neighbor can place that spouse and potential danger of falling. Speaker 1 14:46 Refusing without a serious reason is a moral sin against justice and a mortal sin against question. What are the serious reasons that excuse from honoring the debt? The debt must be refused if there's insufficient privacy or when one partner sits on cooperation and sinful actions like contraception, it may be refused for the following serious reasons. One, when the one request is committed adultery, if it has not already been condoned by the other part. Condoning means that after having learned at the adultery, the innocent person engages in marital affection with the guilty party. So maybe refusal. One is his request is committed adultery if it hasn't already been condoned by the other partner to when the one request is not in the right mind. For example, drunk three when there's a real danger of causing miscarriage for when there's grave, grave danger of injuring the other spouse, for example, with a deadly disease or five for up to six weeks after birth. Speaker 1 15:47 Other questions should be referred to the confessional. I would only point out that you should be careful who you ask least. If you want to go to heaven. Question, what is the canonical form of marriage and why does that matter? The canonical form of marriage or the requirements. Now these are imposed not by God, but by the church herself, which must be met in order for Catholics to validly contract the marriage. Okay? In effect, the church has said to Catholics, you're free to make this contract. That's fun. But now then in order to validly make this contract, here are the rules. So the reason why this is so important because it concerns the validity of the marriage. An invalid marriage is no marriage at all. So this is serious. It's a salvation ship. Now what we're going to talk about, it's a canonical form of marriage for Latin Catholics, not the rules for Eastern Catholics. Speaker 1 16:39 It's stricter there, so the Eastern, the Eastern side of the church has different rules and we're just gonna talk about the ones that posed on the Latin Catholics. I mean, we know the rules are different. You should know that. Try, try their lender admin. Okay. We're going to be looking at the canonical form of marriage for Latin Catholics. It's also important to realize that if neither party is Catholic, it doesn't pertain to them. They are not bound to this form, so if a Protestant marries another prostitute, this doesn't pertain to them, they could get married in their church, they could marry the justice piece, so forth. This only pertains when at least one of the parties is a Catholic. We're only talking about Latin Catholics right now. Okay? The canonical form of marriage can be found on the new code of Canon law, and I'll just read from that. Speaker 1 17:21 I'll read the code of Canon law. All those marriages are valid, which are contract in the presence of local ordinary. That's the Bishop of the diocese. Only those marriages are velvet. Your contract in presence of local, ordinary or parish priest over the priest or the deacon delegated by either of them. Who in the presence of the two witnesses assists. Okay, so the conflict before marriage means in order for a marriage to be valid, or at least one of the parties is Catholic, it must be contracted in the of two witnesses and also assisted by the local Bishop, the parish priest or a priest or deacon with delegation for the local Bishop repairs you preacher. We're not tell you about the instance, you know on some desert Island somewhere, but other than that kind of thing, the basic idea here is if you're Catholic, the church requires you to have a Catholic wedding for validity. Speaker 1 18:10 Now we all remember the sixth precept of the church from our catechism when we were little, but we'd might understood why that was important or required to observe the marriage laws of the church. Why is it important to make sure that the marriage is valid? So suppose a couple of leads, one of which is Catholic tries to go into justice, the piece of the dingdong wedding, bell chapel or something to get married. They go in as boyfriend and girlfriend and they leave as boyfriend and girlfriend. They won't get married cause they can't get married. They can go through this ceremony a hundred times in a row. Nothing happens. It isn't possible. It's totally impossible. Thanks to the council of Trent. Let's take a different kids now listen carefully in this case, suppose a Catholic God wants to marry a prostitute girl and seem to cause world war three and family problems if she doesn't get married at his dad's church because her dad's a preacher down at the first church of what's happening now. Speaker 1 19:03 Right. Okay, so now if they just go in there and stand up before dad or anything, go through the whole ceremony. It's just like the ding dong chapel. Nothing happens. Okay. If they just do that, they came in as boyfriend and girlfriend and they're going to leave as boyfriend. Girlfriend. Thank you to the council of Trent. Is there any solution for a couple like that problem? In this case there is. The Bishop has the power in individual cases to release a couple from the requirement of having a Catholic priest or deacon with delegation witnessed the marriage and if because of this great family problem, the Bishop releases his particular couple than it actually would be a valid marriage. It's called a dispensation from form. It's pretty common. They come in, they have a good reason, and then the priest submits the request to the Bishop and then it comes back to the Chancery. Speaker 1 19:56 That's how it works because the priest can't do it, has to come from the Bishop and he can release it. This is, this is the power of Bishop halves. Okay, so since the church established these particular rules, this is what the boundaries are for validity and they established it at the council of Trent. Incidentally, the reason they established is because God was immortal. Simply he could run away with your best friend, decide we're going to be married and needed a loping and you'd be married, but then there's no record of a church anywhere. You come back, he said, I'm the trader in our new model, so you just dump her. You have a wedding in church and there's your wife or the kids go and that's my husband. No proof. So the concept, Trent, I said, all right, that's it. And that's why we have these rules like this to protect the women and the children. Speaker 1 20:37 That's exactly. So it's been imposed by the constant trend to protect women and children. Okay. So if a Catholic tries to contract a marriage, the first church of what's happening now, but he doesn't have a dispensation and he doesn't get married. Okay. But if he does have a dispensation from the Bishop, then he did get married. So everything being the same notice mutation, no marriage. If you have a dispensation, there is a marriage. Okay, now what are we saying? We're saying that if a Catholic doesn't observe the canonical form of marriage and doesn't have a Bishop's dispensation, then the person can't validly contract marriage. It doesn't matter if they're aware of it or not. It doesn't matter whether the couples were the fact or not. Marriage is what it is. The couple may not be guilty of anything. They may be innocently unaware of the teaching the church. They drive to Reno, but they're living. We live in a crazy times. Good intentions don't change the situation. Good intentions can't change the situation. Marriage is what it is, which means that if a Catholic doesn't observe the canonical form of marriage, he can't valve the contract marriage. If he doesn't know, they don't know, then there's no sin. We have to know something's wrong in order to sin. So if there's ignorance, there's no sin, but it's still not a marriage. Speaker 1 21:57 I'm sorry to have to point this up. I'm going into some detail because this is actually a real problem in traditional circles. It's a real problem. It's quite common for so-called traditionals to descend from the council of Trent. There's any number of self serving explanations for why it's okay in their particular case to descend from a constant Trent, and there's all this stuff. At the end of the day, it's a bunch of legal, artistic, gobbledy goop trying to justify a thoroughly immoral practice that on the one hand ends up completely denying traditional uncouples. The absolute elite, absolutely necessary sacramental grace and matrimony. Now, on the other hand, since they're living together without the benefit of the sacrament, it puts them in very great peril of eternal damnation and it's not uncommon. It's not uncommon at all to get the exact same kind of reaction when you tell Travis his information. Then when you tell a that that's contraceptive, the truth, Speaker 0 22:52 their situation, the liberals aren't the only ones in the church. They have problems, real problems with the truth about marriage, not happy about it. That's how it is. Speaker 1 23:05 Is it ever permitted for a married couple to separate? Yes. So what are the rules which governs such regrettable situations? In order to be clear as possible show, I'm not making this up, I'll just do a bunch of cut and pasted quotes from various countries and marriage and Canon law starting with Canon 1141 from the 1983 code of cannabis law, the code of Canon law that governs us right now, a marriage which is ratified and consummated ratified means that they validly exchanged the vows. Consummated needs. A marital act has taken place sometime after the exchange of the boss. A marriage which is ratified and consummated cannot be dissolved by any human power by any cause other than death. This doctrine must be accepted on faith as part of the official teaching of the church herself. Close. Cool. Cool. What are the obligations that slow from this indissolubility? Speaker 1 24:01 Because the marriage makes us spouses too. In one flesh, they must share a common life. Common law determined spouses have the obligation, the right to maintain their common conjugal life unless a lawful reason excuses him. This means they must share a common beadboard and dwelling close. Quote, quote. There are four lawful causes for legal separation. One, adultery to serious bodily harm, inflict on spouse and children. Three serious spiritual Hunter, the other spouse that children for desertion. It's the four legal causes for legal separation or adultery series, bottom bodily harm and flipped it inflicted upon the spouse. The children see your spiritual harm to the other spouse or children and desertion. We'll explain them in slightly more detail. We'll start with adultery. Quote, adultery constitutes an act against the very nature of marriage by which the spouse become one flesh and it's an injury to the innocent spouse. Speaker 1 24:55 Consequently, to sufficient ground for permanent separation, which however is not recommended. Furthermore, permanent separation requires the approval of the competent ecclesiastical authority. Close quote. We'll get to the authority here in a world now since the sin of adultery has a much broader meaning than the legal definition. Let's make sure we have a clear idea of the legal definition. Okay. In order for a doctor to be canonical cause for separation, what we're talking about here legally, it might call first, it must be consciously committed and formerly consummated gravely on chest unchaste acts other than the marital act. Do not fit the legal definition. Second, there must be moral asserted too that the adultery took place there. The other spouse must not have consented for other specific, not have been responsible for it. For example, by desertion or frequent unreasonable denial of member rights. Fifth, adultery must not be mutual and sixth, adultery must not be condoned in any way. Speaker 1 25:52 We talked about that. There's condemnation tasks that they win. The innocent party noise of adultery has freely continued to treat the guilty one with marital affection. Okay, so for it to be lawful cause it has to be constantly committed and formerly consummated moral certainty. It took place. Other spots must not have confined senators. Bus must not have been responsible. Their spouse must not have committed to ultra themself and it must have been condoned. One last detail, although the innocent party has the right to separate on his own authority, his required or she within six months of that separation to initiate procedures to have the separation formalized that has that Canon law. I won't read that now. Other other lawful causes, she says bodily harm, serious spiritual harm, desertion can law States these are causes for temporary separation and when the situation sets you would be a danger and deliver the spaz me separate under his own authority and it caught when the reason for the separation cease to exist. Speaker 1 26:50 Convoluting is to be restored unless ecclesiastical authority to size otherwise basically when the reason for the separation and then separation has to end. Okay. Ecclesiastical authority. This is part of the law of the church who is a competent authority to authorize the legal separation of spouses can in 1692 answers it. I'm just going to read from a commentary the authorization to separate as an act of jurisdiction reserved the diocesan Bishop, neither pastures nor priests and those employed by Dawson agencies as marriage counselors or other such capacities, they authorize a separation of spouses, not even temporarily under the guise of pastoral professional counseling. Okay. That's a teaching church. Now, having said that, one, I highly doubt that there's a Bishop in the United States who would do his duty in this matter. The current disaster didn't come from outer space. It's been brewing for some time. We need to pray. We need to really pray for our bishops. Speaker 2 27:49 We continue. Speaker 1 27:51 Cool. If the decisions of the ecclesiastical authority are not recognized by civil law, which certainly would be the case here, the bishops decide something that wouldn't have anything to do with the state laws. The local Bishop may authorize spouses to present their separation cases to a civil court, but this authorization should never be granted. If it is foreseeable that the civil court will decide in a manner that is contrary to divine law as the legislations of the state's favor divorce rather than separation by not providing sufficient protection of legitimate interests of the party seeking oil separation, the recourse of civil courts raises great pasture moral problems. Well, that's obvious to anyone with the eyes to see that the problems our society is falling apart because marriage is a fine question. What effect does divorce have on on marriage? None whatsoever. Speaker 2 28:41 No, no. Speaker 1 28:43 1983 code of Canon law, a marriage which is ratified and consummated cannot be dissolved by any human power any cause other than death. Once a marriage isn't consummated, only a separation is possible. The term divorce has absolutely no meaning in the context of marriage and can only be properly understood as a legal way of separating property, not spouses, whether or not they're separate, whether or not they have a legal divorce, they remained married until death period. Close the book again, I'll read from Frank sheet by God's ordinance. Marriage is a lifelong union of a man and won't for the propagation species. That's marriage is not turnable as a contract will be turnable by the consent of the parties or by the will of the state. From this, it falls that while the parties can separate with the husband going to other women, the wife to other men, they are still husband and wife because it was God that made them so they're ignoring of the oneness leaves the his son touched. Speaker 1 29:42 It's beyond their reach beyond anyone's reach, but God's similarly a declaration by the state that a husband and wife are no longer a husband and wife. A declaration that is a divorce is a mere form of words. The state can say it's broken. The marriage bond between the two people, but it's not broken during the lifetime of the parties. They remain husband and wife because that is the nature of marriage as ordained by God. The failure to understand this teaching, the Catholic church has given much rise to quite irrelevant argument. Those who urged the church had grant any rate, permit divorce always do so on the ground that in certain cases it's desirable, but to urge that the thing is desirable is no answer to stay in that is impossible and that is the precise truth. Thus Frank sheet obviously then there's an immediate conclusion. Speaker 1 30:28 No one can date a divorced person. Why? Because they're married to their spouse. Question, what is an anomaly? The first thing to understand about annulment is it addresses one and only one question was the marriage contract validly made. In other words, an omen only pertains to very specific point in time. Anomaly only addresses one particular moment in time and all my boy addresses the very moment of the exchange of files and it answers the question was the contract validly made? That's it. Why is this important? Because as we heard, marriage is a relationship that results from a contract. So if the contract isn't validly made, then the relationship doesn't come into be. Marriage is a relationship that results from a contract and if the contract isn't boldly made, then the marriage, the relationship does it come in to be. There's a lot of confusion, Bob, this right now because people don't understand it and I'm not only talking about priests right now, so what is an enormous, the nomad is a funny by tribunals tribunal is a church court. Speaker 1 31:50 It's one of the leaked in the church's legal system. It's one of the courts and a nomad is a phony by a tribunal that a marriage never came into being because the marriage contract was not for healthy made, perhaps one or both spouses were too young to contract for marriage at the time of the exchange of us, perhaps one spouse was permanently impotent at the time of the exchange evolves. Perhaps one spouse was not free to marry because already married at the time exchange of Oz, et cetera, et cetera. We're not going to go through all the personal possible reasons. We're certainly not going to touch on the scandalous situation here in the States. As we say, we're only covering Sona teach your church at a time. We have the point is properly understood as an anomaly anomalies, a finding by tribunals that our marriage never came into being because of marriage contract was not validly made. Speaker 0 32:43 Okay, so Speaker 1 32:45 we've gone through all that in a high load. Before we close, we'll have a very quick review. What have we seen? We've seen it. The most basic fact about marriage is that marriage was made by God, that consequently that means that God, only God makes the rules. We've seen it. Marriage is a contract that results in a relationship. We've seen that in a marriage contract, a man and a woman give and accept an exclusive and perpetual ride for acts which are themselves suitable for him. Generation of children. We've seen a God created marriage for two specific purposes. The primary purpose of marriage is a procreation education of children. The secondary purpose of marriage is a mutual help and comfort as spas and remedy for concupiscence. We've seen it by entering into marriage. Each spouse has received rights which come from God. That means the other spouse has a corresponding duty before God takes separate reasonable requests and to refuse a reasonable request to pay the debt without a very serious reason is a moral sin against justice and a moral sin against charity. Speaker 1 33:43 We've seen a debt must be refused if there's insufficient privacy. One partner insists on cooperation. Sinful acts such as contraception. We've seen that it may be refused when one is committed, one has requested is committed adultery. If it hasn't already been condoned by the other partner with one request and is not in the right mind. For example, they're drunk. When there's real danger of causing miscarriage, there's real danger injuring the other spouse and for up to six weeks after birth, we've seen an order be valid. The marriage of one or more Catholics must be contracted in the presence of two witnesses and also assist the dead either by the local Bishop or the parish priest or priest or deacon with delegation from the local Bishop or the parish priest. We've seen it. The four lawful causes for legal separation or adultery, serious bodily harm inflicted on the spouse, the children, serious spiritual harm to other sponsor children and desertion. We've seen it. Divorce has absolutely no effect whatsoever on marriage. It's a mere form of words which at best illegally divides a property of a couple who nonetheless remain married and then no one can date a divorced person simply because they are still married and we sit in a nomad is a finding by Tribune other than marriage never came into being because the marriage contract was not Dolly. Speaker 0 34:58 Let's close. The bishops Speaker 1 35:03 have fought the death penalty in the courts and legislatures in spite of the simple fact that the application of the death penalty is an issue or which even faithful Catholics may have a difference of opinion, but the bishops haven't apparently abandoned faithful whilst they're fighting something that we could have a difference. Opinion, they've apparently abandoned the faithful to divorce courts without so much as a fight Speaker 0 35:28 and the carnage is incalculable. Speaker 1 35:33 Had they been preaching in season, out of season, in marriage, which is ratified, cannot be dissolved by any human power or any other cause, but death. Had they been preaching in season Odysseys in a clear and unambiguous manner, Christ teaching with a garden, marriage, the beauty, the vocation, that's a call to Hollins for a man, his wife who requires embrace it. Cross. Had they been teaching in a clear and unambiguous man, unambiguous manner, the tough teachings, no divorce, the actual grounds for legal separations, the parameters, the Myrtle act, the contraceptives, intrinsically evil. Then we would have far, far more babies, Speaker 0 36:15 far, far more happiness in the world, far, far more holiness in the world, far, far more vocations to the world, both to priesthood, religious life and marriage, far, far more married, people being saved. We'd have all that and more. Speaker 1 36:39 We wanted to have these nightmarish perversions being called Speaker 0 36:43 when have all this horrific emotional, cultural wreckage from so many destroyed families, so many destroyed lives. Most importantly, who wouldn't have what appears to be the turn loss of so many immortal souls. We going to have what appears to be a damnation of so many souls. We need to pray, pray, and we need to act. In August of 1917 our lady found him appear to have children. Sister the CX Plains, quote, looking very sad. Our lady said, pray, pray very much. Make sacrifice for sinners. For many sellers go to hell because there are none. To sacrifice themselves and to pray for them. Close quote, let that not be said about us. We all know people that are struggling in their marriage. It's hard. You're impossible for some couples, and our divorce culture makes so much pressure to break up. Even worse, since the courts aren't going to help them, legislatures aren't going to help him. Executive branch isn't going to help him or bishops don't show any signs of helping them, that we have to help them. We have to help them with our prayers, our sacrifices, their encouragement. Many souls go to hell because they're not a sacrifice themselves and pray for them. Many souls, many souls.

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Luther and Militant Secularism the Crisis and the Remedy

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