Priest by Name Only and Not by Deed

March 07, 2004 00:09:18
Priest by Name Only and Not by Deed
Veritas Caritas
Priest by Name Only and Not by Deed

Mar 07 2004 | 00:09:18


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:08 as we all know, God gave us the 10 Commandments, not the 10 explanations. He told us what we have to do and then he left it up to his bride or holy mother. Catholic church takes plane, the whys and wherefores. So we've already quickly gone over the first five commandments, but then for the last few segments we've taken a different approach. She's been taking some time getting the context for the six commandment. Why? Because it's not uncommon to find that even for Urban Catholics who want to faith field glade, God's holy will and these matters tend to be confused here. So in order to remove the confusion or spending the extra time, what we're shooting for isn't just know the rules, but to understand why the rules are the rules. Okay, so that's what we're doing. Later on in the sermon, we'll pick up where we left off before, but first there's a closely related problem that needs to be addressed from the poll thing. Speaker 1 01:11 That's the ongoing scandal. Now that we've all probably heard these politically correct opinions, opinions of all the spin doctors and experts with regard to problem prays. That's an antidote. Everyone should hear the actual teaching of the Holy Catholic Church, which somehow seems to be left out of all this pope st pies. The 10 quote, holiness of life and sound doctrine are the two conditions which must be regarded as essential for the promotion of clerics. Priests have the duty to be holy, not simply in a mediocre degree, but completely ordinary. Holiness is not enough. The holiness of a priest must be outstanding. He must avoid not only mortal sins, but also the smallest sins. It is the wish of the church that priests should avoid every fall for what may be venial and others would be very grave. In their case, Pope Pius the 12th quote, chastity must be solidly possessed and proved at length. Speaker 1 02:45 Hence, whenever young seminarians show evil tendencies in this regard and after due trial, show themselves in court trouble. It is absolutely necessary to dismiss them from the seminary before they receive holy orders from religious Yoast, your institutes, y'all a document that at least theoretically is still in force, was promulgated by the sacred congregation for religious in February of 1961 for the sake of the listeners and several keywords will be edited out, but let's you also are institutes yo quote among the pros and signs of a divine vocation. The virtue of chastity is regard as absolutely necessary. Should superiors find a student unequal. That task of keeping ecclesiastical celibacy and practicing priestly chastity, then completely ignoring any other outstanding qualities they must bargain from the religious life and the priesthood advancement to religious files in ordination should be bar to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies. Speaker 1 04:12 Since for them, the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers. Close quote, we can see here the great compassion of Holy Mother Church. She's banned any man with TCO tenancies, whether they act on them or not from holy orders and religious life because she's concerned for their salvation because it's a serious danger for their salvation. Finally, Pope Pius the 11th quo on the matter of vocations. We exhort you to keep in mind the stern words of the angelic doc, Saint Thomas Aquinas, whose feast is today. The church is never abandoned by God to the point of not having enough capable priests for the needs of the people. If it ordains only those who are worthy and sends the unworthy away. If we should ever be coming possible to preserve the present number of priests, it is better to have a few good men than a multitude of bad words. Speaker 1 05:36 Close quote. The church is never abandoned by God to the point of not having enough capable priests for the needs of the people. If it ordains only those who are worthy and sends the unworthy away, it is better to have a few good men send a multitude of bad ones. It's better to have a few good priest than a multitude of bad ones. St Anthony, Mary Clara confessor addition quote. I know by experience that the greatest punishment that can be followed people is a bad priest. It is best to leave a town without a priest. Then just send one on worthy. If God does not send me men who are truly called God himself will have to take care of the people and souls by means of his angels. A call is God's gift. I must not bring the unworthy into the sheep fold to destroy it. Instead of tending close, quote Saint Anthony Mary into exactly what he was talking about. He inherited a diocese chock full of heretics to centers and priests openly living in sin. So what did he do? He got rid of the bones in six years, six years. He had a flourishing guys six years and a lot of those guys repented and became good priests because you loved him enough to knock their heads together. It can be done. It has been done and it must be done. Speaker 1 07:26 Why isn't it being done? Speaker 2 07:28 Okay, Speaker 1 07:30 why isn't it being done? St John use quote, the most evidence of God's and the most charitable castigate he can inflict upon the world or manifested when he permits this people to fall into the hands of clergy or priests wore a name that indeed when God permits such things is a very positive proof that he is thoroughly angry with his people and it's visiting his most dreadful anger upon. That is why he cries out unceasingly to Christians Return, oh, he rebellious children and I will give you pastors according to my own heart, the most evident mark of God's anger and the most terrible castigation it can inflict upon the whole world are manifested when he permits people to fall into the hands of a clergy. Coopt, priests born name and NT. When God permits such things, it is very positive proof. The easterly anger, this people and date is most dreadful anger upon them. I was trembling when I typed this and I'm trembling right now. Speaker 0 09:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 09:12 and of comments on the scan.

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