Saving Sheep From Deadly Pastures

April 18, 2010 00:27:12
Saving Sheep From Deadly Pastures
Veritas Caritas
Saving Sheep From Deadly Pastures

Apr 18 2010 | 00:27:12


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Speaker 0 00:01 It was one of those beautiful spring days, northern Rockies meadowlarks, you're singing all the fence posts and the sky's just as clear and deep blue as a sapphire. We're coming home from mass and stolen down on the Connie road to take a turn up our road. When all of a sudden my dad let out a yell and jumped out of the pickup while it was still rolling. So I slid over and hit the brakes and I looked over to see my dad and his Sunday suit, climbing over the fence and take off running and our hay field. Then I saw what he had seen. I jumped up myself fall by my little brothers and in our Sunday church Beth, we climbed onto the ditch in to the fence and took off running to the Hae, trying to catch up to my dad who's running fast and already pulled out his knife. Speaker 0 00:46 See we had about 20 had a sheet that had got out that new beautiful green Alfalfa field. So my dad would run from sheep to sheep and stab them and then run to the next one and we'd grab them and drag them over to the fence and throw him over onto our road. Now this is good shepherd Sunday. So some of you might be wondering why in the blazes am my talking about my dad. It sounds like we're all out of our minds right around stabbing mid lady livestock. So I have to give you a little background information. It's a sheep is a ruminant, a romantic kind of animal. It's named after one. They've got a stomach with different chambers and it's named after chamber and their stomach called the Roman, which is like a great big fermentation vat that's full of all kinds of protozoans and bacteria. Speaker 0 01:31 What happens is they graze and they chew up their food and swallow it and then he regurgitated it again. That's what we call chewing the cud. And then they swallow that after it's already mashed up and ground refined and that goes into the room. And in the room and all these microbes start digesting the hay. See there's no, that sheep doesn't have an ability to actually digest hay. What digests the hay form is all the protozoans in the room. And so he's grinding all up and then it goes into this big fermentation vat and then what the sheep actually digest all the excess microbes in the fermentation products that are produced in this room and that big compartment of their stomach. Okay, so sheep don't live directly on grass. Okay, there they're feeding the microbes, which then feed them. Okay, great pottery. So now we know how sheep eat, but what does that have to do with mutilating livestock? Speaker 0 02:21 It's a good question. See what happens is if sheep had been wintered on grass pasture and then all of a sudden get out onto some fresh new green Alfalfa, they have a real big problem. It's a huge problem because Alfalfa's a lot more high powered feed than grass. So what happens is they start eating that Alfalfa and the microbes just go nuts. They haven't had anything that's rich, so they just start multiplying. There's all this gas produced, the microbes. It just absolutely, it goes, they go over overbreak so fast, such an incredible rate that the room, it can't process it. And they just puff up like a great big balloon. It's called blow up and that's what they do. They just shut producing Gassner they puff up like a big balloon and they'll tip right over on their side cause they'll just fill up. They block right up. Speaker 0 03:03 Okay. And without drastic treatment, they'll get acidosis in the blood and they'll die. You have to get to them quicker. They're going to die. Now what's the drastic treatment? Well, they make a fancy high par tool called a trail car. But in an emergency you don't go find a tow car. A knife works fine. And what you do is you have to stab them in the side. It's on the left side if you're interested. It's about that far in front of the point of the hip from the same down from the spine. You know that Vince any established. And as soon as you stab it, just all this disgusting, just they started Cushing out. This what? This smelly Green, disgusting foam. Just Scott Squirt, not home because they're full and it comes up and it collapsed that sheep. But here's the problem. If you don't drag them, throw them over the fence right away here. Speaker 0 03:44 They just almost died from. If you get to them in time, if you don't, they'll just die if you're not quick. But they'll stand right up and they'll start grazing again. They're sheep, they'll just go, here they are. They've just about died from Alfalfa, but they like it so much together. So that's why we're throwing them over the fence. Okay, so now you can see why my dad is running around stabbing holes in the sheep with a knife and getting all this smelly green foam. All of his Sunday suit and why the boys were grabbing him. Throw him. No, the fence anomaly. We getting covered. The green stuff. We're getting covered lanolin now sheeps, the wool is full of a fat. It's a grease called Lanolin. They put that in hand cream and all that, but when you start working sheep, you're just totally covered with it. Speaker 0 04:20 And of course we had our Sunday best done, so we're covered with this green slime and land on the sheep. Really liked the grays and that new Alfalfa. It tastes real good. So good. In fact, they call the fence for, but just because they like it doesn't mean that it's, they think it's good, doesn't mean that it's good for them. All that good pleasurable stuff would actually killed them. Who wasn't from my dad who went out there and stuck them with a knife, a knife, right through the sides and into the guts. It didn't feel good. A really good step. They don't like getting stuck with a knife. It hurts. They don't get like getting drug around by a bunch of boys that hurts. They don't like it and throw it over a fence on the gravel road. That hurts. But all these things, all that good, pleasurable stuff would have killed them and all that bad, painful stuff actually saved life of those sheep except for two youth who didn't get to in time. Speaker 0 05:18 They just died. A bloat. My Dad was a good shepherd who cared for his sheep, even if that meant hurting them in order to save their lives. And even it meant doing things that he didn't like to do because he didn't like sticking knives in them and getting covered with green slime. I guarantee his boys didn't like dragging around a cover with Greenstein getting covered. Lanolin either. Okay, so what does all that have to do with us? But our Lord is the Good Shepherd. Nice commissioned men to be as assistant sheepherders to hurt his sheep til he comes back at the end of the world. Those men that are Dane ministers of the Catholic Church, the Paul, the bishops, priests and the deacons. Okay. We have to answer not just for ourselves, but also for all the sheep. Put an arch here. That's you. We have to answer to him for you. Speaker 0 06:08 Okay. So just like dad, she thought something was good, even though it wasn't good for him like it so much that they would've killed them every last one of them is serious measures weren't taken. So also sometimes our lord sheep can like things that aren't good for them. And so our Lord shepherds have to take serious measures to make sure his sheep stay on the right side of the moral fence lines. Huh? Keep out of trouble. And I for lunch, you don't want a bunch of sheep. I'm supposed to help her go into hell along with me just because the shepherd is more afraid of her having a sheep, having hurt feelings than he is bottom having hurt soul. Speaker 0 06:47 So I'll give him the weak. It's a human nature and the reality of this culture that we live in a culture drenched an impurity, the chances are real good that some of the sheep here might be very well loosened, deadly, dangerous, pastured, so to speak, where they might like it. They might think it's good, but in fact it'll kill him just to Shirley's bloat, kill sheep. The consequences are a lot more drastic. So even if what we preach may feel like a knife from the guts for some, we're going to tell the truth, not because we want to hurt anybody, but because we want people to get to heaven. I certainly don't want you going to hell. So with that mind, we're going to take a quick look at the teaching of the church to make sure everybody knows exactly where the moral fence lines are with respect to the gravity of impure thoughts or impure glances. Speaker 0 07:36 Here's the basic moral principle. Now this applies to every, each and every question, concern the sixth and Ninth Commandments, okay? All pleasure outside of marriage that's associated with the creative power. All that kind of pleasure that is directly willed or desire intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. Therefore, it is mortally sinful for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with intention of arousing even the smallest degree of this type of sensual pleasure. I'll repeat that. All pleasure outside of marriage that is associated with the creative power, all that type of pleasure that is directly willed or desired, intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. Therefore is a mortal sin for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with the intention of arousing even the smallest degree of this type of central pleasure. Let's make sure we see clearly how this works. Speaker 0 08:59 If the pleasure has arisen and there's no intention, the image popped into our minds eye. We walk round the corner unsuspectingly and there's someone not wearing the proper type of clothing. That's what we mean by no intention. If there's no intention at all and there's no consent, hey, I don't want to see that. There's no intention, there's no consent, there's no sin. If there's no intention in some consent, we toy with the idea for awhile, then it's a venial sin. If there's no intention and there's folk consent, hey, check that out. You know that's a mortal sin. If there's direct intention, I am going to click on that website. I am gonna just flip through this magazine. That's mortal sin. So here you can remember it. No intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, some consent. Venial sin, no intention, full consent, mortal sin. I do intend to do it. Speaker 0 10:00 Mortal sin. Okay, one more time. No intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, some consent. Venial sin, no intention, full consent, mortal sin, direct contention, mortal sin. Now we know exactly where the boundaries are. This, we're gonna just talk about thoughts and glances, but it works for everything, okay? Everyone needs to burn those things into their mind. No intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, some consent. Venial sin, no intention, full consent, mortal sin, direct intention, mortal sin. Okay? Now, now that we can see the fence lines, what if some cheap or being, having problems staying in the right pasture, Huh? Falling through the fences, practically doing what can we do to stay on the right side of things? Or if God's been merciful to us, look, we can. We do to make sure that we stay in the right pastures. Huh? And then so we're going to spend the rest of this sermon talking about practical applications. Speaker 0 11:05 There's two aspects to this. First part is what can we do to keep out of trouble in general and protect ourselves? The second part is what do we do when temptation is upon us? So the one is how do we fend it off to protect ourselves? The second is what if these temptations come upon us? So the first part, what can we do to keep out of trouble in general and protect ourselves? Well, the saints are very clear that we have to both be careful to avoid, careful to avoid, and also careful to flee from these types of sins. Saint Philip Neri points out in these kind of battles, the only ones that win are the cowards you have to run away. So we have to be careful to avoid them and we run away for presented to them. So how do we do that? Look anyway, there's no excuses. Speaker 0 11:46 We're already stuck. If we're just going to be honest, we're stuck. That last time we went to confession, we promised God to contrition, devoid sin in the near occasion. Senator remainder life, right? We've promised him. Now God isn't gonna forget what we promised him. And since we did it in confession, he's going to expect us to keep our work. So we're already stuck. We promised guy we'd be serious about eliminating the nearest paid. He's a sin. If it sinful or near cages sin, it has to go. So we don't, not only do we know what the saint say, we already know because we've not done in the confessional promise. Gail will be good and so it has to go. That means we have to keep our word. God expects it. So it means we got to get rid of avoid bad websites, bad movies, bad television, bad magazines, bad news, that most specially bad company. Speaker 0 12:31 The Internet is especially dangerous. There's nothing wrong with the technology in itself, but what it's being used for things to preserve us. When we look at the kind of statistics, it's a nightmare. You want to talk about a weapon of mass destruction. There's never been anything like this in the history of the world. Never been anything like this. It's just Phil unhealthful is souls. If you're going to have the internet in your home, put a filter on it. Parents. All it takes is one click and your child's in essence is gone forever and they may have be in bondage for the rest of their life to something that was your fault that you didn't have it protected. If it happens under your roof and you don't have a filter, it's your fault before God. I don't make this stuff up. That's how it works. It's your fault. The woman of the house should have the password. Okay, mothers, please do not convince yourself. That won't happen to little Johnny. Don't convince yourself that he won't do that thing. Santa Gustin asked a great question. What's the difference between a little baby and a great sinner? Speaker 0 13:41 And the answer is the lack of opportunity. Don't give the opportunity to that child put. Remove the opportunity. Get the filter on today. If you're single, have a friend put install it and get the password. Don't take the chance. There's a free download filter called canine protection. It's from Bluecoats free on a home computer. Information is this little hand up. There's a stack of these little handouts out there by the holy water. Okay. Other options? We've got it on here to net nanny, cyber patrols, safe eyes. Those are all there. The information's in the bulletin. If we're talking about the defense of purity, there's have to say something about covenant eyes. Now, I don't get a commission for this, but it's really useful. It takes away the secrecy and it works on the principle of shame. Here's how it works. What Covenant Eyes Does, if someone has this, it makes a record of every single website visited and then it sends a email list of every website every week to the partner. Speaker 0 14:36 You pick somebody like the y for a friend and it highlights any bad places you've been, so it works. There it goes. It's really cool. You know you can do that. It's like eight bucks a month and the principle of shame, it's really powerful. One of the great features is if you have it on your computer, you can also free download on, it works on pcs and Macs, but it works on windows mobile, six cell phones, PDAs, iPhones and iPod touch and you can get it on all those things. So even on the portable things, you have something you're not going to get in trouble cause you're gonna have to answer to it to a friend, Huh? Or the wife or the mother or something like that. It's great. It's a wonderful protection type idea. Okay. If you're gonna have the Internet and information's on the handout, if you're going to have the internet, if you're gonna have the Internet, get a filter and or carbonize install and parents, if you're bonded, determined to have just the internet around without either of these things and you have the kids run around. I just want you to meditate on two images. Millstones and flames. Speaker 0 15:35 There's more information, little handout, please get a coffee. Television. There's certainly nothing wrong with the technology in itself. It's just what it's being used for. If you're watching quality programs, using it for videos to watch good videos or religions, programming, sports programming without the scan, the girls plan clad girls prints and about, okay, that's fine. But if that's not always the case, if television is bringing things in that are sinful, you've got to do something about it. The best thing to do is fix it. Now there's different ways of doing this. I prefer a 10 gauge with a full choke at 10 yards. I'd settle for a four 10 in a pinch, but we need to avoid bad websites, bad movies, bad television, bad magazines, bad music, and bad company. Okay? What else? We need to go to confession on a regular basis. If we're having a struggle, that means weekly or even more often if needs be. Speaker 0 16:31 The church teaches is a moral miracle to overcome sneeze kind of sins. Sins against periods without frequent confession, a moral miracle that's greater than a physical miracle. A physical miracle is just raising somebody from the dead. That's all that is. A moral miracle is greater than that, so it's a moral miracle to overcome these kinds of sins without frequent confession. So we have to take it seriously. Make good communions, begging God for the grace to remain pure and conquer the scenes need to pray. Two prayers, especially the rosary and the three hail Marys. Our lady was not bored and having a one and what they were doing in Portugal when she came to Fatima to warn us, she knows the kind of world we're living in. God sent his mother down to warn us and tell us what we need to do. Say Rosary every day. Speaker 0 17:20 Don't go to bed without seeing that rosary everyday. The mother of God has warned us. The three Hail Mary's three Hail Mary's real easy. In the morning you say three Hail Mary's for holiness and purity during the day before we go to bed, holiness and purity at night, you see him twice a day. I've timed it takes 40 seconds. It's not that long. Holiness and purity, it was revealed to St McKella but there's a whole bunch of Saint Saint Mick till the Saint Gertrude, the Great Saint Phillip Neri, Saint Alphonsus and Saint Anthony of well, those are both doctors, the church, St, letter deport, Maurice, Saint Anthony, Mary Clara. We've got a whole list of saints and they all say the same thing. If you're faithful to this practice through thick and thin, you'll get purity for your state in life. And our ladies also attached a promise that you'll get the graces you need necessary for salvation when you died. 40 seconds. Speaker 0 18:11 Now, if you're struggling, you can up to ante. Take your fingers like this, put them on the floor and then kneel on it. It hurts. That's the object you know and you're asking your lady, I'm struggling with this. I'm going to do this little modification right now. Please give me purity. If you don't have a struggle, then do that for your kids or do it for somebody you know or somebody you don't know cause there are a lot of people in absolute bondage and we can pay the price for them. We're all in this together. Nobody goes to heaven alone and nobody goes to hell alone and we have an obligation since God's gave us the true faith to help people to throw life preservers to them. So you can do these penances. If God's been so merciful to you that you don't have any struggles, then you pray for the people that do 40 seconds in the morning, 46 the three hail Mary's. Speaker 0 18:53 Okay? We have to practice mortification. Set yourself a goal, at least three small modifications every day. Again, if you're not struggling, offer up from somebody who is, what are we talking about? Here's what we're talking about. Denying yourself small, legitimate, pledgers everyday. For example, when you're taking a shower, keep it. Unless you're sick, keep it at a temperature that you don't particularly like, and then at the end of your sharp, turn it on cold, full blast, cold and turn around from one or two, three glory beans. Huh? That's a good mortification. Don't do it if you're sick, but otherwise, that's a good morning. It's a legitimate pleasure. Your eyes, you're walking by a window. There's something interesting. You look the other way. You hear a bird, you look the other way. You want to read a letter. I'll read it in five minutes. You get a cool part of a book. Speaker 0 19:35 You set it down and look at it tomorrow. If you get control of your eyes, you guys can get this stuff in your mind, Huh? Okay. You can put a smooth pebble or being in one shoe one day and the other shoe the other day. Every time you eat, take one piece of food and season it the way that you don't like and make yourself eat it anyway. If you find yourself at a restaurant, find what you're like and then order something else. These are the kinds of things that you can do all the time. You know, cut back on your sweets, cut back on dessert. All those things. Finally, stay busy. You know, we all know that, uh, that same, that devil makes work for idle hands, but that's no lie. The fires and the church t shit for one devil at temps, a busy man, there are legion of devils to attack an Idleman for one devil that that bothers a busy man. Speaker 0 20:17 There are Legion at devils that tack and idol, man. So stay busy with useful thoughts and labor lounging around is just asking for trouble. Okay, now we've considered what we can do to keep out of trouble in general and protect ourselves. Let's talk about what we can do and attempt <inaudible> is suddenly upon us. All this stuff was preparatory. So, so we've got our dukes up, but all of a sudden, here's the temptation. What do we do? There's two things here. We have to move our minds and we have to move our bodies to move our minds and move our bodies. Okay, how do we move our minds? The thing we say a little prayer, you don't have to say it out loud. You can just say it in your mind. Precious blood wash over me. Just say this precious blood washing me precious blood wash over you. Speaker 0 20:55 Why is that? Because if it's the devil put this image in their mind, it'll go just like that. Now it might come back, but you can use this for anything. Not just impurity, but you'll see it's very good to start to notice how they're working on us. Precious blood wash, army. Because when it disappears and people come back to me say, father, I was just amazed. I've never, you know it went so quick. Yeah. Cause they can insert those images. They have access to her imagination. Precious blood was showing me it'll go away. So that's the first thing we want to get hell out of the picture. So the first thing we say is precious blood wash over me. The second thing we do now, we've got hell out. We wanted to get heaven in. So we say Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria, Goretti, Guardian Angel help me. Speaker 0 21:32 You don't have to say this out loud. Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria, Goretti, Guardian Angel, help me. Okay, so you start by saying precious bud wash all over me. That's hell out of the picture. Now you get the cavalry coming in from heaven. Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria, Goretti, Guardian Angel, help me. Okay, so prejudice of Ottawa, show me Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria, gritty guardian angel help me. Those are the prayers. Then we have to think about something pleasurable that doesn't have anything to do with this temptation. I always say Canoga Montana coasts. What could be better than that? But the reason we want to think about some pleasurable is we want to derail this, but we're thinking about something pleasurable. It's immoral. So we just think about something more that has nothing to do with, that's clickable. So we just moved our appetite towards another pleasurable good that we can think about that's visual and central and has no connotations at all that are sinful. Speaker 0 22:20 So I'm using canoe and in Montana, cause you remember, especially since you're not from there. Okay? So Precious Bois, show me Jesus married Joseph, Saint Maria, gritty, Guardian Angel. Help me and then think about Kernan and Montana. Okay? That's what we do, right? <inaudible> and then we move our body. That's how we moved our mind. And then we move our body. What do we mean? I mean move your body. If you're laying down, get up. If you're sitting on stand up and you're standing walk. It's like a spiritual wrestling move or spiritual march martial arts move. The better you get at it, it's the quicker you'll be able to dodge these kinds of temptations and attacks. Okay? So again, all of you young people memorize his parents. He can teach your kids precious blood. Washoe, her, me, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Saint Maria, Gretty, Guardian Angel helped me think about Corona, Montana. Speaker 0 23:00 At the same time, you move your body precious Patois show or me, Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria Gretty, Guardian Angel helped me think about Canola, Montana and move your body. All right, one more time. Precious Blood Washoe, me, Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria, gritty guardian angel helped me then think about canoeing, Montana and move your body. It's, it's just like that. As you get better and better at, you'll be able to dodge a lot quicker. It gets, it gets strong and strong and remember, as long as we're fighting, we're not sinning. It's not as we're fighting, we're not sinning. If you're fighting, there's no sin because there's no consent. If we go back to that, I didn't want to see, I'm not consenting to this. I'm fight. No Sin. You're good to go. You could be tortured for a while. It may be a real battle. Every time you win, a big battle gets stronger in the battles. Speaker 0 23:47 Every time you get one, you get more of those kinds of scars from winning. It makes you stronger. If we fall down her face, that's what the confessional is about. You can get back up and you'd gone. But this is the way to protect yourself. We have to be humble and realize it's not going to get boring, direct divine intervention. It's not going to get better up there. We're living in this, this, this sewer. So we have to put, God knew it from all eternity. When he's going to put us, it's not going to be better out there, but we have the techniques and he'll give us the grace to do the fight. Okay. All right. So that being said, uh, let's have a quick review before we close. We've seen it's morely sinful for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with intention of rousing, even the smallest degree of pleasure associated with creative power. Speaker 0 24:32 We've seen if the, if there was no intention and no consent, there's no sin. If there's no intention in some consent, there's venial sin. If there's no intention of poking scent, it's mortal sin. If there's direct intention, it's mortal sin. We've seen. We have to be absolutely determined to avoid the Cajuns, these types of sins, whether it be bad movies, bad websites, bad television, bad music or bad company or bad magazines. We've seen if we have the internet, we need to have the woman of the house, her friend put a filter accountability where like covenant dies on our computer. We need, we see we need to ensure our TV is not an occasion of sin. You can use other calibers besides a 10 gauge. We've seen that we can get to freshman regularly and that will help us by and we also need to make firm communions. Speaker 0 25:18 We've seen, we need to pray the Rosary daily and the three hail Mary's for holiness and purity first thing in the morning and last thing before we go to bed, we've seen we need to practice Bali modifications everyday. Like cold water at the end of your shower, like a pebble in your shoe, like seasoned food and knowing way and eating it. Anyway. Practice looking away from attractive things and keeping busy. We've seen when we're actually being tapped, we have to move our mind and move our body. We see moving our minds. We'd say precious blood wash showed me cause that gets a devil out. Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria, Goretti Guardians and helped me cause that gets <inaudible>. We think about Karuna, Montana and then we just move our body. Okay, let's close. If anyone's struggling here, don't be discouraged. Our Lord is the Good Shepherd, not the mean shepherd. He's the Good Shepherd. Loves his sheep. That's you. You wouldn't be here if he didn't love you. He's watching over you. He knows exactly what the situation here is, what sorts of temptations you have to deal with. He wants to give you whatever you need to conquer him. He's watching over you. He came to save the sinners and he's waiting for you to reach out your hand to him. Speaker 0 26:36 Let him lead you to avoid the near occasion. Occasions to make weekly confessions to make good communions good Thanksgiving's practice the three home hail Mary's for holiness and purity. He knows who she is, waiting to lead you that peace, his soul and that tranquility of conscience that you need and what he's created you to be a saint. To walk with him, those beautiful green who were held by the still waters of heaven. Speaker 1 27:06 Hey Man.

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