Unethical Vaccines and The Enemy Is Watching

July 20, 2008 00:17:27
Unethical Vaccines and The Enemy Is Watching
Veritas Caritas
Unethical Vaccines and The Enemy Is Watching

Jul 20 2008 | 00:17:27


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Speaker 0 00:01 Having a clear understanding of defects we suffer from is actually one of the most important aspects to making progress and interior life. Sarah, weeks ago we gave out a worksheet to help people get some idea what their predominant temperament is. It's a, Chris is not necessarily that precise. It's, it's not, uh, it can give us a general idea of our temperament and of course spiritual directors over the centuries have seen it. This knowledge has proven to be very useful. The original plan was that today would take a look at each of the four temperaments, but because of a few important issues have arisen, we're going to delay that until the next time I preach. So we will get to that. But we are not yet. That being said, they're two different issues I'd like to touch on today. The first one has to do with vaccines and we put some information in the bulletin, but a quick review for background. Speaker 0 00:55 For those of you who may not realize it, quote, I'll just read quote perhaps one of the most highly misunderstood notions among moral theologians and ethicists. Is it the abortions involved from before? Vaccines were not done with intention of creating vaccines. Actually, it was the full intention of both the Tenney abortionist and researcher present at the foot of the abortion table to destroy those babies specifically to create vaccines. During the 1964 rubella epidemic, some doctors in Pennsylvania began advising pregnant women who could track the disease to abort their child in a controlled study group. The Wistar Institute worked directly with the abortionist to collect and dissect the fetuses. It's from the 27th fetus that researchers extract the live virus and the kidney and the baby to be used in the rebel vaccine parenthetical remark in Japan, they decided to make rebel vaccine by having a kid that had it say, Aw, swapped his tonsils and cultured it on chick embryo. Speaker 0 01:59 The rubella virus clinically named RA two 73 R stands for rubella, a stands for boarders. 27 is the 27th fetus they killed three is the third tick tissue X plant was then cultivated on the WPI. 38 aborted fetal cell line. Later researched Patriot paper reveals at 40 separate fetuses were aborted with virus terrains taken from 34 of them. This means that a total over 80 separate elective abortions recorded were involved in the research and final production of the present day. Rubella vaccine 21 from the original <inaudible> fetal cell lines, it failed plus WWI 38 itself plus 61 from attempts to isolate the rubella virus close quote. Now we've got more information you can get out of the bulletin website. Of course, children of God for life and we thanked a vintage for all their great work in this field. Exposing this. Now, how does this affect the average parent here? Speaker 0 03:05 Rubella is not the only vaccine made with ground up aborted baby parts here. Vaccines to be avoided in the U S every chicken pox vaccine readily available. Shingles, rubella, that includes the NMR. R stands for rubella. By the way, the last native case of rebel in the United States was the year 2000 there were eight cases in 2003 and nine and 2004 all from abroad. Hepatitis say to check in parks, shingles, rubella, MMR. Anything with hepatitis C, those are all from granite babies, some of the polio vaccines, rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis. You can see the chart available children, God for life. I just got some misinformation yesterday, so we'll have this available next week and we'll have copies of this available for all those who desire it is not moral to do evil. That good may come of it. It is not moral to use vaccines made with a boarded babies. Speaker 0 04:05 It's not moral. We've been through that before. It needed to be reviewed. Here's the new information I want to draw to people's attention. Children of God for life is conducting a nationwide study among homeschooling families to determine if there may be a link between a boarded fetal vaccine, DNA and autism or auto immune disorders. Please let them know that all information is being kept confidential. The study is critical information that could very well pinpoint autism to the DNA and aborted fetal cell lines. You can let them know that in the study of the Amish group who received all the vaccines except aborted fetal ones, there were zero cases of autism as compared to the national average of one and 150 if father, any parents have questions, they may call me. We'll put that out in the email and whatnot, and then I'll have this little, a, a little, the little a survey for those who don't have email, we'll send it out in the email bulletin, but we'll have copies of it next week. Speaker 0 05:03 We just got it last night. That's why I don't have copies for everybody today, but I think this is really important scientific research because if this is what's going on and she says this could effectively end aborted fetal cell lines in vaccine forever if they're right. So it's really important. I'm not big on necessarily participating in a lot of things. This would be something really, really good and to circulate that around communities or if you know people that that don't vaccinate or homeschoolers that do because they want, they want to get the information and put it all in there anyway. Okay. So that we'll send the survey format in the bulletin. Please format to any homeschooling friends, anyone else you know that might do it. So the first topic is don't even think about vaccine of your children with these fetal tissue vaccines and please help, uh, hopefully stopping this diabolical practice by filling out the survey forms which we'll available to you and mailing them in. So that's the first topic. Second topic, there's a scripture we each need to take to heart Speaker 0 06:11 in the parable of the sower sowing the seed, which is found in the 13th chapter of st Matthew's gospel. Some of the seeds fall on Rocky ground. What happens, they spring up, but since they don't have deep roots, they soon with her. We need to be sure that our hearts are not Rocky ground. Our Lord explains in Matthew 13, 20 and 21 exactly what this refers to. Here's our Lord. Explain it. Quote, as for what was sown on Rocky ground, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy. He has no root in himself but endures for awhile. And when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. Close quote, second person, the blessed Trinity who hears the word immediately receives it with joy, yet has no root in himself, but endures for awhile. And when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, he immediately falls away. The scripture is clear if our faith, our hope and our charity aren't deeply rooted, the very depths of our soul, if God's Holy word is not deeply rooted in the very depths of our being, if we're not in love, and I mean in love with the word who became flesh, who's alive, he's alive and he's dwelling right there right now. If we're not in love with him, Speaker 0 07:48 then when the tribulation, persecution breaks out on account of the word will fall away. Okay. Hold that thought. Currently, there's a collection of characters that call themselves new atheist. The big names include Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, PZ Myers. The cultural role they're playing today is essentially the same that that Voltaire, what Voltaire played the decades leading up to the French revolution to establish an atmosphere of complete and utter contempt for religious believers. And they single out most particularly Catholics. In the spring of 2007, Philip Johnson, founder, intelligent design movement, uh, academic lawyer formerly at Berkeley writing to these new atheists noted quote, they're entering the public arena with the gloves off, determined to complete the demolition of the God delusion by landing whatever blows high or low are needed for the purpose Speaker 2 09:01 close quote, Speaker 0 09:03 which brings us to the point in response to the reaction to the student Florida who took a host from mass then held it hostage. PZ Myers biology professor at the university of Minnesota. Morris wrote on his blog blog, which incidentally in 2006 was ranked by the journal, nature, nature, and science, the two most highly respected refereed scientific journals. This blog was rated by the journal natures and number one blog written by a scientist. I'll quote, but this is going to be extremely highly edited. Quote, can anyone out there score me some consecrated communion wafers? There's no way I can personally get them now. That's a bald faced lie. My local churches have steaks prepared for me, I'm sure, but if any of you would be willing to do what it takes to get me some or even one and mail it to me, I'll show you sacrilege, gladly and with much fanfare. I won't be tempted to hold it hostage, but instead treat it with profound disrespect and heinous abuse, all photographed and presented here on the web. I shall do so joyfully and with laughter in my heart. Speaker 2 10:20 Close quote, Speaker 0 10:23 I note that on Thursday he says he's received the Eucharist from several people. Quote, so far the crackers I have received have been given to me in person or sent to my home address. Close quote. It's clearly satanic. That's not what I want to draw everybody's attention to at this point. The first thing I want to note today is not so much what Myers and the student Florida have done. It's what this means. I want to note what this means. What does it mean to answer that by doing a thought experiment. Suppose some guy's standing there with his sister quietly mind his own business. Some loud comes swaggering up, yanks, the quiet guy's hat off his head, throws you on the ground, stomps on it, spits on the sister, says something totally unacceptable to her. Takes a hold of runners under their arm and starts leading her away. It couldn't be clear what's at stake. So with all due respect to our military personnel here, we don't need advanced degrees from some war college to understand exactly what this means. Suppose a man then doesn't defend his sister, just stands there wringing his hands. That means something to, Speaker 0 11:41 it's not hard to understand. And then suppose a man who won't defend a sister himself since one of his littler sisters to go defend the older sister. That means something. It's really, really easy to understand. Okay, last part of the scenario. Suppose suppose some other predatory losers weasel just hanging around watching the scene and they saw the non-reaction of the man who won't defend a sister and then sends in the little girl. What's the message that guys like that are going to take from all this? Help yourself, boys, make yourself to home. It's an open house. Speaker 1 12:25 <inaudible> Speaker 0 12:29 is any of this hard to understand? Anyone here confused about a scenario like that? Okay. Now let's look at the Florida case. Here we had an absolutely unbelievable public and highly publicized attack that strikes right at the very heart of our faith at direct tack, the most blessed sacrament, the altar, and then the part of leadership. What was the response? Nothing but hand ringing. Well, actually, no, that's not true. The diocesan leadership decide to send a nun to future masses at that campus to supervise and make sure this doesn't happen again, and that means something. That means someday. Anybody that's paying attention, it's easy to understand. And PZ Myers was hanging out watching and he understood the response. So is everyone else who's paying attention? The mortal enemies of Christ and his church have just walked up and taken their very best shot. Speaker 1 13:39 Okay, Speaker 0 13:40 found out that they can have their way with our most precious treasure and ain't nothing going to happen to them. That's what this means. It's just playground one Oh one that in turn means something else. It means something for our country. It means the fun is only beginning. There are a lot of people here in our beloved country who really hate us in our Holy religion and they've been watching and they understand what this means. Speaker 1 14:20 <inaudible> Speaker 0 14:23 our faith better have deep, deep roots. If anyone here wasn't serious before, you better get prayed up. Second thing to note about all this is we have a suicide obligation for the fence, the bus at SAC, but I don't think I need to explain what that means to this crowd. We need to have reverence in the presence of and reparation to our Lord in the most busted. I'm gonna have the altar. Reverence refers to our department. We want to make sure we're not lacks. There's often at lax attitude on part of good Catholics today, especially in regards to casual speech. We don't want to be talking in the presence of our Lord and the most blessed at SAC and if someone is here, they're new, they're lost and charity, of course, we want to help them out. We don't want to just ignore them and say, well, father says, don't say anything. Speaker 0 15:17 We help them out in a whisper. Charity comes first. Obviously charity comes first, but we do it in a whisper. No talking in the vestibule or here. Show him the reverence and respect he deserves before, during aftermaths. Yes, the choir practice. I know they have to, they have to discuss certain things up there, but then it should be limited. Acquire topics, you know, obviously they have to cause they're in the choir. Reverence is pies, especially during the consecration, except in emergency. We shouldn't move during the consecration. The Holy angels are flat on their face, so to speak. We should be motionless in the pews and praying. What about reparation? We need to make communities reparation for all injuries. Blast me and sacrileges hurled against her Lord, not just by the PZ Meyers of the world. The community is a reparation for all the Catholics that every Sunday go to communion, filthy with mortal sin, unrepentant, don't go to confession and they come up and put our Lord into the shore of their soul over and over and over again. And we need to make reparation for that and pray God that their priests wake up and warn them that they wake up. We need to make communities a reparation if we don't, who will? Speaker 0 16:39 Let's close. Speaker 1 16:43 Okay. Speaker 0 16:44 Everything in our Holy religion is a means to an end. Everything here we do as a means to an end, and that end is a profound relationship with the most Holy Trinity, a union with the living God, a union, and this life. And please God forever in the next and our Lord is going to let us help him carry a heavy cross and it won't be long. We have a solemn word that if that union isn't profound, Speaker 1 17:30 will fall away.

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