The Great Apostacy

January 11, 2018 00:06:40
The Great Apostacy
Veritas Caritas
The Great Apostacy

Jan 11 2018 | 00:06:40


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 The lessons taken from the book of the prophet. Isaiah knows days. They should cry to the Lord because of the presser. And you just send them a savior and defender deliver them. The Lord shall be known by the gyp Egypt and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day and shall worship him with sacrifices and offerings. And she met vows to the Lord and performing Lord shall strike Egypt with a skirt and she'll heal it. They should return it alone. He shall be pacified towards him. The Lord, our God shall heal. You piss and take it from the second letter of st. Paul, that Thessalonians brethren. We be Cici by the coming of our Lord. Jesus Christ never gathering together onto him. They'd be not easily moved from your sense or be terrified neither by spirit or by word or by a pistol is sent from us as if the day of Lord were at hand. But no man to see me by any means, unless there come a revolt first, the man of sin be revealed son, a petition who opposes and is lifted up of all that is called God is worship. So he sits in the temple of God showing himself as he were God, remember you not. Then when I was yet with you, I told you these things and now, you know what withhold that he may be revealed in his time, the mystery of iniquity Speaker 0 00:01:18 Already worth it. Only that he would now hold it to hold until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed. And the whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth, just dry with the brightness of his coming. And the Holy gospel was taken from that of Saint Luke. Now in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius, five being governed that GD inherited being tetrarch of Galilee and Phillip, his brother tetrarch Victoria. The country of <inaudible>. The son has touched cup Abaleen under the high priest and a psychiatrist. The word of the Lord was made on a John, the son of Zack in the desert. And he came into all the country by the Jordan, pitching the baptism of penance for the remission of sins. As it was written in the book of the saints, Isaiah, the prophet of voiceover and crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make straight as pass. Speaker 0 00:02:09 Every Valley shall be filled and every mountain and Hill shall be brought low. The crooked shall be made straight and the rough ways plain and all flesh will see the salvation of God. Now say the word of the day is Holy God. I'm Maria, Christina, and the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. In the epistle, the pistols taken from second Thessalonians. The second chapter, the second Thessalonians and Saint Paul Metta pistol is writing about the antichrist. He tells people not to be alarm at his time because first there has to be the great falling away like great apostasy. That's the first thing. And then the man of sin will come terrain. And then he talks also towards the end of that chapter there that we just read that reading about there's something there withholding that from happening. I've recommended, recommended before. Speaker 0 00:03:06 I'll just make this paranthetically right now. The with holder is a Steve wood. As a series of conferences, their podcasts are all free. They're just over 14 minutes long on Luke 21 radio there's cards for it out there. And he goes through different things. It's eschatology from the point of view of st. Augusta. And so he goes through the scriptures, uh, bite by bite, you know, 15 minutes at a time roughly. And he's done a, a really wonderful job on that. And one of the things in second Thessalonians, he talks about the with holder and is showing from scripture that we're talking about Saint Michael, cause he goes back to the book of Daniel at any rate. The first thing that has to happen is the great apostasy. Now, since the time of Leo, the 13th, the pulp have been warning us that that's what we're in. Speaker 0 00:04:00 That's the explanation for why the chaos and all this strange things going on for Saint Pius, the tense person, sick. He goes into some detail. He has a whole paragraph on up paragraph a four or five. I don't remember. Maybe it's three, but it's on restoring all things in Christ. Uh, ecclesian Europa, which is apathetic expectation. I believe of Saint John Paul. The second, the whole thing is almost about the silent apostasy in Europe, but virtually all the pulps. I haven't found anything by John Paul. The first, he didn't write much. He wasn't wrong with us that long, but virtually all the pulps and just over the past hundred years have been saying we're in the great apostasy. And what is the speech of the great apostasy? It's easy to remember. It's easy to understand if you remember that. One of the signs that the fathers you, that Christ had come to the world was the conversion of the nation because there was no reasonable, natural explanation. Why Gentile peoples just go, right? That's the true religion and give up what they were doing and their false gods and become Catholic come flowing into the church. So one of the apologetic defensive in the early church, obvious to the Messiah, come look at this, why are all these people converting? They're coming in to follow the Messiah. And of course the Jews didn't fall, but at the end of the world, the great apostasy, the sign of that is all the Gentiles going back to pig. Speaker 0 00:05:29 And it's good to pretty dramatic. Now it's in Leo the 13th time and Saint Pius. Again, they were completely alarmed at the state of things. What must they think now if they were, if they were here, I mean, they're watching from heaven. I was a kid, of course a, which was something in a cartoon or grim Sperry's tale. Now we all know they're all over the place. Neo pagans, witches, everybody everywhere. What's our Lord. Nowadays. There's a swear word. The Gentile people are turning back to their paganism. So we're certainly in the great apostasy. So we got to pray and be faithful because as Saint Paul points out, someone during that will appear and the people will be convinced. But the anti-Christ isn't, he's a monster, but he's not some kind of obvious monster like scary in a certain way. He'll be very seductive because virtually everybody will follow him to want to be prey remain faithful. That's really the message in that episode. Speaker 2 00:06:36 Okay.

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