The Sanctity of Marriage: We Are Left to Battle Paganism On Our Own

January 22, 2012 00:38:42
The Sanctity of Marriage: We Are Left to Battle Paganism On Our Own
Veritas Caritas
The Sanctity of Marriage: We Are Left to Battle Paganism On Our Own

Jan 22 2012 | 00:38:42


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 81 years ago, March, 1931, father Fulton, J sheen made a prophetic statement, response to a decision. And non-ST by the United States, federal council of churches of Christ. It's now called the national council of churches of Christ and USA. It's a group of mainline, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox denomination. Father Fulton, J sheen stated quote. Since a week ago, last Saturday, we can no longer expect them to defend the law of God. These sects will work out the very logic of their ways. And in 50 or 100 years, there'll be only the church and paganism. We will be left to fight the battle alone and we will close. Cool. Speaker 0 00:01:00 We can no longer expect them to defend the law of God. The sex will work out the very logic of their ways and 50 or a hundred years. There'll be only the church and paganism we've left to fight the battle alone. And we will. What was Fulton sheen reacting to we'll get to that later. But first let's spend a few minutes reviewing last week. We spent some time making sure that everyone here has a very clear idea of what exactly marriage actually is. We started marriage is a contract that results in a relationship we saw the marriage contract is very specific. A man and a woman give an except perpetual an exclusive ride for acts, which are of themselves suitable for the generation of children. We saw God attaches a consequence to making this contract. If a man and a woman validly make this contract, then the two of them become related to each other closer than a brother is related to sister close factually than a father is related to his son. Speaker 0 00:02:23 And that relationship is made immediately and directly by God that's marriage. Last week, we also considered the latest attack in the 500 year old or against marriage. It's painful to say this, but this current attack, the attack on the contract between a man and a woman is in perfect accord with the principles of the Protestant revolt, the Protestant revolutionaries. And that is the correct term. They weren't reforming anything. The Protestant revolutionaries directly attack and denied to other conditions proper to the marriage contract the attack, both the perpetuity, as well as the exclusivity, both of those who were attack in terms of the prostate attack, I perpetuate an exclusivity. We can just take the case of Henry. The Abe that syphilitic toad broke away from the one true church and founded the church of England all over this very point. He set aside his true wife, queen Catherine of Aragon for Anne Boleyn. Speaker 0 00:03:36 We later beheaded the day after her heading, he married another woman who died some days after giving birth. The next woman in the lineup lasted a whopping six months before he divorced her. The next woman made it about a year and a half before he had her headed in the last one I'll lived in brilliant. It's absolutely brilliant. So much for perpetuity and these so called reformers didn't scruple to attack the exclusivity of marriage Lutheran. <inaudible> now for people that aren't sure who blanked on his Melancon was a cofounder along with father Luther or the system of Lutheranism, both stated that Henry the eighth could practice polygamy. As we know Henry the eighth didn't take their advice openly. He did not take their advice openly, but what many people don't realize is that he did so privately. And here I refer to a prominent author, William Cabot, who tells us in details far too great to get into today that Henry the eighth got married to Amblin in January of 1533. And he got divorced from queen Catherine of Aragon four months later in may of 1533. Brilliant. It's just absolutely brilliant. So much for exclusivity, but it gets better. December of 1539, a German comm named Phillip of Hessa asked Luther if he could please take a second wife. Well, he, uh, retained the first in a written opinion, Lutheran blank. Don stated that the second marriage was not contrary to the law of God. Speaker 0 00:05:28 Philip could enter into it, but they demanded these great reformers. They demanded that this new marriage, as well as this written document should remain secret in order to avoid scandal. Obviously that didn't work. I wouldn't be telling you about it. The document was delivered to Philip who had six other prostitute ministers, sign it on March 4th, 1540 in the chapel, the castle Rodenburg in the presence of witnesses, including black Don. This so-called marriage was somnolence. Brilliant. Just absolutely brilliant. Another great reform right at its root Protestantism as a system. Now we're certainly not talking about average Protestant in their married life. We're not referring to them. We're not talking about a friends or neighbors. They even hit inheritors of a system that got its momentum and got started 500 years ago. But right at the root problem of the system from the very beginning has eliminated or redefine the various terms in the marriage contract. Speaker 0 00:06:41 This is one of the foundational air in Protestantism. It's at its very root there's. One more dangerous idea, promoted by father Luther that we should quickly know. And that is that father Luther was adamant that marriage should be regulated not by the church, but rather by the state marriage should be regulated by the state, not by the church. So at the very Dawn of the plus revolt, we see a radical redefine of the definition of marriage, not just in the personal lives of the revolutionaries, but at the level of principles. It's obvious that divorce at some level has been permitted from the very beginning. And polygamy was both proposed and permitted at some level by the very founders of the system, both in England and on the continent. Marriage was proclaimed to be a civil matter, which belongs to the government and the judgments were to be left to the jurists. Speaker 0 00:07:46 And these are the precise operating principles that are active in the divorce catastrophe, and also these new forms of marriage and are whacked out times the logical consequences of the Protestant redefinition of marriage have been solely worked out and are now bearing the rotten fruits right before our horrified eyes. There's only one more attack to consider it's the attack on the notion that the act must be of themselves suitable for the generation of children. And this also Rose in the Protestant camp in 1930 in a complete and quite diabolical rupture from the proceeding 19 centuries of unbroken Christian moral teaching, the angling ambition, bishops issued a statement stating that married couples had a right to act, which of themselves were not suitable for the generation of children. In other words, it contraception could be used. And I quote in those cases where there is such a clearly felt more alive obligation to limit or avoid Parenthood and where there is a morally sound reason for avoiding complete abstinence. Other methods may be used Speaker 1 00:09:13 Cause it was cool Speaker 0 00:09:16 On December 31st, 1930 in response, this scandalous pronouncement of the Anglicans Pope Pius, the 11th issued his magnificent in sicko. Casty canoe beads on Christian marriage, December 31st, 1930 on Christian marriage pies. 11, I highly recommend it. Everybody should read this. I will quote what the Holy father has to say. Pius the 11th, since therefore openly departing from the uninterrupted Christian tradition, some recent we have judged it possible to declare solemnly another doctrine regarding this question, the Catholic church, Tim God, isn't trusted the defense of integrity and purity of morals standing erect in the midst of the moral ruin, which surrounds her in order that she may preserve the chassis of a nuptial union from being defiled by this false thing, raises her voice in token of her divine ambassadorship and through our mouth proclaims, the new any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated and its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature. And those who indulge in such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin Speaker 1 00:10:50 Close quote, Speaker 0 00:10:52 The vicar of Christ, any use whatsoever of matrimony exercise in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated and its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature. And those who indulge, indulgent such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin. It is mortally sinful, but there were other reactions to the ANC and pronouncement over here, the United States federal concept churches, as we noted it's now the national council of churches had been waiting eagerly for a particular church to take the lead in modernizing the process and stance vis-a-vis verse control in March of 1931, the federal consulate churches endorsed. And I quote the careful and restrained use of contraceptives by married people close quote, while at the same time, conceding that quote serious evils such as extramarital relations may be increased by general knowledge of contraceptives, close quote, some Protestant denominations, and even the secular press to their great credit immediately condemn the notion of contraception within marriage. Speaker 0 00:12:17 But over time, virtually all the prostate nominations have gone over to the Neo peg and position of the Anglicans. I bring forth exhibit a book published by Baker because a Christian publisher, you can't read the title. So I will, if this book is let's see 215, some pages, the title is birth control for Christians making wise choices. I suppose the companion volume must have a name like adultery and fornication for Christians making wise choices. Now somebody might think this is just liberal process and trash. It is trash that's for sure, but it would be an error to think that it's liberal Protestant trash, the Southern Baptists are not liberal Protestants. Let's see what they have to say. Here's a short quote, taken from an article on contraception written by dr. Albert Mohler jr. Now he's the president of the Southern Baptist theological seminary. It's the flagship school, the Southern Baptist convention, and one of the largest Protestant seminaries in the world by any measure, he is an extremely conservative Protestant, dr. Speaker 0 00:13:42 Mohler quote, evangelical couples may at times choose to use contraceptives in order to plan their families. Enjoy the pleasures of the marital left. The moral justification for using contraceptives must be clear in the couple's mind and fully consistent with a couple of Christian commitments and Christian couples must ensure that the methods chosen are really contraceptive in effect and not abortifacient close quotes, evangelical couples may at times choose to use contraceptives, but not abortifacients. Although we bear dr. Muller Goodwill and we would do well, the praise him for his clarity and the one point regarding the pill and other so-called contraceptives that actually cause abortions. That's what it means by the board of patient. Many of these have with the features cause chemical abortions. And that's a clarity that sadly lacking in many Catholic publications and pulpits. But nevertheless, we must be very clear. Dr. Mohler is clearly advocating an anti-Christ Neo pagan moral position, and there's no other way to color that. Speaker 0 00:14:58 Now with leadership and principles like this small wonder are Protestant relatives, friends, neighbors are wrapped up in this. They go to their products and bookstore. They have books like this birth control for patricians. They look on articles on contraception by the respected hard right Protestant leaders. And they get this kind of advice. They don't know any better for the most part. And they've got 500 years of nonsense to deal. We don't have that excuse. We have a magisterium. We have a Holy father that at least he's made it clear, even if it hasn't necessarily trickled down to the other guy. The other guys with colors on, we know the truth of this matter. So until 1930, all Christians everywhere, categorically rejected contraception as a moral evil, all Christians everywhere in 1930, the Atkins embraced a blatantly pagan approach to the marital act by staying at contraception was morally permissible in 1931, the United States federal concept churches following the Anglican lead into utter darkness, endorsed the careful and restrained use of contraceptives by married copies. And today only eight days, decades later, we believe in Catholics and it's sad. It's sad that we have to qualify the word Catholic with believing, but that's the state of things we believe in Catholics. Find ourselves absolutely alone in teaching and believing that any use whatsoever of matrimony exercise in such a way that the app is deliberately frustrated and its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and nature. And those who indulgence such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin Speaker 2 00:16:59 We're alone. Speaker 0 00:17:03 There are other aspects of contraception that we need to consider. Paul Paul, the sixth summarize a few is in cyclical. Humanity ETA here, here are a few excerpts cool reflect on the consequences of artificial birth control. First consider how easily this could open wide the door for marital infidelity and at general lowering of moral standards. Well, here we are look around at the sick society. We live in the Holy father. This is very important point. A man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence to, to a woman and disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium. Reduce her to being a mirror instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner, whom he should surround with care and affection close quote, the vicar of Christ. A man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptives may forget the reverence due to a woman and reducer to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires. What is the Pope saying? He's saying in a very polite and Paperway that the use of contraception may very well result in men, treating women with all the respect and reverence normally afforded to ladies of the night. Speaker 0 00:18:45 And then when we look around at our six society, what do we see? See precisely because contraception and sterilization for that matter, turn the garden into a playground. They produce a certain mentality. And the mentality is that this app is all about pleasure. This act is all about pleasure and it doesn't have any necessary connection to babies at all. That's the contraceptive mentality. Now, obviously even the word contraception against conception clearly indicates the reality of the act so that anyone who actually entertains this contraceptive mentality, this kind of idea is already profoundly disconnected from reality, but nevertheless, massive numbers of our fellow citizens, including a great many of our fellow Catholics, both lay and clerical seemed to have been infected by this notion. The real whore is that once this kind of idea begins to take root in a society. The idea that this act is all about pleasure and doesn't have any neck necessary connection with babies. Once this idea takes, hold in society, then three things are certain followup, three things. The first thing, the first search result is abortion. Speaker 0 00:20:13 Abortion. Abortion is a perfectly predictable result of the contraceptive mentality. Why is that? Because when a couple has been engaging in this sort of behavior, well somehow believing this is only for pleasure. It doesn't have any necessary connection with babies. And then the woman finds herself pregnant. Then one perfectly predictable reaction. Granted, this is not the only possible reaction, but it is certainly one of them. This reaction to an unwanted goes, something like this, Hey, what did that come from? That's not part of this deal. I wasn't it for that. This is just, we're just supposed to have a good time. No babies get rid of it. Speaker 0 00:21:05 So abortion is the first certain result of a society adopting a contraceptive mentality. The idea is act is all about pleasure and doesn't have any necessary connection with babies. The second certain result of a society adopting the idea that the act is all about pleasure and doesn't have any necessary connection with babies is a huge increase in San Francisco type behavior and other perversions. Why? Because if pleasure is used as the measure of the goodness of the act, then who is to say what particular types of pleasure are permitted after all, there are many different ways to extract pleasure. And since babies aren't seen as having any necessary connection with that pleasure, why would any particular perversion be wrong? The third certain result of a society adopting a contraceptive mentality is a massive increase and confusion, misery sorrow, sin, and disease in this life just look around and most trick horrific of all eternal down nation and the next. Speaker 0 00:22:28 So the three certain results of society adopting contraceptive mentality are number one, a huge increase in abortion. Number two, a huge increase in San Francisco type behavior and other perversions. And number three, a huge increase in misery sin sickness and sorrow in this life and eternal down nation in the next, interestingly enough, essentially the same analysis of the first two points can be found by reading the majority opinion in the Lawrence versus Texas decision in which justice Kennedy in enemy of God, man, and the natural law. And unfortunately also apparently a Catholic in good standing, starting with Griswold versus Connecticut. The 1965 decision, which made contraception legally available to married couples goes forward and explains the first two points, but from the warp in a thoroughly and moral position of our Supreme court. Now, if all that by way of background, let's turn back to that prophetic statement made by father Fulton, J sheen in March of 1931 in response to the United States, federal constant churches' endorsement of the use of contraceptives by married couples, folding machine. Speaker 1 00:23:55 Cool. Speaker 0 00:23:56 Since a week ago, last Saturday, we can no longer expect them Protestants to defend the law of God. These sacks will work out the very logic of their waves and in 50 or 100 years, there'll be only the church and paganism. We will be left to fight the battle alone and we will close quilt. Well, here we are. So only 81 years later and justice fault. And she predicted there is now only the church and paganism. And unfortunately this battle, massive numbers of our fellow Catholic Catholics have joined the peg and forces and are now actively opposing us. They're in the pews, they're in the classrooms, they're in the pulpits, they're in the seminaries, they're in the chanceries, they're certainly in the halls of our government. Now in that regard, there's one more consideration from Paul Paul, the sixth that we would do well to ponder deeply quote, finally, careful consideration should be given to the danger of this power contraception passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law close quote. The victory of Christ careful consideration should be given to the danger of the power of contraception passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law. Let's close with two reflections based loosely on that paper warning. First reflection, lifestyle news, November 28, 2011. It's less than two months ago. Speaker 1 00:25:52 Cool. Speaker 0 00:25:54 One of the highest ranking Cardinals in the Vatican has said that the United States is well on the way to the persecution of Christians, Cargill, Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of st. Louis. And now the head of the Vatican's highest court told the Catholic news agency that he could envision a time when the Catholic church in the U S even by announcing your own teaching is accused of engaging in illegal activity. For instance, in its teaching on human sexuality, asked if the carnal could even see American Catholics being arrested for their faith. He replied, I can see it happening. Yes, it is a war. He stated describing the battle lines between a culture of secularization, which is quite strong in our nation and the Christian culture, which has marked the life United States trolley during the first 200 years of its history. He says that it is critical at this time, the Christian stand up for the natural moral law, especially defensive life in the family. If Christians do not stand strong, give us strong witness and insist on what is right and good for us. Both as individuals and society, Speaker 2 00:27:17 He warned Speaker 0 00:27:19 The secularization will in fact predominate, Speaker 2 00:27:22 And it will destroy us close quote Speaker 0 00:27:29 In this cultural war. The United States is well on the way to the persecution of Christians. It is critical at this time that Christians stand up for their natural moral law, especially defensive life from the family, the Catholic church in the United States, even by announcing your own teaching may well be accused of engaging in illegal activity. For instance, in its teaching on human sexuality and American Catholics may very well be arrested for their faith Speaker 2 00:28:07 Final reflection, Speaker 0 00:28:11 As we've seen more than 40 years ago, Paul Paul is six solemnly born. The careful consideration should be given to the danger of the power of contraception passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law last Thursday, three days ago, and an address given to the bishops of Washington, D C and the surrounding regions on the occasion of their ad limited visit our Holy father Benedict the 16th gave us som warning to all the Catholics of the United States. Our Holy father quote, it is imperative that the entire Catholic community in the United States come to realize the grave threats to the church's public moral witness presented by a radical secularism, which finds increasing expression in the political and cultural spheres. The seriousness of these threats needs to be clearly appreciated at every level of ecclesial life close quote, Pope Benedict, the 16th that is worth repeating. Speaker 0 00:29:34 It is imperative that the entire Catholic community in the United States come to realize the grave threats, the church's public moral witness presented by a radical secularism, which finds increasing expression in the political and cultural spheres. The seriousness of these threats needs to be clearly appreciated at every level of a collegial life. That warning was given to us on Thursday on Friday afternoon, just in time for the 39th anniversary of Roe versus Wade, this table was released. We will read important excerpts, a statement by the us department of health and human services. Secretary Kathleen Sue Bailey's January 20th, 2012, Friday afternoon, quote in August, 2011, the department of health and human services issued an interim final rule that will require most health insurance plans to cover preventative services for women, including recommended contraceptive services without charging a copay, coinsurance, or a deductible today, the department is announcing that the final rule will ensure that women with health insurance coverage will have access to the full range of the Institute of medicines recommended preventative services, including all FDA approved forms of contraception. Speaker 3 00:31:17 Okay. Speaker 0 00:31:18 Women will not have to forego these services because of expensive copays or deductibles, or because an insurance plan doesn't include contraceptive services. After evaluating comments, we have decided to add an additional element to the final rule, nonprofit employers, who based on religious beliefs do not currently provide contraceptive coverage in their insurance plan will be provided an additional year until August 1st, 2013, to comply with the new law. Did everybody hear that nonprofit employers who based on their religious beliefs do not currently provide contraceptive coverage in their insurance plan? Well, who might that be? We can narrow it down. We happen to belong to that religion, nonprofit employers, who based on religious beliefs do not currently provide contraceptive coverage in their insurance plans will be provided an additional year until August 1st to 2013, to comply with the new law, Cardinal designate Timothy Dolan respondents saying in effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our conferences back to Kathleen, the Catholic and good standing to Balian's employers, wishing to take advantage of the additional year must certify that they qualify for the delayed implementation. Speaker 0 00:33:03 This additional year will allow these organizations more time and flexibility to adapt to this new rule. Did everybody hear that employers wish they take advantage of this additional year must certify that they qualify for the delay. And the additional year is to allow these organizations more time and flexibility to adapt to this new rule, the legal counsel for the United States conference of Catholic bishops points up that the department of human health and human services has concluded that a church is not a religious employer. If a, it serves those who are already not already members of the church. Oh, like for example, if the church takes care of the sick or the poor or any other corporate works immerse any Catholic hospital, what if they have a school go down the list? So the church is not a religious employer. If it serves those who are not already members of the church, that's the first point. Number two, if it fails to hire based on religion or number three does not. So if you have a Catholic hospital and you hire gender and you don't make sure that he's a Catholic, that's not a church operation, number three does not restrict its charitable and missionary purposes to the inculcation of religious values. Well, thank you Kathleen, for putting constraints on what Christ has established his church to do. Speaker 0 00:34:38 In other words, the laws are so strict that most Catholic institutions will not and cannot possibly qualify for an exemption back to Kathleen, the Catholic and good standing civilians. We intend to require employers that do not offer coverage of contraceptive services to provide notice to employees, which will also state that contraceptive services are available at sites such as community health centers, public clinics, and hospital with income based support. Oh, so just in case you do get the waiver, you still have to give the handout, directing them where they can get their nearest abortifacients. We will continue to work closely with religious groups during this transitional period to discuss their concerns. Now, she's going to tell us about all the great health benefits of the pill in terms that make it sound almost like a secular saccharin, Kathleen, the Catholic in good standing Sibelius scientists have abundant evidence that birth control has significant health benefits for women and their families read the package insert because I just have been at evidence that birth control has significant health benefits for women and their families. It has documented a significantly reduced health costs and it's the most commonly taken drug in America by young and middle aged women. This rule will provide women with greater access to contraception by requiring coverage and by prohibiting cost sharing, this decision was made after very careful consideration. Speaker 0 00:36:23 I don't know what kind of spells they were doing, but this decision was made after very careful consideration, including the important concerns. Some of it raised about religious Liberty. I believe this proposal strikes the proper balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventative services. The administration remains fully committed to its partnerships with face based organizations, which promote healthy communities and serve the common good close quote. And obviously don't include Speaker 2 00:36:57 Us there. It is Speaker 0 00:37:03 Careful consideration should be given to the danger of the power of contraception, passing to the hands, those public authorities who care little for the precepts. Speaker 2 00:37:18 Well, the moral law, Speaker 0 00:37:22 It is imperative that the entire Catholic community in the United States come to realize the grave threats presented by radical secularism. The seriousness of these threats needs to be clearly appreciated at every level and this cultural war, the United States as well on the way to the persecution of Christians Speaker 2 00:37:48 Actually just ride Speaker 0 00:37:50 It's critical at this time that Christian stand up for the natural moral law, especially in defense of life and the family, the Catholic church, the United States, even by announcing your own teaching may well be accused of engaging in illegal activity. For instance, in its teaching on human sexuality and American Catholics may very well be arrested for their faith in 50 or a hundred years, there'll be only church and paganism. We have the left to fight the battle Speaker 2 00:38:21 Well, and we will, well, Speaker 0 00:38:27 There is only the church in paganism now, Speaker 2 00:38:32 And we are left to fight the battle. Speaker 0 00:38:38 You get really serious about your role.

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