The Word of God is Alive

February 20, 2018 00:05:26
The Word of God is Alive
Veritas Caritas
The Word of God is Alive

Feb 20 2018 | 00:05:26


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I haven't really pressed him on the name of father, son, the Holy spirit. Amen. So the prayer over the people today is mayor prayers is send to the old Lord and drive away all wickedness from nature. The epistles taken from the 55th chapter of the book of the prophet. Isaiah, it's very beautiful. He talks about, uh, just as rain and snow come down and water the earth and make it fruitful and so forth. He says self. So also to my word, go forth to my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but it shall do whatsoever. I pleased you shall prosper. And the things for which I said it is the word of God is alive and powerful. Of course our Lord is incarnate word, but the scriptures are his written word. And they're powerful. It's very important to keep this in mind this, I think it's one of the great gifts to the church in our day and age that we have so many great converts that have such a high regard for scripture. Speaker 0 00:01:02 And many of these were former preachers who have really been a gift to the church. I think Scott Hahn, chef Kevin, Steve wood, these kinds of guys who have really come with a high regardless of your peers and help restoring that in the minds of the people. It's a very beautiful thing because for some reason I didn't, and I don't know why there doesn't seem to be a very high regard for the scriptures as such, among a lot of our Catholic people. And I think particularly other priests, how many of them actually believe the word of God? I know when I went to seminar and this is not in any way to pick on my seminar, but, uh, I was continuing to under suspicion for actually believing that Moses was true. And that, uh, when I taught the account of creation is actually real. I happened to believe that God was the witness of that. Speaker 0 00:01:55 And he said what he said, and he could have said things different if he'd done things different. And I would get a cost by this regularly by the priest, which astonished me. And I'd say, well, you know, as a biochemist, I was sequencing DNA before I came here. If you want to show me how evolution of work, I'm all open to that. But I mean, I'm, I'm be more likely to believe in leprechauns and evolution. And I'm serious as a heart attack when I say that. And that's just speaking completely from an empirical point of view, anybody that can believe that actually needs to think a little bit, and I can talk at great length if anybody wants to on that. Cause it was an important topic to me. But the point is, is our Lord said right there, he told Moses that's when Moses is, this has, we have this unbelievable privilege of, he gets to tell us what actually happened in the beginning and it's revealed to him and it's written down for us. Speaker 0 00:02:49 And then it's as if we're above the word, we sit there, put on black probes as men and put God in the dark and judge him. You're a liar. That can't really be true. What really happened was there was a mud puddle somewhere with a bunch of DNA sequence in itself and assembling itself. And then all of a sudden making itself into cells. And then the cells assemble themselves into multicellular creature. You get segmented worms on, on, you know, you get fish and then they take the, they take off the scales and become amphibians and start going on. And then they put their skills back on to become reptiles. Then they take their skills back off and put on, on hair, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's like this ridiculous Gumby movie Claymation just completely made up to get rid of Moses. You can't take it seriously. Speaker 0 00:03:35 And if you do, you're a fool. Sorry. That's just true. And uh, there's no way DNA can do this stuff. Just, it's so easy to see this for anybody that actually opens their mind, start throwing Scrabble box, let's get a hundred Scrabble bucks in there, throw them up there and have them land to get any sense out of all those letters, it's not going to happen. How's it going to happen? We're going to get something like a single cell, but instead we're going to believe this instead of Moses, we're not going to believe that God's word has power and sports. That does what he says. When he says, let there be light. There wasn't light. It had to be something else. Yeah. It's cetera, et cetera, et cetera. We have this giant myth that most of our people believe in starting with the pre. They don't really believe that God's word has power. Speaker 0 00:04:25 And then it's true. But if you don't believe his written word has power, it's true. Then you're not going to believe in him. And that's exactly what today's gospel is about. Cause he went into the temple and he was doing that and the people were proclaiming to be the prophet. The chief priest, the scribe looked at him in spite of all these miracles right before their eyes. And they rejected that rejection acceptance is something that each one of us have to do in our hearts. Anybody that spends any time considering him with an open mind has to accept him as the son of God during Holy land, check yourself. Do I really believe in him and his written word and everything he taught that he's revealed to the Catholic church. Do I really believe all of them? It's not a sell. We have to take it off.

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