Resurrection and Judgement

September 25, 2011 00:25:19
Resurrection and Judgement
Veritas Caritas
Resurrection and Judgement

Sep 25 2011 | 00:25:19


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Speaker 0 00:00 Today's ratings. Two great truths from the creed are place before our eyes. Let's two truths are resurrection and judgment. Resurrection. We of course here our Lord and the Gospel say I Sadie, the young man arise Saint Paul speaks the judgment when he says God is not mom. What things imagine, she'll show that also shall he reap for he that Soweth and the flesh of the flesh we shall also reap and he that Soweth and the spirit of the spirit, he shall reap life everlasting. So there's two truths, resurrection and judgment. It's important to realize when we're speaking of judgment, the Deetsch man undergoes two judgments. Each one of us here wonder ago, two judgments. The first judgment will happen at the moment of death. Death of course, is when the soul leaves the body and at the moment of death where appear instantly at that moment before the judgment seat of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will read you from a theological menu of teaching the church immediately after death. That particular judgment takes place in which by divine sense of judgment, the eternal fate of the deceased person is decided. The counsels of Leon and Florence declared that the souls of the just free from all sin and punishment are immediately assumed into heaven. That's right after their judgment and the souls of those who die, mortal sin are merely in Vimeos, in written die in mortal sin, descend into hell. Speaker 0 01:48 The principle of course a judgment. We spoke about that before. It's important to keep a, for our mind's eye as a principle, a judgment is related to the state of our soul at death. Are we in the state of grace? In other words, are always supernaturally alive. To say that we're in a state of grace as the same as saying, we're supernaturally lie. If we die with sanctifying grace nurse souls, we will be saved. We might have to go to purgatory and be purified in Saint Paul writes, father's being saved as through fire, but we'll be saved because we've died supernaturally alive. If we die without sanctifying grace, that is to say not in a state of grace. We can't go to heaven and we couldn't live there if we got there to lift and to get to heaven and to live in heaven require powers that are completely beyond our natural ability. Speaker 0 02:46 That's what sanctifying grace gives us is that power. If we die with audit, we haven't got those powers, which means that we'll have to go to hell. Sanctifying Grace, the state of grace, of course, is present our body from the moment of our baptism till our death, unless we hear so foolishly should do something like commit a mortal sin because that's what a mortal sin does is it drives sanctifying grace out of the soul. We've turned to God. We've looked him in the eye in effect and said, get out of my life and turned completely away from him. That's what even one mortal sin does and because we don't have sanctify and grace, we can't be saved. It's important to keep that in mind. Sometimes there's these fantastical theories running around from some people that I, you know, the only thing missing is the tail and the horns when they see it, when they, well, it doesn't really, you know, nobody's going to get down for really one mortal sin. Speaker 0 03:42 We'll of course they are. If you have even one mortal sin, you're not alive anymore. And if you appear one unconfessed mortal, SUNY appear before the judgment seat, you cannot go to heaven. You don't have the principle of life to live in heaven. So that's the particular judgment. Okay, we've talked about that before, the moment of death. The second judgment happens after the resurrection, the dead at the end of the world. We talk about that in a creed. Every time we'd see the you'll come to judge you living in a dead. We come again and glory to judge the living dead. We'll return to this point. So the two judgments have particular judgment and general judgment, particularly as the moment of death. The general judgment is at the end of the world after the resurrection of the dead. So let's turn to the resurrection of the debt. Speaker 0 04:30 I'll read to you teaching the church from this manual, all the dead will rise again on the last day with their bodies. It says, this is day feed a. That means it's of the faith. In other words, when something's day feed a defined by the church or of the faith, personalize that to heretic, which if they deliberately denied that it's a very serious mortal sin. The pastas creed, we profess that we believe in the resurrection of the body. The affirmation created another one of the great crates of the Church says on his calming, all men with their bodies must arise and just in a few minutes you'll be singing. In the, in the creed, you'll be singing expect of resurrects unit more Torme. I look for the resurrection of the dead. It takes place in the twinkling of the eyes. Saint Paul assures us now what about at the resurrection of the dead? Speaker 0 05:26 I'll continue. The dead will rise again with the same bodies as they had on earth. Again, this is day feeding. It's of the faith. I will read you from the teaching of Fourth Ladder and council. The Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 quote, he that is to say Christ, he will come at the end of the world to judge the living in a dead end, to render to all according to their works, whether to the repro rate or to the elect will all arise with their own bodies that they have in this life to be rewarded according to their works, whether good or evil, the wicked to go into eternal punishment with the devil. The good to receive everlasting glory with Christ. Close quote, ladder and forth. In other words, Amen. All men will rise again on the last day. They will have the same bodies they had in this life. Speaker 0 06:25 Why? Because the same body which shared in the ds of this life should share and the reward or the punishment, which is just what we hear Saint Paul refrain to today's epistle. So at the end again, this resurrection, the bodies, the downed, the souls will be brought up from hell and their bodies will be United from and the souls the blessed would come down from heaven and their bodies. We knighted with them right then. Cause the Saint Saint Thomas writes about the souls of the, of the saints in Heaven. We're not speaking by our lady and Saint Joseph for example, who have their bodies put the other. They're not men yet they're in a sort of a violent state because men have a body in his soul and they're waiting for their bodies. It doesn't mean they're not happy, but they're not fully men yet to saints cause they don't have their bodies and their awaiting them. Speaker 0 07:12 Okay. The damned aren't fully men yet either. All right, cause angels are pure spirits, but we're not. All right. What else do we want to say? The state of the bodies upon the resurrection, Reiki, some things here. What state the body shall arise. Not only you look body rise, but whatever belongs to the reality of it's nature and adorned in ornaments. Man, we'll be restored. Saint Augustan, the great doctor says quote, there shall then be no deformity of body. If some had been overweight, they shall not resume their tire weight. All that exceeds the proper proportion shall be deemed superfluous. On the other hand, should the body be wasted by disease or the durability of old age or being made seated from any other cause, it shall be repaired by the divine power of Jesus Christ who will not only restore the body or repair whatever it shall have lost to the wretchedness of this life. Speaker 0 08:11 Close quotes and Augusta, the blind who are blind from nature, disease or injury. The Lane, the maimed, the paralyzed, the low rise again with perfect bodies. See resurrection. It's very much like creation. It's one of the principle works of God at creation. All things came up perfect from the hand of God that the resurrection, all things will be perfectly restored by the same almighty hand. There's one interesting fact about the restoration that has to do with the martyrs. Think this is wonderful. The martyrs will Rick retain their scars, sentigast and quote as a mutilation which they suffered, who'd perform prove a deformity. They show rise with all their members. Otherwise those who are beheaded would rise without a head. The scars, whoever at which they receive shall remain shining like the wounds of Christ with a brilliancy far more resplendent than that of gold and a precious stones, close quote. Speaker 0 09:16 It's their battle wounds, their scars of love for Christ. Just as he kept the wounds to show their heavenly father how much he loved him. So they keep those wounds to show the special place they have in heaven as those kinds of combat veterans with their real, with a real marks. Huh? The members of the wicked will be restored completely too. Although that's in order increased their punishment. Even the members of their bodies, they lost their own fault. Uh, so those who have done pennants, she'll get everything back and it'll be for their greater reward. Those who have sinned, she'll get everything back and it'll be for the greater pain. Okay? That's the state of their bodies. Their interesting qualities of the bodies that are taught with the scholastic theologians. Some of these qualities of the resurrected body, they sum them up into four different qualities. Speaker 0 10:09 But before I talk about the four qualities, there's one thing that people ask commonly, uh, in risen bodies, we don't need to eat and there'll be no more children at the end of the world. That's it. So because of that in arisen body, the nutritive and generative functions will cease because that state of life, no learn has need for them. The organs will remain intact. The body's rise whole, entire, but they will not function at that point in life. Okay. So what are the qualities of a, that, that, uh, the, the, uh, that were taught by the scholastics, the bodies of the just have, they're broken down into four. There's one called impassability. It means they're incapable of suffering any kind of physical, evil and cruel, obviously saw sorrow, sickness and death will not have no more effect on them, but they're unable to suffer. Speaker 0 11:01 Their body's perfectly subject to their soul and they can't suffer. Impassability there's one called subtlety, the subtlety, it's as it's a spiritualized nature. It's not like some new age thing, but uh, or the, the, we can see like in the risen body of Christ, when he rise from the dead, he comes out of the tomb, but he doesn't have the stone rolled out. The angels roll it out later, he comes up to the tune, he comes into the upper room whilst it's locked and so forth. And so there's a complete domination of the body by the transfigured soul. And so that's what they mean by subtlety. Agility, which I think a, I'm more fascinated with than others. That's the capability, the body, uh, it's so subject to the soul that the body moves at the speed of thought. See, you can go wherever you want. Speaker 0 11:47 If this is assuming you're not damned. Of course, let us hope that we all get this gift to not the other one, but one travel with the speed of thought. And so you could see that with our Lord. He's in a mass at one moment and then he just disappears from there cause he's traveling to somewhere else. Maybe true. Some we don't know. But he's upbeat. He's at, at with the disciples that the mass and then just vanish. So that's a agility. And then clarity that's being freed from all, all deformity, but being filled with beauty and radiance. We see this when our Lord reveals on, on the transfiguration, he allows the glory of his soul to shine through the body at that. Now, the clarity, it's the, you know, the posture that we're up there with him. We're just struck by that. But the w the clarity or the brilliance of a particular individual will, is proportion and measure of its merit. Speaker 0 12:38 So obviously our lady would have, the greatest measure is in all things, but certainly in this gift she'd have the greatest measure of, of, of all human persons, but it's proportionate degree of the merits. That's the clarity. So those are the different qualities of a resurrected body. Okay. So I think that's all I want to say on that. The general judgment. Why do we have another judgment? What is the point of having another judgment if we've already been judged once at death? So we're already been judged. What is this point of having to have another churchman and some world? I'll read something, a comment on one of the teachers at St Thomas and we'll go through several of these. The first of these reasons consists in the fact that the works of man, whether they are good or bad or not only are not always isolated, transitory acts more often, especially in the cases of leaders of nations and those who invest with public authorities like bishops and priests, they continue subsist after they're concluded either in the memory of other men or in public acclaim as a result of the consequences they have had and the scandal they have caused. Speaker 0 13:49 For example, uh, Saint Francis is still the effect that Saint Francis had on the world for them so many centuries ago will last right to the end of the world. How many people are struck by this amazing personalities example and go become Franciscans, Franciscan, men and women and all the different orders that are all the sons and daughters of Saint Francis or you know, for a bad example, Luther look at effect at Father Luther, this crazy priest, his head, I mean he's like one of the priests we unfortunately read about in the newspapers today, but here's the the evil effect of Lucy Lou Luther's personality or Henry, the aids personality are going to keep on reverberating down to the end of time, okay? It says, if you drop a rock in the water and the ripples go, it's like that with the good deeds of man and the bad deeds of men. Speaker 0 14:44 Okay. Certainly is a faith that there is a particular judgment and that every man at the ends of his soul is from the body, appears before the tribunal of God. He hears eternal sentence pronounced. We just talked about that earlier. Yet this judgment cannot suffice and it is essential that it should be followed by another public judgment in which God will not exam the actions in isolation and taken it in themselves. But we'll examine them and their effects on other men in the good or evil deriving from them for families and peoples in a word and the consequences they have produced in which those who have perpetrated them ought to foreseen. See, because our sins are not just a sin against God, they have social consequences. And that's one of the reasons for the general judgment because it brings us social consequences into focus. Other reasons for the general judgment first that it may be shown clearly to all how just has been his private judgment and also that the body which has been instrument of sin or virtue may share in the soul's punishment or reward. Speaker 0 15:54 Next, the justice, which they could by no means obtain in this life, maybe rendered before the whole world to the oppressed poor and to persecuted innocence. And that the wicked who have abused the righteous and it had been considered honest and good, maybe put to shame before all next, that the grace is and means of salvation bestowed upon each maybe made known next to the blessed providence of God, which often permitted the righteous to suffer evil. While the wicked prospered may be vindicated, it'd be shown on that day that his acts or acts the greatest wisdom. Next, the wicked may learn the goodness of God, not for their comfort or benefit, but for their greater sorrow. They may see how your rewards, even the slightest work performed for his love and honor. And finally that Christ may be exalted before the wicked on Earth as before they could in heaven. Speaker 0 16:47 The truth of his words may be made solemnly manifest. So those are the reasons for the general judgment. What will happen at the general judgement. So assemble this from different fathers and doctors of the church. After the resurrection, all the men will be gathered together at the valley, at your Hosa fat. The angels will bring them there. That's all of us. Then when the whole human race is assembled, Saint Matthew says, the angels will go out and she'll separate the wicked from among the chest. The brother shall be separated from his brother. The sister shall be separated from her sister. The husband shall be separated from his wife. The son shall be separated from his father. The mother shall be separated from her children, but just will stand on the right and the wicked shall be driven to the left. Saint Paul says, quote, we should be taken up together with them to meet Christ into the heir. Speaker 0 17:55 Close quote, Saint Alphonsus notes that after the separation of the down from the blessing, then the blessed will be raised up in there and we'll go with the angels to meet Jesus Christ descending from heaven. Was it down or left behind waiting for there? Judge St Matthew says it then shall appear the sign of the son of man and heaven and then she will, all tribes of the Earth nor the heavens will open and the angels who are coming to assist at the last judgment will lead a procession. These angels would be carrying the instruments of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Saint Thomas says that when the Lord comes to judge the sign of the cross and the other emblems of his passion shall be exhibited, even though the true cross is not divided into many little pieces, it shall then be reassembled by divine power and carried down solemnly from heaven by the angels who will also carry the nails, the hammer to lance. Speaker 0 18:55 The crown of thorns discourages the pillar, the scarlet roll, the white robe, the seamless garment, the dice, and all the other instruments that were used during the passion in order to publicly display once and for all to all of mankind. How great and how many sufferings our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bore out of love for us in order to release us from our sins. Cornice lapper day says, oh, how great will be the wailing of sinners who during their life disregarded their own salvation, which the son of God purchased had so great a price. After the numeral host of holy angels to sense from Heaven, then the Holy Apostles will arrive and then our lady, Queen of Angels and Saints Shall Come to assist the last judgment. Fun. The judge of the living out dead shall appear. The holy scripture says, and they shall see the sentiment coming in the clouds with much power and majesty Senate Gustin Ass. What will become of us on that dreadful day? Did they have judgment? When the Lord shall descend with his angels, with the sound of trumpets and whole earth, she'll travel with fear. Speaker 1 20:21 Okay. Speaker 0 20:22 Saint Alphonsus points out that in the down side of our Lord come in, judgment will be more painful than hell itself. Saint Teresa Valvoline's to see my cheeses afflict me with every pain, but do not allow me to see di faced enraged against me on that day. Saint John's is the Dan will call upon the mountains and the rocks to fall upon them and to hide them from the face and wrath of our Lord. Now comes the judgment, the fear of the blesser. The judgment will pass away. The judgment itself will become a source of joy and sweetness for them. As Saint Alphonsus points out, our Lord will then give praise to each one for his works. That's not true for the reprobates. Saint John Chris' him says on that Judgment Day, they will not receive mercy. Saint Anselm says it will be impossible for them to hide and in toggle them for the pier. See now, Fanta says that with sufferable pain, they shall be forced to appear in judgment. The witnesses will come forward. Saint Augustine says that the devils will be first and they will say to our Lord, most just God declare him to be mine who was unwilling to be yours. Speaker 0 21:54 Then their own conferences will witness against him. St Bernard's says is if they're very sins will speak out and say, you have made us, we are your works and we will not abandon you. Finally, we'll come. The judge himself who said in his holy word that he will bring to life the hidden things of darkness as Santa Gustin said, he was not a witness of your life shall be the judge of your cause at the judgement. There are no excuses. God knows everything in fonts. Points out to the judge will reproach the Catholic saying, if the grace of which I pour down upon you had been given a Muslim's and pagans they have long ago done pennants and sackcloth and ashes, then he will make known to all men the most secret and shameful sins, the reprobate which they concealed. Even in confession, Saint Basil, the great teachers that all the sins that Dan will be able to be seen with a single glance. Saint Alphonsus also points out that in the opinion of many holy authors that sends the blessing will not be made known but rather kept hidden. Speaker 0 23:11 The sentence of the blessing, Saint Bernard says, our Lord, we're first pronounced the sentence on the blessing, so the damned, we'll see what they have lost with a look of love our Lord. We'll turn to the blessing and say, come be blessed of my father, possessed the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. He'll bless all the tears they shed and saw for their sins. All their good works, all their prayers, all their penances and mortifications, all their holy communions. He'll tell them they're safe forever. Our Lady also bless her servants and will invite them with her to paradise, and then the left was all aloo use is they'd be into praise God forever. Our Lord will then turn to the rep probates and she pronounced their sentence in these words, depart from me. He curse it into everlasting fire. See now fonts is points out that then in the middle of that valley, a great pit will open in which the devils and the down will fall. They will see that slam shot never to be opened, Speaker 2 24:21 never, Speaker 0 24:23 never for all eternity and whatsoever position that Danville fallen to hell on that last day and that they must remain without ever changing their posture, without ever being able to move hand or foot, as long as God will be God. The resurrection of the dead is certain. We're all going to undergo it. Judgment is certain and we're all going to undergo it. What is not certain is whether it will be numbered among the sheep or the goats. Let us make sure of our election.

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