Immaculate Conception

January 08, 2003 00:14:24
Immaculate Conception
Veritas Caritas
Immaculate Conception

Jan 08 2003 | 00:14:24


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Speaker 0 00:01 Forward. It was the shortest third man I've ever heard. I wrecked your pre chairman because Paul worked long on the aging of the Macklin conception, the holy day of obligation. <inaudible> national feast day. Cause our lady at the Mac, you conception, it's a patron for the United States of America. And yet he preached a sermon for too long and to top it off there was in Latin. Yet in spite of the fact that it's your, it's only poor words long and in Latin still it perfectly explained that. And so this p so what did he say? What were the four words? Paul to it yet? Correct. Anarcho that Shit <inaudible> what does that mean? Paul? Twit means he could get quit means he should. Air Go means therefore infection means he did. So what it means has got could he should and therefore he did. And then the rector was done. He's quoting a saying of a pupil of Saint Anselm, a 12th century monk named Admir. Speaker 0 01:23 God could, he should therefore he did. What does it mean to see what it means? We'll break down each of the terms first. Awkward. He could. That means that God could have created this singular grace of the immaculate conception of our lady, but we need to know what is that singular grace that he could have granted, since God is all powerful, he could have granted an absolutely unique, favorite privilege to a child who was conceived in a natural manner by St Joe came in Saint <inaudible>, a child named Mary the Blessed Virgin Mary. What is that absolutely unique Sanford privilege that God could have granted the privilege of being preserved free from original sin, from all stain of sin, from the very first moment of our conception, that absolutely unique privilege of being immaculately conceived and what does that mean? It means that unlike the rest of us, the blessed virgin didn't suffer from the original sin and also unlike the rest of us, she was completely filled with sanctifying grace from the first moment of our conception. Speaker 0 02:35 We might ask, isn't that also true of our Lord and Saint John the Baptist in the Prophet Jeremiah's word, they all on that clearly can see no. Our Lord was virtually conceived yet no human father and Saint John the Baptist and the profiteer minds were both sanctify in their mother's wounds and born free from original sin, but they weren't conceived free for rituals. Now wait a minute. Hit The blessed Virgin Mary was born free and conceived free from original sin and she never ever committed any actual sins. Doesn't that be that she wouldn't need a savior? Said she's perfect. No, it doesn't mean that of course she just savior. Her situation is very much like that of the old test would say like Jeremiah Sherzai or Moses. They all needed to be saved. If they needed to be saved, that meant they needed a savior. But as everyone knows, there's only one savior. Speaker 0 03:35 Jesus Christ, her Lord. He's the only way to happen, period because the book, so they needed to savior, but they live before Christ our Lord. So if they lived before Christ as Lord and there is no salvation outside Christ, how were they saved? They were saved by they anticipated merits of Jesus, which means that God who stands outside of time applied the grace that Christ won for us on calvary to Jeremiah is malicious and so forth before God's outside time. He took that grace and applied it to him beforehand, sort of a spiritual painted fence. Now what does that have to do with the blessed mother like the Old Testament Saints? Our Lady was saved by the anticipated merits of Christ and it's clearly referred to in the call and the secret in today's mass. He can check them in your misco. She's totally preserved from sin at her Mac like conception. Speaker 0 04:38 That's unlike every other human person who's ever been baptized or made it to heaven, with the exception of Adam and Eve, who were also immaculate when they first came into being, but brute later on. But everyone else has been cleanse for original sin after their conception that's made it into heaven. Okay, so when we say Paul to it, he could. What we mean is that God is all powerful and therefore he could prevent our lady from being stained from MACs or from original sin. At the very first moment of our conception. What do we mean by day quit that he should? How can anyone even imagine for a second that's God's mother, whatever it be, his slave of a devil. A saint Bonaventure says it's very fitting that the blessed mother, the Virgin Mary, by whom our shame was to be brought it out and by whom the devil was to be conquered, should never even for a moment be under his dominion. Speaker 0 05:42 So since our lady was meant to be the mother of God, shouldn't God preservative free from all absolutely free from all sin? Yes, he should seek comments, teaches quote. When God chooses anyone for particular, he gets that person, the crates necessary for that task. And so God having chosen Marriott for his mother, he also by His grace rendered true worthy of this most highest of all. Dignities. Therefore, the blessed virgin never committed any actual sin, not even a venial sin. Otherwise, she would not have been a mother or the of Jesus Christ for the disgrace of the mother would also have been the disgrace of the son since he would have had a sinner for his mother. Close quotes say Tom's so you know Pontiss reflecting on his path. Did you add that if a single venial sin, which does not cause the loss of sanctifying graves, if the saint comments t to the single venial sin would have rendered woman unworthy of being the mother of God, how much more unworthy with a woman have been if she had had original sin, which makes you're an enemy of God and a slave of the devil. Speaker 0 07:01 Saint Peter, Damien observed the incarnate word shows himself a mother of who he would not have to be ashamed. Now that's three doctors, the church, St Thomas, you know, Fanta, St Peter, Damian, and we could keep on quoting but we can see the point. So when we say deck wit, what we mean is that since the blessed Virgin Mary is a favorite daughter of God, the father, the most beloved spouse and God the Holy Ghost, especially since she is the mother of God, the it's only fit, it's only reasonable. It's only to be expected like God would create or immaculate and preserver free from sin throughout our life. That makes the rest of the saying pretty apparent and go Fetchit therefore he did it. What we mean is instance, God could create our lady spotless from the first moment of a conception intense. He should do so. Therefore, he did just listen to how blessed <inaudible> benign and his bull proclaiming that God was an Mack. Speaker 0 08:02 The conception on December eight 1854 explain this. We'll look at the first paragraph and then it is infallible. Som Definition of the dogma from the very beginning and before time began, the eternal father chose and prepared for his only begotten son, a mother and whom the son of God would becoming Carney and from who in the blessing, fullness at time. Who would he born into? This world of, of all creatures. Did God so love her? That truly in here was the father singularly pleased, therefore far above all the angels in all the saints. So wondrously did God endow her with the abundance of all heavily gift or support from the Treasury of his divinity, but this mother ever absolutely free of Osteen of sin. <inaudible> wouldn't possess that of holy innocence and sanctity in which under God, one cannot even imagine anything greater in which outside of God, no mind can succeed in comprehending fully. Speaker 0 09:09 I think about what the Polk just said there. The pope is telling us that the blood diversions holiness is so great that besides God, we cannot even imagine anything greater in her. Holiness is so great that beside the God, no mind can fully comprehend it. Now here's his som definition. Wherefore in humility and fasting, we incessantly offered our private prayers as well as the public prayers, the church to God the father through his son, that he would gain to direct and strengthen our mind by the power of the Holy Spirit in like men are. We did employ the help of entirely heavily host as we are really involved apparently accordingly by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, for the honor of the holy, you know, divided trinity for the glory and adornment of the Virgin Mother of God, for the exploitation of the Catholic faith and for the furtherance of the Catholic religion, by the Authority of Jesus Christ as Lord of the Blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, in by our own we declare, pronounce and define that the doctrine which holds it the most busted Virgin Mary in the first instance of a conception by a singular grace you privilege created by Almighty God in view of the America, Jesus Christ, the savior, the human race was preserved free from all original sin. Speaker 0 10:36 This is a doctrine revealed by God, therefore to be belief firmly and constantly by all the faithful, hence if anyone shall there, God forbid to think otherwise. That has been defined by us. Let him know and understand that he's condemned by his own judgment, that he's suffered shipwreck in the fate, that he separate himself from the unity of the church, and that furthermore, by its own action, increased the penalties established by law if he should dare to express it, word or writing or by any other outward means. There's me thinking his heart. Now let's listen. No busted pies tonight after define the dogma so beautifully closes this paypal quote our how do we repose in the most busted version in the off stare and that that one who has crushed the poisonous head of the most cool serpent and brought salvation to the world in her, it was the glory of the prophets and the apostles. Speaker 0 11:34 The honor of the monitors, the crown enjoy of all the seeds in her was the safest reperfusion, the most trustworthy helper of all who was in danger and her with the only be gotten son is the most powerful BDA tricks, the Concilio tricks in the whole world. And herb was the most excellent ornament and impregnable stronghold or the holy church in her who has destroyed all heresy and snatch the faithful people and nations from all kinds of DIYers, calamities and her do we haul who has delivered us from so many threatening dangers. We have therefore a very certain hall and complete confidence because the most plastic version of will insured by our most powerful patronage, but all they have to call difficulties be removed and all ditch air is dissipated through the holy mother. The Catholic Church may perish daily more and more throughout all the nations and countries and they range from sea to sea and from the river to the ends or any joy, canyon, peace, tranquility and liberty. Speaker 0 12:35 We are affirming our confidence that she will obtain pardon for the center hell for this sick strength apart for the week, constellation for the afflicted, help for those who are in danger, that you are really spiritual blindness from all who are in there said they need to return to the path of truth and justice. And here there may be one flock and one shepherd who had all the children or the Catholic Church of course. So very dear to us here. These words of ours, they still more our deal for piety, religion and love. Continue. Let them continue to venerate. Invoke and pray to the most. Plus Your Virgin Mary, Mother of God conceived without original sin, but then fire with other confidence to this most sweet mother of mercy and grace in all dangers, difficulty me, doubts and fears under her guidance, under her patronage, under her kindness and protection, nothing is to be feared. Speaker 0 13:34 Nothing is hopeless because while bearing towards us a truly motherly affection and having inner care, the work of our salvation see solicitous throughout the whole human race, and since she had been appointed by God to be the Queen of Heaven, enter and exalted above all the choirs of angels and saints, and even stand to the right hand of only be gotten son Jesus Christ our Lord. She presents applications in the most efficacious manner. What she asks, she obtained their plea can never be unheard given at Saint Peter's in Rome. They did timber 1854 the highest tonight. Who could? Who should therefore, he did o two is gay. Quit, err, go that she.

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