What does marriage mean?

January 15, 2012 00:26:00
What does marriage mean?
Veritas Caritas
What does marriage mean?

Jan 15 2012 | 00:26:00


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 The third day, there was marriage and Cain of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there, namely the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Many Catholics don't realize that on a face to the pithany the church actually places three ministries before us on that feast, the priest reminds the priest and religious. Those of us who are bound to pray the official prayers, the church, what we call the divine office. The church reminds us of these three mysteries when we pray and I quote, we keep the stay Holy in honor of three miracles. This day of star, the wise men to the manger this day, water was turned into wine at the marriage feast this day, Christ chose to be baptized by John in the Jordan for our salvation Alia close quote, but because the church wants to draw our attention more perfectly to each of these three miracles on January 6th, the feast of the epiphany itself, we focus on the revelation of Christ to the Gentile nations by the visit of the match on January 13th, which is the octave of the epiphany. Speaker 0 00:01:14 We had it Friday. We celebrate the baptism of our Lord. And today on the second Sunday after epiphany, we celebrate the miracle of turning the water into wine. Today. We'll take a closer look at the first line in today's gospel, just to bring to light a few of the details that we otherwise might not be aware of. And to do that for the most part, we'll follow that great scriptural commentary, uh, assembled from the works of the fathers by father <inaudible> who worked in the late 1500, certainly 16 hundreds as usual. Uh, the quotes will be cut, pasted and streamlined for the city of the sermon because he has far too much information to cover in his sermon, corny Slappy day. And the third day there was a marriage and can of gal in the mother of Jesus was there the third day refers to the third day from the visit and conversion of Andrew and Peter. Speaker 0 00:02:12 From that day, Jesus began to gather disciples and to reveal himself to them from that point onward. Therefore John computes this third day on which our Lord plainly manifests himself to them and shows that he is the Messiah by turning water into wine close quote, not quantity. It's the affidavit relying largely on the great historian of the church caught on Boronias as well as st. Epiphanies is going to connect all this to our calendar quote. Here's the sequence of these days in the life of Christ. According to the tradition of the church and the fathers on the face to the Tiffany, the day in which 30 years previously, the magic I had been led by a star to worship Christ at Bethlehem. Our Lord was baptized by John close quote. Okay. So according to the tradition of the church and the fathers imagine actually rived in Bethlehem on January 6th, and then 30 years later on that same day, Saint John baptized Jesus in the Jordan back to Cornelius celebrity, who will not discuss what happened immediately after Lord's baptism. Speaker 0 00:03:26 And exactly when he turned the water into wine, quote st. Epiphanies says that the marriage took place on the 60th day from Christ baptism after dinner on the 6th of January, the same day that our Lord was baptized by John. He went into the desert where he fasted for 40 days. This fast, thus began on the 7th of January and ended on the 15th of February. He then returned to Nazareth where he stayed 15 days. St. Epiphanies says that immediately after this, the 56th day after his baptism, the Jews sent messengers to John the Baptist to ask him if he were the Christ or not. This took place in March 1st, John denied it and said that Jesus is the Christ. The next day, March 2nd, Jesus came to John who pointed him out with his finger, saying behold, the lamb of God, behold, him who take it away to send to the world on the following day, March 3rd, John repeated this testimony before two of his disciples, one of whom was Andrew. Speaker 0 00:04:44 Hence they visited Jesus. And then Andrew brought his brother Peter to Christ on March 4th. Jesus went into Galilee where he called Philip, since this was the second day from the coming of Andrew, with his brother, Peter to Christ. It must've been on the third day or March 5th when the wedding feast took place close quote. Okay. So we've seen that when our Lord had just turned 30 years old, he's baptized, January 6th, went out in the desert and fast 40 days after he came back, he spent some time at home in Nazareth on March 1st, st. John was asked a few of the Christ said no. On our second st. John pointed our Lord saying, uh, her to stay behold, the lamb of God, the whole time would take away the sins of the world. March 3rd, st. John repeated this testimony before st. Andrew and other disciple. Saint Andrew brings st. Peter to Christ March 4th, or Lord calls st. Philip March 5th, the 60th day after his baptism. He went to the wedding feast. Now quantities dilapidate raises the obvious question. Why does the church commemorate the miracle of the turning of the water into, on a face to the epiphany? If it actually took place on March 5th? Speaker 1 00:06:03 Cool. Speaker 0 00:06:05 According to Boronias Synagis tin, Saint Maximus and others, the church commemorates the miracle on that day, though it did not actually take place upon it because the church wished to celebrate on the same face that apifany or manifestation of Christ, the three miracles by which Christ first made himself manifest to the world. First, the rival and hateration imagine we're led by a star. Second, the baptism of Christ when the father's voice was heard like thunder, this is my beloved son and third, the turning of the water into wine at Canaan. The first two of these three miracles happened on the same day. That is the 6th of January. Whereas the third took place two months later on March 6th, close quote. So the reason we commemorate all three of these mysteries on the face of the Tiffany, even though the water was actually turned into wine on March 5th is because the whole point of the face is celebrate. Speaker 0 00:07:07 The manifestation of Christ to the world. Epiphany is a Greek word, which means manifestation. So the reason we commemorate all three of these mysteries together is because these are the three mysteries by which Christ first manifested himself to the world. And although we commemorate all this on a pithany in the divine office, the church wants to draw our attention more particular to these mysteries. And so we have three separate days in which we focus on each one, individually, January 6th, the feast of the Tiffany itself. We focus on the revelation of Christ to the Gentile nations. When the match I visited him on October, the epiphany, October 13th, we focused on a baptism of our Lord. And on the second Sunday after pithany today, we focus on a miracle of water, turning into wine. Now, clinically slap, they ask the question whose marriage was this and who was the bridegroom? Speaker 1 00:08:01 Cool. Speaker 0 00:08:03 Peroneus thinks that the boardroom at this marriage was the apostle Simon whose surname the Canaanite from Canaan Bronies as at the place where the marriage was celebrated, was adorned in an old by famous church, built there by signed Helena, some other Constantine the grade, as soon as Simon had seen this miracle of Christ at his wedding, he paid for welders bride in the world and followed him who was chosen to be one of his 12 apostles. This was the reason why Christ came to this wedding by coming indeed honored marriage by calling him to himself, declared itself a seeing the postulate a more excellent than marriage close quote. So Brogdon was Saint Simon. The Canaanite sometimes also known as Saint Simon, the zealot, because as soon as he'd seen the miracle of the water turning into wine, he became a zealous follower of Christ. The Catholic encyclopedia points out. Speaker 0 00:08:55 This name does not mean that st. Simon belong to the party of zealots, but that he was full of zeal. And the mother of Jesus was there. She was invited as a friend by those who are celebrating the marriage. There's no mention of Joseph in this place, nor subsequently for you is now dead as Saint epiphanies peroneus and other state close quote that's cornea sloppity. So we've taken a closer look at his commentary on one line from the inspired word of God. And on the third day, there was a marriage in Cain of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. But there's one term in this line from the Holy gospels that Quinny said affidavit, didn't bother to explain. In fact, it wouldn't have even occurred to him that it might need an explanation, but in this present darkness, the confusion about the true meaning of this term is really so deep. And so widespread she's global confusion is so bad about this one term that we can't let it pass without an explanation. The term of course, is marriage. Speaker 2 00:10:09 Marriage. Speaker 0 00:10:10 What exactly is Speaker 2 00:10:13 Marriage? Speaker 0 00:10:15 Before we turn to the correct definition, by way of contrast, let's take a quick look at the so-called definition used by the federal juristic court for the Northern district of California and the Perry vs Schwartz, nigger decision. The court produced this so-called definition. And I quote marriage is the state recognition and approval of a couple's choice to live with each other, to remain committed to one another and to form a household based on their own feelings about one another, and to join in an economic partnership and support one another in any dependents close quote. Now, I'm not sure what level of hell this, this, this so-called definition was vomited out of, but it's insane. Marriage is not the state recognition approval of a choice of a couples of couples choice to live together, to remain committed to one another and to form a household based on their own feelings about one another. Speaker 0 00:11:22 That is not what marriage is. Insanity. Didn't end there. A lot of the crazier points in this decision. I can't read from the pulpit, but here with some obvious editing are a few more gems gleaned from that marvelous decision, I quote the movement of marriage away from a gendered institution and towards an institution free from state managed. Gender roles reflects an evolution in the understanding of gender rather than a change in marriage. Well, no, it doesn't marriage. Hasn't moved from a gender away from a gendered institution and towards an institution free of state mandate, gender roles, marriage, hasn't moved at all the movement of so-called legal rulings from a basis and reality towards a basis. And perversity reflects a lack of understanding of basic concepts and advancing corruption in our society. Back to the decision gender. This is a quote, gender, no longer forms, an essential part of marriage, gender, no longer forms and central part of marriage. This is like the court ruling. The triangles no longer have three sides or squares no longer have four sides. It's insanity. Back to the ruling. Modified San Francisco couples are identical to true couples and the characteristics relevant to the ability to form successful marital unions, Speaker 0 00:13:11 San Francisco couples are identical, true couples in the characteristics relevant to the ability to form successful marriage viewed. Oh yes. And black is white and up and up is down. And the moon is made out of green cheese. This is a level of American jurisprudence these days. It's insane. It's just insane. Unfortunately, this insanity isn't limited to our beloved country. It's becoming a global phenomenon, which is why this past Monday, while speaking with diplomats assigned to the Holy, see our Holy father addressed this issue. Pope Benedict the 16th, quote, the family based on a marriage of a man and a woman is not a simple social convention, but rather the fundamental cell of every society, consequently policies, which undermine the family, threatened human dignity and the future of humanity itself, close quote, the vicar of Christ. Speaker 0 00:14:21 I just stop and think about this. We have now reached the point in the history of the world. When the vicar of Christ, the Holy father, our pulp actually has to tell diplomats around the world. He has to instruct them that the family is based on the marriage of a man and a woman, and is not a simple social convention, but the cell of every society and that policies, which undermine the family, threaten the future of humanity itself. We are so far gone, does a pulp now needs to tell the world that the family based on the marriage of a man and a woman is not a simple social convention. Speaker 0 00:15:18 Okay? So you see what marriage is not. Let's pause and see what marriage actually is. Marriage is a contract that results in a relationship. Marriage is a contract that results in a relationship. If a man and a woman freely makes his contract, then God makes the relationship. They consent to be man and wife, and then God makes them so, and it doesn't matter if they believe in God, it doesn't matter if they know who he is. If they make the contract, God makes the relationship. So what's the marriage contract, the contract, which a man and a woman make the contract, which they both consent to in order to enter into the relationship of marriage is very clear. Here is the traditional definition of the marriage contract. A man and a woman give an except perpetual and exclusive right for acts, which are of themselves suitable for the generation of children. Speaker 0 00:16:41 That's the marriage contract, a man and a woman give an except perpetual and exclusive ride for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. That's the marriage contract. If it's properly made. In other words, if it's validly made this contract results in the relationship known as marriage, if they validly make the contract, God makes relationship. And this is true. Whether or not they believe in God. So marriage is a contract that results in a relationship again in a marriage that will man and a woman given except a perpetual and exclusive ripe for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. And God attaches a consequence to this contract. If a man and woman validly make this contract, then the two of them become more closely related than a brother is to assist her or a father is to his son. And that relationship is made directly by God. Speaker 0 00:17:54 Marriage is most definitely not the state recognition and so-called approval of a couple's choice to live with another, to remain committed to one another and to form a household based on their own feelings about one another. That's not marriage. Let's take just a moment to consider the different aspects of the contract. Both partners to the marriage contract, agree to the contract. That's why weddings work the way they do the man and the woman are each asked if they agree to the contract and each one must answer freely of his own accord. There are two witnesses to the contract on behalf of society and in a Catholic marriage, the priest is there on behalf of the church. So there's two witnesses for the society and one for the church and the Catholic marriage, precisely because it is a contract. It's a contract is not properly executed. Speaker 0 00:18:58 No relationship will result. If the contract is not validly made, God does not make the relationship. This would be where a Noment fits in an authentic annulment as a result of a couple, not making a valid contract. For example, in order to validly contract marriage Catholics much either be married according to the canonical form and the parish, the priest for, to witness and so forth, or have a dispensation. So if we're not talking about Protestants and we're not talking about any, non-Christians here only Catholics. So if Catholics attempt to get married before a justice of the peace, the contract isn't properly made, which means that the relationship not only didn't come into being it couldn't come into being. It's a contract between a man and a woman. God only created two sexes, male, and female. He created them and it takes one of each to make a marriage. Speaker 0 00:20:01 The term perpetual indicates the marriage contract results in a relationship with a specific condition that each partner yields marital rights, perpetually that shows the indissolubility of the relationship and this right last for exactly one lifetime till death do us part. Marriage is perpetual quote, a declaration by the state that a husband and wife or no longer husband and wife, a declaration that is of divorce is a mere form of words. The state can say that is broken the marriage bond between two people, but it is not broken it during the lifetime of the parties. They remain husband and wife, because that is of a nature of marriage as ordained by God. The fair to understand this teaching of the Catholic church has given rise to much quite irrelevant argument. Those who urged the church should grant or in any way, permit divorce always do so on the ground. Speaker 0 00:21:15 That in certain cases it is desirable. But to urge the thing is desirable is no answer to a statement that it is impossible. And that is the precise truth. As a practical matter, resulting from its being God made marriage is not. Indissoluble just because the parties at their wedding made vows of lifelong fidelity. It is indissoluble because it is marriage close. Quote, Frank sheet marriage lasts till death. The relationship resulting from this contract is exclusive. The rights are exclusive, which means that each partner yields the marital rights exclusively to the other partner, which shows the unity of the relationship. In other words, only one man, and only one woman, no polygamy, none of this Henry the eighth action. He doesn't get to keep trader in on new model. This is it. He gave his word before the altar and God's going to hold him to it. Period. Close. The book. Marriage is exclusive. Marriage is a contract, but which the man and woman given, except the right for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children, there are limits. The acts must be of themselves suitable for the generation of children. No contraception, no sterilization, no refuse of a reasonable request. He gave his body away to his spouse before the altar. And it's no longer his to take back and vice versa. Speaker 0 00:23:03 Okay. So why have we hammered on this term marriage to make sure that at least everyone here has a solid grass solid grasp on exactly what marriage is. When the Pope has to start explain this concept to a lot of highly educated diplomats. You know that we've got a problem let's review today. We've seen that when our Lord had just turned 30 years old, he was baptized on January 6th. The same day that 30 years before the three Kings had visited him in the manger. After his baptism, he went into the desert and faster for 40 days after he came back, he spent some time at home in Nazareth and March 1st, Tuesday as Saint John, the Baptist, if he were the Christ, he said, no, March 2nd, st. John, John pointed out our Lord behold, the lamb of God, behold, him who takes away the sins of the world on March 3rd, st. Speaker 0 00:24:04 John repeated this before Saint Andrew and another disciple. And then st. Andrew went and brought his brother Saint Peter to Christ on March 4th, our Lord called Saint Philip and a March 5th, the 60th day from his baptism. He went to the wedding feast. We've seen the reason that we commemorate these three mysteries on the face of the epiphany, even though the water was turned into wine and March 5th is because the whole point of the feast is to celebrate the manifestation of Christ. The world we've seen there pithany means manifestation. So the reason we celebrate them all together is because these are the three miracles by which Christ first made himself manifest to the world. We've seen it. The bridegroom was the Pasa st. Simon. The Canaanite also known as st. Simon, the zealot so-called because as soon as he had seen the miracle, the water turning into wine became a zealous follower of Christ. And we've seen that marriage is a contract, the results in a relationship and the marriage contract, a man and a woman give and accept perpetual and exclusive, right for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. God attaches a consequence to make this contract. If the man and the woman velvety make this contract, then the two become related to each other closer than a brother is to his sister closer than a mother is to her daughter in a relationship that's made directly by God. Speaker 0 00:25:33 Let's close with anyone with even a lick, a biblical understanding. It's easy to see why it's going to be a fire and not a flood this time. And the people promoting the so called marriages. He was a rainbow. Like they're going to be safe. We need to pray.

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