Fatima and the End of the World

December 12, 2016 00:37:59
Fatima and the End of the World
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the End of the World

Dec 12 2016 | 00:37:59


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Speaker 1 00:02 I haven't read intrusive in the father and the son. The Holy Ghost. Amen. The Year of mercy ends today. So what closet with a very short reflection by Saint Alphonsus and I call God is merciful, but he's also just, and therefore he is obliged to punish those who offended. He shows mercy, but to home to them who fear. Now paranthetically tomorrow when we were talking about the fear, Lord, there are two kinds of fear possible. There's survival fear and there's filial fear, survival fears. The fear of a slave is a fear of somebody. It's good for a conversion because there's a fear of somebody that's a, that's a really, and you get in a bad life and so it motivates them to convert cause they don't want to wind up where they're heading. Phil, your fear is a fear of someone living a good life. It's the fear of a son who's afraid of disappointing father, whom he knows loves him so much. Speaker 1 00:55 So those are two kinds of fear, Laura. And they're, and they're both, they're both useful anyway. So Santa Panto, God is merciful, but he's also just, and therefore he's obliged to punish those who offend them. He shows mercy, but to whom? To them that fear as psalm one or two states, he has strengthened his mercy towards them. That fear as the father has compassion on his children. So half the Lord compassion on them, that fear in close quote, but he executes justice on those who despise him, who abuse his mercy to the salt in more close quote. So God has mercy on those who fear, but he executes his Justice on those who despise and abuse his mercy to salt in the more. As our Lord told Saint Faustina quote, he refuses to pass the door. My mercy must pass to the door, my justice close. Cool. So the year of mercy ends today given the state of the world since he has mercy on them that fear him, but he executes justice on those that despise him and abuses mercy. Uh, we should all prepare as a people to enter into God's justice should prepare yourself. Speaker 1 02:05 None of the Syrup as usual, the quotes have been edited, cut and pasted. And some of what we're going to cover today. I've spoken of elsewhere. So we've come to the end of the liturgical year and for the next two weeks the church asks us to consider the end of the world and still do. Just that and the powers of having Shelby moved and the name of the father and son legalist. Amen. Everybody knows, but the sun moon was stars separate the day from the night and use to Marka our days and our years and our seasons. But how many of us have stopped to consider that God has also deliberately set them up there for signs? In genesis one 14 we read quote and God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night. Let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, clothes cool inspired in their word of God. Speaker 1 02:58 Now we're all familiar with the star of Bethlehem is a sign of our Lord's birth and we're all familiar with the miraculous eclipse, the sun, which happened during a full moon that's impossible during our Lord's crucifixion and on Good Friday. And that was a sign that the created the world was hanging on the cross. But given today's Gospel, we're going to spend some time talking about signs of judgment in the heavens because that's what's in Gospel. Now, before we get to that, let's put the Gospel into context. Just before today's passage, our Lord and the passes are standing on Mount Oliver and they're looking down at the temple in the apostles ask our Lord two questions. One question about the destruction of the temple and one question about the end of the world. And then our Lord responds by answering both questions at the same time. So when he says that that generation would not pass to let those things be become to pass a, all those things be done. Speaker 1 03:52 He's referring to the destruction of the temple, which did come to pass in 80 70 in that very generation, but there's more to it than that. Remember we learned two weeks ago. You remember that it type was a person, a thing or action that actually exists, but it's intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future purchase thing or action. Okay? Now the temple is it type of the church and the city of Jerusalem type of world. So the siege of Jerusalem, the destruction, the temple in 80 70 are types of the end of the world, which means that even when our Lord is talking specifically about the siege of Jerusalem, the destruction, the templates, 70 80 he's also at the very same time speaking about the end of the world, but in a type and a foreshadow. He is a preview of upcoming events. Speaker 1 04:42 Okay, so that's the context. Let's get started. Both scripture and tradition. Signs of Judgment In the Heavens Portend God's wrath falling on people, their prophetic signs at foreshadow and all the overthrow and destruction of kingdoms, nations and peoples, and even the world. For example, Isaiah chapter 30 uses terms like what we heard in today's Gospel. I quote from the Prophet Isaiah, the day of the Lord comes cruel with Raph and fear sang for the stars. They haven't said constellations will not give their life. The Sun will be dark at its rise and the moon will not shed its life. I would make the heavens tremble and the earth will be shaken out of its place. Close quote. Now all that is referring to the upcoming destruction of Babylon which took place in five 39 BC, but it's also a type of the end of the world so can stand for more than one thing. Speaker 1 05:40 Consider some that heavily signs important sent by God before the fall and destruction of Jerusalem, that temple in 80 70 which were recorded by an eye witness, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, I quote from his work that people did not attend or give credit to the signs of were so evident. It did still plenty for tell their future destruction, but like men without eyes to see or minds to consider. They did not regard that annunciations that God made event. Thus there was a star resembling a sword which stood over the city in a common, the continued a whole year closed. There's lots of others. If you read the board of the Jews, there's lots other signs, but we're just going to touch on those. The people did not pay attention to signs that were so evident and so plainly foretold their future destruction, but like men without eyes to see your minds, to think paid no attention to the warnings that God gave him. Speaker 1 06:31 Okay, so one of the reasons that God has said the sun, the moon, and the stars up there is to be used as signs of his upcoming judgments. With that in mind, let's turn to today's Gospel. Saint Alphonsus summarizes the teaching of the father's regarding aligned, which we find in the Gospel and the powers of heaven. Shelby move a quote from Saint Alphonsus, another sign of the end of the world will be in the powers of heaven shall be moved. Some understand this to me, tremors and unusual movements which will occur in the heavens. That is the firmness of the heavens will seem to be lacking as they will tremble before the Lord comes to judge the world. Close quote and quote, the calming of the judge will be proceeded by fire. Fire will descend from heaven shall burn earth and all things upon earth. The Earth, defiled by sin must be purified by fire. Close quotes in Alphonsus, Liguori doctor, the church tremors and unusual moments in the heavens, the firmness that heaven's will seem to be lacking as they will tremble fire will descend from heaven and I don't know what that sounds like to you. I'll tell you what it sounds like to me. It sounds exactly like the miracle, the sun. Speaker 1 07:52 With that in mind, let's briefly consider the advance and FATTOM. On October 13th, 1917 at the time Portugal was ruled by the Freemasons. It was so bad that Lisbon had been proclaimed to be the atheist to capital of the world. The prevailing attitude of the Portuguese President Leeds was an atheistic, extremely hostile, mocking disbelief, and anything that had anything to do with Catholicism. In many ways. It's very similar to our own situation today for three months since July 13th street, small children who could neither read nor write who see it as Santos, she's 10 years old and her two cousins, Francisco Marto, who was nine years old and just said to motto seven years old, had been predicting that our lady would perform a great miracle. On October 13 a miracle has been publicly announced three months advance as to the precise date, time and place. There is literally nothing like this in entire history of the world. Speaker 1 08:52 This is literally literally an absolutely month parallel historical event. The precise die date, time, place of a public miracle had been out three months in advance by illiterate peasant children from a tiny village in the hills of Portugal. Now cut and splice quotes of eyewitnesses to get some sense of what happened. Although the rain had been steadily pelting down all morning, it suddenly stopped and justice. Suddenly the sky cleared. This abrupt change of rather surprised all of the sims 70,000 witnesses, men, women and children from every social class and cultural level believers and unbelievers alike who were standing there and that muddy sheep pasture. It was a day of continuous and heavy rain, but a few minutes before the miracle it stopped Freeney. Suddenly all the clouds disappeared without the slightest breeze and the sun was shining pretty clear sky. There were also changes of color and the atmosphere. Speaker 1 09:49 I looked first at the nearest options and then extend my class farther field. As far as the Verizon, I saw that everything had assumed at amethyst color objects around the sky atmosphere of the same color and Ogletree nearby cast a shadow of this color on the ground. Soon I heard a peasant who was nearly shot up in tones of amazement. Look, that lady's all yellow. In fact, everything both near and far changed. My own hand was the same color clothes quilts, so the miracle starts with the rain suddenly stopping the sky clearing. Then the sunlight goes to the different colors, the rainbow for the description of what happened. Next we'll turn to an accomp taken from the free masonic daily paper of Lisbon. This count was written by a man who could not possibly be accused of being a favor witness. He's the chief editor. Speaker 1 10:37 Cool. And then we written this a unique spectacle and incredible spectacle. Unbelievable. If you did not witness it, we saw the huge crowd turned towards the sun, which appeared at its zenith clear the clouds. It resembled the disc of silver. It was possible to stare at it without the least discomfort. It did not burn on us. It did not blind. Did a tremendous cry rang up and the crowd years desperate heard to shop miracle, miracle, marvel, marvel. The attitude of the people takes us back to biblical times, dumbfounded with heads on covered. They contemplated the blue sky before their dazzle dies. The Sun trembled. It made strange and a button movements outside of all costs and clause and according to the typical expression of the peasants, the sun danced close quote. By the way. If you study the photographs and those photographs are actually from the free masonic newspaper, everyone's staring the sun and almost no one is shading their eyes. Speaker 1 11:35 It's a remarkable testimony itself that you can see all these people looking face on at the sun. The most terrifying aspect of the miracle took place immediately after the dance. The son, the son has suddenly seen to plunge towards her. The quote then suddenly want her to clamor. Krive anguished breaking from all the people. The Sun ruling wildly seem odd, wants to loosen itself in the firmer and blood red plunged towards the earth, threatening crushes with a tube and firing weight. The sensation, those moments was truly terrible. It seemed like a wheel of fire, which was going to fall on the close quotes. Cool. Everyone within an area of 32 miles thought it was the end of the world. One witness, he was later, a contractor in California was about 11 miles away from fat. He was 12 years old. He was hurting cheap. He said, I don't remember to this day what happened to the sheet. All I can remember is that this fireball came down upon her. I knew I was about to in birth to lie, Speaker 2 12:39 and I ran and I ran and I ran. Speaker 1 12:45 All I can remember is my fear Speaker 1 12:48 and I've off of waking up at night, running from the fire. We thought it was the end of the world, the fire, the sun was on top of us all the time. The fire was coming on their shots. People, parents withdrawing themselves, protecting all over their children. People shot in their sins out. A lot of the fessy crying for mercy. They fell to her knees and a bud water professor sends and call from mercy. And what happened? The fire went back into the sky. Close quotes. Those are all quotes from my witnesses eye witnesses. So after your bumped and he burned to death with fire farm from the heavens, terrified. Parents instinctively throwing themselves or their children, protecting people scream out their sins and crying for mercy. I wouldn't it who thought it was the end of the world. In all those people who were for the most part itself to the bone, Romania discovered they were dry, so it was the ground cool. Speaker 1 13:45 The norm. This enormous multitude was drenched for at rant unceasingly Sensodyne. But though this may appear credible, after the great miracle, everyone felt comfortable in Fonda's garments, quite dry, a subject of general one my suit and driving incident. The moment one at least expected quite close or totally dry, close quotes, at least 70,000 witnesses braving the rain and when suddenly the sky clears, the sun shoots out the close the rainbow worlds and spins and dances then breaks free and hurdles towards Zurich. People convinced their bought to be burnt alive. Father, knees in the mud and water confess their sins, crap for mercy, no sand retreats leaving everyone a dry clothes on dry ground, at least 70,000 witnesses and many of them are not believers that went there to mock the Catholics. The miracle, the sun and the props. The miracle three months in advance are verifiable historical facts. It's obviously both the price and precise fulfillment. This property as to the date, time, and place, the miracle as well as the advanced. The itself can only be explained as direct acts of God, and so this is not a private revelation. This is not the words of our lady. This isn't a historical event. Speaker 1 15:03 Well, let's make sure we have some idea of how amazing this reality is, but pause in there for men to put it into its larger historical context. If we stand back a little, considering the entire history of the world to put the miracle, the sun in context, we see we have five roughly comparable events, five simmer, cold, similar miracles of absolutely incredible magnitude. There's the party of the Red Sea by <inaudible>. Okay, there's this stopping the sun and moon, the sky by Joshua. There's the movie you the stunt backwards and Skye, 10 full hours, but a prophet Isaiah. There's a total eclipse of the sun during a full moon, complete of a possible in possibility, which took place at the crucifixion of our Lord and there's the miracle, the sun new retirees to the world. They're five of these miracles. Four of those miracles are found on the holy bio three in the Old Testament and won a new testament, and I was like, all those miracles, the only one that was predicted beforehand, three months beforehand happened in our own time. We still have some very old people that were alive when this happened. That's fathom. It's completely incredible. An entire history of the world. The miracle is son is an absolutely unique and unparalleled. Well then she left that st in. That means something. We're being taught something very, very important here. Speaker 1 16:40 Why did God perform that miracle? What it got from that Merch, that exact miracle? Obviously it confirms the truth that Our Lady's appearing. It has a message. Obviously it's an unmistakable confirmation there lady had been speaking to the children. It's an unstable confirmation that a lady had indeed delivered a message that children, God never asks about a purpose, and so the miracle is son and absolutely I unparalleled unique historical event, a miracle of unprecedented proportions of miracle, of literally biblical proportions is this sign pointing towards corresponding message of unprecedented importance, a message of biblical importance. But that's a topic for another day. Today we're just simply considering the miracle in itself. We're not considering and stuff that all with the message, the miracle points, the message, but the miracle itself wasn't a random event. God never acts a lot of purpose. The miracle itself has a meaning. Speaker 1 17:37 It is meant to tell us something and we're being told something very, very important. What does a miracle mean in itself? Well, in this case, the apocalyptic overtones or obvious that's not right. Breeding Amenia to the miracle after the fact, as we just heard, the witnesses themselves were convinced to this. The year nearly unanimous reaction to the witnesses was that they were seeing he the end of the world. See, apocalyptic image in this miracle is also consistent with the tradition. The church, as we saw earlier when considered the remarks made by Saint Alphonsus, people are concerned with the message of our lady, of the children. They should be, but the miracle itself means something because God never acts a lot of purpose. So what does it mean in itself? We'll use the scriptures as a basis for reflection and quickly consider two aspects of this miracle. Speaker 1 18:30 Basing ourselves on a passage from second chapter of Second Peter Starting at verse five slightly abridged, quote, God's spirit, not the original world, bringing in the flood upon the growth on godly and reducing the city of the sodomites. And the more I'd say the ashes and deliver justice with a lot oppressed by the injustice and lewd conversation, the wicked. So that's the inspired word of God. And this scripture, St Peter Speaks of God's judgment at the time of note, the time Sodom and Gomorrah. What does any of that have to do with the miracle his son? Well, that's that by considering two aspects of the miracles signs or port of judging and heavens, the first task that the party in the clouds and ascent shooting out all the colors of the rainbow. My personal opinion is that downpour would suddenly seized fall immediately by the clearing the sky and the sun shooting out the various colors. Speaker 1 19:21 All that's metro mind as the great flood and the rainbow. The rainbow is a visible reminder on the one hand that even if we don't understand, as long as you're faith and obedient like no one his family, then even if the whole world be swallowed up in a flood, God is merciful and he'll take care of us. So that's on the one hand, not on the other hand, rainbow is also a sign of what happens to men if they're evil and faithless and disobey God. It's a visible sign that God will never destroy the world again with water. And so this aspect of miracles metric remind us of God's judgment. But as Saint Peter said, spirit, not original world, we brought in the flood and the world on God and as we've see signs and heavens or portraits at the overtone destruction, governments in society of the looming judgments of God being rendered at a political level, since nations have to be judged and this love in that regard, I'm also the opinion that's all it is, that the various colors point forward to this so called color revolutions in our own time. Speaker 1 20:20 Like the Rose Revolution, Republican, Georgia Dortch revolution, Ukraine pink revolution, Kurgastan, blue revolution, Kuwait, all these orchestrated regime change operations, which for the past several decades and destabilize and toppling governments. It always, they always follow the same basic pattern. Activists that are typically funded and trained by so-called NGOs. These nongovernmental organizations steer up protests and civil unrest question the legitimacy of an election and accused leader of some type of authoritarianism. The goal is to quote debilitate and disorganize the pillars of state power neutralized security forces. You create a sensation of chaos and instability close. Cool, and it works. It works. Since the election, we've been seeing what it's already been done. The purple revolution here in our own country with rods, at least 10 major cities. These riots may only be the beginning of sorrows if they can't intimidate the electoral college, who they really get a taste of on medicine around inauguration time. Speaker 1 21:20 Anyway, so we've considered a party in the clouds and some suiting up all the clothes. The rainbow is signs or portraits of judgement and heaven. Now let's consider the second aspect, which is the falling of the sun. The falling. The Sun is metro minus the fire from the sky. That is Saint Peter said, reduce the cities of the sodomites and go more into the ashes and saved two. It's also meant to remind us of the fire from Scott. The both scripture tradition to us will destroy the world before our Lord. Constant judge, you're living in the yet. So this aspect of miracles, awesome intro minus of the judgments of God and as we've seen, the witnesses themselves were convinced that when the sun was fine, they were seeing the end of the world. So the rain and the rainbows symbolize the punishment. The flood of Noah's time, the fine sun symbolize the fire from the sky that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Speaker 1 22:05 And as we saw just a few weeks ago, bought the judgment on the whole world during the time of Noah and the judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah are intimately related. We read something to that effect from the Jewish commentary is known as the mid rash eight commentaries we heard this two weeks ago. Again, I've edited it for the stake of young, but just as a reminder, these ancient contrary state called the generation of photos not wiped up until they wrote marriage documents for perverse marriages. In other words, the sins which provoke the grateful dead or the same sins which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven and are the same sins which we have going on all around us today, not only approved and promoted, protected by a federal government by many other governments throughout the world. Yeah, isn't it interesting? The sodomites have chosen the rainbow as a symbol for their movement Speaker 1 22:56 and give him the Association of Purple with the sodomite movement is an interesting that the activists have apparently chosen it as the color or what appears to be a revolution here in America, not preach for a hundred years before the great floods truck, and as we know, almost no one paid any attention to his warning. The miracle. His son is very, very clear warning from our lady about upcoming Vance, a wake up call for all those with the highest to see. But as it was the days of Noah, so it is in our days, very few seem to take her warning seriously either as we close in on hundredth anniversary of the miracle son, we should ask ourselves if anyone's paid any attention to our ladies. Warning, Speaker 1 23:38 are we paying any attention to the signs that are so evident itself playing? Are we like men without eyes to see your minds? Think? Are we paying attention to the warnings that God has given us? Has anyone pay attention to our lady's warning because you just gave another warning only six months ago. She just gave another warning on May 4th and the Portuguese town of around that seven miles away from the covered area. The covered area is a very site where a lady of federal appeared in 1917 on May 4th of this year, a lady gave another warning as a second Portuguese newspaper, Korea or the manual report on May 5th quote yesterday or that a hundred faithful experienced a phenomenon or rim which they describe as a new miracle. The Sun. Close quote, I asked a friend of mine whose first language is Portuguese to give me a summary of what the witnesses reported on Portuguese TV. Speaker 1 24:30 The videos are ready available online. If you can understand Portuguese. For the first time in 50 years, the PillCam statue of our lady fat of visitor rim. It had been venerated Trump tonight and the church at about 8:00 AM as soon as they processed out of the church with our lady, the miracle began and it lasted about 15 minutes. The priest did not see anything unusual, but this was seen by about a hundred of the people in the procession who all described the same phenomenon. They could look at the sun and other room and the sun was spinning and it was red. Then it turned golden as if it were made of gold. Then it turned blue. The whole time is spinning at high speed. The sense self was also blinking. One interviewer noted that a hundred witnesses saw what some are calling a miracle and that all their accounts are the same, and interview asked, was it a miracle? Speaker 1 25:13 One went and said, yes, it was a miracle. Her ladies tried to say something to us. It was a miracle. And the ladies tried to say something. So what is she saying? A little backdrop. We could have better grasp on what she's saying. On August 13th, 1917 the three children were kidnapped by the free masonic mayor of Orem. He jailed them there and spent two days trying to private secret out of them to get them to admit they were blind going so far as even Fred and Marlon by ball, boiling them alive and put loyal. But through it all the children made steadfast. Meanwhile, seven miles away over the covert area, there were some 15 18,000 people awaiting our ladies arrival and even though the children being held prisoner up at a rim, are ladies still came to the Koval. One witnesses described some of the vents, quote, the clap of fun was fall by lightning. Speaker 1 26:00 And at once we began to notice this small cloud, very pretty white and colored very light, which hovered some moments over the homeowner then rose towards the sky and disappeared in the atmosphere. The face of the people that all the clothes that Rainbow Pink, red, blue, the ground was covered with squares or different colors because we are also this. Every color, the rainbow, the truth not appeared at branches and leaves, but only flowers. Everything seemed laid with flowers and every leaf appeared to be a flower close call. Now obviously, or lady knew the children weren't there, but really does things on her own terms. Although she knew full well the children weren't around. She came to the call, she'd said that on August 90 she unexpectedly appeared of the children near their homes in a place called Vinny volcanoes. Notice this the exact opposite of that magic glory thing. Speaker 1 26:44 Where were the, basically you could have a rock and roll tee shirt or lady on tour. Whatever the devil is, its appearance on. It's a seance. It's not. It's not. Our lady or lady does not appear on demand. So not Jeanne 17 even though children been taken there. Well, they did not appear in a room, but now almost a hundred years later on May 4th just six months ago, or they finally Graceville Room with a presence and she does a miracle there. She does things on her own terms, even though for the most part, her message has been ignored or forgotten, even though for the most part of requests have not been fulfilled by the vicious priest and faithful. Even though the consecrations still waiting its fullness, she was still trying for the concrete. Now, with all that as background, let's ask herself what it means. The date is significant. May 4th is a day on which the Fadiman Novena begins. Speaker 1 27:29 The symbolisms obvious. The days are numbered. It's a 99th year against symbolisms obvious. The time is short times running up. Mistake close, Charlie. The symbolism of the colors is fairly obvious. Red Symbolize and martyrdom. Gold symbolize God's presence. The blue symbolize our lady. The color. Red is a sign of Martin's obviously related also to the location since the remnants, the precise place where the three little children put to the test, even unto death, to the point where they actually believed that the others had been martyred by being boiled alive in oil, and yet the Atrium may faithful there trials ahead, but even should we threatened with martyrdom. We must remain firm in the faith by remaining close to an obedient to our lady obedient. Even in death, we must be prepared, fully prepared to live and die for the truth, the symbolism of falling our ladies also obvious. Speaker 1 28:19 We must faithfully follow lady stay very close to her just like the children and the apostle John and shall conquer the symbolism of this miracle not being visible to preach. It's also fairly obvious where was the parish priest here in the children's trials miles away because he supporting them. No, the miracle the son should be in every single history book written since October, 1917 everyone in the world, not just the Catholic, should be familiar with all these details and yet how many priests even pay attention to these details. We must pray for the priest and products, but stay faithful. Trust Our lady. You went. So many priests. Don't stay close to our lady. Consecrate ourselves to our lady and trust her just like a children with Pasa charm. Okay. Speaker 1 29:02 If you mention these things about the miracle, for the most part it's meant with jokes, mockery and the life. We're living in a time when there's many false prophets and in dime prophecies, those mind calendar thing or that craziness about the year 2000 and time, which people are saying the end is coming. Then it comes and goes. It's not the end. This atmospheres couldn't create a sort of immunity towards actual bay and the Lord's explicit command. Read the signs of the Times immediately to believe immunity gets believe in. This is ever something we should even concern ourselves with almost every time I discussed these things with priests. They're spots is super patronizing answer, long lines of people have always thought they're living in into the, and you know saying like a pat on the head and it said like there's nothing more to talk about. Speaker 1 29:45 That's just the end of this discussion and even entertained the thought on the question is stupid. We just continue doing what we're doing live in like we're living because all of these prophetic end times come and go and there's no end. The terrifying resolve of this sort of atmosphere is that when real danger and real profit arise, like our lady of Fatima people laugh in scorn mocker and Pernod heed, they tell themselves it's all just a private relation. We all have to believe in. They can't even bother to trouble himself to consider the meeting of the miracle, which is not a revelation at all. It's a historical event. Once we see all this, we can see why those terrible things predict for the end arrive by. So many people will be caught off guard. We can see why these things, they'll come like a thief in the knife because so many people have been conditioned by the lies of false profits by laxy decreased by the atmosphere society. Speaker 1 30:34 There is no danger of our Lord coming. Are we paying attention to signs that are so evidenced self plan? Are we like men without eyes to see your minds, to think? Are we paying any attention to the warning God has given us no preached for Hundred Years Before the great floods truck and as we know, almost no one paid any attention to his warning. This latest miracle, the sons a very, very clear warning from our lady about upcoming events, awake up call for all of those with eyes to see. But as it wasn't days in all, so it is in our days. Our Lord specifically said he specifically states the conditions at the end of the world with mere both the days of Noah and days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Let's close with a fraction. On those days as we've seen no one, his family lived in times in the car. Speaker 1 31:28 They always strive to claim to the truth and had a great love for God. For years, they tried to share that truth in love with others, but for various reasons. Others won't let that truth and charity enter their hearts. Like today. Many, many people are living very sinful lifestyle, but certainly then is now. There are many people living a very modeled life where they didn't seem like bad people. They're good neighbors. It seems so far off. Their hearts were lukewarm. Heather hot, Nicole, they're doing just enough to look good and easy to and yet still fit in so they could avoid being thought of as extreme voy becoming outcasts in the crazy world they were living in pretty much like our day and age. Under God's orders. God had no preached repentance and built an art the whole time. The majority mock to the rest ignored him and only a few remain friendly and conscious face, but that was about it. Speaker 1 32:17 They didn't embrace his preaching with his heart, with their hearts. At best. They gave him a superficial hearing, a superficial agreement with his preaching. They didn't embrace it with all their hearts. They weren't willing to embrace a truth that was so painful, a truth that was such a heavy cross, a truth that didn't feel good, a truth that didn't make them look good in their neighbor's eyes. A truth that embrace would the result in mockery content, even though many of them recognize at some level that of Noah's saying was true. Still was just too costly to page. Let themselves believe that God really meant what he said. The judgment was common. The judgment was upon them. Yeah, that's bad. They tell themselves, but it's not that bad. Look at everybody else. I'm not that bad compared to them. They're sick. Do numbers. Gun was a week. God has a sense of humor and they push it on in minds. They won't let them think about the word of God. It was just to demand and the word of God. It's just too painful, too costly to fully embrace, and they'd blow all their conscious to sleep with the soothing lines. Finally, the day arrives. People Watch notice, family board, the arc, they watch them react. This gathering, the animals load on board and the god of stuff closes and seals that huge door and then the rain starts. Speaker 1 33:31 It's really raining. Now people are starting to get scared. No more rains is scared to get. They start knocking on hard upon our Glen. Yeah, and then I mean, but it's too late. Speaker 1 33:51 It's too late. For the past hundred years, they've rejected God's word. They rejected God's warning. God sent them a prophet. God sent them warning after warning for century of warnings, they didn't listen and pay. Attention didn't place their faith in God. They placed their hope in themselves. Now, the only reason they want on board is because they fear for their lives, not because they're full a charity. They have no church. They're not getting on board. They had their chants. Now it's too late. Now comes to worst part. Just depending picture the immense amount of grace no one has family must have been given to do door. What happened next? The rain came and their neighbors, their friends, their, their family members, uncles, cousins and other relatives came and knocked on our door, pounded on our Baggie. So the door to be open, but God had closed the door. It had to remain closed and those family trusted and obey God. Speaker 1 34:54 That's his justice fell. God gave him meds. Grace to endure the screaming, the terror, the children desperate and crime wailing for health. Mothers holding their babies up, begging them to at least take the babies and save them from this death. The desperation, those voices at once mocked, no, not crying for help, but God closed the door and had to remain closed. Nicole jury have depressing days and nights with all this terrific wild wailing, trying to find a last prize drawn out. Leaving early silence is the last person can no longer stay afloat and slip up into the flooding waters. They cleanse the earth of sin. Speaker 1 35:36 What great. Here's the hearts of all those in the arc. As they listened to the songs, overwhelming star that was so easily been joy. If only those poor souls would have embraced the virtues of faith. Hope and charity when there's still time, a great sense by the constellation of realizing some of those poor people had her pen it before drowning. What great thanksgiving Noah's family must have given to God for saving them in the midst of such an evil world, for giving them such a profound trust and God's mercy and justice, how unbelievably difficult this would have been, how much grace this would have taken it clearly recognizing the God's justice is just, and I try to let anybody else know the RF, not even a baby. How much creative would it take if not following the temptation to play God and think they knew better? Speaker 1 36:25 What a drive that should give each one of us to cling of truth and share your world gone mad worldwide. Virtually no one even knows what truth. Ensure you are done with so many of our friends and neighbors have their own truth and live their own lives are this. There is no god world, which even the priests and the bishops deny the moral laws of God, which even the priests and bishops and blatantly denied the justice of God blatantly deny the name. It goes to limbo, politely died on his, goes to purgatory, blatantly deny that anybody goes to hell. Do we know better than God? It's God's justice, not just, oh we not in called to trust God. Completely trust that he knows what he's doing. The people knows that they did not trust. Look what happened to them. Lots of wife to not trust. Look what happened to her. Now we see even the really priest and religious mocking, fatten, ignoring fat in different to Fatima. Our Lady did a miracle. They don't believe it's something that's actually historical and backed by somebody. Tens of thousands of witnesses. Are we paying attention to the signs that are so evident and plain? Are we like men with bad eyes to see your minds, to think? Are we paying any attention to the warnings that God has sent us? Speaker 3 37:38 Repent. Speaker 1 37:40 <inaudible> consecrate yourself. Totally live the message of Fatima and stay very, very close to our lady. Speaker 3 37:50 Fair enough. Tom Is Rolling. Tony now.

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