Chair of St. Peter

January 18, 2018 00:03:42
Chair of St. Peter
Veritas Caritas
Chair of St. Peter

Jan 18 2018 | 00:03:42


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm Maria. Chrisman the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. The second cock is for Saint Krisha. She's a Virgin martyr under, under Claudius the 13 year old girls. This is a first century martyr from Rome. Who's hauled in and commanded to sacrifice to the idols. And she wouldn't. So I know they tortured with, uh, they scourged her. Then after a few days, they took her out and exposed her to the base and the line came up and just laid down at her feet. So finally, they took her out and beheaded her st. Krisha. Who's paced it today. It's also a true, additionally, the face of Saint Peter chair in Rome. Now this space has gone back and forth over the centuries, but yet, yeah, Peter's chair in Rome on this day. And on the 22nd of February st. Peter chair, Antioch, the two places where he, he ruled as a pontic of course he was in Syria first, before he came up to Rome in the later fifties. Speaker 0 00:01:01 But, uh, they would put together February 22nd honor, both of them, but then Paul, uh, for, during, uh, all the Protestant revolt in, in that 15th, 50, brought this back up in the doing of the missile again, then it's been put back together. So who knows? I mean, it goes all over the place, but anyway, what are we celebrating on this particular day? It's not the chair. That's actually there. There's his chairs enrollments in st. Peter's Basilica. It's in a giant reliquary built by Bernini. You could, where you see the poor doctors for doctors, Eastern church, great doctors, the Eastern church in Westminster, holding up a bronze chair inside that of which is the wooden chair that st. Peter, uh, ruled from, you know, the bishops traditionally teach while seated. Our Lord was seated. He would teach that was the ancient way, doing things. So he'd sit down and, uh, that's what we get the word cathedral Catholic GRA is chair in, in, in, uh, in Latin. Speaker 0 00:02:01 So, but it's signification. Okay. Peter rein in Rome of the teaching office of Peter coming out of Rome there. And so that's what we're celebrating. Why did he go to Rome? Well, I mean, ultimately it's the will of God, but he's going there is to the capital of the world and any takes on Simon. Magase again, that's another thing that st Peter did in Rome, that a lot of people have forgotten about Simon megas. We read about him in acts eight, but Simon magase goes on to Rome and T he's a sourcer neural gathers into his court. Simon says, he's going to fly through the air on a certain day. He actually did even the pagans talk about it. And then by the prayer of Saint Peter and Paul became plumbing out of the air and, and, and, and splat it, he didn't die right away. Speaker 0 00:02:50 Although the blood splattered up on the inferior period, old, boom, boom took him a couple of days. He was raging and impenitent and he died two or days later. Uh, that's one of the things that got st Peter and st. Paul, the order went up for their arrest at that point in time, or the execution. And, uh, st. Peter got gathered up to putting the mammary time prison. And then of course there'd be headed anyway today. We want to thank God for the office of Peter overall, the century that we've had a raw, a Pope that can actually tell us what the will of Christ is in terms of, of his traditional teaching, the church what's been handed on what's in the deposit of fate, what is it in the deposit of Bay? And let us pray very hard for the current occupant Speaker 1 00:03:40 Of the, of Peter.

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