St. Romuald

February 07, 2018 00:03:50
St. Romuald
Veritas Caritas
St. Romuald

Feb 07 2018 | 00:03:50


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 I'm already a Christian in the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the face of Saint rom wall <inaudible> order. He's born in the 10th century. His dad was in nobleman, near Ravenna, Italy. And when he was 20 years old, his dad was in a field with one of the relatives. So he had a dual and Ron wall was his second. So at the dual, his dad actually killed one of his relatives and it, so horrified ramen, Walt took to realize they were just fighting over stuff. That doesn't really matter. Anyway, one of the, he was the second in the dual seed participated in that sense. So he did, he went on a 40 day retreat at a monastery near Ravenna there, Benedictine monastery to do penance. Why was there a st Apollinaris appeared to him and talked him into becoming a mom? Speaker 0 00:00:56 So he became a monk there, uh, and that took some doing because he's the heir of his father and all that. The nobleman didn't want to let him go, but he becomes a month there. And over, over the years he'd become so perfect as observance of the rule and all that, that he's annoying the other monks and to the point where people, they can't stand him anymore. So he ends up leaving there and going to Venice. And there's a hermit up there that, that I think was come out. I came out of the school of Irish. Uh monasticism I believe, I can't remember the name of the Saint that he's with, but he lives as a hermit there in the kingdom of Venice, near Venice. And one of the, one of the rulers of Venice, Peter, while he's actually a Saint now, Saint Peter <inaudible> I believe was his name because of the shenanigans and all the political things he'd been involved in wanting to come and speak to, to some religious. Speaker 0 00:01:54 So he spoke to another, uh, an Abbott that was from Spain. He spoke to st. Romney wall and this other Saint decided I'm gonna, I'm gonna abandon my post and enter religious life. So he had a big party at his S date everybody's there. And he runs away with these guys and they go to the Iberian peninsula and Rami wall is amongst there anyway, to make a long story short. Cause it isn't long story. What's beautiful. St. Rami all ends up over time, going back to Italy. And now he's kind of been trained in three different schools of monasticism the benediction life there, Italy then sort of this Irish monasticism when he was up there near Venice and then what they, how they did things and Iberian peninsula. And, uh, so he ends up finding a congregation called the Kamala Lee's congregation, where it's like the Benedictans according to the rule, they wear a white habit, but they live like hermits. Speaker 0 00:02:49 And in his day it was very, very penitential. All these very strong penances and whatnot. He had a vision. In fact, we're 40 fond, the commodities order of all these monks that he was leading, but they're going up ladders and white light habits up to heaven. So the commodities were a great congregation and he lived til he was 120 years old. The brief grace says it. And just to note on that, because you pick up other things, I know when I'm reading, but sometimes they'll, they'll say, well, we used to think it was 120 years, but it's 70 or whatever. In other words, when people are saying stuff, I guess, so in the divine off where we're giving the official praise to God, we're wrong at some clown font, a scrap of paper somewhere and changes everything. This is a whole thing that affects our church right now. It's just sort of thinking we can trust what the breed very tilt is. We can trust those kinds of things. So he lived 120 years old and died. That's just a little bit on st. Ramen wall, the font of the commodities permit. Speaker 1 00:03:50 Cool.

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