Ss. Marius, Martha and Sons

January 19, 2018 00:02:51
Ss. Marius, Martha and Sons
Veritas Caritas
Ss. Marius, Martha and Sons

Jan 19 2018 | 00:02:51


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Rhea Prisma and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. We have a whole series of martyrs. You have Saint Maurice, Martha artifacts and a back home. Maurice, Martha are the parents. They're noble, uh, they're noble, uh, men from a, a noble family from Persia. So they're radians. They went to Rome and it says in the martyrology it's during the reign of Claudius and, uh, described. So in the martyrology all the different tortures they're put to fire the rack, et cetera. And Martha's beheaded there, be headed out of town. She's beheaded outside a ton of ways and other they're tortured to death. So we have some Iranian martyrs today and also Saint Knute, st. Knute is a King of Denmark. He's a, what they call the, the, the, uh, the natural son of the previous King, which means New Zealand. She had a met, but, uh, the people elected him to be the King. Speaker 0 00:01:01 And he reigned in, in the 11th century. In fact, he went to help the English against William conquer, but, but because of betrayal by his brother, it things didn't come through with the, with, with the troops. He goes back and his brother and aplomb sends guys to kill him. And he's actually praying in a church with a shrine of Saint Alvin, and they have the church barricaded. And so they, they, they climb up and start throwing rocks and shooting arrows through the windows. They break the windows and finally spear him at least praying before the altar, he received the sacraments and died. There were a lot of miracles, uh, as a result of that same Knute. So that's a little bit on a Danish thing. So we have a whole series of martyrs today. And of course, whenever we see that it should remind us that even if we're not called to bloody moderate I'm to shedding our blood for Christ, by virtue of our baptism, we're called to witness to him anyway, which is what modern means that we're supposed to be faithful witnesses to Christ that we were rejected sate and all this works, and all his bombs by our virtues, our baptism, and that we're going to walk faithfully in the light of Christ. Speaker 0 00:02:13 And that is what a monitor does. And a bloody moderate court has showed us fidelity unto death. Every one of us should pray for that kind of fidelity every day when you're at Holy mass, the elevation of the precious, but you should always ask for the grace to live as a martyr. So you're living faithful to the grace is Christ was pointing down on you that day. Lord knows we need more people to be faithful to him to be faithful witnesses in this strange times. We're in. So pray for that grade to live faithfully as a morning.

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