Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:02 <inaudible>.
Speaker 1 00:19 Well, we'll start this morning by spending a few minutes sorting through what just happened at three ring circus over there in Rome is centered on the family
Speaker 1 00:30 even after decades of this kind of warfare. It doesn't seem that most of our Catholics have a clear understanding of the revolutionary strategy. The goal of the revolutionaries is not to actually change the TQ, the church. That's not actually their goal. They're far too clever for that. In a certain sense, they don't even care, although they're not necessarily going to save that. The way they play the game is that even if the teach your church be stated in ever clear and even stronger terms, they still win. All they shoot for is results. They get the results they want. The teaching is a moot point. The modern revolutionary is a principally focused upon loosening the constraints imposed upon mankind, the sixth and Ninth Commandments. In order to get a proper context for these recent battles, we'll briefly consider their greatest success. Thus far. In 1963 Paul Paul the sixth asked the Pontifical Commission on Population, family and birth rate. It was commonly referred to as a birth control commission to determine whether or not the use of the birth control pill, which had been recently developed, was that condemned by the teaching you the church.
Speaker 1 01:50 The commission delivered its final report to the pope and June, 1966 in this report, they argue that artificial birth control was not intrinsically evil. The Catholic couples should be allowed to decide for themselves about what methods to use. Even though this report was intended for the eyes of the Pope only. It was late to the press in the spring of 1967 and in the press, it was then played up in such a way on the one hand as to put pressure directly on the Holy Father himself and on the other hand is to create an atmosphere, an expectation that a loosening up and perhaps even a change in church teaching was just around the bend in July, 1968 roughly two years after the port was in, and a full year after the leak to the press, the foot Polk finally issued around a VT is in cyclical, which upheld the perennial teach you the church condemning contraception and her father Charles Current Roman trained moral theologian, who among other things personally spearheaded defensive against v T. On the day after then cyclical was released, Father Curran, along with a whole host of other so-called theologians who had been waiting for this moment, released a press statement dissenting from the papal teaching.
Speaker 1 03:14 Father Curran later described the result of this press statement. I quote from Father Kern himself, our quick forceful response supported by so many theologians accomplished its purpose the day after. Then sickled was promulgated. American Catholics could read in their morning papers about their right to dissent and the fact that Catholics could in theory and in practice, disagree with the papal teaching and still be loyal Roman Catholics. Close quote, Father Charles Curran. Well, here we are by the way. He goes to mass a at a parish not far from here. Uh, he needs your prayers. Keep him in your prayers. This men needs prayers. Okay, so what happened? Did the teaching of the church change? No, of course not. It's not going to and it can't. But in spite of that, the revolutionaries have had a spectacular victory. But any way you want to measure it, remember, their goal is not to change a teacher church.
Speaker 1 04:19 Their goal is to change behaviors. The practice, all they're shooting for is results. A Gallup poll done in May of 2012 gives us some idea of just how successful they've been. 82% of us Catholics say birth control is morally acceptable. Close quote, 82% of Catholics dissent from the teaching the church and other, in other words, 82% of the people who claim to be Catholic actually belonged to another religion, but we don't need Gallup polls to figure this out. Just visit your average Catholic parish at any Sunday mass and take a look around at the size of the families.
Speaker 1 05:07 That'd be really surprised at the percentage of priests and bishops were a lot higher than 82% I try. When's the last time you heard of a bishop reprease speaking out on contraception? When's the last time you heard of a bishop writing a pastoral letter to his flock about contraception? Guilty silence from the pulpits. Guilty silence from the chanceries. So the revolutionary tactic is to make a clever use of the secular press and theologians manipulate the situation to create, create an atmosphere in expectation. The loosening up or perhaps even a change in church teaching is just around the band and by this means to change the beliefs and ultimately the behaviors of the faithful and don't make any mistake. This victory. The stunning success of the revolutionary is to convince the average Catholic that birth control is morally acceptable. This is flung open. The sewers from which this whole toxic culture of death is burbled forth.
Speaker 1 06:19 There's a diabolical logic that flows from accepting the use of contraception. If as a society believes the contraception is more like acceptable, then obviously it follows it. The marital act isn't going to be seen as really being ordered towards babies and if the marital act isn't really ordered towards Beatty's, that's basically just some sort of recreational activity and if it's just some sort of recreational activity, then should a baby be conceived? It's not particularly surprising. A couple, Michael, hey, where did that come from? I didn't sign up for this and then turn to emergency contraception to get rid of the baby. The more common word for emergency contraception in our society is abortion. That's exactly the role abortion plays in our society. We want to have a bar party and no babies are invited and if this is seen as simply a recreational activity without being ordered towards babies as a finality, well at that point there's a lot of possibilities. Anything and everything goes married, unmarried, perversions, you name. When the general mass of people have adopted a contraceptive mindset, then the whole concept of marriage itself becomes unintelligible. Why should everyone be able to express themselves in this way with whomever or whatever they choose? It's just a recreational activity. Who are you to judge?
Speaker 1 07:58 No worries. Any of this have to do with the center. It has everything to do with a center, everything. But before we get into that, let's pause for a minute to make sure we're grounded in a correct Catholic understanding of certain aspects of the papal office. We'll briefly consider a few brilliant and slightly edited observations made by Father John Hanway. Cool. A Catholic is obliged to be in communion with the Sea of Saint Peter. What is under no strict obligation to like the currently rang part f? No. To agree with him or to think that he's a man of prudence, although I think it is a mark of the Catholic way of thinking to give him the benefit of any doubt. You have to be in communion with him and to accept anything he defines as Catheter to be the teaching of Christ. When in his ordinary magisterium, he affirms the Church's teaching and Francis has done a lot of that.
Speaker 1 08:59 You're thankful for it. Let's just pause for a moment. Make sure better stands what we just meant when we read that from that last sentence. Okay. We only have time for a little thumbnail sketch today. The pope has different levels at which he can teach. Only two of those are infallible. First is extraordinary and fallible. Papal magisterium. That's what he teaches. X Catheter. We can tell an x catheter statement by the presence of four notes. There's four notes and every one of these statements. Number one, he's teaching by virtue of his Apostolic Authority and he'll say, so number two, on a matter of faith or morals. Number three, with intention of making a definite decision. Number four to be held by the whole church throughout the world. That would be an active as extraordinary and fallible payable magisterium. Examples would be like when Pasa 12 defined the dogma of the assumption 1950 or the canonization saints, for example, the candidate of of of Saint John the 23rd and Saint John Paul to recently.
Speaker 1 10:04 The second mode of infallible teaching of the pope is when he exercises ordinary and fallible people magisterium. In this case, he repeats what was held always in vary by all orthodox teachers of the faith. Examples would be when the pope conditions contraception or states women can't be priests. With all that in mind is a complete misunderstanding of the office to think the pope is infallible. Every time he teaches, preaches or exercises. Office bus, a John Henry Newman comments on that very point quote, a pope is not infallible in his laws nor in his commands, nor in his acts of state, nor in his administration, nor in his public policy. Closed quote and then the bless it as quote was Saint Peter and Farb on that occasion at Antioch when Saint Paul was stood him was Saint Victor and fallible when he separated from his communion, the Asiatic churches or Liberia's.
Speaker 1 11:00 When enlighten Manary excommunicate IX communicated Saint Athanasius and to come to later times his Gregory the 13th when he had a metal struck in honor of the Bartholomew masker. No Catholic ever pretends that these popes were infallible in these acts. Close quote, blessed John Henry Newman back to father hundred you have to be in community with the pope and accept anything. He defines x Catheter to be the teaching of Christ. When in his ordinary Maddie's stream, he affirms the Church's teaching and Francis has done a lot of that. You're thankful for it. When you have a problem with some order action, you lean over backwards to see it in the best possible light, but your duties to have faithfulness to Christ do not mean that you have to be pathologically fonting towards whoever happens to be the current bishop of Rome. One thing that I very much like about this pontiff is encouragement.
Speaker 1 11:52 He has given people to speak the plain truth boldly without fear, favor. If we fail to accept this gracious invitation, we have no one to blame but ourselves close quotes, so being the Vic of Christ does not guarantee the pope's, the bishops of Rome will be holy or prudent or wise or competent as they ought to be, and it certainly does not mean that everything they teach will be infallible. We'll make all those distinctions much clearer at a later date. Today, we'll take the pope's invitation to speak plainly bully without fear or favor. Before we do that, we'll briefly answer one other question. Can Faithful Pat Catholics ever criticize the pope in any way? As I read from the article on Pope and Laureus, the first taken from the 1913 Catholic encyclopedia, that's a standard reference work published in the reign of St Pies to 10 is I read from that article, ask yourself if this would qualify as a criticism of the pope. Quote, it is clear the no Catholic has the right to defend pope on Oreos. He was a heretic. Not An intention, but in fact, in other words, he wasn't guilty. We inherited, he intended to be earthen Orthodox, but he wasn't.
Speaker 0 13:16 Yeah,
Speaker 1 13:17 but you weren't expecting. That is clear that no Catholic has the right to defend pop popo Norris. He was a heretic. Not intention, but in fact,
Speaker 0 13:27 okay.
Speaker 1 13:29 Now, obviously when speaking of the pope, the fourth commandment, plies and in spades, if you can't access your dad without sin, how much less the Holy Father you have to tread lightly. But that being said, yes, with all due respect being observed and has to be observed, we can speak in these terms of the pope without sin. It's unpleasant speaking person. It fills me with great sorrow. It will be as dispassionate as clinical as possible, but I'm going to take the pope's invitation to speak plainly boldly without favor. Fear regarding this Senate. Now for anyone interested in the gory details, probably the best articles by Sandra magister. You know, there's a lot of, it's whackjob stuff out there. Don't waste your time with it. You'll confuse yourself or scandalize yourself by the best articles by Sandra magister. It's called the true story of the sintered direct your performers assistants. It's on the cheese of website. He's an Italian journalist, but there's an English uh, option. Okay, we're only gonna hit a few of the high points. We're certainly not going to get into much detail. Okay. By now, everyone is well aware that October 13th, a document was suddenly released to the press by the Senate. This document called the relax CEO contained paragraph. Speaking of the gifts brought to the church by those with San Francisco orientations and also of communion for the divorce to remarried.
Speaker 1 14:52 These two ideas were first floated a general way on July 28th of last year at a press conference given by the Holy Father himself when he made his now very well known remark, slightly edited quote, if a person is perversely oriented in seeking, Lord has goodwill, who am I to judge? Close quote. And he also breached the marriage practices, the eastern Orthodox, eastern Orthodox. He can trade your wife in a new model. You get two, you get three runs at it. And uh, and so here's the pope quote the Orthodox. Give a second chance of marriage, they allow it, but I believe that this problem must be studied within the context of the pastoral care of marriage. Close quote. Then in preparation from the sit on the family, a question was just a questionnaire was distributed worldwide, which included specific questions regarding perverse unions and communion for divorced and remarried.
Speaker 1 15:41 The obvious and unsurprising result of both the pope's remarks and this questionnaire especially was to start to shape and mold public opinion. Such way as suggest these questions that could be s could be Sittard open not only in theory, but also in practice. In February, the pope then appointed cuddle Casper to give a talk to the cardinals who were gathered in Rome. Now in the nineties Cardinal Casper was already promoting the idea of giving communion to the divorce and remarried many cardinals opposed the talk. The pope said the cuddle Casper Theology was quote, profound theology theology done on one's knees. Close quote. Casper's consistently claimed that he coordinated with the pope, but he's a shameless liars, so you know, we can take that for whatever it's worth. The response to casters evil proposals, the congregation of the doctrine of faith plan to publish an approaching presentation by a prominent cardinal, but the publication that text was vetoed by the pope at the center of the pub appointed the committee who both drafted then suddenly released the <inaudible>.
Speaker 1 16:46 The document released the press in October 13 to the great consternation, displeasure of many of the cardinals and bishops present. For example, Carl Mueller, the head of the congregation of the doctrine of the face state of the document that it was quote undignified, shameful, completely wrong. Close quote, could a Napier of South Africa said by the release of the document, the church has been put in quote a position that is virtually irredeemable. The message has gone out. This is what the Senate is saying, this is what the Catholic churches saying and it's not what we're saying at all. No matter how we try correcting that, there's no way of retrieving it. The message has gone out. It's not a true message. Whatever we say here after is going to be as if we're doing some damage control. Close quote, Cardinal Burke stated quote. Well, the individual individual intervention of the sin and fathers are not published. Yesterday's were lots seal, which is married. Discussion document was published immediately and I'm told even broadcast live, you do not have to be a rocket scientist to see the approach at work, which is certainly not of the church. Well, the document in question
Speaker 1 17:50 purports report only discussion which took place on only sit and fathers and in fact advances positions which many Senate fathers do not accept and I would say as faithful shepherds of the flock cannot except close. Cool. Colonel Burke continued to say that the pope had done a lot of harm by not staying openly. What his position is, carnal Burke, the pop more than anyone else as the pastor, the universal church, his bond to serve the truth. The pope is not free to change. The church is teaching with regard to the immorality of perverse act or the insolubility of marriage or any other doctrine of the faith. Close. Cool. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to those cartoons who defended the faith in such trying circumstances up there, most especially carnal Berg, carnal pill and caught Mueller. Even after the Senate fathers voted to remove several offensive paragraphs in the document at the end of the Senate, the pope had in place back in
Speaker 1 18:46 Sandra magister nodes. No matter what, maybe the outcome is centered intentionally devoid of any conclusion. The effect desired by as directors has to a large extent been reached on perversion is on divorce, remarriage. In fact, the new talk of reform inserted into the global media circuit is worth much more than the favor actually gained among the Senate fathers by the proposals of Casper. Close quote, no matter what may the outcome of the Senate, the effect is Airbus directors has to large extent been reached on. Perversion is on divorced in marriage. In fact, the new talk of reform and soul asserted into the global media circuit is worth much more than the favor actually gained among the Sinan fathers by the proposals of Casper. Again, we see exact same tactics as those employed the battle over Humana. V T making a clever use of secular press and the theologians manipulating the situation to create an atmosphere and expectation and a loosening up or perhaps a change in church teaching just around the bend with the goal of changing the beliefs and ultimately the behaviors of the faithful and the revolutionary results are already starting to come in, not just in the media but in the chanceries.
Speaker 1 19:57 I quote and comments about the Vatican sitting on the family this week, Martin Curry, the Archbishop of St John's and Newfoundland stated, hopefully you can find some accommodation or San Francisco unions are accepted and respect and they can have a part in the church life clothes code. So here we are, as we all know, the Chaffey church is a mystical body of Christ and in some mysterious way, the life of the church shares in and goes through the various events of the earthly life of her head, in my opinion. And that's all it is. We're now in the passion of the church. As I reflect on the events, the Senate, I think the specific point of the passion we're currently experiencing is the denial of Peter.
Speaker 1 20:48 One more thought, one of the most startling aspects of these events is the date the <inaudible> CEO was released. October 13th was the 97th anniversary of the miracle, his son and the 41st anniversary of the approved apparition of related to his sister Agnes Sasakawa, Akita, Japan. There's a lot to think about there. We'll just consider one part of the message of Akita, and if you're not familiar, there was a statue. Our Lady would speak with her statue over. It cried human tears 101 times during during these apparitions. So it's a, it's our lady in tears. I quote from our lady, this is approved, my dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you with the rosary. Pray for the pope, the bishops and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals
Speaker 3 21:46 bishops against bishops.
Speaker 1 21:51 The priests are venerated. We'd be scorned and opposed by the confreres churches. And altars will be sacked. The church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests. He consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls, consecrated
Speaker 3 22:13 to God.
Speaker 1 22:15 The thought of a loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness
Speaker 3 22:24 with the rosary. Pray for the pole. The bishops and priests, the work of the devil in often infiltrate in the church in such a way that one was c cardinals opposing cardinals bishops against bishops. The priest of venerated me, we scorn in a comm oppose by other priest churches and altars will be sacked. The church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will oppress many priests and consecrated souls to leave the serosa lower. Okay? Whatever you do besides praying the rosary, don't let yourself be scandalized.
Speaker 1 23:12 I remember that being scandalized means allowing another actions or words to lead you
Speaker 3 23:20 in descend. Okay.
Speaker 1 23:23 It's especially important that we don't allow ourselves to be scandalized by anything. The leaders in the church to be at a priest, be a bishops, be at cardinals or even a holy father himself. Because if we allow ourselves to be scandalized by those things that can easily damage our faith or even cause us to lose our faith, don't let yourself
Speaker 3 23:46 be scandalized. They can't change anything that is essential to salvation. Things can get pretty rough, but it won't be impossible. Stay on board. We're in a storm. You don't jump off the ship into the waves when you're trying to ride out a storm.
Speaker 1 24:11 Now, before leaving this unpleasant topic, let's reflect on some thoughtful comments we've heard before. They were written by frank Sheed during the terrible cock chaos. It followed the council frank sheet in the criticisms uttered by many. There's a failure to see Christ as the whole point, so much in the daily Renee church. They find depressing this priest or that cares for nothing but money. The hierarchy, no nothing of the emotional intellectual problems which are eating away at their people's faith. The courier is simply a bureaucracy who's in every trick to hold onto it.
Speaker 3 24:48 Power has for the pole.
Speaker 1 24:53 It all adds up to the institutional church with so many wondering if their spiritual integrity will permit them to remain in it. But institutional Israel, the chosen people as the prophet shot was even worse than the harshest critics think. The Catholic church, you didn't never occurred to the holiest of the Jews to leave it. They knew, however evenly the administration behaved. Israel was still the people of God. So what? The church and administration is necessary if the church is to function, but Christ is the whole point of the functioning. We are not baptized into the hierarchy. We do not receive the cardinals sacramentally. We will not spend eternity in the beatific vision of the pope.
Speaker 0 25:46 <inaudible>
Speaker 1 25:47 Saint John Fisher could say in a public sermon if the pope won't reform the courier, God will. A couple of years later, he laid his head on Henry, the ace block for papal supremacy fall to the same block by Saint Thomas. Moore would spent his youth under the bullshit. Pope Alexander the sixth lived his early man who done in the muddy cheap Pope Leo the 10th and died for papal supremacy under Clement. The seventh is time serving a pulp as Rome had had.
Speaker 3 26:15 Christ is the point.
Speaker 1 26:19 I myself admire the present pope at that time. He's writing. It's Paul the sixth but even if I criticized his harshly, some do. Even if it's success, you're proved to be as bad as some of those who have gone before. Even if I sometimes find the churches I have to live in a a pain in the neck, I should still say that nothing Appalshop could do or say would make me wish to leave the church, though I might well that he would, Israel through its best periods is through its worst, preserve the truth of God's oneness in a world swarming with gods and a sense of God's majesty and world sick with its own pride. So with the church under the worst administration, say as bad as John the 12th a thousand years ago, we could still learn Christ truth, still receive his life in the sacraments, still be in union with him to the limit of our willingness. Close quote
Speaker 1 27:23 in the criticisms uttered by many, there is a failure to see Christ as the whole point. We're not baptized in the hierarchy. We did not receive the card on sacramentally. We will not spend eternity in the beatific vision of the pole. Nothing a poke could do or say would make me wish to leave the church, though I might well wish that he would under the worst administration, we could still learn Christ truth still receive his life in the sacraments, still be in union with him until limit of our willingness. Christ is the point. No matter how bad it gets, we can still receive Christ life in the sacraments. We can still be in union with them to limit of our willingness. We can still learn Christ truth. Here we are immersed in this atmosphere of lies and manipulation, our society, and even to a certain degree in your own beloved church, but we can still learn Christ truth. Christ, our Lord told us that the truth would set us free.
Speaker 1 28:43 Each one of us needs to ask himself, am I open the truth? No matter how painful it might be to me personally, do I really want to see the truth? Where am I living in a reality of my own punches, pod asks, what is truth? What truth? Looking him right in the eyes. If I imitated him and closed off my heart and mind to Christ truth in any way, be it ever so small. In Luke Two 35 the Prophet Sim and tells our lady that is sort of sorrow will pierce your soul. That out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed. Each one of us needs to ask himself. If the of my heart
Speaker 3 29:42 revealed right now, what would everyone see?
Speaker 0 29:49 Oh,
Speaker 3 29:51 or what is ruling in my heart?
Speaker 0 29:57 Is it money or possessions?
Speaker 3 30:03 Is the love of pleasures a desire for honor,
Speaker 0 30:10 fame, reputation.
Speaker 3 30:16 It is desire for power.
Speaker 0 30:22 Is it me?
Speaker 3 30:25 You have, I mean myself and idol. If the thoughts in my heart revealed right now,
Speaker 0 30:33 what would everyone see? Who is the king of my heart?
Speaker 3 30:45 If it isn't Christ the most gentle and loving of kings? If it isn't Christ, then open your heart
Speaker 0 30:59 and invite him in.